• Member Since 14th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 9th, 2020


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Comments ( 95 )

>Inb4 Regidar


>Inb4 Parasprite

images.4chan.org/b/src/1374623538037.gif <--For some dumbass reason, some gifs just go apeshit and translate themselves into 4chan pictures.

Also, this isn't too serious and I know I could've added a shit ton more. But, it's a oneshot and I don't feel like adding a shit ton more.

Cum on your keyboards already.

And here we go!

~Skeeter The Lurker

2926348 I came on my keyboard. Are you happy? I broke the Z key.

was it wired that i thought of the joker when you said that?


Not at all! I just don't the endless meme pic or gifs to use and such.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I'm guessing from the tags Twilight is gonna be having her dad's foal. Knowing her she'll just pass if off as her husband's as long as she can.

Wait.......isn't Alicorn magic insanely powerful? Like top level Unicorn being bottom level Alicorn powerful?

Still, good story :twilightsmile:

2936337 Maybe he's bipolar.

please don't anymore stories like this

I don't think so.

Cadance never struck me as all that strong; Luna and Celestia are powerful, true, but I wouldn't dismiss the idea of a truly accomplished Unicorn being a serious threat to them either. After all, Canterlot's shield spell was cast and maintained by a Unicorn (Shining Armor), with Twilight saying only he could do it. And if his and Twilight's power runs in the family... hoo boy.

Granted, we've yet to see an Alicorn in a fight with a non-Alicorn that wasn't powered through the roof with love and energy (incidentally, both courtesy of Shining Armor, again).


They're fictions. They mean nothing more than words.


For the sake of this fiction, I disregarded her power.

2936993 ok and what kind of stories are you going to do in the future


I keep getting questions like this. I don't understand why.

Nothing is going to be like this story. This was to practice something I've never done and it was a gift to a good friend of mine.

2937031 ok and i can't wait to read more your stories that you make on this site in the future


I'll post them in due time.

This was a good fap

I hadn't considered the magic could be hereditory. If it is, then their child will be insanely powerful.

If not, then Twilight could have just put up a barrier spell around her body and stopped the rape.

In regards to Shining Armour, I think that was just a forced thing. You know, for morals and such.

Am I the only one to notice that there is only one male Alicorn in Equestria? Tia and Luna's father?


2937638Your questioning logic is flawed. You say only one male alicorn has been in Equestria. Well think about this.

There are approximately 10 mares to every stallion in Equestria. Now, there are currently only 4 (5 if you count, Chrysalis, which I don't) alicorns we know of in this day and age of Equestria. Do the math. Should we really expect a male alicorn?:unsuresweetie:

Fair points. It makes sense from a marketing point of view, as well.

Correct me if I'm wrong but don't Celestia and Luna's parents rule Space and Time?

Also, 10-1? I knew it was high, but 10-1?!

I don't know whether I envy the stallions or feel sorry for them :rainbowlaugh:

2938969 Considering the subject matter and your writing talent, I expected more, but this didn't really impress me. It wasn't bad by any means, but Night Light's motivation to be such a despicable human being to his daughter just seems a little baseless, especially during the latter part.

Also, typos and some odd word choices, which surprised me considering you had three editors :scootangel:


You think I'm good at wri


I didn't have Eldorado edit this. That's why it's not "up-to-par" to whatever standards you have set for me. I won't have him edit anything that's focused on a subject matter that I'm not personally comfortable with.


Night Light's motivation to be such a despicable human being to his daughter just seems a little baseless, especially during the latter part.

Thank fucking Christ he isn't human.

And he did have a base to have sex with his daughter. I pointed it out in the beginning: sexual desire. That's all he wanted and all he needed.

Sometimes, people/ponies do things because they want to and usually desire something. This was the case.

Finally, I was going to ask you about typos and what-not, but I won't make you go through and find them.

2939691I don't know. It was never discussed, but you could infer that.

As for feeling envious or sorry for stallions, why not both? They get their pick of what mare they get, and they sometimes even have herds, so more than one mare. Unfortunately, when mares go into estrus, they need to fucking hide, or they're going to get fucked until their balls run dry.


Stallions are known to start herds. But, in this fandom, people prefer "harems" (multiple wives/girlfriends/concubines/etc).

2941866Honestly, they're the same thing. They both involve one stallion to multiple women/mares.


Personally, I wouldn't mind.

2941877Neither would I. Problem being that one week of the year. If you have one mare, go ahead by all means. But if you've got multiple, you'd better fucking run. Because by the end of the week, your balls are going to be so shriveled up and blue, they'll look like blueberries.

No! You don't get to make this in to a one-shot. I want you to continue this story. I want to see Twilight Sparkle give birth to her and her father's child. I want her to find out its an incestuas conceived child. I want to read indepth of how Twilight Sparkle goes insane and keeps the child a secret. She tell's Flash Sentry it's his and live normally after. I want Night Light to confront her daughter about the child and have sex with her again. I want her to go deeper in to madness. Then, when the colt is of age. I want Twilight Sparkle to tell him the truth right after pleasing him sexually. I want this to be. Let the darkness grow. LET IT HAPPEN.
So we may see how deep the rabbit hole goes.


The beauty of a one-shot dark fiction is that, in your mind, you get to imagine the horrors and pain and tragedy that our regular heroes get to go through. You get to think up the situations they face, Twilight, in particular, and how they cope with a child that was birthed from her father.

It's wonderful.

Will you be willing to at least to one more chapter?

Better argument, if you want it:

Technically, she could vaporoze him if she wanted to. But between lingering love and conditioning, she can't bring herself to fight him about this.

Which could be trouble if Grandpa starts playing with his grandfoals.


Eh. Some argument was brought up about how power is passed down in the family. So, I'll go with that. Like I said, for the sake of the fiction, disregard her power. I also mentioned that Night Light has been practicing magic to overcome her's.


Another time, maybe. I can't commit right now.


That is a truly disturbing thought.

....i don't know if i hate you or not. You have a talent for writte clop but you sue it for writte dark clop.


This was just for practicing.


......you know what, screw it, im drunk and happy and i wil lstay like that. I will not think about the draky stuff you can create.


I could've made it far worse.


nope nope don't wanna know!


And then you let your mind ponder how fucked her life is.

2967876 yeah, that's just as fun. :ajbemused:

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