• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 3,763 Views, 48 Comments

My little Boss: Snake is magic - WardenGage

Legend, hero. These are things Snake heard when he met with the president. He hated the title of "Big Boss" but would have to live with it. He would soon learn to accept these titles and show how he deserves them when faced with a new threa

  • ...

Meeting a Snake

Fluttershy opened her eyes as the first ray of light entered her cottage. Looking around, she saw no part of the creature she had seen the previous night.
"Maybe it wasn't real..." fluttershy told herself
"What wasn't real?" A voice said
"Oh, this really big creature dressed in black clothin- EEPPP!" Fluttershy turned to the voice to see the same creature, only differently colored.
"Whats wrong?" It looked around

Snake wasnt sure why the pony was so timid, even though he was a completely different species than her. Sighing, he tied his bandana around his head and stepping over to her. He put his hands up as he neared her to show he wasnt hostile or anything like that.
"Listen, I shouldn't be here," Snake began. The pony just continued to shake and whimper. Snake could see he wasnt getting anywhere.
"Look, is there anyone you know that can.. ugh... Help me?" Snake asked. This got the pony to stare at him and mouth words. She muttered along the liens of "I don't know" and "I can't help, but I have a friend."
"You know someone who can help me? Where are they?" Snake asked. She stood up and began to walk to the door. Eyeing him to follow.

Snake had been following the pony for about 5 minutes when he began to smell what he could only describe as a bakery cooking fresh goods for the upcoming sales of the day. He could only imagine what the rest of the species looked like, mismatched colors and all. He personally wasn't one for such childish things, after all, he was one of the best in the world now. He rubbed his eye patch again and coughed.

Snake and the pony were close, he could tell by the way she was walking. Quicker than before and like she wasn't sure of his intentions. As they passed the final hill, he heard a voice shout "Get away from her!" and saw a blue streak approaching him. Instinct kicked in as he roller to the side and prepared for a counterattack. As the streak returned, time slowed down as snake could see it was in the form of a kick. Reaching out, he transferred all momentum into his throw as he slammed it onto the ground and then drawing his Mk. 22 and shouting "Freeze!"

It was all one fluid motion to everyone around him. Keeping the gun pointed at the other pony he just threw to the ground, he shouted "Why did you attack me?!"
He got the reply of "You were gonna hurt Fluttershy!"

"Why would I hurt... Wait what?" Snake turned to the yellow pony, but kept the tranq gun aimed on the grounded one. Big mistake. The pony kicked the gun from his hand and flew up and Snake turned back to it.

"No one can keep Rainbow Dash down!" The pony boasted.
Snake just pulled out his EZ gun and shot it in the neck. Instant knockout.

When the pony hit the ground, the orange pony rushed Snake, who directed the kick's to the ground and rolled back. The pony then tried to lasso him, but he cut the ropes with his CQC knife. He didn't want to hurt them because he still needed to find the one that the yellow pony was talking about. As the orange pony charged him again, Snake did the only other thing he could think of,
"Stop!" Snake shouted

The pony stopped and starred at him. Probably confused at how he could speak their language. Snake still held his knife and slowly backed to retrieve his Mk. 22. Checking for any damage and seeing none, he holstered the pistol and turned back to the ponies, who were staring at him. Snake walked over to the unconscious pony and patted its shoulder and said "Wake up." The pony grumbled and mumbled "I don't wanna, 10 more minutes." Snake sighed and lightly kicked its side, immediately waking up the blue pony. The pony stared Snake in the eye and then noticed the eye patch and shouted "What the hay is with you other eye?" Snake mentally face palmed.

As the purple one stepped forward, she, judging by the voice, said "Hello, I am Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends." She indicated the surrounding ponies. Snake did a quick spin to look at all of the ponies around him. there were six in total. Two including this "Twilight Sparkle" had horns, two with wings, and two with nothing notable. Just as he finished his observation, the pink one suddenly appeared in front of him, bouncing up and down and said "Oh boy! Somepony new in town! Oh! I have to throw you a "Welcome to Ponyville" party! It'll be so much fun and you'll get to meet so many of the ponies in town! Just talking about it has gotten me excited!"

Snake was following Twilight and the others were introducing themselves to him. The orange one said "Well howdy there and i'm a mite sorry about jumpin the gun. Guess I shouldve shown some hospitality. Names Applejack."

Then the White one spoke, "Greetings..." She stared at his clothing, causing him to look down and say "What? Something on me?" He got a reply."No, but Where did you get your fashion sense? It's atrocious!" Snake grumbled and said "It's not ment for style, it's ment for camouflage." This caused Rarity to sigh. Snake just stared at the unicorn. Rarity looked back at him and said "I almost forgot, my name is Rarity, and I make dresses."

Snake grunted at her snob attitude and was greeted with another voice; "I've got my eye on you buddy."
"So, no name?" Snake commented.
"I do to have a name!" She snarled at Snake.
"Jeez, you could tell me then. That would make more sense." Snake said impatiently.
"It's Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in all of Equestria!" Rainbow did a few flips.
"Never heard of you." Snake blandly replied, grounding the show off.
"What?!? You must live under a rock!"
"And you must be a complete show off who's ego blocks out others who are 'lesser' than you. I've met your type, years ago." Snake finished his assumption.
Rainbow dash stared, mouth wide open.
"Why you..." Rainbow began.

Snake took up a CQC defensive stance, preparing for another charge. The expected charge never happened. Instead, a field of energy separated Big Boss and the angry pony.

"Rainbow, you've seen what he can do, and I'd hate to have to drag you through town." Twilight said.
"Now, let's finish up our introduction's. Pink-"
Pinkie was already speaking at 500 words a minute.
Snake thought about knocking out this crazy pony also, but didnt want to risk his way home dissapearing.
"Ummm hi." Snake did an akward wave to the energetic pony.
"Now theres one other pony who should introduce herself..."

A soft wimper could be ehard behind Snake aas he turned around to face the shy pegasus.
"So, who do I owe my thanks?" Snake asked
"Um... Im Flutteshy." She spoke softly.
"Fluttershy?" Snake could barely hear her.
The pony nodded. Snake looked around him, they were entering this "Ponyville" and sure enough, the entire town was occupied by multicolored ponies.
"Just my luck..." Snake muttered to himself.
Well... Whatever you are," Twilight began, "Welcome to Ponyville, nicest town in all of equestria!"
"You're pretty excited about something. I assume it's me?" Snake asked
"Uhhhh... Well I guess we should talk before introducing you to the town." She began to walk to a tree with a door on it. Snake followed her into the tree and gaped in awe. "How is this possible?"
"It's all possible because of magic!" Twilight exclaimed
"Magic?" Snake tought to himself.
"So, whats your name?" the group was staring wide eyed at Snake, waiting for him to tell them his name.
Snake sighed and said "Call me Snake."

The girls looked at each other and Rainbow bursted in a laughing fit.
"Ha hah ha! What kind of name is Snake!? Its like, the stupidest name ever!!!" She continued to laugh uncontrolably.
"No offence, but shes kinda right, that aint even a real name, and 'ah can tell." AppleJack stared at Snake.
"Why dont you just tell us your real name?" Twilight asked
"I can't. Im not at liberty to divulge my real name." Snake told them.
"Is there another thing we can call you by?" AJ asked
Snake scowled, there was one other name...
"If you want, you can call me Big Boss." Snake said
"Big Boss?" the girls, minus Rainbow, wo was still laughing, said.
"Yeah... Not a name I like, but its your choice." Snake said
"Ok, im fine with Snake." Twilight said
The others nodded in unison.
"I think Big Boss is cooler! Why would you hate that?" Rainbow asked, recovered from the fit.
"The last part of the name and how I got the name is why I perfer Snake." He fininshed

Twilight introduced Snake to Spike, and Snake didnt question him at all. Twilight then asked if she could ask him a few questions. He replied "Sure."
"Alright," Twilight cleared her throught. "What is your species?"
"My species are called 'Humans'." Snake answered
"Where do you come from?" Twilight asked
"The United States of America." Snake said
"What is this 'United States of America'?" Twilight asked him
"The US is one of my worlds super powers, but were in the Cold War with the Soviet Union." Snake told them.
"So not every 'Human' comes from the United States?" Twilight cocked her head
"No, I was born in the States. There are other countries across our world." Snake looked around "Let's say... I was to cross one of the seven oceans on Earth, I would be heading to the eastern part of the world and more than likely be in Portugal, but that may have not been my intended destination. So instead of using water to travel, I may take a plane and land in say... France, which is another country on our planet, which is made of seven continents." This was all a jumble to everyone except for Twilight, who was busy writing everything Snake was saying. "How many continents are there in this world?" He looked at Twilight.
"Well, there's the main part of Equestria, and to the East is the Griffins homeland." She looked at him, expecting an answer.

"Wait, Griffins? Those exist?" Snake was dumbfounded
"Yeah, aren't they in your world too? Rainbow looked as him.
"Nope, no griffins, talking ponies, unicorns, or pegasus." Snake closed his eye and folded his arms.
"It's pegasi, by the way 'Big Boss'." Dash said rather rudly
"Just call me Snake." He told RD

"Anyway, so what did you do on Earth?" Twilight raised the quill to the paper.
"I worked for the government in Tactical Espionage. I gather intelligence that can be used by my government and carry out tasks that our normal forces cant do. The designation for our elite forces is FOX Unit." Snake looked for a reaction.
"Well, what are you trained for?" Twilight was thoroughly interested in where the topic was going.
"I'm trained in wilderness survival, Stealth tactics, Close Quarters Combat or CQC for short, and basically anything our countries Green Berets can't do."
"So how do you spell your acronym for close quarters combat?" twilight looked as Snake
"It's CQC" Snake said
"Could you write that?" She levitated the paper and quill over to him.
Snake grabbed the paper and noticed that none of the writing on it was in english. He turned to Twilight, "What language is this?"
She looked at Snake and said "It's Equine, don't you humans know it?"
"Humans speak english, not equine." Snake said
"Wait, then how are we communication? Is there some kind of barrier that weve passed?" Twilight asked, confused.
"Maybe." Snake scratched hs beard.
"Anyway, we should probably introduce you to the rest of the towns ponies so you dont freak anypony out." Twilight left Snake and the others while she spoke to the mayor. Upon agreeing, it was just the problem of getting them to like Snake without freaking out and panicing. She returned with the all clear.
*Town center*
"Alright Snake, now to introduce yourself." Twilight pointed to the podium in which he was to speak from.
Snake sighed as he stepped onstage. Twilight was surprised none of them were freaking out. Snake cleared his throat and began.
"Hey, you're probably trying your best not to freak out about the thing that is standing in front of you. So i'm going to say it quickly. I'm known as Big Boss." Snake looked at the girls and back to the crowd. "But you can call me Snake."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the extremely long wait for the second chapter! I've had School to worry about and other important things to deal with. I am really hoping it wont take me this long to publish the next chapter, but until then, enjoy!
Metal Gear Solid is property of Konami
mlp:FiM is property of Hasbro