• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 3,763 Views, 48 Comments

My little Boss: Snake is magic - WardenGage

Legend, hero. These are things Snake heard when he met with the president. He hated the title of "Big Boss" but would have to live with it. He would soon learn to accept these titles and show how he deserves them when faced with a new threa

  • ...

Unknown forces

Snake stretched his legs as he got out of the guest bed Applejack had lent for him to use during his occasional stay at their house. It had been three days since they exposed Gilda of being a control freak and hastily separated rainbow from her. He still couldn't believe it had only been four days since the legacy took him here. When he went to freshen up, he had to slouch to fit in the shower, but other than that, it was a rather enjoyable experiance to get water on his right eye. After all, an eyepatch had been covering his blind eye for almost a week. Turning on the water and changing the temperature to warm, he stripped from his camo and removed the eyepatch before stepping in. It felt nice for the water to run down his body, like all of his troubles were being washed away, but he knew better. He relived the day that he ended The Boss's life every time he closed his eye. After he turned the water off, he grabbed a towel, dried himself off and went back to his room. In his pack were a few of his camo's because Twilight insisted that he leave some of them with her to study and Rarity took his moss uniform. He removed his Olive Drab and put on some extra cloths on before the drab.
"Still a tight fit..." Snake said to himself.

Snake descended the stairs and went to the kitchen of the apple family residence.
"Mornin, Mr. Boss." BigMac said to Snake.
"And to you, Mac." Snake looked around for Applejack, but could not find her in the house.
"Where's Applejack?" Snake asked.
"She went into town early today. If you go, you may be able to make it in a few minutes." BigMac said to Snake.
Snake headed out the front door, only for Applebloom, Applejack's younger sister, to run out behind him.
"Where ya goin Snake?" Applebloom asked.
"Into town to find your sister. Shouldn't you be headed to school?" Snake looked down at the small filly.
"Yep! See ya later Snake!" Applebloom took off in the direction of the elementary school. Snake had never asked applejack about her parents, but he knew that was a sensitive subject to bring up. Walking along the dirt path, his stomach grumbled, he forgot to eat. Luckily he had dried snake meat in his pack. Pulling out the jerky looking peice of meat, he bit into the tough meat and ripped a peice off and chewed. It was a good alternative to eating the Rations he had with him, and it was a good source of protein for his activity level. A few minutes passed and he had finished his semi meal and arrived on the outskirts of town. Upon entering town, he noticed there were no ponies at the stands.
"Where is everyone?" He said to himself. He was soon answered.

"Come one! Come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the great and powerful Trixie!" the voice echoed from what sounded to be town square. Jogging to town square, Snake saw a crowd of ponies looking at a cart with pop outs above it and a unicorn standing on the stage. The pony looked across the stage, and locked eyes with him. Suddenly, he was on the stage. Dazed from the spell, he could hear the pony speak.
"Trixie will show you how magnificent she truly is!"
Snake quickly drew his Mk.22 and aimed at her. When he pulled the trigger nothing happened. "What!?" Snake tried to pull the slide on his pistol for it to not even budge. Holstering his firearm, he drew his EZ gun, only for it to be knocked from his hand. Another bolt whizzed past his head as he reached for his knife, causing instinct to make him roll to the side. The next bolt his him where it hurt him inside. His right eye.

Blood began to pour from the wound and he immediately covered the wound to keep the ponies from seeing the eye. "Damn..." Snake said as he pulled his bandana over the eye. Blood soaked into the cover and seeped down his cheek onto the stage. He could hear ponies gasped in shock at the blood that was dripping.
"Snake!!" Twilight shouted as applejack and rainbow dash rushed on stage to help him. As they helped him up he began to speak. "My eyepatch. Grab it."
Rainbow grabbed the eyepatch in her mouth by the string.
"Got it." Rainbow said as best as she could.
"Your helping it? You must be stupider than I thought. No worries, Trixie will rid you of the monster!" Trixie took aim at Snake. Reacting with Fight or Flight, Snakes body chose Fight. He pulled his M1911 out and shot at Trixie.
"You missed." Trixie said to him.
"Son of a..." Snake began before the two scooted off of the stage and in the direction of the hospital.

"I'm fine, just fix the string." Snake said as the doctor moved the bandana.
"Sweet celestia... What happened to your eye? As far as I can tell, magic wasn't the cause. So what was, Mr. Boss?" He looked at Snake.
"I'd rather not tell." Snake said.
"Fine, but you need to stay here for now. So we can make sure it heals correctly."
"I'm fine. I can patch myself up." Snake turned to face the window.
"You may need more than a 'patch up'. You've got burns from... A magic bolt by the look of it."
"It's just a scratch." Snake sighed
"This 'scratch' is a 1st degree burn, and becase I have no prior medical histry for you, I'll have to make a new file and catalogue past injuries." He said to Snake.
Snake grumbled as the doctor applied an ointment to the burn.
"I'll be back soon with the registration, so please stay here." The Doctor said.

Snake stared at him as he left. When he was alone, he walked over to his broken eyepatch and grabbed it. Stepping out of the room, Snake began to walk towards the exit. Doctors were looking with confused glances and some even tried to stop his escape. When security began to arrive, Snake knocked them out with quick blows. When he reached the exit, Twilight trotted in.
"Snake! I heard you were administered as a patient. Shouldn't you be a gown?"
"I'm fine, just need this fixed." He showed her the eypatch.
"Show me your eye." Twilight shot back.
"Twilight... You don't want to-" Snake said before being interupted.
"Show me." Twilight was staring at him.
"I can't. I'm sorry, it's a subject I dont like to bring up." Snake said, looking to his side to check for any doctors who would try to stop him from leaving.
"Your not leaving until I see the damage." Twilight cast a spell on Snake that hindered his movement, save his arms.
"It's your nightmare..." Snake moved his hair so she could get a clear view of his right eye.
Twilight gasped at the eye, "What happened to you? Did Trixie do that?" The spell canceled
"No, It happened one week ago." Snake walked past her and out of the hospital.
"Snake," Twilight ran in front of him. "Let me fix that." She enveloped his eyepatch in magic and used a quick fix spell, repairing the damage.

"Thanks." Snake placed he eyepatch back where it belonged and began to walk in the direction of town.
"What are you planning?" Twilight stared at him.
"I'm not planning anything. I'm sitting this one out." Snake said, stopping to face her.
"What? You must have had some plan before! Right?" Twilight had no idea for how to deal with Trixie, and had come to him hoping he would have an idea.
"No plan, just figure out how I could help Applejack around the farm." Snake said
"What! No plan at all?" Twilight stared in disbelief.
"Nope. As I said, I'm sitting this one out." Snake rubbed his beard and continued to walk.
"Wait!" A voice shouted.
"What?" Snake turned to see Rainbow hovering a few feet away from him.
"You've gotta have a plan! She's such a show off! I mean more than me. But still!" Rainbow was saying to him.
"Listen, I have no clue why I'm here, and I really want to avoid hurting or even killing one of your species." Snake crossed his arms in annoyance. "How many times do I have to tell you, I have no plan. If I can help, I will. But until then, It's your problem to deal with Trixie."

Twilight groaned and cast a teleportation spell on herself.
Rainbow stared at him, which only pissed him off more. "What? I can't help you! Go do whatever your supposed to do!"
"I thought you were supposed to be cool. But I should have expected less from somepony who goes by a lot of names." She said as she flew off. Snake grumbled and began the walk to Fluttershy's cottage. He looked up to see clouds slowly moving across the blue sky like they didn't have a care in the world. The serenity of nature here was calming to him and he had began to wonder if any place like this existed back in the States. Perhaps he'd go and find one, maybe settle down if he ever found that place. For now, he planned to rest at her cottage and check the gear he hid near her house. When he did arive, birds began to chirp and fly over to the tree Snake had hidden his weapons in.
"Always keeping an eye out, huh?" Snake said to the birds that were landig in the hole where the gear was. Reaching into the hole, he pulled out his XM16E1, quickly glanced over the weapon, and put it back into the hole. He then pulled out a Calorie Mate and began to eat the contents of the box. The birds were landing near and on his uniform. Snake set the box back in the hollow tree and settled down to rest. The birds hopped around the tree and chirped at him. Snake ignored them and closed his eye.

A voice spoke to him, "Jack,"
Snake was in a room much similar to the one he lost his eye in Groznyj Grad. He turned to the voice and immediately reached for the hilt of his knife. "Boss! How?!"
"Even the dead know no rest." The Boss said to Snake.
"Where are we?" Snake still had his grip on the knife.
"I don't want to fight you. I need to tell you something important." The Boss lokked into his eye, "You've seen the unimaginable. I can tell by the look in your eye." Boss said.
"You should be dead, of course I've seen the impossible." Snake replied.
"I didn't say 'impossible', I said unimaginable. There's a difference. Those you now know will be the best friends you've ever met. Loyal and trusting even to you, my student. but the enemies you will meet in battle will be ruthless in their goals, not caring about the saftey of others. Not even you can defeat those by yourself. Use all that I have taught you to perservere and survive."
Snake stared at her before responding, "Why are you telling me this, and how do you know about who I've met?"
"I have ways." She turned to look at The Sorrow, a member of the Cobra unit, and The Boss's husband.
"These are peaceful creatures, unlike us humans. Show them the good that we are capable of," The Sorrow spoke to Snake, "Big Boss."
"Do right, for the safety of yourself and of the six you care about." The Sorrow said. "You have a duty and a purpose here, so fufil that which will be revealed to you in time. Until we meet again." He approached Snake and touched his eyepatch.

Snake jolted upward instantly and noticed that it had become night. "How long was I out?" He spoke to himself.
His thoughts were cut short by screams and a roar. sitting up, he turned his head to see two young unicorns running from something and then Spike running from a giant bear with stars on it's fur. Snake reached into the hollow tree, grabbing the sling on his RPG-7, three rockets, and ran after the beast. When the creature reached town, Snake saw the two banging on Trixie's carriage door. Snake couldn't see Spike anywere and began to asses the situation as Trixie tried feeble tricks and failed to stop the bear. Snake dropped to one knee, brought the RPG to his shoulder, and took aim.

Snake's vision flashed back to the fight against the Shagohod. He looked to his side and saw EVA focused on driving them away from the monster tank.
"Shoot!" EVA shouted at Snake.

Snake flashed back to the present moment and squeezed the trigger. As the rocket left the tube, Snake noticed the rocket veer upward and prematurely detonate. The giant bear turned to face Snake, who was inserting another rocket into the tube. Twisting the rocket in, he took aim again and fired. Direct hit. It staggered, and was encased in a purple aura.
"What the hell?" Snake stared at Twilight, who was straining as magic erupted from her horn. He had heard the bear referred to as an "Ursa Major" by the ponies. Twilight was moving the Ursa away from town, which amazed Snake.
When the Ursa was gone, Twilight huffed and looked over to Snake. "What was that?" She said in between breaths.
"What?" Snake looked at the RPG. "This?"
"Yes! What did you do?" Twilight was quickly getting her breath back.
"I shot it." Snake replied plainly
Twilgiht put her hoof on her forehead and sighed.
Snake loked over to Trixe, who was gathering her things and saying something Snake didn't care to remember. "At least thats done." Snake turned around and began to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Twilight asked him.
"To Fluttershy's cottage, remember?" Snake said.
"Oh." Twilight remembered the schedule they had planned. "See you tomorrow!" Twilight shouted to Snake, who raised a hand and gave a thumbs up.

Author's Note:

Oh My God this took SOOOOOOOOO long to do. There are more than likely errors in this, but please excuse me, I've had alot going on, including just getting over the flu.
Metal Gear Solid is property of Konami
MlP:FiM is property of Hasbro studios
Onto the next chapter!