• Published 26th Jul 2013
  • 3,508 Views, 42 Comments

MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Spirit of Destiny

Equestria is in turmoil. Everfree Forest jabs at the ponies, dragons fight, and the griffins have been robbed of their homeland. As her first anniversary as a princess nears, Twilight faces these troubles. How so? By contacting another people. "

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Chapter Five: "The Perfect Gift, the Raven of Ravens"

Chapter Five: "The Perfect Gift, the Raven of Ravens"

"One of the blessings with old friends is that you can afford to be your random self with them. Whether you prefer visiting Canterlot for a shopping spree one day, running around Ponyville looking for some girly fun the next, or just plain well wish to stay home to relax with a cup of tea another day, they all fully understand your choice every time. In my case, that's a good thing too. Sometimes, ahem, I even think of myself as too, well… critical at times." – Rarity, Element of Generosity


It was before the freaky alien star of Yonderland had rocketed into Everfree Forest at dawn, before the surprise arrival of Flannen as well as Discord, before the Elements of Harmony had even begun enjoying their sleep-over, that Princess Luna had been anxiously contemplating all during her sister's daytime beforehand on what would be the perfect anniversary gift to present to dearest Twilight Sparkle the next day. Yet, before her bringing Pinkie Pie to Ponyville's Library later that evening, why was the keeper of the moon going through such a fretful fit in figuring out a worthy endowment to give to one of her closest friends? In this case: the Element of Magic?

Considering whom mighty Luna was, one would think such an issue of simple gift giving wouldn't be such a problem for her, right? Uh, wrong.

Mind, since becoming Celestia's student, since being assigned to Ponyville, since developing into alicorn royalty for that matter, it was common knowledge that the Element of Magic had continuously done tremendous – TREMENDOUS – things for Equestria as a whole! So, for her tremendously spectacular chain of feats, Twilight Sparkle obviously deserved nothing less than perfection on her anniversary! She deserved the perfect gift from everypony! Especially from, in her own personal opinion anyhow, the princess of the night who, with a grinding of her teeth, went on worrying herself into a mess as anniversary eve nerve-rackingly drained away hour by hour.

Mind, as she fretted, Luna at least knew she wasn't alone in thinking that Twilight deserved the best of the best with everything on her anniversary. Nah, everypony thought so too! This was clearly shown during the excited days previous to Ponyville's princess's anniversary where everypony, young as well as old, noble or not, had worked so very hard in Twilight's honor to contribute to her celebration preparations in Canterlot. Having very good reasons for doing so, they loyally adored the Element of Magic and through volunteering to prepare her anniversary party, they had had it quite easy – at least in Luna's opinion – in showing their adoration towards her.

Naturally, they, as the giving citizens, didn't need to provide glamorous gifts to Twilight when they had done such fine work towards readying her very special day instead. That only seemed fair.

As for Princess Celestia, as for Crystal Prince Shining Armor and Crystal Princess Cadence, they also seemed to have had it easier in thinking up gifts for Twilight. Well, no brainer, thinking up perfect presents for her would've been easy for them, correct? Having been given the time with her, unlike Luna, they were all practically her family. Regardless, upon the eve of Twilight's princess anniversary, with her mind racing, her heart shaking, and her expression flinching, the navy blue alicorn of the night nervously paced through the halls of the royal palace in a slight panic.

Confound it, Luna had had months – MONTHS! – to come up with a perfect gift for Twilight Sparkle and, even with time at its shortest, she still had nothing! How could she have not thought of anything mind blowing yet? The Element of Magic, one of Equestria's memorable heroines, deserved far better respects than this!

Perhaps… perhaps it would not hurt to ask somepony, some special older sister, for help? For a suggestion? That couldn't hurt, could it? Yet, NO! Why in Equestria would Luna ever think of going to anypony, especially Celestia, on the eve of one of Twilight's most special days to ask them to help her rush in finding Ponyville's Princess a last minute gift? What an embarrassment that would be! Ugh, bad keeper of the moon! Bad, bad, bad! Shame on her for thinking of such rot!

Wow... What a mess the princess of the night was in, right? The nearby castle guards – even though not sure of what was going on – timidly thought so, anyway, as they tried not to stare too long at the fidgeting keeper of the moon.

Recollecting herself as best as she could, Princess Luna straightened up next, shook out her wings, tossed her starry mane, swished her tail, then determinedly said in her exotic archaic manner, "Thou can do this. Thou does not need assistance! Thou will figure this riddle out!" Then, as she trotted along again in a slightly encouraged way, she muttered dispiritedly, "It's either that or, with it burned into everypony's memories for the next millennium to come, thou will fly too close to the sun of humility and crash back down to the earth tomorrow…"

Previously that morning, unable to sleep very well, the princess of the night had lain in her dark quarters for hours thinking of her crisis. When the opportunity came to her next, she had taken an awakening draft from one of Celestia's highest advised potion makers to actually help keep herself awake as well as energized.

Mind, she hadn't decided on such an act recklessly then nor ever had she in the past. Ignoring sleep was unwise. Getting by without it was dangerous. Knowing lack of rest often came with severely disgusting ailments, Luna made sure the potion maker she approached explained to her that his concoction not only awakened her but also staved off the disagreeable side-effects of weariness, body troubles, in the future. When reassured she wouldn't be collapsing all over from being tired, that she wouldn't be sick afterwards, she then drank her selected potion before returning to her fretting.

The keeper of the moon might not of had to worry over herself getting sick from not slumbering then. However, her actions in choosing to stay awake for another twenty-four hours straight didn't go completely unnoticed and, next moment, Princess Celestia was worriedly confronting her younger sister about visiting the potion maker. It seemed he was a bit too gossipy about his customer's purchases, especially with the keeper of the sun. Well, wait, nopony dared to lie to the goddess of day. It was only natural he'd admit something when confronted by her.

After patiently explaining to her concerned older sister her reasons for not resting was that she wished to help further with the anniversary, things simmered down for Luna. When allowed to do so but firmly told by Celestia to watch her step in case the awakening draft ailed her, the princess of the night hopefully trotted through the regal castle gardens outside for some fresh air, observed Pinkie Pie look over the last of the party decorations, as well as appeared amongst her subjects in the capitol's thickly bustling streets.

All the while, this assortment of activities was Luna's attempt to gain some inspiration, some idea, to solve her perfect gift giving confliction. However, it was not until she had settled herself down in the palace dining hall for a fancy political dinner with foreign friends that she happened to experience her long awaited epiphany. Of course, that sudden realization did not fall upon her for some time. Some quiet eating, some polite chatting, some thoughtful reminiscing, was done beforehand.

In the company of her bright older sister, the Crystal Empire's rulers or her niece and niece's husband put better, as well as the leaders from other Equestrian races, Princess Luna tried her best to enjoy her delectable meals as they came along. Serving everyone present at the private banquet happened to be Equestria's finest chefs. Those who shakily took the moon keeper's orders though – having moved from town to the capitol for the anniversary at the request of the princess of the day as well as the happy screaming of the Element of Laughter – pleasantly turned out to be the talented Mr. and Mrs. Cake couple of Ponyville. Therefore, feeling heartened by the knowledge she was eating the best of what Twilight's expert hometown cooks could serve her, Luna took better part in the formal exchanges being passed from respectful noble to noble across the table.

Most of the conversations naturally focused onto Celestia, onto her former student actually, and what had transpired in the past leading up to the Element of Magic's first anniversary as a princess presently. Determinedly, amid her light chewing, the princess of the night listened, talked, as well as remembered as much as she could about Twilight Sparkle when the chatting came her way. Perhaps, amid all the gossip she was participating in, she would figure out her perfect gift conundrum?

As the dinner talk heated up, every guest had definitely come to agree on something. Everywhere young Twilight had ever gone, she – much like the regal keepers of the sun and moon during their own rise to nobility – had rather effortlessly brought loving prosperity, happiness, along with peace to everypony in not only Ponyville but the Crystal Empire, Canterlot, Appleloosa, and so on. Clearly, she had been taught well in the ways of leadership. As if that wasn't impressive enough already though, she had also, with her friends' unwavering support, effectively brought down a number of surfacing tyrants along the way; even shockingly went on to reform some of those villains to join the kingdom's forces too!

Obviously, it wasn't voiced around her then at dinner but amongst those few enemies of Equestria that had been rehabilitated… had, embarrassingly yet fortunately, been Princess Luna herself.

At this dark thought, as she began reluctantly trotting down shadowy memory lane, the princess of the night hesitated in eating anything else. To be honest, as she began to recall her formerly dark days until being saved by the Elements, Luna's reasons for desperately wanting to give Twilight the absolutely perfect gift became clearer. More understandable.

Yes, after a millennium of being trapped inside of her own blinding fury as the dreaded Nightmare Moon, it had been due to the brave efforts of the Elements of Harmony – especially due to the studious Element of Magic – that Luna could currently enjoy dinner with her fellows. Not only that but, since being freed, she had been granted a second chance, a breath of fresh air, a way towards redeeming herself in the eyes of her prized subjects.

Indeed, having accepted her older sister's friendship back in the ruined alicorn temple two years ago, Luna felt she had done an increasingly good job of not taking her second wind for granted. Unless it seemed necessary, she did not vent, she did not rage, she did not do anything bestial in fear of what she might very well become again. Instead, despite the conflicts that had jumped up since her being brought back into sanity, she felt she was getting back in better touch with not only ponies everywhere but with the modernized age also.

A thousand years ago, if the princess of the night could remember it correctly, Equestrian things had been done very differently than they were done now. Upon her return, she began to realize this from the start and, with Twilight's aid again during a certain Nightmare Night in Ponyville and even afterwards, she had caught back up with the times as best as she could.

As Princess Luna came to find out from anypony that assisted her with living in the current age, numerous breakthroughs in technological frontiers had been made during her banishment to the moon. To tell the truth, even though bearing through it every day, she was still a bit overwhelmed with how much change her world had undergone during her thousand year absence. Either way, there had been the eventual discovery of electricity, medication had been dramatically improved, the understanding of the arcane had been drastically bettered, splendid cities had been erected everywhere, alliances with other far off races had been further solidified, and social customs in particular had, well, relaxed quite a bit.

For example, Princess Luna's once commonly used "Traditional Royal Canterlot Voice", was a rarity to see nowadays. Even for events, it was considered ancient and, thus, its use wasn't fully understood by most alive now. Due to this, frustratingly, she was still having a bit of trouble adapting to using the modern day tongue with others. However, no matter the difficulty, she was willing to do anything – apart for more dark magic, ha ha, of course – to earn the acceptance of her subjects once more.

Besides, like she hoped all during her constant learning, everypony that conversed with her nowadays stated that she was coming along fine in dialect. In the least, unlike when she had just returned, she was understandable enough during conversations.

Getting back to how social customs had changed from the past to the present, looking at those Equestrians whom resided in high society – ponies, dragons, griffins, etc. – they still behaved with a certain grace Luna recognized as used before her dark Nightmare Moon days had begun. A bit of her time, "Fancy Talk", had endured for the past thousand years after all. However, that couldn't be said for all of the rest of Equestria.

Considering those citizens who weren't filthy rich nor weren't within formal cities such as Canterlot, they had grown to act simpler, less stressed, jovial, casual, over the past centuries. If one ever wanted to observe a good case of such preferable casual behavior over high class snootiness, Ponyville on Nightmare Night – during any day really – never failed in showing it.

This commoner behavior of casualness could specifically be associated most with honest Applejack's breed – the Earth Ponies – along with loyal Rainbow Dash's kind – the Pegasi. They knew how to have fun, how to not behave superior, snooty, nor arrogant, with others. Unfortunately, for the most part, it turned out that the majority of the unicorns hadn't broken out of the supposedly traditional mood of thinking that, with their magic abilities, they were too exclusive to ever loosen up or partake in what was fun so called.

Well, quietly giggling amongst her foreign companions as well as trying not to indignantly choke on her garden salad in turn, Luna very much looked forward to seeing the reluctant unicorns of the capitol mix in with the simply rough, energy prone earth ponies as well as pegasi from everywhere that would be attending the events tomorrow. For sure, for everypony who was willing or not willing to take part, there would be mass mayhem all day as well as night then. The funniest kind, of course.

Regardless, in the least, the keeper of the moon was certain that the proud unicorns of Canterlot would be suffering severe many nightmares in the future from being pushed, shoved, and dirtied without choice or dignity beforehand. Naturally though, being the master of dreams, Luna would get around to chasing away whatever horrible dreams that would be ailing them in the coming days. Eventually, anyway. Heh.

At thinking of the arrogant unicorns of high society undergoing bad dreams from making contact with other ponies of lower status during Twilight's special day tomorrow, it had been then that Princess Luna suddenly broke through her deep troubles of possibly not being able to present the Element of Magic the perfect gift! Now it suddenly looked to be very possible to do so!

How had the keeper of the moon not thought of the solution to her troubles sooner than anniversary eve?! Sooner than dinner?! Anyway, anyhow, her gift to the lavender pony that had saved her from remaining Nightmare Moon two years ago was going to be so simple, so easy, so classic now! Yes! Oh yes oh yes oh yes!

After getting over her withdrawn coughing fit beside her dear sister Celestia – who was giving her little sister concerned glances all the while – and utterly seized by the excitement of her personal moment, the navy blue alicorn of the night suddenly slammed her hooves down upon the table, flared her wings, then took a deep breath to boom out across the table of confused onlookers, "OH JOYOUS MOMENT OF MOMENTS! THAT'S IT! I HAVE IT AT LAST!"

As the result of the unexpected use of the Royal Canterlot Voice without thinking, the worst of the worst happened for Canterlot's chatting foreign visitors.

In rapid succession, the dining hall itself inherited a stormy air as it creaked with Luna's deafening power, the waiter along with waitress ponies stumbled over themselves from fright at her outburst, food upon both table along with serving plates simultaneously flew through the air, and the dignitaries of Equestria's races let out cries of shock as they were barraged by waves of what was set before them! Taking notice of the consequences of her innocent yet mindless actions at once, the princess of the night immediately reclaimed control of herself. However, considering the grim silence – not to mention faces – that followed, it might have been far too late for her to show respectful self-restraint.

Crimson in the face, wanting to withdraw into the shadows nearby, Luna shyly looked around at the food covered expressions of the visiting foreign leaders down the table's length. Some had their mouths open from shock, others had their eyes narrowed into displeased slits. Altogether, they all numbly stared daggers back at her. She didn't even dare look at her astonished niece nor her sister in particular who, with a brisk clearing of her throat, demanded harshly for an explanation for the random shout out, as expected.

"Luna?! What was the meaning of such behavior?!"

When Luna didn't respond to her older sister's fierce query – she couldn't explain that she'd just figured out the greatest present to give to Twilight for it would cause the already shaken masses to cave into further disbelief at her childishness – Celestia huffed with impatience.

With her snowy expression becoming noticeably red not only with embarrassment but somewhat with bewilderment at not getting an answer, the keeper of the sun commanded, "Well, little sister, if you will not bless us with a reason for your yelling than at least apologize for it before you are escorted out of the hall!"

"Escorted?" Princess Cadence questioned nervously nearby, softly trying to come to Luna's aid as well as be a voice of reason against any rushed decisions, "Please, Celestia, Aunty Luna's outburst was an innocent mistake. We all here know of her little moments since being…"

Even as every sour eye was drawn onto her, the Crsytal princess courageously gained a second breath to sweetly conclude, "Well, since being brought back to us due to Shining Armor's little sister's efforts. She still has some kinks to work out, true. Yet, I believe everyone here can agree that we were enjoying ourselves immensely and perhaps the excitement of the moment, perhaps thinking of the celebration tomorrow, got a bit too much into… you, Aunty Luna?"

"Ah, well, yes," The princess of the night had jumped in, innocently trying to begin to come up with a good lie to maybe help her out of her tense position, "that would seem-"

"Innocent or not, this is inexcusable!" Celestia boomed royally, cutting her little sister off completely as well as making the hall creak too with the volume of her voice, "Sister, do you not realize where we are? What we are doing? Indeed, Cadance's words may very well be true but I've noticed throughout the day that you have been behaving quite oddly of late! More so than usual! Truly, if we must discuss something than you know very well that you may say so privately with me rather than coming out publicly and ruining our friends' dignity like now!"

The princess of the day flared her wings as well as waved her hoof towards the awkwardly watching guests covered in all kinds of stuff next, "Come! Apologize for your childish behavior! Do so now!"

Anypony that knew her well enough was aware that Celestia wasn't as mad at her little sister as she was letting on then. She was simply handling the awkward moment as appropriately as everyone expected of her. Anyhow, with the approach of the anniversary, with the party preparations, after meeting with so many familiar as well as unfamiliar faces, Luna was fully conscious of the fact that her older sister was under plenty enough pressure of keeping her royal checklist on track without her little sister randomly screaming over personal issues and scaring valuable guests half to death.

Due to the humbled princess of the night's choice of actions, suppertime, although pleasant at the beginning, had taken a clear nose dive into unpleasantness. Now, she had to fix it as best as she could.

Not wanting to make the situation worse for her pressured older sister than it was, knowing what to do as royalty, Luna pushed her regal chair back, stood tall with what pride she could muster before the expectant eyes around her, and admitted a most honest sorry from the deepest depths of her heart. Not in the Royal Canterlot Voice, mind, but in a formal, genuine, attractive tone that commanded a certain respect from the fouled audience.

"Friends of Canterlot, mighty leaders of those within as well as beyond Equestria's borders, it is with much honesty along with hope for your forgiveness that I extend to you my apology for my recent show of atrocious behavior. I am truly sorry for my shouting, for having ruined your dinner, for acting like a child. I only hope that my actions haven't and will not ruin the rest of your stay or future stays in Canterlot nor will they damper your enjoyment throughout the celebrations to be held for the Princess of Ponyville tomorrow. I apologize a thousand times to you all. I am very, very sorry for all of this."

The absolute silence that followed after Luna's sincere apology was expected. Everyone inside the dining hall didn't budge, cough, maybe even breathe as Celestia, with a struggling expression, nudged her little ashamed sister to make her exit at once.

However, it was as the lunar guards approached to escort their princess of the night away to her bedchambers that a bulky, thickly furred, gray minotaur heavily covered in muck, addressed her gruffly, "Ah, she's sorry is she? The Keeper of the Stars and Moon is sorry, eh?" The bull-man roughly pounded his fist upon the table next as he firmly stated aloud, his rough growl of a voice echoing throughout the large den, "Well, in Balmont's opinion, she should be!"

No one argued, no one had a clue as to what to say. They all knew of this certain minotaur presently speaking, this "Balmont" fellow, and how his successful mining operations in the earlier days in the far north had made him a recognized trading power throughout the land. Not only that, his reputation as a fighter had also become common knowledge, a popular tale among Equestrian recruits, as he had led his forces alongside Shining Armor in the efforts of containing the currently swarming changelings in the Badlands southern reaches. He was a very valuable ally to have during the conflicted times Equestria faced. Too valuable to lose for that matter.

Knowing his friendship was required to effectively aid her ailing homeland, knowing he had the proper reason to vent when covered in food, Celestia had no option in standing up against Balmont for her little sister's sake.

Luna herself, having stopped with her guards, watched Balmont go on with boldly lecturing her, "Do you know why you should be sorry, Alicorn of the Moon? Do you even realize what you have done to mighty Balmont?" At this semi-serious inquiry, as everyone watched him curiously, the minotaur leader actually partially cracked into a wide grin as he gestured to himself covered in food, "Why, look at what you've done! My potatoes and peas are touching each other! Ha ha, by iron, they should never be touching each other!"

Wait? What? Why? Who? When? How? Huh?

As the tense moment seemed to be breaking down into the most unexpected possibility, as everyone incredulously observed him, Balmont seemed to jokingly demand of nervous yet intrigued Luna, "So, apologetic little princess, how are you going to fix this? What have you got to say for yourself now?"

It was as the remaining guests were catching on to where the moment was going, as laughter began to break out amongst the other foreign leaders, Princess Luna simply said for herself, "I, uh… Oops?"


At this blunt reply to his supposedly tense question, Balmont leaned onto his bemused minotaur comrades beside him while howling with mirth!

Catching onto the humor in their leader's words at last, his brethren, the other minotaur clans in attendance too, began joining in laughing as he managed out through his aching ribs, "Oops is all she can say! Why, by the north, that seems about right, don't it boys? Here," Balmont next wiped off some potato-pea mixture from himself to abruptly slap it onto his distracted fellow's snout beside him, "have some oops, Baller! Compliments from her highness of the stars! And here, Radaff, you have some oops too! No, no! No need to be bashful! I insist! Bah ha ha ha!"

Altogether, as they began getting riled up at their section of the table, the minotaurs had lost it. Whether it was their sense of respect or where they were, they had just lost themselves in the hilarity of the moment Luna had placed them in. In fact, at seeing the bull-men clans starting up a food fight of sorts, the entire dining hall went completely loopy! Within the blink of an eye next moment, food was being flung everywhere, dignitaries were shouting mixed things towards one another as they were caught in the resulting crossfire, and the princess of the sun… she was in absolute incredulity.

As the madness ensued down the table's length, Celestia exchanged a look of bewilderment with Shining Armor as well as Cadance. They shrugged at her unasked question of "By Equestria, what is happening?" before barely evading a plate of knocked over croissants!

She next looked to Luna to see her little sister wore the same pale expression of confusion as her. It was then that, with a sinisterly devious smile, she eagerly through aside her own grips on reality to join in with the building chaos! Without further waiting, with her radiant golden magic, Princess Celestia purposefully took hold of the fancy pudding cake in front of her! Next, with a yell, she expertly chucked her weapon over the exclaiming Crystal Empire's rulers' heads in her little sister's general direction!

Celestia's projectile, instead of catching its intended target, smacked perfectly into the lunar guard to the right of Luna who, with a startled cry, looked to grab something to throw back!

Instantly, to nopony's shock with the craziness that was happening all around, it appeared that the alicorn sisters had quickly forgiven each other for their previous actions. Truth be told, even with the recent hostilities over supper, there had never been any real hard feelings between them to begin with. That was already history. Now, though, there was only fun, fun, and more fun to be had! The most unexpected kind!

As for her retaliation against her older sister's attack, Luna grabbed up a nearby cake with her cobalt magic! Avoiding stuff being thrown her way all the while, she threw the desert at the princess of the day! The only problem with the shot was that it perfectly plastered shocked Shining Armor's expression instead!

As the impaled remnants of the fancy delicacy dangled from the crystal prince's horn, as Princess Luna rolled around on the floor in mirth, Shining Armor's wife cooed, "Ooh, not how I like to have my desert served. Such a shameful waste. Actually, here, allow me to help." At this, Cadance wiped off some of the frosting from her husband's bemused expression and, as she tasted the sweetness on her hoof, she snickered, "There, that's better. Delicious. Also, I get to see your handsome face again. We both win in a – Augh!"

The crystal princess could only scream out with astonishment when her laughing husband took what little cake was left over from his face and wiped it on her own well-kept expression!

In the background of the progressing mayhem, the waiter and waitress ponies nearby were all in a mess of joining or not joining the fighting! Inside the kitchens, at seeing what was transpiring outside, the chefs rolled their eyes before beginning to eat their readied creations. It seemed, as they rather casually revealed to the newer cooks while eating, this food fighting thing between nobles happened more often than one would've thought. Nevertheless, it needed to be seen to be believed. As for Mr. and Mrs. Cake, they couldn't stop laughing at everything impossible going on around them! They would certainly have stories to tell when going back home.

"Balmont is the keeper of the North Realm Mines! He is the chieftain of the Steel Clad Warriors against the foes in the south! He can handle metals, he can handle enemies, but, but," As he boldly announced this over the pandemonium around him, ridiculous looking Balmont climbed upon the table with a cranberry pie in his hands at the ready, "but he cannot handle peas touching his potatoes! Now witness the fury of – Augh! Whoa! Argh!"

When seeing the minotaur who had started the food fight above them, everyone everywhere nearby flung their ammo towards him! The messy result was that Balmont was struck with barrage after barrage of high quality food that, even though being a durable member of his kind, gradually unbalanced him!

"Oh ho, look out!" Partially royal looking, partially apple pie covered Shining Armor yelled out in warning while defending his squealing wife from the flying grub going around, "Courageous Balmont is going down!" Indeed, the crystal prince's shout was a wise tactic.

As all eyes focused onto him, as the fighting paused for a moment that seemed to go on forever, Balmont's hoofs finally slipped out from underneath him! In what seemed like slow motion, with a devastating as well as deafening crash, his full weight came down onto the long dining table in turn! Mind, the fiasco didn't stop there.

When the minotaur leader of the north ended up on his back, the already straining surface holding him up couldn't handle anymore abuse. First, he fell over. Second, the table with its items fell over. Third, everyone else fell over as they were unable to resist laughing hysterically at the entire crazy event that had just transpired. And, for shame, the Element of Laughter as well as Spirit of Disharmony hadn't even been invited to remotely participate. If notified, they would have been more than happy to contribute to the mess but… maybe it was for the better that they hadn't? It was evident right off that enough damage had been dealt to the environment already.

As the hall roared with mad mirth, Celestia – with her glorious mane drenched with some type of juice and splotches of whatever meals on her graceful frame – was the first to regain control of herself. In turn, she quickly went about reclaiming control over the dinner party.

While Balmont was busy trying to not show he was hurting after having taken his tumble, as he bellowed with laughter with everyone else, he looked up from lying down as the princess of the day stood over him. Under her shadow, he showed her his most dashing along with apologetic smile. In full honesty, even though it had all been seriously fun, he was sorry for having caused so much pandemonium and, having known him long enough, Celestia knew so. Despite his randomness, Balmont was good minotaur. He had represented his kind very well.

Looking back up, with a stir of her wings as well as a throwing back of her partly flowing mane, the keeper of the sun firmly announced in her own Royal Canterlot Voice, "GUESTS OF CANTERLOT, HEAR MY VOICE AND CALM YOURSELVES PLEASE!"

Instantly, the giddiness behind the food fight began to settle down around her. It was only after she cleared her voice in the Royal Canterlot Voice manner, though, that Celestia gained all attention back onto herself.

Once calmness had been accomplished amongst everyone, the snow white alicorn went about cleaning up everything wrong. Naturally, one would think – with the table toppled, food strewn every which way, the guests covered in muck, the kitchen staff shaking from nerves – that clean up duty would have presented quite a challenge for anypony. Yet, silly them. For the keeper of the sun, for she who's family had united ponies under one banner as well as had sealed away the Spirit of Disharmony for the longest time, no challenge was ever too big... Or most liked to think.

Regardless, with a graceful flourish of her still gleaming wings and a raise of her glimmering horn, Celestia purposefully looked to bathe everything in the dining hall with her arcane skills. However, a nudge to her left made her pause to look down. There, a cupcake plastered Luna was at her side, ready and happily able to help.

Exchanging heart-warming smiles at a bad moment having gone fortunately good instead, having silently forgiven each other fully for their recent actions at dinner already, the alicorn sisters went about performing the right magic needed to make the surrounding catastrophe seem like it had never happened. They beat their wings, aimed their horns true, then blasted the mucky hall with lights as sharp as the sun as well as stars!

In response to this, everyone couldn't help but shield as well as close their eyes until bidden to open them once more.

When Canterlot's princesses were done with their supposedly difficult tasks, when the blinded audience around them was able to see again, everything had been put back into utterly fabulous order! Well, why wouldn't it have been? The alicorn sisters had been behind the magic, after all.

Truly, there was no longer any trace of muck ever having touched any surface or dignitary in the dining hall, the table itself was properly fixed with the food returned to the platters, the many chairs were pushed back in, and, as if just polished, all things seemed to of adopted a most glamorous sheen.

What a magnificent performance of the arcane from Equestria's greatest alicorn sisters! What a sight their dining hall was now! In turn, as Balmont was helped by his fellows in getting back up, everyone – especially the relieved environmental services pony staff present – applauded the alicorn sisters' magical performances in making everything sloppy become neatly clean again. Everyone agreed then that, at some point on someday at some time, Twilight Sparkle would eventually be quite capable of doing the same as they had just done. Maybe, if she were present, she would have even joined in?

With the display of magic from both Celestia along with Luna over, the dinner party came to an official end. It was as the well fed along with entertained foreign leaders departed to their rooms for Luna's nighttime that they, to her shock, thanked her for the good time. Most appeared quite happy with having taken part in the food fight she had unintentionally started. Others, mostly griffins, were not as happy. Either way, amongst the dignitaries to clearly show their happiness at the excitement at dinner were the minotaurs, of course.

The bull-men sincerely thanked the alicorn sisters for having given them the best night of their lives in quite some time. Naturally, there was still tomorrow to be enjoyed but with the issues occurring throughout Equestria, the shadows of approaching battles popping up, it was plainly getting harder for any Equestrian to relax like they had just done and, in the oddest way, that had been greatly due to the princess of the night.

Feeling humbled at everyone's words, trying not to glow too pink in the face, Princess Luna thanked every leader that congratulated her on a dinner party well done. Her childish behavior had been either pushed aside or forgotten by all the guests, thank goodness.

"Ah, there she is! There's the apologetic little princess!" Balmont got around to roaring out as he exited the dining hall with his happy clan, "Ha ha, indeed, it turns out that you should be sorry after all, your highness. Sorry for having given us such a good dinner show! The best of the best that is! Am I right or am I right, boys? Ba ha ha!"

Luna tried not to show her slight pain when the minotaur leader patted her hard on her delicate shoulder, "By iron, princess of the stars, you have the gratitude of the Steel Clad Warriors of the North for having treated us to such a wonderful meal. We won't forget it ever. Not while we still have to return the blessing!"

Then, mighty Balmont of the north turned away from blushing Luna to proud Celestia to inherit a serious air abruptly, "As for my actions… I apologize for my behavior, keeper of the sun. My reasons for acting as I did were justified in my eyes but if I have fallen out of your favor… then tell me how I may change that back to being favored. Please."

In the past, as unbelievable as it sounded, food fights had been started before within Canterlot castle's dining hall. Not only by minotaurs but by everyone. In the end, Balmont's previous actions hadn't brought about anything to truly be ashamed of either. Due to his actions, no one had been hurt and, as he had hoped when starting to joke around, his sense of humor had even kept the keeper of the moon from appearing to be an embarrassment in everyone else's eyes in the future.

No, the leader of the north – who had donated Equestria's armies with military items from his mines' forged metals, who had placed himself in danger against the changelings for the land's sake, who had fought alongside Shining Armor in the south for the past number of months – had no real reason to beg for forgiveness for having messed around a bit. If anything, for having kept the dinner from being ruined, for having saved Princess Luna's dignity, he actually deserved a reward which, to his relief, he received when the princess of the night when she tightly hugged his waist. Being so short compared to him, that's all she could manage to do to comfort the loyal minotaur.

When seeing her little sister's feelings about the matter, having already known her answer from the beginning, Celestia gave waiting Balmont the most radiant of her understanding smiles.

"You have been and always will be in the favor of not only I, mighty Balmont, but of those that I call my family." At the keeper of the sun's words, Luna, Shining Armor and Cadance blessed the astonished Balmont too. Twilight would have undoubtedly done the same, if present.

Next, the princess of the day requested of him, "Please, do not feel guilty over anything. With my sister's odd help, you made this night worth remembering for generations to come. However, could I not ask you to maybe… exercise some self-control during the events for tomorrow? You know as well as I that the proud grandson of Dragon Elder Garm, Nidhogg, doesn't take well to joking around, correct?"

"Bah ha ha, why of course, your highness!" Balmont exploded before lowering his voice at his clan's helpful shushing, "I mean – Yes, of course, your highness. I pity the first fool that thought being funny around that young dragon was a wise choice! If I'm not mistaken, I believe it's said that Nidhogg tossed the first unfortunate joker that joked with him from Manehatten to Vanhoover, no?"

"Ha ha, leave it to Balmont to believe in everything he hears!" Shining Armor laughed, "That's just a filly's tale, ya lummox of a bull."

"Oh, coming from you, that's rich!" Balmont countered with much mirth as he walked away with the Crystal Empire rulers and his clan officials at his sides, "I remember a certain crystal princeling not believing that I could break his sword with just a head-butt!"

"I still don't believe it because you never broke my sword." Shining Armor retorted hotly as if they were back on the frontlines, "Nah, remember, you broke that changeling's skull instead when it jumped us because you had the brilliant idea of suggesting breaking my weapon in the middle of battle, you dolt!"

"Hm? Is that what happened? Ah, yes, you're right. Heh, come to think of it, I felt bad for that changeling."

When his companions gave him crude looks at his words, Balmont joked with them, "I almost felt bad for it, anyway! Ba ha ha ha! Well, since we're all here, we'll have to get around to doing things correctly then! Balmont will show you, princeling! He'll break your sword like he broke that changeling's skull then and you won't-"

"Remember," Celestia called after the feuding pair, specifically to a growingly pumped Balmont, "self-control, please! Self-control! We still have tomorrow to get through! Don't hurt yourselves!" The answer that she received was jovial laughter. Again, Balmont was leaning on his shushing clan members from laughing too hard at himself for getting too out of hand without thinking. As for Shining Armor, he nuzzled his wife who eagerly returned the show of love.

Feeling content with herself, it was only after the last of the dinner guests had left for their rooms that the princess of the day chimed to the princess of the night, "And as for you, young lady, I expect some self-control from you too tomorrow. Am I understood?"

"Oh, gosh, yes, mother dearest!" Luna quickly replied, assuming a playfully embarrassed expression to go along with the moment, "I completely understand! Besides, who wants to be tossed from Manehatten to Vanhoover by an angered dragon prince over a misunderstanding of joke use? Most certainly not me. Nope. Nuh-uh."

"Heh heh, good. Truly, I'm glad to hear we're on the same page because, even with his shown gift of making an ill situation into a joyous one, I doubt that Balmont would be able to save you, like he did tonight, from Nidhogg if you were to randomly shout out around him, little sister."

When speaking of Luna's Royal Canterlot outburst during dinner, when noticing her little sister go pink in the cheeks, Celestia couldn't help but politely ask, "Before we go off and prepare for your nighttime, dearest sister of mine… Could you not reveal your reason for having behaved as you did at dinner? I know that something has been troubling you of late but it is not the usual things. There is something else on your mind, isn't there?"

It took a few moments for the princess of the night to gain the courage to talk with her older sister about the embarrassing topic of finding the perfect gift for Twilight.

Finally, taking in a breath, Luna admitted her humiliating reason for having shouted during the meal, "I am sorry for my barbaric behavior with the leaders of Equestria, Celestia. With the state our land is in and the fragile few alliances we have with our fellows, my shouting was at the very worst time but… I just, um, happened to have a long awaited breakthrough during mealtime."

"A breakthrough? Of what kind are we speaking?"

"Wellllllll, um, you see I've…" Luna finally threw aside her discomfort and stated archaically quickly under her older sister's curious gaze, "We've been having constant trouble figuring out the perfect gift to present to dearest Twilight Sparkle and, at dinner, it just clicked and we couldn't contain our happiness and so we just, well, BURST!"

There was a long quiet where Celestia thought over panting Luna's personal problem. She didn't laugh, snicker, nor do anything that would grind at her little sister's dignity.

Instead, as any older sister would do, she understood the delicateness of the moment easily and, giving the keeper of the moon a gentle nudge on the cheek with her nose, she inquired further with her usual bright smile, "Ah, I see. It is clear enough now. Obviously, your timing wasn't right but I can see your reason for bursting, Luna. Trust me when I say I've had my "royal" moments too. Heh heh."

When hearing her older sister was being understanding, Luna giggled along. Then, Celestia said, "It is nearing the end of the eve of Twilight's Anniversary though, my sister. You have not thought of your gift to her until now?"

"Yes. That is true."

"Hm… And this perfect gift you have in store for my former student… Can you have it ready by the time the celebrations begin tomorrow?"

"We do believe so. See, excuse thyself, that was the biggest reason for our shouting!"

When given a most quizzical expression from Celestia, Luna went on to eagerly explain herself. Getting excited with the conversation, she was also falling back into speaking with her old language, "We feel rather stupid in not thinking of it until now but, sister, how do we show our love to all of our subjects during the nighttime?... Through our dream world, naturally! See, we give everypony in Equestria dreams to enjoy as well as chase away their nightmares. We give everypony restful sleep. Well, guess what?"

When asked "guess what", wise Celestia had gathered enough clues through her younger sister's explanation to guess, "Ah, clever, clever, Luna… You will present dear Twilight with your gift tonight by giving her perfect sleep with the perfect dream, won't you?"

When her little sister nodded happily, the white alicorn of the sun nodded her approval of the plan, "It's easy to see now why you had to shout, dearest sister. Your idea of a proper gift for my former student is inspiring. Of the both of us, you always were the artistic one. Yes, it may have taken you until the last minute but, fortunately, you may have produced the best present amongst all of us for Twilight Sparkle."

"Yes, yes! Thou agrees with us, sister? Excellent!" Luna exclaimed, bouncing around as she did so, "Now, if we are going to make Twilight the perfect dream then the time to do so is short! We need to get ready as soon as-"

"We need to get ready as soon as possible." Celestia purposefully finished for her giddy younger sister while looking through the nearest window.

As they both took a moment to glance outside, the sisters witnessed dusk was fast approaching. Soon, even though having hadn't properly slept for quite some time but not affected due to the awakening draft from earlier, it would be the princess of night's turn to watch over Equestria. Like the hundreds of times before, she would have to raise the moon into the sky as her sister would have to simultaneously set the sun.

Honestly ready to hand over the royal duties to Luna, ready to lower the sun after what had been a day filled with trials with the next looking the same, Celestia pushed the keeper of the moon down the hall as she softly encouraged, "First, before anything, dear sister, you need to raise your moon over my sun and bring about your stars. Clearly, you may not be as exhausted as myself but, truthfully, I'm not as young as I used to be."

"Dearest sister, that's not correct! You cannot say that you don't look-"

"Ha ha, well, maybe I'm not that old. Not yet. However, if you will permit me, I am more than ready to get some shut eye while you take over the royal duties. Come along now. Come, come."

It was as the loving sisters purposefully trotted down the hall towards the royal throne room balcony to perform their ancient ritual of lowering the sun and raising the moon, that they weren't aware of something. Of several things, actually. With their backs turned to it, the sentient princesses of day and night couldn't see any hint, as intended by some personage far away, that a certain black raven had glided from the regal dining hall into the hallway behind them.

With a somewhat frosted cherry from one of Mr. and Mrs. Cake's respected pastries purposefully clicked in his beak, ominous Flannen landed among the curtains upon a windowsill and keenly observed Celestia and Luna trot away. Then, as he ate what he'd nipped from the preoccupied kitchens, the raven came to understand why Ponyville's ponies always wore smiles when leaving "Sugarcube Corner". As his master had praised them each time he had visited their establishment, Mr. and Mrs. Cake certainly did have skills for making better than believable sweets.

By Equestria, if he could, the black bird would be back to the kitchens to snatch another one of the cherries! Nevertheless, getting back to business, Flannen returned to staring after the alicorn sisters passively moving away.

With his secret arrival, truth be fully told, the spying raven knew that Luna's revealed last minute grand plan to give Twilight the best dream of dreams was going to be foiled right there and then. For, unknown to the keeper of the moon along with every Equestrian alive out there, someone had already planned far before her on taking over Twilight's dreams on anniversary eve night. Who?

As it would be said in the near future, Flannen's master would be visiting the Element of Magic through them, of course.

So, Luna… Well, her perfect gift for the Element of Magic would have to be interrupted, put on hold, or whatnot. Besides, it was for destiny's, the greater good's, sake. Yes, it was a shame that the princess of the night's efforts would unknowingly be for nothing but, for Equestria, for the ponies, for the innocents everywhere, there was no other time but the coming nighttime to do such – to help Twilight fight the approaching darkness surfacing throughout the land, put bluntly.

Either way, having finished with his succulent cherry, Flannen gave Canterlot's rulers one last observant look before, like the phantom he had always been, he looked to follow them to the throne room in the shadows.

Later that evening, without their knowing also, he would get around to visiting a certain draconequus acquaintance of theirs in the royal gardens, slip a mysterious note into a certain lavender alicorn's oldest library book, as well as watch an alien power crash land in dire Everfree Forest after shaking up Ponyville. If anything was certain at all, it was that a busy night was certainly in store not for Princess Luna but for the most furtive raven of them all.

Suddenly, as Flannen came to rest upon a chandelier overhead, the alicorn sisters were approached by a frantic castle unicorn guard from behind!

As he galloped, the soldier exclaimed, "Your majesties! You are needed in the main hall immediately!" When with them, he bowed politely to his bemused superiors before going on through his pants from the good gallop, "Your niece, Crystal Princess Cadance, requests your aid!"

"Aid?" Celestia wondered aloud, exchanging a curious look with Luna, "Stand, good stallion. Explain to us why our niece has sent you to fetch us?"

"It's her husband and the griffin prince's representative, Gilda, your highnesses! Things are heating up in the main hall between them again and… and I fear, like her majesty Cadance, that blows might really be exchanged this time! Balmont is there to keep control but he can only do so much! I wish to see no harm come to anypony nor ally. That is my reason for my rushing. Forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive, knight." Luna explained at once, adopting a firm expression like her older sister at the revealed ill information, "You have done nothing wrong. Only right."

"Indeed, my sister speaks truly." Celestia agreed, her eyes inheriting a fierce glint at the unforeseen news that bold Shining Armor and proud Gilda had the nerve to argue, even maybe fight, over something so fiercely when dinner had been finished so happily. Ah, the beauty of politics.

Regardless, the princess of day threw back her mane as she stated, "Your quick determination to see this situation end peacefully is commendable, knight. Bless us with your title."

"My title? Oh, my name? Ah, yes, I am Silverplate, a member of the Crystal Empire's Royal Guard, your majesties!"

"Then, without further waiting, let us be off, Silverplate!" Celestia commanded with Luna grimly nodding in approval, "Lead the way so my sister and I can very well end this embarrassment before any possible bloodshed! There cannot be any of this so near nor on Twilight Sparkle's anniversary! That shall be made clear soon enough to everyone!"

And so, with radiant "Silverplate of the Crystal Empire's Royal Guard" in the lead, Celestia along with Luna galloped as fast as they could towards where they knew Shining Armor and Gilda were apparently at each other's throats.

It was obvious that the raising of the moon and the placement of the stars would have to wait a bit longer. What was not so obvious was that, as the three ponies hurried towards the main hall, they were being trailed by a most interested Flannen…


End of the Perfect Gift, the Raven of Ravens…

Author's Note:

Author's Note: "It seems that, despite the good nature of the dinner party, the day at Canterlot Castle wasn't fated to end on the best note. Luna may very well have figured out her perfect gift conundrum, Balmont may have made a funner than imagined food fight, yet... it seems tensions have exploded between Shining Armor and Gilda another time. Over what is a mystery. If you don't keep reading onward, that is. Either way, are you enjoying yourself? Are you enjoying MLP: Believing in the Impossible? If so, if you've got the time, you might as well go on and say it in a review. If you do, it'll mean a lot more to me than you care to think."