• Published 26th Jul 2013
  • 3,519 Views, 42 Comments

MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Spirit of Destiny

Equestria is in turmoil. Everfree Forest jabs at the ponies, dragons fight, and the griffins have been robbed of their homeland. As her first anniversary as a princess nears, Twilight faces these troubles. How so? By contacting another people. "

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Chapter Six: "Equestria's Plights, The Perfect Dream"

Chapter Six: "Equestria's Plights, The Perfect Dream"

"Bah ha ha! Make sense? What fun is there in anything making sense? " – Discord, the One and Only Absolutely Fabulous Spirit of Disharmony


It was after Canterlot's noble alicorn sister's rather unpredicted dinner party with foreign representatives, after everything celebration wise had been prepared as best as it could be for Ponyville's princess for the next day, after the sleep over between the Elements of Harmony in the library had ended on the best note it could have, that Twilight Sparkle's exciting anniversary eve could be determined as done. Now there was only long awaited tomorrow – the blessed anniversary itself – which, undoubtedly, was going to be the real deal morale booster for everypony, for every Equestrian, that would be attending!

To everyone's relief, there were no more preparations to be set up, no more invitations to be sent out, no more anxious waiting. All next day, together, Equestria was going to celebrate Twilight's first year of being nobility as well as how very far she had come since, well, being her minor, stubborn, isolated self before freeing Luna from staying Nightmare Moon. Then, when just starting down the path towards greatness, she had been a bit sheltered from the world around her. Now, she was anything but that plus more!

As Rainbow Dash would put it, the Element of Magic and her anniversary had built up into and were going to clearly be nothing but pure, epic, AWESOMENESS, in the future!

Indeed, when Twilight's tired mind drifted from reality into fantasy, when her formerly conflicted conscious began to blissfully experience the "perfect dream" from a certain alicorn of the night, everypony could say that anniversary eve had ended as good as planned. Better than planned, in fact! Happy, excited, hopeful, along with many more positive things warming their hearts, the entire kingdom of ponies fell asleep with anticipation for what was to come. To them, the next day was going to be one of the best in history! During then, even if it was only for tomorrow, it was going to mean so much to be able to greatly support Ponyville's princess as she had supported her homeland all year long previously.

Yet, while the majority of the citizens of Equestria appeared to be done with their own special preparations for tomorrow… that couldn't necessarily be said for unique others.

As it had been explained far beforehand, that certain happy nighttime on anniversary eve was unexplainably taken advantage of by the most unusual pair of individuals along with forces. On that night, fortune discreetly stirred in the cool night's wind that played across the land, especially across content Ponyville.

As most every Equestrian experienced pure joy along with eagerness that they thought would last forever, even in their sleep, a certain draconequus and three eyed raven on an unexplainable mission to Twilight's study room felt otherwise. While they infiltrated Ponyville undetected, got Owlowiscious to let them inside to finish their job, as well as retreated to the Town Hall afterwards, Discord and Flannen were fully aware that Equestria was – no matter what anybody said or felt at the moment – in a state of dire need.

Indeed, despite the approaching next day that would prove to be quite the happiest of parties for everyone in a while, the secretive duo knew that whatever fierce enemies had surfaced during the past year were constantly looking to spread their darkness… and their wicked plans were slowly yet surely getting the better of those that resisted. In this case, every free Equestrian.

If asked directly by the populace, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, any caring leader of the free lands in the known world, would downright deny that they were losing their footholds in the current efforts against evil, that they weren't going to be able to win against it when they'd done so many more times in the past. However, in the back of their nagging minds meanwhile, Equestria's leaders would very well know that they were lying.

They would know their spread thin defenses were breaking everywhere. They would know they needed some sort of reinforcements or support to relieve them from the efforts of simultaneously suppressing the presently teeming changelings in the Badlands, of settling the corrupted dragon civil war in south-eastern "Valhalla" caused by the griffin killing Flangteth the Ice Dragon, and now… now there was also Everfree Forest, with its untold monstrosities, that had been acting up against Sweet Apple Acres, even Ponyville, over the past few months.

As the Spirit of Disharmony would bluntly put it if questioned himself, it seemed as if everything that was bad or that could go wrong was slamming into mighty Equestria altogether and, unfortunately, it was truly proving to be too much for those valiantly trying to fight back. If somepony needed proof of this, one just had to take a closer look at the state the supposed keepers of the peace were currently in.

As the enemies of tranquility all around were getting bolder with each passing day, the remainder of the proud griffin clans were only mere shadows of their former themselves for plain reasons, the formerly allied dragon tribes were too torn between following their honorable or greedy ways to pay attention to anything else, and the pony armies – crystal, solar, lunar, so on – were much too spread out to deal with all the various problems that not only loomed over them but their allies too.

For the good side, there was disorganization everywhere without a trace of help in sight! For the good side, the struggles they faced were proving to be too immense than anything else they'd conquered in the past!

Now, if everyone knew of the truthfulness behind the failing battle efforts, not just their stressed leaders, they would agree that their futures looked grim; that their need for aid from somewhere, anywhere, from anything, be it miracle or no, would be greatly appreciated. Then, they would also realize that they needed it soon or desperation would begin to take root in the hearts of the once strong willed. If things got to be that desperate, nobody had to imagine where things for Equestria would go from there, correct? Just utterly downhill. Just completely, utterly, devastatingly, downhill.

Whatever backbone left supporting the resistance… would be broken then. The light would be won over by the shadows.

Celebrating a princess's anniversary during troubled times wasn't a terrible thing to do, mind. In fact, it was quite the welcome relief of a distraction, a rallying call, from the serious conflicts everyone currently faced. However, as some – like the odd pair looking to get inside her study room – had come to see it, that's what Twilight's anniversary seemed more and more like when given thought. Were the festivities for her just a distraction? Was her party tomorrow no more than a way of ignoring reality, of being enveloped in fantasy? Simply put, was her anniversary such a grand thing… or did it only reinforce the meaning of "ignorance is bliss"?

Those conflicting thoughts, partially, were the Element of Magic's reasons for not falling asleep peacefully earlier. No, even before becoming a princess, she hadn't ever been totally naïve of everything around her. Yes, she knew of the arguments over whether hosting a festival for her was a wise decision or not. To be honest, she couldn't pick a side to join.

Either way, it was plain to see that lowering one's guard at any time nowadays was a fatal mistake to make when, as Flannen along with Discord were aware of, the foes of peace everywhere were more than eager to take advantage of any shown weaknesses. For the past year, Twilight Sparkle had adapted to her noble lifestyle with admirable precision, care, leadership, along with much more while easily earning the adoration of her subjects. However, for the same past year, the formerly bright days had become quite darker and the happiness everyone had come to know seemed continually more at risk of shattering.

Nevertheless, thanks to the two strangely helpful characters sneaking into the library, the problem of the Equestrians being conquered by wickedness was about to be fixed that night. Hopefully, anyway, with it having been planned for thousands of years and all.

For everyone unaware of the blessed ancient powers approaching her, it could be said that the Element of Magic was enjoying Luna's perfect dream during anniversary eve night. Nothing more, nothing less. However, as the Spirit of Disharmony and the three eyed raven could guess while working on their mission outside, the answers to solving everything in trouble in Equestria, the keys needed in turning the tide against the hostile shadows, were actually about to visit her in her deep sleep instead and… start her down the path towards her truest destiny as a pony. As an Equestrian. As a mortal.

Plainly, Twilight was already on a path towards greatness. Nevertheless, as a star was bound to fall from the heavens at dawn at her call, it was clear that she was fated for an even more promising road to tread along.

Thus, while Owlowiscious observed Flannen do his hushed business in the library's study room, while Discord got around to knocking out a spying lunar guard outside, while Luna was enthusiastically granting Ponyville's princess the best of dreams from Canterlot Castle, the unknowable influences of fortune came calling for dearest slumbering Twilight Sparkle through her heavenly reveries.

Obviously, when the moment came, she had to listen to the calling. She had to follow it, to realize she could no longer ignore the troubles brewing all around, to fully understand the fact that she had the strength to make a difference! Already known to a precious few, the few at the library that wished to see her succeed, she would accomplish all of those things during that night along with more.

Ponyville's princess would follow the clearest of destiny's road. She was, had always been since birth, destined to do so. If one still needed a guarantee though, one simply had to look back on her colorful past. During her previous days, there had been plenty of life changing, nearly impossible, victories brought about by her.

Much like when she had suppressed Nightmare Moon to bring back Luna, when she had reformed Discord, when she had ruined Queen Chrysalis's invasion plans and foiled King Sombra's tyrannical return, when she had altered her friend's very identities as well as returned them back to normal with new magic; Twilight had to be the one to face the oncoming shadows! For, if anypony could win over the scheming enemies currently ailing her world, it was definitely her along with her friends!

Yet, when the prophetic answer to stopping darkness intended to present itself to her that night, what would Ponyville's princess see? What would she be told? How would she have any say in the very survival of Equestria when, plainly, there were neither more magics nor allies to bring into the fold of keeping the peace? What troublesome, if not scary, thoughts that needed resolutions, no?

Regardless, as she slept, as she dreamed the rarest of dreams beginning with Luna's gift, the brave Element of Magic eventually came to find out the solutions to her kingdom's ill quandaries… and even, for the first time in a very long while, witnessed things lost to both the majority of Equestrian books and minds too many ages ago.


In the past to the very present, while asleep, it was common knowledge to everypony that one hardly ever recalled what he or she dreamed with Luna before awaking for another new day with Celestia. The only few instances, the rare coincidences, where anypony was or is ever able to even slightly remember what they saw during their sleep was if they happened to see a better than average dream or… the most terrifying nightmare. Fortunately, never did the caring princess of the nighttime welcome such monstrous visions that made her subjects run, hide, as well as shake with fear during their sleep. Instead, as her heart had always told her to do since centuries past, she was quick in helping the victims chase those horrors off and happy in helping her kingdom experience mainly pleasant dreams instead.

Of course, although being the creator of the genius dream realm, Luna was not at all responsible for the frightful images of nightmares in the first place. Rather, if she had a say in the matter, nothing of the sort would remotely exist. Regrettably, though, she had no say.

As it went with dreams, everypony's various attitudes before going to bed set the styles of the visions that they would be having while sleeping. Nevertheless, seeing as Luna had always been able to effortlessly reshape the dream world to fit anypony's liking, that fact was of no real importance and, considering how it was mostly innocent fillies that were assaulted with the recently discussed nightmares, she did a lot of reshaping.

And why wouldn't she have?

After having been absent for a millennium, after having even tried to be a tyrant by wielding dark magic, Luna couldn't even imagine standing idly by anymore and doing nothing to help her subjects during their times of need. As it was her perfect older sister's job to comfort the kingdom during the daytime, it was her sworn duty to ease the suffering of the young as well as old back into proper slumber during the night. After all, no Equestrian could fully function without their beauty sleep, their reenergizing. Especially with what was coming tomorrow.

As it had been her longtime charge to watch over Equestria while the moon was in the heavens among the stars, it was also Luna's will to see that her friends, one and all, got the most restful sleep possible to stay as active as needed whenever the sun shined. How she had continuously managed to accomplish such a massive task since day one was through her cunning making of the dream realm, of giving her subjects the best rejuvenating dreams she could to help them slumber there.
Through that, through her efforts, the grateful citizenry gained the inspired strength to farm, to barter, to travel, to fish, to fly, to fight, to live, to keep Equestria prosperously alive during the next day as well as days to come.

That was how harmony worked. That was how harmony was affective. That was why the keeper of the moon was needed, why she was adored when she didn't think she was.

Indeed, since being freed from her evil state of Nightmare Moon and as it had been said earlier, Princess Luna had come to better appreciate as well as become spectacularly skilled at her royal – although still isolated – role, understanding all the while that her brief period of rule refreshed her subjects with the vigor they needed to effectively get through Celestia's own. Sleep kept the provinces "fit and prosperous", put better.

It had taken her some time to come to accept it but Luna's influence over the kingdom, her helping her subjects find the will to work on through the next daytime through sleep, had actually mattered more than she'd cared to guess in the past. Well, naturally, she'd always known it to be true. It was just during her former dark days that… that she'd been a bit too rebellious, lonely, foolish, to accept the facts. When so isolated from those she wanted to love most back then, when so separated from everything, could one truly blame her for turning? For trying to change things even the littlest bit? Yet – silly alicorn of the night – hadn't that been the kind of thinking that had engulfed her, made her resort to the darkest of sorcery, in the first place?

Truly, she had had no excuse then to think or do what she did. She had no excuse to partake in such now. Especially now.

Nightmare Moon was in the past. Princess Luna was in control now. What had happened in the past didn't matter anymore, not when the future required so much more critical attention. The matter of what was and what is didn't require further headache or pondering when the right road to take towards redemption was finally clear.

If with her on the throne room balcony, that's what Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, Cadance, Shining Armor, anypony for that matter, would have undeniably told the thoughtful keeper of the moon. For that, for knowing full well she was loved more than she could scarcely imagine, she was indescribably grateful towards everypony, towards everyone. Especially towards Twilight who was the majority of the reason she could presently feel happiness rather than only an endless hatred like for the past millennium while banished.

At the thought of Ponyville's princess, even though straining in moving the moon along with keeping everypony's dreams likeable, Luna still looked to bestow her perfect gift unto the Element of Magic amid her multitasking. The only trouble yet with presenting it was thinking up the appropriate materials or memories to craft it perfectly together with. Why go through that fuss though? Well, seeing as this certain dream for Twilight was going to be the best of the best – one that she was going to remember for years to come – it required accuracy, care, along with perceptiveness.

Yet, where to start? Having not been around with her for as long as certain others, it took Princess Luna an hour or two into the darkening evening to finally remember the greatest possible moment for Ponyville's princess to begin with reliving, with remembering, with dreaming.

For the millionth umpteenth time, tomorrow was ready to celebrate Twilight Sparkle's first year of being alicorn nobility. During the months beforehand, however, everypony had experienced a build-up of the best of emotions while preparing for the occasion. Now, tonight as well as during the daytime earlier, those grand emotions shared by everyone were near to bursting! Either way, if given a little thought, this wasn't the first time Equestria had gotten so frivolous for the Element of Magic. No, there had been another time, so very close to a year ago at this point, where the ponies with their allies had happily rejoiced with Twilight… and that had been when she'd been announced as the newest Equestrian princess!

That was it! That was to be the perfect dream for Twilight for the night! The day she'd made new magic! The day she'd earned her royal title! The day, if one wanted to be literal about it, she'd earned her wings!

Satisfied at last with her choice on how to start Ponyville's princess's perfect dream, her perfect sleep until the next day arrived, Princess Luna went to work in rewinding time for slumbering Twilight, in reminding her of happier times, in bringing her back to the moment why an anniversary festival was about to be held in her honor in the first place!

So, while she slowly caved into welcoming sleep to the south in Ponyville – while Applejack dreamt of working hard alongside an unintelligible special somestallion at her family's farm, while Fluttershy dreamt of only humble Big Macintosh, while Rainbow Dash dreamt of being epic with Soarin in the skies, while Pinkie dreamt of… Pinkie Pie things and Owlowiscious was being scared witless elsewhere – Twilight Sparkle soon found herself not in the quiet library's shadowed living room under a blanket anymore.

No, with the next blink of her eyes, she was surprisingly in a dazzling carriage being pulled amongst her cheering friends, loved ones, along with hundreds of subjects, while dressed in the most regal of dresses she could imagine! As if that pleasant shock wasn't grand enough for the lavender alicorn though, everywhere around her, everything transpiring, everyone applauding, seemed to radiate with the same magnificent sheen of unimaginable glamor also!

What was most beautiful of all upon the scene, quickly drawing the attention of every citizen Twilight passed, was the prized crown of golden make upon her attractive head. There, in her majestic circlet's middle was where the true proof of her gloriousness rested. There, sharply reflecting the sun's light, the amethyst, star shaped gem that represented her arcane Element of Magic humbly rested for every pony, griffin, minotaur, dragon, so on, to witness, to adore, to applaud for!

While the confetti cascaded onto her from above in torrents, while the trumpets respectfully sounded out for her from the guard stallions on either side of the cleared path she was being led through, while the crowds roared with encouraging sound to lift her spirits, Twilight couldn't resist feeling completely overwhelmed by what she'd suddenly been placed into. Despite the giddiness speedily gripping her heart, her senses, she couldn't help but begin reluctantly questioning herself on things. Such as, where was she? In Canterlot? In its streets? If so, then what was going on? Perhaps her anniversary was in progress? Then, wait, had it really come this fast without her realizing or had she unintentionally fainted through half of it?

As the scene continued, this entire event in question naturally felt familiar to sentient Ponyville's princess. It was like she'd already been there before... right? If she could put it into sensible words, everything going on around her seemed to be an old memory and she was simply revisiting it. Did that make sense or no?

Indeed, being so very smart, it was obvious that Twilight had guessed the theory of her situation correctly. Not really able to grasp onto it however, that she was in the middle of experiencing the perfect dream in fact, she couldn't quite tell fantasy from reality. As crafting Luna wanted from her, the Element of Magic just had to, you know, release her grips on real life so that she could more easily go with the flow of things and not resist the obvious fun of the moment. Confound it, she couldn't keep being such an intellectual egghead when the dream demanded she be the princess she was! She needed to relax, to join the amusement!

So, whether Twilight was asleep or not, whether what was happening around her could really be considered real, she didn't give the matter much mind because she couldn't! Not while distracted by the practically realistic excitement, energy, along with happiness in the air!

Clearly, when Princess Luna said that she was going to make the perfect dream for one of her best of friends, she did a fabulous job in keeping her word. She was also a fast worker too. Within the entertaining hour, she was suitably finished with creating Twilight's perfect gift and, therefore, allowed Ponyville's princess to privately enjoy it to her heart's content.

As she would be busy making last minute checks over Canterlot Castle, the keeper of the moon would be back every hour or two until dawn to properly check that everything was still going according to plan, of course. Apart for that, there was nothing really to worry about… or so thought by everyone.

Meanwhile, as her guarded stagecoach was being graciously escorted through Canterlot's cheering streets, going along with the moment as best as she could to not act awkwardly before the throngs of adoring citizens around her, extravagant Twilight Sparkle shyly waved this way as well as that to her crowding fellows. In reply, the ponies along with more in attendance cheered louder than ever at her show of respect towards them!

With each passing minute, it eventually became easier for the princess of interest to wave, to smile, to thank those loyally supporting her, to believe that what she was feeling was real enough. Real enough until tomorrow when she'd awaken, anyhow. Then, gradually, a familiar song began to ring through the capitol between everyone rejoicing. To Twilight's shown delight, she recognized the melody at once and stupendously joined her enchanting voice with the many already singing for her continued splendor.

"Life in Equestria shimmers! Life in Equestria shines! And we all know for absolute certain, that everything – yes, everything – yes, everything is splendidly FINE! IT'S FINE!"

From then onward, as if with the stomp of somepony's hoof, the most enjoyable dream seemed to fast forward! In truth, it did no such thing but whenever did the happiest of days or moments ever feel like they passed by slowly? Even when in dreams? The answer to that would be never.

Before Twilight realized it, with the tremendous singing done, her wagon ride, her meeting with the many citizens, her taking part in the festival in the streets with everyone, her watching Rainbow Dash execute a Rainboom in her honor while followed up by a performance by the Wonderbolts, everything all during her first day as an alicorn, appeared to accelerate! Morning, noon, along with evening, flew rapidly past without notice! The next thing she knew, with the time of the sun fading and the moon nearing, the Element of Magic had actually been shepherded back to the castle.

Inside there, walking alone through the quaint palace hallways, she, somewhat forlornly in her heart, observed through every other window the departing masses that were her loyal supporters.

The long awaited partying for Equestria's newest princess, the gossiping between friends, the laughter over the smallest along with largest things, was over. Soon enough, sadly, the capitol's once bustling streets would be barren and all that had previously been in an animated uproar would be silent. As it always went with parties ending, all former positivity seemed to be being steadily drained away to be replaced with negativity, with gloom, with disappointment.

Yet, fortunately, the fun wasn't completely over. Not for Twilight, anyway. In fact, her very reason for having been brought back to the castle, why she trotted towards the royal gardens before bedtime, was that she was to be treated to one last private party with her closest friends along with family!

The celebration with the citizens of Equestria may have been over. However, amongst the greenery's statues, amid the flowerbeds, the Elements of Harmony, her honorable brother as well as her lovable former foal-sitter, her parents her teacher, plus more, would be awaiting Twilight and, even though having spent the entirety of the sun's hours with them already… the Element of Magic just couldn't get enough of her loved ones! As a matter of fact, during the clearly best day of her existence, she didn't know what she would've done without them all! It had only proven to her that she would forever need them close, that she needed them to know as much as she did about how much they meant and always would mean to her!

Without her loved ones, Twilight becoming royalty, the revival of the Elements, along with plenty more, couldn't have been possible in the slightest!

Now glowing on the inside as well as the outside, humming "Everything is Splendidly Fine" to herself as she passed the vigilant guards on duty every so often, Twilight was fast trotting to get to the gardens, to her loved ones. Now that she knew she was going to be able to be her egghead self with her best friends rather than wear a mask as a monarch, she wanted the partying to go on for as long as possible. Still, it turned out that she wasn't finished with her noble formalities quite yet. No, she needed to rapidly collect them back up actually when, as she passed a certain balcony to her right, a voice from outside called out her name.

"Ah ha! Hold, Element of Magic! Hold!"

Unable to keep going forward then, not wanting to be rude, the lavender alicorn couldn't help but turn back around to find out whom had wanted her attention. At seeing who it exactly was, Twilight felt instantly better at having not kept trotting away. Truth be told, all manner of other thought left her mind while she focused on not appearing to be too gawky in the eyes of the most powerful of griffin princes/ brothers, "Rafael and Gild Goldfeather of Zeklathine", as they epically landed before her.

There, as they folded their mighty wings in turn upon touching firm ground, the dying sunlight made their robust physiques thickly covered in feathers adopt the most regal of golden shades! During that brief period, looking so radiant meanwhile, the princes truly did live up to their family name of Goldfeather. With their white heads, brown bodies, yellow eyes, sharpened talons, lazily waving lion tails, so on, they were quite the breath taking spectacles to be beheld.

In the least, as they shined in Celestia's sun's rays, they certainly took shaken Twilight's breath away. That was for sure.

Knowing full well that she was in the presence of the respectable sovereigns who held the most influence amongst the many griffin clans residing on the historical isles that had controlled the eastern seas for centuries, the Element of Magic immediately bowed to the newly arrived griffins in utter respect. Of course, considering the events of the day that had just passed by, considering the events that had made her royalty to begin with, she was very well their equal. Without being told to do so, there was no real need for her to have knelt to them or anything in the first place.

Still, Twilight's old habits as being a student were bound to die hard in the future and, since they hadn't met directly too many times beforehand due to Celestia being the usual one in charge of politics, she didn't want to create any conflicts with Zeklathine's rulers so early into her career as nobility.

Seeing the respectful gesture of kneeling as it was meant to be, not wanting things between them to begin this formally but friendly though, handsome Rafael – being the oldest of the brothers, he expectedly spoke for his kind – stated somewhat abashed, "Your highness, dearest Twilight Sparkle… You should not be bowing to anyone on what is plainly the proudest of your days. No, stand up tall, my friend."

As told, Twilight timidly stood as proudly as she could while the respectful Zeklathinian princes assumed kneeling positions towards her instead. It was during the short time that they knelt to her, during the period that their muscled bodies visibly tensed beneath their sunlit brown-white plumage and their marvelous wings seemed to make her own appear petite in comparison, that the lavender alicorn felt her cheeks burn a bit.

How very easily they could carry her off at the moment, make her a princess of Zeklathine rather than Equestria. Sure, they were a bit older than she but love had a way of – wait, who, what was going on? Where had this thinking come from? Was she going mad? No, already, she'd developed a "crush" on the two brothers! Wow! Fast worker!

It seemed earning the respect of the populace was inspiring, being honored by the royal guards whenever passing them in the palace was refreshing too, yet, being praised by such fine examples for princes… had only made Ponyville's princess realize she had become a target for such chivalrous behavior from more than proper suitors! Ooh, she hadn't thought of being courted by royalty until now! How green with envy Rarity was going to be!

Well… maybe, just maybe, Twilight would point a noble in the fashionista's direction every so often. It couldn't hurt, could it? Wait, yes it could. Silly, there was hopeful Spike's feelings to consider.

Pondering Twilight had to abruptly shake herself out of her mad thoughts when bowing Rafael announced gallantly next, "Today, Twilight Sparkle, you bow to no Equestrian. On this day, all of Equestria bows to you, to your friends, to your truly heroic feats, in fact." He then half turned to his younger but equally fetching brother to ask of him, "Is that not right, little brother?"

"I could not have said it better myself, older brother." Gild boldly replied, a smile coming across his narrow expression, "You, as always, are righter than the rain that the sea blesses us with." With that exchange settled, the brothers rose back up.

Fortunately, for the certain awkward alicorn in their company, they couldn't read her romantic mind nor did they take notice of the small hint of the blush showing in her face caused by her sudden crush on them. Rather, they bluntly went about discussing political futures with Twilight.

Before the chatting began, though, Gild gracefully asked of his kin, "Rafael, now that we've caught Celestia's student before her disappearing altogether tonight, shall I go fetch Dragon Elder Garm? If I recall correctly, that old, blind drake was most eager to have a private opportunity with her like we have now."

Hold on a moment… The head of the wise dragon representatives of Valhalla – one of the oldest dragons alive today, older than Celestia, mind – had attended Twilight's celebration unannounced? Not only that but he was looking for her? How had she missed someone that important throughout the day? Someone literally that big who could still scale the largest mountain in several hours, who had four wings, who's roar shook earth, sky, along with sea? Why, if she had known Dragon Elder Garm had wanted a word with her, she would have been out on the streets on the lookout for him instead!

What an honor it was that he wanted a brief conversation with her! Not that it wasn't an honor that she was being addressed by the griffin princes of Zeklathine, of course, but they had to comprehend that to be approached by such a reputable dragon elder was a completely different thing! It was rarer than rare for anypony! Well, naturally, not for Celestia as well as Luna who were acceptations with everything, heh.

Meanwhile, unable to put in her astonished word due to her trying to control her increased heartbeat, Twilight overheard Rafael say, "An excellent proposition, Gild! Yes, wouldn't it be like that old fossil to not forgive us if he somehow found out we had one last audience with little Sparkle here and we didn't even invite him to join us?"

At this, the older of the brothers politely inquired, "Still, what do you say of this, Element of Magic? Do you wish for us to fetch the dragon elder for you or… perhaps we alone are exhausting you? We did drop in rather unannounced, didn't we? With the busy day you've had already, are we wearing out the last of your patience? We can leave, if so."

"Oh, what?" Twilight puffed out, trying to grin through her undeniably building excitement at the royal visitors lining up to meet her. Even for her attempted self-control, she couldn't help but babble out through her nerves next, "Oh, um, uh, ugh, blah, no, no, no! There's not a problem at all here! I may be weary but not enough to be unable to speak with you fine griffins as well as respected Dragon Elder Garm! Trust me, ha ha, you'd know if I wasn't capable otherwise."

When Twilight had finished rambling, even after her squee of a smile, there was an uncertain quiet shared between the trio on the balcony. At least until Gild wondered politely, "Then... that's a yes, correct? You're fine with it?"

"Yes!" The Element of Magic nearly shouted. Next, she adjusted her embarrassed self to try to say correctly this time, "Ahem, yes, if you'd be so kind as to bring the blind fossil – er, I mean, dragon elder! – here so we may all talk, I'd be more than grateful to you both."

"Ah, you are as considerate as they come, Twilight Sparkle." Rafael appraised, trying to get back into the flow of the things happening, "Either that or, as a wise leader anywhere knows, it is only courteous to include all of his allies in a meeting. It reduces the awkwardness that comes with future political dinners, you see."

After exchanging a simple laugh with his younger brother at his sly comment on the difficulties of politics, Rafael stopped to see that the innocent lavender alicorn hadn't remotely caught onto his humor.

Nodding for Gild to take flight with haste next, the older griffin prince admitted coolly, "Ignore this griffin's weak attempts at making jokes, Element of Magic. I must admit, my kind must look too serious to attempt a bit of humor, no?"

"Oh no, don't think that! Your kind are more than able to make others laugh!" Twilight put in respectfully, thinking she may have done something wrong in not laughing along with the moment, "I just, um… I'm more than certain that, when I'm given more time to be royalty, I'll understand the meaning in your jokes in the future, right?"

"That is… the best way to put it, yes. For now, anyhow. If we are willing to admit it here between just the two of us, with the utmost respect of course, you have just started being a princess, after all. There's plenty for you to learn. Thus, your not knowing politics yet is understandable. In the least, with time, I'm certain you'll come to better grasp my crude use of political humor better in the future. You might very well get around to using it like myself, like Celestia, like all us weary leaders do, in fact! Ha ha ha!"

As Rafael chortled at his own words, not noticing Twilight shyly go along with the moment to not appear to be as clueless as she was, he next wondered, "I must ask again, your highness… My brother and I, we are not intruding on your privacy, correct?"

As Ponyville's princess tried to interject she was fine next, she found she was unintentionally repeatedly cut off, "You do not need to wear yourself out further than you have today by talking with us! You very well know that we can postpone this exchange for another better time where you're not so-"

"Ha ha, Rafael, your majesty, there's no need for the apologies or worrying! You have nothing to fear around me. Truly, I'm not bothered by your presence in the slightest." Twilight finally managed to put in through her fellow's worrying.

As relief took over the conversation next, she realized she was actually handling what was her first private conversation with a foreign monarch with not only grace but more ease than she'd forethought.

Well, how could she not when whom she was speaking with showed clear friendliness as well as respectful concern which she brought up next, "Before you two arrived, I was actually on my way to the gardens for a little last get together with friends."

When Rafael showed tension at this, Twilight reassured easily, "Nevertheless, that can clearly wait a few more moments, can't it? Everypony will more than understand my reasons for arriving late when I explain that you and your brother were willing to meet with me personally as well as be such good company beforehand. However, if we're going to talk, there is one thing I must ask of you."

"Heh, excellent. Very well then. Ask whatever you must of me, your majesty."

At this, Twilight happily requested of her generous fellow with a tentative smile, "May we drop the airs? Honestly, if I'm tired of anything from this day, it's the formalities. We can address each other by name, not title, right? We can just be ourselves, correct?"

"If that is what milady mare wishes of this griffin," Rafael responded chivalrously with a stirring of his powerful wings as well as a swish of his lion's tail next, "then that is what shall be done. If not by title though, how shall I address you then, your grace?"

"Just Twilight will do." Ponyville's princess responded with a smile, "Seriously, don't fret over being formal with me. In Ponyville, everywhere really, I know I'm going to have to repeat this a hundred million times with everypony. Obviously, some aren't going to listen to me, some will. Ugh, how very complicated that's going to be. Come to think of it though, that complication means I'm already understanding the burdens of being nobility, aren't I? Ha ha ha!"

Sharing a bit of mirth with the oldest of Zeklathine's princes at realizing a lot of changes were coming her way by having become royalty, the Element of Magic added, "Wait, is it I'm just beginning to understand the burdens of being nobility or am I comprehending a bit of your recently used political humor too, Rafael?"

"Your highness – I mean, Twilight – it could very well be that you're grasping both." Rafael explained, shaking his narrow head with amusement, "When you grow as used to being royalty as I have since being born, you begin to lose track of most of the small things… You, heh, just go with the flow of noble life while giving the biggest stuff your utmost attention."

As he eased himself into being casual with Twilight as requested, the griffin prince sagely added, "And, when I say biggest stuff, I mean paying attention to the opinions of the common folk, economic stability, keeping good relationships with allies, and maintaining the defense of the kingdoms that make up Equestria. In the regard of defense though, for the past few years, I must say that that hasn't been much of an issue."

Rafael nodded to Twilight when he admitted next, "Not when yourself and your friends have been stealing away all of the fun, anyhow."

"What? Is that how you see it? Fun? You think that what my friends and I have done to keep the peace for Equestria has been – oh, wait, you're joking with me?" There was plenty of laughter at this, at Twilight's innocence, "Ha ha, rude much? How dare you take advantage of the newest princess! What nerve you have in rubbing away at her dignity! You know what? Be off with you! It turns out that you're wearing me down, after all!"

It was as Rafael was taking her commands to depart seriously that the lavender alicorn corrected herself hastily, "No, no, stay, Rafael! I'm just having some fun with you, ha ha! Loosen up!" While the griffin prince relaxed at her say so, she chuckled, "Well, heh, I'm glad you were kidding with me because wielding the Elements of Harmony, being them, has been… anything but easy! It's been hard! Harder than hard! As a leader that has to constantly keep several other clans loyal to yours, I'm sure you understand what I mean, right?"

"Oh, yes, little Sparkle." Rafael coolly responded, knowing full well her meaning when being the ruler of the strongest of the six clans that made up eastern Zeklathine as well as keeping them together, "I understand your point better than you know."

Much like when she'd been absolutely enjoying herself during the festivities in the capitol's streets, Twilight Sparkle of Equestria came to find that the prolonged moments of conversation she shared with Rafael Goldfeather of Zeklathine elapsed by too quickly. Somepony, blast them, had stomped their hoof again to make time fast forward!

At Ponyville's princess's suggestion that they drop the nobilities and just be themselves with the privacy of the instant, after having gotten over their worries at the start, the two leaders of differing lands totally relished one another's company. Truth be told, despite being different looking, they had no real differences to speak of.

While their minutes on the balcony whizzed by, Twilight and Rafael openly discussed how the festival beforehand had been superb, of how the Crystal Empire was faring since its liberation, of how their own lands were experiencing their most prosperous of ages, of how the Elements of Harmony had done and were going to keep doing such good things for Equestria, along with more.

While the talking went on, the lavender alicorn and eldest griffin prince bonded better than they had hoped when just starting with their introductions. With relief, it was as if – even though having not been together at all until then on the balcony – the pair of them had been childhood friends since being born. As a matter of fact, the more she came to know him, the more Twilight understood why Cloudsdale shared such a close alliance with Zeklathine, why the cool pegasi had been friends with the bold griffins for millenniums on end.

Also, as she came to know him, Twilight would have even minded less if Rafael – after revealing to her his respectable love for his people, his clear loyalty to his allies, his perfect personality plus physique – literally kidnapped her at the moment and whisked her off to the isles to be his bride.

Yet, silly alicorn, she had to quit being as immature as Rarity when the moment required her to be more serious. She was speaking with a respectable prince of Zeklathine, not some barbarian! They had just met so shame on her for thinking of rushing things faster than needed! Shame on her for letting her crush get the better of her thinking! Besides, if their first actual interaction at the moment was progressing so fluently, so perfectly, perhaps… something would bloom between them in the future?

Indeed, before his coming to her, it was and had been obvious in the past to Twilight that Rafael wasn't just any average noble. Unlike the infamously known Gilda in Ponyville, he didn't remotely think of taking advantage of friends, fellows, minors, anyone. No, he was unquestionably a champion, a hero, the appropriate role model to have as a prince. He and his brother also, were as good as any other Goldfeather that had come before them. That would come after them

With that in mind, in the political games, Rafael wasn't just a piece of meat for some mistress or other noble to marry to gain a higher position with more power either. Not that Twilight sought that at all from him, mind! No, like he expected of the rest of his kind while being their role model, Rafael had shown Twilight – just with a few words – that he was a griffin with endurance, power, and skill that was balanced with heart, loyalty, and genius. He was pure gold, leadership material!

Therefore, if he ever married, it would be to another that would always clearly understand, remember, those values about him. As for that, hopefully, someday, even if it wasn't the alicorn with him, Rafael would find that special individual: his special some-griffon. For having stopped by, for having been so open with her, for having shown his best qualities to her, Twilight knew he deserved and would always deserve that kind of happiness.

However, out of nowhere, Twilight's gut rolled when she suddenly got the dark feeling that Zeklathine's oldest prince wasn't going to be able to find his true love. That he wasn't going to be able to be the role model for his race that he dearly wanted to be. For some reason, the Element of Magic thought, even if it was his choice… that he wasn't going to get very far with ruling over Zeklathine. Yet, why? Why was she thinking or feeling that way?

Trying not to show this abrupt negativity, keeping a smile on her expression during the exchange one way or the other, Twilight couldn't help but wonder why sudden thoughts of uncertainty had ambushed her. Where had they come from?

The answer to that was simple, really.

Discord, on the town hall roof later at dawn, would go on to accurately explain Twilight's reasons for fearing for Rafael's future. Due to a certain ill event a month after her festival of having become a princess, due to a certain malicious ice dragon, Zeklathine was unknowingly fated to be lost… and there would be no more Rafael afterwards. There would only be bitter Gild, the only remaining heir, to recklessly continue leading his dying race's survival for revenge against merciless Flangteth.

Thanks to Luna, Ponyville's princess was supposedly experiencing happiness from a year ago. Twilight was witnessing happier times lost in her past; things that had been previously, not were currently. In truth, being so intelligent with everything, she was occasionally briefly half in half between her own reality and Luna's fantasy. She was, without knowing, trying to tell real and unreal things apart.

As known, Luna's dream world was very different than the real one. For better or worse, that couldn't really be decided. Yet, it was funny how that confliction continued to dog Twilight. Regardless, she, somewhere inside her heart, naturally felt like what was happening on the balcony with Rafael had already happened or that things were much too happy to actually be true.

At any moment, with such thinking, anypony would have woken up in bed to be proven unfortunately right. Nevertheless, Luna made sure the perfect dream continued like she intended it to and, gradually, the forbidding emotions in Twilight's stomach, her subtle worries over Rafael's approaching end, were made to fade away.

Happily, even if unwittingly so, the Element of Magic went on with the dream. In turn, she purposefully turned the conversation onto a rather delicate topic while the day's last light was blinking out.

Knowing her curious intentions were wrong to follow but feeling like they had grown close enough to at least dance around them though, Twilight bravely said to Rafael, "Now, I know that you're poking fun at me for just becoming royalty but wasn't I already? I mean, come on, I don't like to brag but I was taken under the wing of Celestia to be her student when I was only a filly, I helped revive the Elements of Harmony, my brother ended up marrying my teacher's younger niece, and I helped save the long lost Crystal Empire."

At this, Twilight nervously added in, "From what I've heard about you before now, Rafael, your rise to becoming king of the east shortly isn't much different than me becoming a princess now. Like me, since you were little, you've been surrounded with politics, royalty, promise, while growing up. Now, seeing as how your father has been, uh, um, well-"


At his rather blunt finish for her, at opening the door to include her in on a rather personal family matter between griffins as she'd hoped, Rafael gave uncertain Twilight the most comforting of his smiles.

It seemed he was willing to discuss his people's, his family's very own, recent humiliation with the Element of Magic: the unexpected banishment of the latest king, of his dad, "Ra Goldfeather", which had transpired only some months before her being announced... as royalty.


End of "Equestria's Plights, The Perfect Dream"…

Author's Note:

Author's Note: Well, um... awkward? So, the former king of mighty Zeklathine, the father of Rafael and Gil Goldfeather, was banished? How can that be? Why did that happen? I suppose I left you all off at a sudden cliffhanger but don't worry. Chapter Seven is nearly complete. You'll be able to continue reading on soon enough. As for my griffin characters themselves, I hope they seem good enough. Especially Rafael. Ever since I saw the episode "Griffon the Brush Off" and witnessed one of my favorite mythical creatures be a complete... jerk about everything - whether intentionally or not - I just couldn't resist in writing to make the griffins have a far more respectable side. Well, at least before a certain ice dragon raided them, anyhow. Either way, thank you for reading and, remember, reviews are more than just words. They're inspirational. They're more than appreciated.