• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 905 Views, 116 Comments

Stranded - Xx-Sniper_Masters-xX

3 Friends agree to stay in a haunted mansion for 5 days. Little do they know it will be the scariest 5 days of their lives.

  • ...



*Twilight's Video Diary*

"Ok so I might've overreacted last night but I'm telling you right now! I really did see a little filly in that room with me! And to think I would get a break from all my work..." *Facehoof*

*Rainbow Dash's Video Diary*

"First time I've seen Twilight break down like that. But I have a feeling this isn't going to be the only time one of us freaks out." *Looks out the window* "What the -

*Applejack's Video Diary*

"Meh. I didn't see anything that was scary last night. ....Okay fine. Well after what Twilight said about the little filly I'm still making sure I don't lose my mind." *Applejack twiddles with her hooves*

*yawn* "What the... Where is everyone?" Rainbow sniffed the air before realizing they were in the kitchen

"Alright! Smells like Applejack is cooking!" And Rainbow dashed down the stairs tripping at the last step

"Whoa! Oof!" Luckily the Kitchen was near the stairs so Twilight saw Rainbow fall down the stairs.

"Thanks Twilight." Rainbow checked the table. Food was already there.

"You need to watch your step Rainbow. Your lucky you didn't crack your neck there." Rainbow just made a face at her in response

"Turns out there's no apples in the refrigerator so I decided to make pancakes." Applejack looks back at the pan to make sure the pancakes don't burn.

"Sounds fine to me!" Rainbow said as she sat down to enjoy



"Turns out there's no apples in the refrigerator so i decided to make pancakes."

"I'm going to kill you all."

"Sounds fine to me!"

*Back in Reality*

"Wow. I think the pancakes you made topped Pinkies's Pancakes." Rainbow looked out the window to look at the scenery

"But of course! I needed the perfect temperature for each pan-" Was all Applejack said before Rainbow bolted out the front doors

"Hey you! Who are you and what are you doing here?!" Applejack and Twilight just watched through the window as Rainbow was talking to nothing

"I think she's lost it." Applejack just looked at Twilight

"Seriously? In the first 2 days? I don't think so." They both look out the window and Rainbow isn't there anymore

"You got to be kidding me..." Applejack then motioned Twilight to follow her

They checked everywhere in the front yard. No sign of her.

"I bet she's around back." So Twilight and Applejack went around back. Sure enough they found Rainbow still talking to nothing.

"Come on! You aren't scared are you? Come at me! Give me your best shot!" It seemed like Rainbow was fighting something but when Applejack and Twilight went over to get a better look they still saw nothing.

"*bleep*. Why did you do that? I was so close to having the fight of my life!" Rainbow had turned around with an annoyed look on her face

"What are you talking about?" Whatever Rainbow saw, it was probably bigger than her.

"I was going to go up against this stallion about twice the height as me. 3 times the length." All Rainbow got in return was weird looks

"Uh... There was no stallion in front of you. If there was, then we would've seen it too." Rainbow then realized she was talking to a ghost.

Rainbow was going to swear again but Applejack's glare prevented that. Suddenly a piano was heard from inside the house.

"Where is that coming from?" They looked at each other and looked at the Master bedroom. The window was open.

"Is someone in the house?" Applejack looked at Twilight and said

"No." All three kept listening to the piano. It sounded sad. Suddenly the music stopped and the window slammed shut.

"I think we made the owner mad." Twilight looked at her friends who agreed with her opinion

The sun was starting to set on the horizon. The three friends decided to go inside. Even if they made the past owner mad.

"So when do you expect the activity to start?" Rainbow looked around the house while still waiting for an answer

"Uh... I think right now." When Applejack and Rainbow turned around to see what Twilight was talking about they saw a knife laying on the floor.

"It's that suicide stuff the book was talking about..." Applejack looked around but saw nothing but the knife

"Or murder." Twilight said while looking at the knife

"Wait a second! This is the knife I used to cut the pancakes!" Twilight started to laugh at her own mistake. Leaving an annoyed Applejack and Rainbow Dash staring at her.

"Geez don't do that again Twi." Rainbow was still annoyed at Twilight for that mistake

"Sorry. How about we investigate the pool?" This question was greeted with a yes so all 3 friends went to the pool to investigate the pool creature incidents.

"You know you can put that knife down Twilight." Applejack was starting to get nervous with Twilight levitating the knife to her head.

"Oops! My bad!" So Twilight levitated the knife down onto a nearby table. The knife was facing towards the wall

As the trio walked into the Pool Room they all got a sudden chill up their spines.

"I feel like something is watching us..." Twilight kept moving through the room until she slipped and fell into the water.

"Twilight!" Rainbow hovered over the water and looked at the water. Twilight then came out of the water.

"T-t-t-t-t-this water is c-c-c-c-cold!" Applejack and Rainbow Dash just laughed at this remark and pulled her out of the water.

"So the pool is not haunted I guess?" Twilight gave a no in response

"The reason why ponies felt their back legs scratched is because the ice cold water sort off burns the legs making it fell like their legs are being scratched." But Applejack then made a confused face

"But what about their legs being pulled?" Twilight then motioned Rainbow to put her hoof in the water.

"WHOA!" *Splash* Rainbow comes to the top of the water moments later

"Stupid drain pulled me down." Rainbow then got out of the water and motioned the other 2 to go to bed

As the trio walked down the hallway they saw the knife Twilight had put down. It was now facing them.

"Um... Twilight? Did you move the knife?" Twilight gave a no in response. Then the knife was flung at them. The knife had hit the door to the pool narrowly missing Applejack.

"RUN!" all three ponies ran upstairs, inside the room and locked the door.

"That was some crazy *bleep*." For once Applejack didn't give Rainbow the look for saying that

*Loud Pounding on the door*

"GO AWAY!" Twilight hid under the covers along with Rainbow and Applejack. Soon after everything stopped.

"Barricade the door, windows, anything! DON'T LET THAT THING GET IN HERE!" So they Covered the windows, Barricaded the door, and hoped that the thing wouldn't come inside.

"Let's... Go... To..... Sleep." And so Rainbow, Twilight, and Applejack fell asleep unaware that the thing was already inside the room.

*All the Cameras turn into static.*


Author's Note:

Chapter 3 will be here soon. Date? Depends on how much people want it.