• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 905 Views, 116 Comments

Stranded - Xx-Sniper_Masters-xX

3 Friends agree to stay in a haunted mansion for 5 days. Little do they know it will be the scariest 5 days of their lives.

  • ...


Not Scary Enough? Watch this Sneak Peek of paranormal witness to get scared again!


4:00 A.M.

*Each pony went outside the room in different spots to do their video diaries*

*Twilight's Video Diary*

"Okay from what I just saw yesterday I do NOT want to be in this house. I mean why would anyone live in a house where knifes are thrown at you? This has got to be the most scariest thing I have ever gotten into..."

*Rainbow Dash's Video Diary*

"I have to admit Celestia was right about the activity grows with each day... This is just way too creepy."

*Applejack's Video Diary*

"You know after that incident last night. I don't think I will live before I get out of here in 2 more days... I just want to go home... *Applejack is attacked* Agh! Help!"

*30 minutes later*

"Rainbow. Rainbow! Wake up!" Twilight was shaking Rainbow frantically back and forth

"STOP SHAKING ME." Rainbow pulled Twilight's hoofs off her and asked her what happened.

"Applejack is missing..." Rainbow immediately woke up and went outside the room no sign of Applejack

"When did this happen?" Twilight then gave Rainbow the Video Diary that was Applejack's

"Son of a *bleep*. Something's got Applejack!." Rainbow bolted out of the bedroom and went looking for Applejack.

"APPLEJACK! WHERE ARE YOU?!" No matter how hard Rainbow searched Applejack was nowhere to be found.


5:00 AM

"Okay we are in the basement...looking for the creature that took Applejack." Rainbow swung the camera all over basement but saw nothing.

"Wow. Even the Basement is big and complicated. It looks like extra rooms for people to sleep in." Twilight looked around. Applejack could be in any one of these rooms.

As Rainbow Dash opened the first door she screamed in horror. Twilight went over to Rainbow Dash to see what she saw. A body was on the floor. Knife in the eye, Blood everywhere, but it wasn't Applejack. It was another pony that had gone missing 3 years ago.

"Twilight! Applejack might end up like this if we don't hurry!" So both ponies went door to door and checked each one. Every single room had a dead pony that went missing years ago. Each dying different ways. From being hanged to being burnt to a crisp. To being brutally beaten or to having the head cut off. But one room caught Twilight's eye.

The room looked like a little filly's room.

"Oh no." Rainbow turned around and saw Twilight with an emotional face. Rainbow looked inside the room and was shocked.

"Twilight. Was this the little filly you saw in the room on Monday?" Twilight nodded. Both ponies just stared at the dead filly. It looked like who ever did this was a cold serial killing pony.

"We need to find Applejack NOW!" Rainbow took Twilight by the hoof and they went to the final room in the basement.

"Applejack has to be in here. If she isn't. Then looks like we're going to be telling Celestia some bad news." Rainbow then kicked down the door. Twilight looked inside. All she saw was black. Rainbow then turned on the lights and right there in the middle was Applejack. She was tied up and she had bruises all over. Rainbow went over to Applejack and untied her.

"Thank goodness! If you didn't get here on time I would've died!" Applejack was starting to get a little too overjoyed with her rescue.

"Come on let's get out of here!" and so Rainbow, Twilight, and Applejack ran out of the mansion. And who else but Celestia was waiting for them out in front.

"What the? You've been out here the whole entire time?!" Twilight was starting to get furious that Applejack was attacked and Celestia didn't notice while she was out here the whole entire time.

"Yes. Now you want to quit the challenge and go home?" The three ponies said yes and so Celestia took off with them towards Ponyville.

As the ponies left the mansion Rainbow turned around. To think she would've been the bravest pony ever in all of Equestria. The first one to survive 5 days in a mansion. Those dreams are gone now. But it was better to leave the mansion then to stay. Then the carriage stopped.

"Huh? Why did we stop? We aren't at Ponyville yet!" Rainbow looked at her friends. They were sitting their in the seats. Dead.

"C-c-celestia! What's going on here?!" Rainbow stared at Celestia who was looking down. Blood was in her mane. She had a knife in her hoof.

"No. NO. NO!" Rainbow ran out of the carriage and started to fly towards Ponyville but Celestia caught her.

"Time for your demise!" Celestia then raised the knife and aimed it at Rainbow's throat

"NOOO!" All Rainbow remembered after that was blackness. Then she woke up.

7:00 AM

Rainbow woke up screaming which pretty much scared the buck out of Twilight.

"Geez Rainbow! What's wrong with you?!" Rainbow was panting from the nightmare. She looked all around the room.

"Ugh." Rainbow then just fell back onto her bed. It was just a nightmare. Then she remembered.

"WHERE'S APPLEJACK?!" Twilight then told Rainbow she was in the kitchen so Rainbow bolted down the stairs.

"Phew..." Applejack looked up at Rainbow who was out of breath

"Is something wrong? I heard you screaming from here." Applejack then stopped what she was doing and went over to Rainbow who was now putting her hooves to her head.

"Uh... Rainbow?" As Applejack started to move closer Rainbow started to scream again

"AGH! THE PAIN! WHAT'S GOING ON?! MY HEAD.... IT HURTS!!!" Rainbow then started to bang her head on the wall. Hard.

"Twilight! I need your help!" Twilight then rushed down to see what was going on.

"What's happ- RAINBOW STOP THAT!" Twilight then grabbed Rainbow before she could bang her head against the wall again.

"Don't you know you can kill yourself by doing that?!" Rainbow then started to talk about the nightmare she had. This helped the headache to stop.

"Okay so let me get this straight. You had a nightmare that Applejack was abducted, then downstairs in the basement there are dead bodies of the missing ponies, then we left the mansion, then Celestia killed us, and finally she killed you. Correct?" Rainbow gave a nod.

"Sounds like the house is getting to us." Applejack then motioned for Twilight and Rainbow to do the Video Diaries

*Twilight's Video Diary*

"So first I see a little filly in my room on Monday, then we all got threatened on Tuesday, and now Rainbow got a nightmare AND a huge headache today! What's going on?"

*Rainbow Dash's Video Diary*

*curls up into a ball* "Please don't let me die. Please don't let me die. Please don't let me die." *starts to cry*

*Applejack's Video Diary*

"To think a dream like that would cause someone like Rainbow to be scared. I can understand that. But to be caused by a house? Now that's confusing."

"Come on Rainbow eat up." Applejack pushed the plate of pancakes towards Rainbow

"Not hungry anymore." Rainbow then got up and went upstairs

"You know I'm really worried about her..." Twilight then finished her pancakes and went to the sink

"Yeah well you know sometimes you can't be brave all the time." Then they heard Rainbow from upstairs

"WHAT THE *bleep*! WHO MESSED UP THE ROOM?!" Twilight and Applejack then rushed up the stairs to the room

"Whoa." The three looked at the room. It was tangled up everywhere. Their belongings were in corners. Furniture were overturned. Worst of all a message was on the wall.

"I WARNED YOU. NOW BE READY FOR YOUR DEMISE TONIGHT." Applejack and Twilight then looked at Rainbow who was shocked.

"Please don't tell me your dream was real." Rainbow just stared at the floor ignoring Twilight's question

"Twilight. We need to investigate this now! Let's go to the basement!" This just made Rainbow perk up

"Don't! You'll be captured if you do!" But Twilight and Applejack ignored her plea and went to the basement

"...Wait! Don't leave me here!" Rainbow then caught up with Twilight and Applejack. When they reached the bottom of the stairs there were no rooms. It was just an normal basement.

"See Rainbow? Nothing to be afraid of. There isn't anything here." So all 3 ponies went upstairs. As Twilight went to open the door, the door would not open.

"Seriously?! Now?!" Twilight then continued to try to open the door. It still wouldn't budge. Rainbow turned around and at the bottom of the stairs was a stallion. The same one she described on Tuesday. Except it was furious and it looked like it was about to attack. Rainbow then screamed at the top of her lungs -

"OPEN THE DOOR!!!!" But way too late. The stallion charged up the stairs. But he passed the trio and hit the door. The door went flying and the stallion disappeared.

"What. The. *bleep*." All three ponies looked out the door but nothing was seen. So they went back to the room. Which was now cleaned up for some strange reason. Then they found a note on Applejack's bed

"Sorry for the mess. I'm just really depressed right now..." To Applejack that was really awkward for a ghost to say that. To Rainbow Dash she was glad the owner wasn't mad. Applejack then continued reading.

"...But right now an evil spirit lies here and is controlling my house. I can't seem to control it anymore. You must get out of here while you still can!" Applejack then looked at Rainbow who was laying in bed without a care.

"Rainbow! How can you be resting at this time?! First you were scared out of your mind! Now you act like you don't care if you die!" Rainbow just gave a faint smile

"Now that I know this stallion is gentle I don't think there should be a reason for me to get scared." Rainbow then stopped Applejack from smacking her again.

"Not today." Rainbow then laughed and went outside

"Sometimes that I don't get that pony at all!" Applejack then fell backwards on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Rainbow then came in soon after.

"Um... What time is it right now?" Rainbow had a scared look on her face

"8:00 AM. Why?" Rainbow then motioned Twilight and Applejack to look outside

"I don't believe it..." Twilight stared outside. IT WAS NIGHT AGAIN.

"Maybe Luna forgot to bring the moon down?" But when they looked again there was no moon in the sky. (no sun either) It was all pitch black.

"This is not good at all... Huh? Hey the cameras are acting funny! Oh no! They're turning to static!" Twilight tried to get the cameras to start working again.


*All the cameras turn to static*


8:01 PM

"Hey the cameras are back on!" Rainbow then grabbed her camera and swung it around the master bedroom to capture as much as she could.

"Okay... Twilight and Applejack are in the Kitchen right now investigating some weird noise in there. You have no idea what you missed... There were crashes, windows opening by themselves, even I saw the stallion again -" But Rainbow was cut short before she could finish telling what happened.

"Whoa look out! SHOOT GET OUT NOW!" You could hear the sound of plates smashing onto the floor from the kitchen. Soon after Applejack and Twilight came into the room, locked the door, and covered the windows.

"What happened down there?" Rainbow then put the camera down on the bed

"We are so dead if we don't stay awake for the night." Rainbow then gave a confused face at Applejack

"What do you mean?" Then Applejack told Rainbow about last night and how the thing got inside the room.

"Wow. How did I not notice that..." Then the camera ran out of batteries.

Author's Note:

Change of plans. Free Sneak Peek of paranormal witness is now in chapter 3! :D Thursday should be posted soon! And when i say soon i mean one week! (or like right now if you REALLY want it)