• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Mirror Darker: What Took You So Long?



Nick, there isn't much time. You can save more than one of them, okay?

What do you mean? Mia, I don't know what that means.

You can save more than one, Nick, but you have to hurry.

Mia? How are you talking to me? I don't know-

You have to hurry, Nick! Go!

"HA! HAHA! Nicky, nice jo-"

The Mirror FF Bros. fired, as did the MCMC(Mirror Cutie Mark Crusaders.) The humans and the Discord dropped.

"Oww..." Mirror Phoenix said, rising while rubbing his jaw. "Gotta admit... I did not see that coming."

"I'm guessing you never had to fight Magneto and Weskar in your universe," Cap remarked.

"Whoo? Wait, I don't care!" Mirror Phoenix walked over and lifted the real Phoenix off the floor. Phoenix looked into the eyes of a man that would be him. It really was like looking into a mirror- a distorted mirror that showed you as everything you weren't but could have been. Mirror Phoenix was a slimy, greedy, serpent-like criminal. A man who avoided justice and used his position to attack people. Phoenix hated everything he was looking at... and he was looking into the mirror.

Mirror Phoenix pulled out a switchblade knife, a knife that Phoenix recognized. "I was gonna lets yous guys live. You were worth da dough. But now... eh. I hate leavin' loose ends anyway." He swung the knife at Phoenix's neck.

But it never touched him. The blade hung in midair, gripped by reddish-colored magic. It levitated upward, pulled by the unseen force. All around them, the soldiers' weapons, the MCMC and the MFFB, their weapons were literally lifted from their grasps. It didn't take long to see the source.

Empress Celestia floated down from the balcony. She landed, the weapons encircling her and aiming back at their former bearers. She said nothing, exuding only icy rage.

Both the brothers stuttered, the words "My lord" stumbling over themselves as they tried to get out of their mouths. They knelt down, even Mirror Phoenix knelt after initial hesitation. A couple of the wounded ponies in the hall tried to stand so they could bow.

"My Empress!" Flam said, he bowed so low his mustache nearly touched the ground, "we... err, we have captured these prisoners!"
"Th-they are yours to do with as you please!"

The castle shook as another bomb hit it, but Celestia didn't even flinch. The Empress looked at each of them with a cold expression.

"We're not your enemies! Unless you make us your enemies," Cap said, defiant as ever.

Phoenix was wondering when Dan would say something, but he didn't. Dan simply stood up and started walking to the Empress. The lawyer, Khan, Discord, they all watched as he just walked over to her. M-Flim and M-Flam as well as the M-CMC all watched as he went right up to her, smiling.

"What are you-" And then their own weapons shot them. The Phaser-lances fired at each of the mirrors, stunning them into unconsciousness.

"Wait- wait! What is dis!?" Mirror Phoenix yelled. His own knife edged closer and closer to him. He backed away until he finally hit a wall. The knife rose up to his neck. "P-please! I'll give you anything! I'm so-sorry!"

Real Phoenix smirked. "I think everybody can tell you're lying."

"OBJEC-" A phaser blasted him in the face. The knife retracted and dropped to the floor, along with all the weapons.

"Very nice," Dan said, smiling.

"It's been a while since I've used multi-levitation. I was actually kind of worried about my aim," Celestia said.

Dan nodded. "I know what you mean. I should build a spell shooting range."

"Not a bad idea, especially since the town has more room now," the Empress said. Dan then turned into her and started making out with her, caressing her neck and mane. Celestia, eyes closed, melted into it, putting her hooves gently on his shoulders as they embraced.

Phoenix knew it immediately, Cap and Khan caught on quickly but Discord was another story. His jaw hit the floor.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... what universe am I in now?"

"You're still in the same one. It's Chrys," Phoenix said.

The form of Empress Celestia evaporated in green flames, revealing Chrys. "Sorry I was a bit late, guys. I had trouble getting Fluffle Puff back to our universe."

"Fluffle Puff was here?!" Dan exclaimed. "You let fluffy horse daughter get out? Oh, who am I kidding? We can't control her."

"We really can't," Chrys admitted. "If we were actual parents, we'd be horrible. Also, she's the size of a building."

"Pinkie Pie and Applejack," Phoenix reminded them.

"Yes, the Pinkie Pie and the Apple Jack," Dan said. The ground shook again, hard. "Run! Hurry!"

The group ran down the hall to the detention section, the same room they had been escorted from little over an hour ago. The door was locked, so Chrys used her magic to explode it.

"So YOUR magic works here?" Discord asked. "Not fair. My doesn't."

"Sweetie, don't worry about it," Chrys said sincerely. "You just got out of the hospital. I'm sure you'll be back to your regular chaotic-ness soon."

Discord folded his arms. "Hmmph. Like you know how choas-magic works."

"Implying you do?"

Dan and Phoenix rushed to the energy cell containing Pinkie and Applejack. The humans were relieved to see them still there.

Dan pointed. "Stevie! Door!" Cap brought his shield down on the locking module projecting the shield-box. It disappeared instantly and the lock hit the floor.

They all gathered around their two friends. "AJ? AJ, Pinkie Pie!" Dan rolled AJ over. If anything had happened to her, he would kill Vice Grip again. After he had already killed him, he would resurrect him as a Frankenhorse-dumbass and kill him again. However that worked.

Thankfully, AJ slowly opened her eyes. "What took ya so long... sugarcube?" she asked, smiling. It was a touching lighthearted moment given the situation and one they all appreciated.

Of course, Dan hated it. "What's that supposed to mean? We spent the better part of a YEAR searching for you and that's all you have to say? WHAT TOOK US SO LONG?! You ungrateful southern worm-sack, I should have told your entire family we were abandoning the search because you're not-" She muffled him with her stetson.

"Nice to see y'all, too. What did I miss?"

Pinkie yawned Pinkie-ly. "Yaaaaawwwwwnnnn." Meaning she literally said the word yawn. "Five more minutes, okay? Thaaannks..."

"Pinkie, wake up. We don't have time for this crap, we have to leave or we're gonna die!" Dan said, shaking her.

"What? Again? Uggh, fiiine." She spun rapidly and popped up. "Hi Danny!"

"I told you not to call me-" And he was cut off by a Pinkie-hug. His growling and face-twitching did not deter the hug, and eventually he melted and hugged her back. "Okay... fine. It's been a while and we're in an alternate parallel dimension so... you get a free pass. ONE free pass."

"Awww, thanks Danny!"

"You have now exhausted your one free pass."

Phoenix looked around. "Where's Rarity? Celestia? Luna? Where are they being held?"

Both mares shrugged. "No idea. We don't even know how we got here."

"Fantastic. Just fantastic," Dan said. "Spike is just going to be friggin thrilled. If Vice is holding Rarity back just to mess with Spike, I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him a third time after I killed him the second time." The ground shook again. "Also we should leave."

"The portal I had to roll Fluffle Puff through is on the other side of the castle," Chrys said.

Dan hefted the bag carrying Firedance. "Finally, the nonsense works in our favor. Let's get back to our own universe before this one collapses!"

They ran out the door, back down through the hallway and didn't stop as they rushed through the foyer. An explosion from overhead knocked the roof off the castle, exposing it. A giant pair of glowing red eyes looked down at them as they ran through. Magic Gear ALT glared at them.

"Go! Go, just keep going!" Bullets, lasers, a missile launched at them. The missile missed, Cap, running with his shield in the lead, paused to deflect the onslaught as the others passed behind him. "Don't look back! Keep going!" The moment they were all passed, he ran down the hall after them. And at the end of the hall was the elevator.

Dan was already cramming people in. "Gonna be a tight fit, squeeze it in, you guys!"

"Make use of the vertical space!" Cap said. He held up his shield, able to get in. But there was one person who wasn't in yet.

"Nicky? Nicky, c'mon!"

He shook his head. "There's not enough room."

"We'll make it work, c'mon!"

He knew what he had to do. "I have to get something. Someone. Somepony," Phoenix said. He hit the button and the doors closed. "I'll be on the next one!"

"NO! NICKY!! OBJECTION! OBJECT-" The doors closed. The elevator ascended, returning everyone else to the prime universe.

Phoenix turned and ran down the opposite end of the hall, to the exit on the east-side. Or was it the west side? It was impossible to know now with the way the mirror and regular universe were flip-flopped. All he knew was he had to find Twilight Sparkle. He had to find Mirror Twilight Sparkle.

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