• Published 12th Aug 2013
  • 28,210 Views, 4,135 Comments

Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Episode 26: Dan Vs. A Family Puff/Epilogue: Know They Did

The sun rose on a perfect Ponyville morning.

Dan was still asleep and wouldn't be up for another couple of hours. When he woke up, the sun was almost searing to his eyes. He scowled at the rays breaking through the window, catching his eyes before they'd fully adjusted but, he got over that pretty quickly.

Today was a special day. Chrys was already up and getting ready. He should be getting ready, too.

"Hey Dan," Phoenix said. "Ready for the big day?"

Dan nodded. "Yeah... yeah, I am."

Phoenix smiled. "I'm not even gonna ask what you're gonna wear." (We all know what it's going to be, anyway. I'm sure it'll be fine. Now, what am I going to wear?)

"Hurry up and get ready yourself. Best man has to be on time."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I know."

Everyone got ready pretty quickly. There was a lot to be done and it was pretty short notice, but if there was one thing ponies could do properly, it was party. This wouldn't just be any ordinary party or special occasion, however, so all of their friends and in fact, everyone had been invited.

Around noon, they were all ready. Dan, Chrys, Twilight, Phoenix Wright and Spike, all departed the Golden Oakes Library. They made their way to the train station, checked at the last minute for everything and Dan was especially happy to see Rice and Vice operating the train. It was about time.

Before the train left, there was just one last thing Dan needed.

"Hang on, guys. I need to get something."

"What is it? And you picked just NOW to go get it?" Twilight asked.

Dan shrugged. "Well, you know me. I'll get the next ride to Canterlot, you guys take the train."

"Alright," Twilight nodded. "I think I know what you're going to get anyway," she said, giving him a wink.

"We'll see you soon, Dan!" Chrys waved.

Indeed, they would.

Dan ran, bolting his way back across town. He went to the edge of the Everfree Forest, retracing the path he first took to Ponyville. He went right to the same clearing. There was a bit of an unspoken promise he'd made to a friend.

He pulled his way through the bush. And he found Fluffle Puff there.

"I thought I'd find you here," Dan said.

*Gasp!* Fluffle Puff pounced on him, as she usually did. They hugged for quite a while, just two warm beings, warm hearts in each others' embrace.

"You're the reason why I'm here," he said. "Not just here now, but here in Equestria. You're the one that summoned me here."

Fluffle nodded. They had had this bond even before they met, something about Fluffle Puff and Dan, Dan and Fluffle Puff... across the vastness of time, space, realities, dimensions, all of that and everything else, something brough them together. And that something was love. Fluffle had not used a spell to summon Dan; she had used her heart. His heart had resonated with hers.

"A long time ago, I asked you... why you were in this forest and not in town."

Fluffle nodded again. "I... well, I think I'm the reason both you and Chrys are here. Not because of the Director. But... because of me." She felt this. She'd always felt it, known it in some way from the moment he saw Dan, the moment he saw Chrys. She hadn't seen Chrysalis, just Chrys, the version of Queen Chrysalis that wanted something more. That wanted a second chance.

"I wanted a family," Fluffle Puff said. "I didn't have one of my own. I was alone, the only one of my kind."

Dan understood. There was only one Flufflapon pony per dimension, per version of Equestria. Even Fuzzle was just another version of Fluffle, except male and blue. That was what Daring Do's information had revealed. But now, there could be more than one fluffy pony.

"I wanted it so badly... for so long. I didn't know where I came from. I still don't know. But... I have you now."

"You have a family now. You have me. And Chrys and Twilight and Spike and Nicky... and all of us. Wherever you came from, you have a home and a family with us," Dan said. He hugged her tightly, she hugged him back tightly. "Now, let's go see 'em!"


The trip to Canterlot took a little longer, but Dan thought it was important to wave to all his friends as he departed. He wouldn't be gone long, but this was a huge step for him, for all of them. He and Fluffle Puff waved to the ponies of Ponyville, happy to see every last one of them. They had earned this. They all had earned this very moment, this happiness. It was theirs.

The arrival at Canterlot Castle was met with all the fanfare one could imagine and then some. Dan was a hero, a royal, and as of now, he was recognized for something more. This ceremony was for all of them, but they knew who the MVP was. It was a jerk named Dan, their loveable, loving jerk that they loved.

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Chrys said.

"And do you take this mare to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," said Dan.

"Then, by the power vested in me by the Kingdom of Equestria, I now pronounce you... man and wife," Michael Hay said. "You may kiss the bride."

He did. He did like he'd never kissed her before.

The courtyard of Canterlot Castle erupted in a chorus of applause, streamers, confetti, and more than a few party cannons. It was the happiest day of Dan's life... so far.

Twilight, Phoenix Wright, Spike, even Chris and Elise, and Mr. Mumbles and Fluffle Puff, Rice and Vice, Princess Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, Cadence, Sam, Sombra, all their friends, their family, the whole thing, everyone was there. Everyone.

They were all together at last. This was their home and now, they set about building, managing, maintaining, securing and living in it together.

Dan opened the doors to Canterlot Castle with both his hands, swinging both doors sweeping to the sides like he owned the whole thing. Not a single one said or thought otherwise.

Twilight trotted up to him, smiling a knowing smile. "And where have you been?"

For the first time in this story, since that question was asked, it finally got a real answer.

"Ha!" Dan laughed. "You know where I've been." He looked her right in the eye and happily said, "I've been right here this whole time. Took you long enough to notice."

"Well, maybe next time don't be so subtle about it," she said coyly.

"I think that's a good idea. And I'm not going anywhere."

She brushed his shoulder. "Wouldn't be Equestria without you."

"And we were right there with you for most of it," Phoenix said.

"Yeah, yeah," Spike added. "But hey, you wanna tell us again, Dan? Just for the heck of it?"

"Really?" Dan looked at the little dragon. "You want me to tell you the whole story again right now?"

They all shrugged. "Why not?" Chrys asked.

"Oooh, wow. Alright, then. Where do I start..."

Michael tapped Barro on the shoulder. "Hey Barro, you think this might be something worth writing down?"

And Barro shrugged. "Well... we'll see." And he got out his notebook.

Dan turned around. "Okay, so... it was just after Twilight and Spike here got back from the Crystal Empire." He spread his hands out to set the scene properly. "The sun set on a beautiful Ponyville day..."

The End.
Written by Barro the Broadcaster with help from friends.

Dan and friends will return in Season 2 of Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading. This has been quite an undertaking but I do appreciate you going on this journey with me. I hope all of you, all the people who read this story, enjoy it in some way, whether it makes you laugh or just entertains you.

This is a work of fiction but in many places, it's inspired by real events, real people and real interactions I've had in life. And a lot of stuff I've played and seen on t.v and YouTube. This world exists on paper and in your imagination, in your hearts and minds. And souls. It becomes more real when you share it, when you imagine the characters and things and places in it, and I hope you feel you have a place in it, too.

There's a time and place for all things and this one can be one of yours if you want it. Thank you again for reading. Now go get doing something else productive! Do some good and have fun with it!

Comments ( 24 )

Epilogue? Complete?
Holy shit, this feels like the end of an era...

I should get back to reading this story again.

Time for a 21 Deathstar salute.

Dont worry about wasted shots.

Theres plenty of Reapers and Borg Cubes for everyone.

Everyone was at the wedding. Including but in no way limited to the Black Clerks, SMILE, the Dwarves, and Black Site and her crew.:pinkiehappy:

Still trying to get Crusader and Athena. :scootangel:

As for the ending?

Youre gonna need a bigger book.


Will season two of this series be shorter?

Wait.....i-it's done?

I don't know, but I have a prequel season planned that I am planning on making shorter. 12 episodes at most.

Who knew that Season 1 was a doorstopper.

*Walks on-screen, sits down, inhales deeply and begins reading*


It’s really over isn’t it? Everything’s been answered/solved/resolved, no one left to go searching for or save, happy endings all round (Mr Mumbles was at Dan’s wedding, that alone is a perfect ending) and heck even Barro agreeing to write it down as a Pinkie Pie Level Fourth Wall Breaker ... it’s finished.

Don’t get me wrong I’m happy! But I’m sad too ... does that make sense? Because I’m really going to miss coming to this site every week to read the latest episode of Dansanity you’ve posted. I know all good things have to end eventually but still ... to quote a famous song “it’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday” :fluttercry:

What else can I say but thank you Barro. Thank you for all the thrills and spills, the laughs and tears, the fights and jokes. all of it. Your story has gotten me through some rough days and I can never say thank you enough for it.

Whatever comes next I wish you well.

Your Eternal Fan :heart:^_^:heart:

And so one adventure ends, and by all accounts, it was a happy ending. But I already know how "Happily ever after" ends.

See you then.

You're only too welcome. And thank you for just being here to read it. As I've said before, more people deserve a fan like you. I've enjoyed your comments every week and it's been a pleasure to write for you and others.

From the bottom of my heart, thanks for just being here for the journey. I hope you and others can feel they have a place here and that these characters and ideas and places are just a little more real for having read it. They'll be more to come, if you're interested, and I'm sure all the ponies, Dan and friends are thankful for you as well.

See you then, Sir Tuxley. See you then.

Dammit Barro, why are you cutting onions? :raritycry:

But seriously, thank you for all this time of laughs, fun, WTFs and Dansanity. This story has been my weekly reset for so long, I knew it was coming but it’s honestly a shock knowing it’s over ... if there’s a chance of Dan and Friends continuing their adventure in some way in the future then of course I’d come back to see it, and whatever else you have brewing in your brain pan, your parodies and cutaways are Family Guy Level.

Just thank you again sincerely for the joy this story has brought me, I’m not exaggerating when I say reading it has helped me through some honestly sucky days even when you yourself didn’t feel too great you still kept writing and I will always appreciate it. Until next time!

Your Eternal Fan :heart:^_^:heart:

Man, it has been quite a ride. I love that for all the hatred and revenge, in end Dan was able to reform Vice Grip. He fought so hard to get back to the idyllic Equestria that seemed lost forever through much of this story, but in the end he was able to make it back. I also love that you tied Flufflepuff back in as the original being who brought Dan here, based on the tumblr comic that started this whole thing. Everything really has gone full circle huh?

Thanks for taking us on this journey and giving the fans what they love for.... NINE YEARS? Wow, you deserve a break buddy! But seriously, thanks.

Thank you for coming along for the ride, my friend. Yesterday was the first Saturday in almost nine years that I didn't update this story. So yeah, I'm taking a break for now. This is not the end, nor is it even the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning.

Nine fucking years. And I’ve only been here for 2 of them. Goddamn. Bravo you mad lad, bravo

Bravo! Bravo indeed! Hard to believe I caught the story just as it was getting to the final episode of the season, but it's been a wild ride all the way through. I'm definitely keeping an eye out for season 2 though. But now that just begs the question... what do I read now? One million words and all the ups and downs of this story has spoiled me! And to think I could have missed it if I hadn't gone looking for something new.

Rest easy, Broadcaster, the show's a hit.

It's taken me the better part of a decade. I've seen friendships come and go, but kept some important ones. A lot has changed. I lost my father, I graduated from college, I sold my house and property and moved, most of my family passed away. It has not been easy. And yet, I still consider myself one of the lucky ones. There's a lot of people who have it worse than me, and this story is meant for everyone. Everyone who needed some more stability, a laugh every week, something to look forward to, a world and a place where they could imagine they could be, add their ideas, be accepted. This is for them, this is for you.

I never missed a single update. Every Saturday, I updated this story. Came pretty close, missed the exact time once or twice, but it was still Saturday somewhere on Earth those times so... I still count it. This is my small corner of things. And you're welcome here if you want a place here. There's plenty of room.

As far as Season 2 goes


It's not ready yet. But I'm working on it.

So it finally finished? To be honest while I liked it initially, I stopped reading about... 19 chapters in because it seemed like there was a reoccurring theme of letting antagonists who beat up the protagonist, attempt to murder him, and even nuke earth go so they can come back later to fuck everything up. It just felt like there was no point in hoping for anything good to happen.

I won't spoil anything. Other folks seem to like it, I think it ended the way it should. I think everything fits pretty well, gets wrapped up with a nice bow on top. It hasn't been an easy undertaking, that is for sure.

Do please spoil it for me, at least in part. At about what part do people stop allowing the current villain/antagonist get away for no reason? Because even though it's the only real flaw with the story, it's big enough to dissuade reading. Mostly because it just leaves things looking like this when it happens:

It's a cartoon, dude. I don't even know what you're referring to where they let Vice get away. The end of the Christmas episode maybe? After the Crystal Empire fight, we don't see much of him except in those Decepticon-style "what the bad guys are doing now" segments. Did you even get to the mirror episode?

Holy shit... It's... Done?... I- I don't know how to feel about this... Ummm... I'm a- I'm a go... think my life choices over...

Holy shit, this ended up at over a million words?! Good for you! I've had this saved in my read later probably around since it was first published haha. Kudos to ya

Thank you. I've decided not to edit it any further. Well, I mean I'm not going to touch this version; I may redo a couple of the episodes and rewrite them to the original intent, like 17 and the Lost Episodes, but this one will be kept as is.

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