• Published 2nd Aug 2013
  • 9,207 Views, 77 Comments

Message in a Bottle - Syringed

Attached to the Voyager 1 space probe, was a golden record. A bottle containing a message that was thrown into the cosmic ocean.

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Message in a Bottle

September 5, 1977 12:56:00 UTC

Space Launch Complex 41 Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, United States

Voyager 1. A space probe bring sent to space by NASA. Its objective is to explore the outer reaches of our solar system. On this fateful day, its mission begins. It will travel the vast reaches of space to satisfy humanity’s thirst for knowledge. Attached to the space probe, is a record, carrying a message about our civilization to the stars.

The countdown hit 0, and the sleek rocket lifted off with a thundering explosion, carrying the space probe off into space. The bottle has been thrown.

As the people in the control room cheered, no one stopped for a moment to think, where this little piece of machinery would go, what it will encounter, and who will read the message in the bottle. Who will flip through the book that has sent to the stars?

December 14, 1980

Voyager 1.The space probe sent to explore the outer planets of our solar system has completed its mission. Yet it continues on, soaring past them into the unknown. What will this probe find, years after its launch?

August 25, 2012

Voyager 1, after nearly 40 years from its launch has been the first man-made object to leave the Solar System. It has made the immense journey, from its creator’s home planet, to the beginning of interstellar space. It continues to beam back information to its creators, as they continue to yearn for more knowledge. But soon, its power source will run out.

April 14, 2027

It has been 50 years after the launch of Voyager 1. It has come a long way, traveling the millions of miles from its home planet to meet interstellar space. But the end is near. Its power source has nearly run dry. Then, as if it has a mind of its own, it musters the last bit of its power source to send back one last sliver of data, back to its creator’s home planet, as an attempt to satisfy its creator’s thirst for knowledge.

Then, the probe’s remaining instruments shut down, one by one, as it relegates itself to wandering the cosmos for eternity.

But is it going to wander forever, undisturbed? What, or who will it encounter?


Many, many years later

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and there was not a single cloud in the sky. Today seemed like the perfect day to just kick back and relax.

A certain weatherpony was doing just that.

“Ah…this is the life.” sighed Rainbow Dash. She flipped over and faced the sky, bathing in its warm gaze. “No work for the next week, the Wonderbolt tryouts are in a few days, nothing could ruin this week.”

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud rumbling coming from the sky above her. Her eyes shot open and she saw a large fiery object hurtling directly towards her cloud. She laid there, absolutely dumbfounded.

The rumbling got louder and louder, the object came closer and closer, when it hit her that a large burning object was hurtling towards her.

She bolted, narrowly avoiding being bludgeoned by the object. Behind her, she heard the sound of the thing colliding with the ground. She was knocked right out of the sky by the rather large and violent explosion and landed head first into the ground below.


When Rainbow Dash finally pulled her head out of the dirt, she was hit with a blast of dust. She turned around and was met with the sight of a giant crater, filled with smoldering material. Whatever was standing there when the thing impacted the ground was obliterated.

Only one sentence could sum up Rainbow Dash’s feeling at the moment.


After her little moment of celebration, she wondered to herself, “What was that?”

Only one way to find out. Rainbow landed next to the smoldering wreck of the foreign object. It was something that she had never seen before.

It appeared to be some kind of box, with the remains of some kind of dish attached to the side of it. A few melted and twisted beams were still attached to the box, and there was some kind of camera laying mangled a few feet away.

“What in the name of Celestia is that?” She thought aloud.

Rainbow Dash walked around the object, taking in as much as she could. She could barely make out letters on the side of the object. She wiped off the dirt covering a large blue emblem with four letters in the foreground.


“Nasa? Never heard of it.”

She continued to search the object and the crater surrounding it, but found no information on the thing’s origin or what the thing even was. At least until she found a curious looking disc buried under a charred piece of metal.

She pried the disc from the crevice and lifted it up to the sun.

“It’s a record. What’s a record doing in there?”

The disc glittered and shined in the sun, and adorned on the front of it was four words:

‘The Sounds of Earth’.

It made absolutely no sense.

“Earth? Like dirt? Dirt can’t make sounds.” Rainbow Dash put her head against the crater wall in an attempt to figure out what dirt would sound like.

“Since it’s a record, I might be able to play it.” She said. “Twilight has a record player, I’m gonna go see her.”


If anyone did not like to be interrupted, it was Twilight Sparkle.

“Rainbow Dash, don’t mess with me today! I’m on the verge of creating the most powerful telescope ever made!”

“C’mon Twilight! There was a giant thing that fell from the sky! You think I would make this up?”

“Ok, fine, the record player is in my bedro-.”

Rainbow Dash began to zoom into the house, when she felt the record being yanked out of her grasp.

“Hold on a second. Let me see that record.” Twilight lifted a magnifying glass to the record.

After a few minutes of inspecting, she spoke.

“Well if I knew any better, this record is made of pure gold.”

“What?!” Rainbow grabbed the record. “Pure gold?! Either whoever made this had too many bits on his hooves or this is really important!”

“Just play it, we might learn something from it.” Twilight said, loading the record onto the record player.

The record started spinning and the two ponies listened intently. After a few moments of silence, an unfamiliar voice with a strange accent spoke up.

“As the Secretary General of the United Nations, an organization of the 147 member states who represent almost all of the human inhabitants of the planet Earth. I send greetings on behalf of the people of our planet. We step out of our solar system into the universe seeking only peace and friendship, to teach if we are called upon, to be taught if we are fortunate. We know full well that our planet and all its inhabitants are but a small part of this immense universe that surrounds us and it is with humility and hope that we take this step.”

The two ponies opened their mouths, but were interrupted by the record before anyone could say anything.

A collection of voices speaking in unfamiliar languages were heard, each speaking one after another. After the talking subsided, a collection of musical pieces played, ranging from the familiar classical, to an alien upbeat piece. Finally the record stopped spinning, and the sound ceased.

The message in the bottle has finally been read.

Author's Note:

Well I wrote this because I was bored.

Still send me feedback, because feedback is useful.


Comments ( 77 )

Good job, i think its a good story also reminded of the space core

Will there be more?

hmm you've peaked my curiosity, please go on.

I was listening to Cosmos's soundtrack while reading this, and Heaven and Hell played during the last paragraph. I was tearing up. I love it.

first thing that i thought of when i saw the title

How in muthafuckin Sams hell did that satilite survive planetary reentry? Then it slams into the hard, unforgiving ground and is still in good enough condition to read NASA, and even have a record survive, and somehow work perfectly fine on alien technology. Also, "The sun was shining-". So not one creature would've seen the insignificant outdated machinery burn up. You see videos of that meteor over Russia? Imagine if that happened in broad daylight. Nobody would have noticed!

Just want to show what I was thinking after I got to the second part. On the upper side, I liked the introduction, so at least the satilite doesn't feel like it sprung into existance completely for authorly purposes. Too much.

I approve of this fic. :ajsmug:

Well I'm interested in this fic :twilightsmile:
Please go on :pinkiesad2:

You do plan to have uh chapters in this book right? Hello? no? (Taps on glass) yes?


Shame it's basically exactly the same as the other Voyager fics on this site. It doesn't add anything new.


Well done, you have caught my interest.:twilightsmile:


I might write some more. Just need a bit of inspiration.

Maybe. Just need a little bit of a nudge, get some ideas going.
Moar is good. To be honest, I didn't expect this to be this popular.
What other Voyager fics?

are there any other voyager or spacecore fics out there?


The Golden Record
By Anoymousperson123

The Golden Record
By Pitro

The Interstellar Record
By Omidaidias

These are the ones I know about. There's plenty.


Well I wrote this because I was bored.

Well, I get nervous when I see that.

What, I put effort into things I do when I'm bored. Usually.

Hum...that's it ? No follow up or anything ? okay I guess :fluttercry:


2980191 Heh, usually when a writer says they wrote a story because they were bored, it usually ends up being subpar because they didn't plan how they were going to approach the story. I haven't read any of your stories, so I'll reserve judgement until a few more chapters,

Great story :pinkiehappy:


I love these Voyager stories.
Any chance of there being more?


Ahem. Maybe.

Doesn't seem complete. I will track.

Of course, this opens the possibility that Equestria exists because some far-future post-human superintelligence is a big fan of the show. :pinkiecrazy:

Ha, now that's a cute little one shot. Nicely done. :ajsmug:

Featured Box, here we come!

Then the future humans show up and demand their gold disk back.
Cause, Irony. Jks.

So yeah hope this takes off, I'm waiting for them humans to show up.

if you want to continue, you could have other things we've launched into space so up, or have twilight start picking up transmissions from earth, maybe have it gradually go through the technological advancements over time even into the future and culminating to first contact.


Idea considered.


they try to respond the message with the help of the expert in magic of space and time.... doctor hooves

make a magic portal or something :pinkiehappy:

That's kind of what they're doing in The Interstellar Record.
I like Topo Loco's idea.

cool i did not know that one, thanks ¡¡

I could see this leading Twilight Sparkle into founding a space initiative. Equestria may not have the tech to build a chemical rocket, but I could see them being able to construct the needed industry fairly quickly if they so desired, they have the resources and skills, just no groundwork.

That would be an epic fic I might have to write now....

This was beautiful. A nice little short about a wayward probe.

However this is the point where my Twilight senses go rampant.

WARNING! RANT AHEAD (enter at own risk)!!!:
Assuming that Voyager 1 survives interstellar space it definitly wont survive re-entry on any Earth like planet for numerous reasons.
First, it lacks a heat shield.
Second, after gaining that much speed from leaving Sol (our home system) it will only get faster when it gets close to annother celestial body (literally in this case) so as soon as it hits any kind of friction it is going to vaporise on the spot.
Thrid, even if it survives the re-entry by some miracle (magic?) the impact allone wouldnt leave any evidence behind that it was once a probe.
Forth, should it still remain intakt after all this then it will be many thousend degrees celsius hot instantly melting boh the golden record and RDs hoof.

Thats however just my 2 bits. Other then that this short was very sweet and if you decide to mak it a full story I would gladly read it.
Im curious on what is going to happen next now that the bottle has been opend.

Please tell me you are going to make more chapters of this? Because this is a very intriguing concept to observe!


Yes, quite. Space.

Space, SPACE, I'm in SPAAACE!

Hehe, awesome! Can't wait for more!


Basically how I envision Equestria's planet is that it is a satellite of a large Jupiter-like planet or brown dwarf. I also don't envision Equestria's planet as the same size and mass as our Earth. I see their planet about 50%-75% of our Earth's mass.

Any who, about the probe being unrecognizable as a probe after impact, that may not be true. In fact, the Hubble Space Telescope will crash down into Earth at the end of its functional life. Assuming it comes in at the right angle, portions of the telescope will survive, relatively intact.

Also, the probe will lose velocity after it leaves our solar system due to friction with interstellar space.

That is all, I do realize that there are a few inconsistencies, though.

2982811 It costs four-hundred thousand dollars to write this story for twelve seconds.


I've never watched Doctor Who. I've missed out on something awesome haven't I? :facehoof:

It sounded alright but there are too many inaccuracies for me to like it.

For example, how come Rainbow Dash didn't use the included record player?
How come Twilight didn't notice that the record was lighter than it should be for solid gold? (it's actually only gold-plated, with copper composing of the majority of the record material)
How did the probe survive entry into the atmosphere and not disintegrate by extreme temperature?
The voyager disc is much the entire probe at a 1.83 meter radius. Shouldn't she have seen a dish with a cylinder attached below it?

2979972 ah writers block...

Think, how would equestria respond... To being told they're not alone... And receiving first contact from a probe...

(Better yet think of how earth might respond to this??)

2997407 You bring up some good points there.
I would like to point out a few things however.

-Plantes with half the gravity of Earth, and as such half the size, have problems holding their atmosphere (see Mars, then again magic?).
-They did the same with the MIR, it aktually survived the re-rentry mostly but it landed in the south pacific, however the it fell apart in the final stages.
-Friction? Interstellar space? Well, I dont know much about the particle density so far out but I doubt its going to be that significant to slow down the probe.
-I also made a little mistake, once Voy 1 leaves Sols gravity influence it wont accelerate anymore (it doesnt have engines or a solar sail to do so) but as soon as it gets near another star it will definitly speed up.

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