• Published 21st Feb 2012
  • 5,834 Views, 308 Comments

Diary of a Ruler - Lamia

Thoughts of the sun princess.

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Entry 444 - Lone

This day was like no other. I cry without tears. I mourn without speaking. I move without thinking. My life feels so empty, so damaged, that I can hardly find the strength to write; doing this at all provides me the only comfort I am able to muster, after today. Twilight Sparkle has passed away.

Her final days were active to the end, working as a diplomat aside her magical studies. With her, we preserved peace and tranquility among the masses. She provided everypony out there with stirring words of compassion and will, more than I could ever hope to achieve. The care she possessed for all those under the sky was never matched. Thanks to her, harmony swept across the land, providing all with a better life.

There is still unrest here and there, for those too set in their selfish ideals, and I still worry over their existence. With Twilight gone, they are likely to make themselves more noticed, more heard, but I do not care. I have lost the one pony that has kept me alive for so many years. Thinking back to when I first met her all that time ago, I mentally look upon it as if I were there right now. Despite my usual diminished ability of recalling memories, I find I can remember everything involving her with great clarity.

The day she joined the academy... A tiny filly that wanted to study great magic appeared to me, and I had inspired her. I saw it in her innocent eyes that day, her potential for greatness -- and she achieved it. Throughout Equestria, she was known for her studies and achievements in magic and invention. Extraordinary spells that improved our way of life are all over Equestria: There is little hunger, poverty, and hopelessness. Earth and pegasus ponies have learned to tap into their natural magical energies more reliably thanks to her. We even have methods of travel with speeds far exceeding those of any pegasi, making the world appear much smaller. Twilight gave us hope for the future.

When she was not quite grown, she demonstrated extraordinary power in her ability to garner friendship, with my guidance. Despite her struggles at first, she helped to defend the land with that friendship until the day she passed. All who opposed the way of peace, they were overcome by Twilight and her friends, together forever. They inspired everypony out there to work together in harmony, to make the world a better place.

The time she professed love for me was a day that I never stopped reliving. It filled me with such happiness, such resolve to work for her affections, and she gave them to me. We spent uncountable time with each other, flying across the world to see all there was to see: The crystal reefs of Torrentae, the not-so-mythical floating mountains of Platinis, even the library at the hidden city of Occula, which she had enjoyed the most. I showed her everything that the world could offer within her first thirty or so years of life, including what I myself was able to offer: A lover's intimacy.

When she was older, I announced our plans of marriage, surprising many ponies around; by that point, however, it had become a popular rumor that the two of us were in a relationship. We were greeted with acceptance for all of our days, much to our delightful surprise. With her as my wife, I was closer to her physically than I was with any other previous lover. We played, we experimented, we enjoyed each other in ways that nopony else could imagine due to our mastery of magic. In time, we had decided to conceive a foal for ourselves, to enrich our lives and, when older, the lives of others.

However, much to our dismay, neither of us were able to impregnate the other. With all of the magical power at our disposal, nothing had worked. It filled me with a deep depression due to the lack of an explanation why, but Twilight, being my eternal beacon of hope, never stopped making the best of everything. Instead, we created an orphanage for the unfortunate colts and fillies all around, and they are truly our children.

In her later years, she decided to assist me in keeping the peace among the land as one of my politicians. With her influence and position, along with experience speaking to a crowd, she was able to do what I had never, uniting the land in harmony. Even the queen of changelings, ever bitter at the rest of the world, had her heart purified by my lover's powerful words. Thanks to Twilight, Chrysalis and other rulers looked to me and each other with open hearts and open minds.

As her physical health diminished, she became rather annoyed at herself for her body being unable to keep up with her mind. I watched in sorrow as time passed and things became difficult for her as she aged, while I did not. Time and time again she told me that it was something that could not be changed, that if I had an eternal life it had a great purpose, far more important than the lifespan of any little pony such as herself. I believe her with all my heart, now.

Twilight never stopped being my guiding light even in her final days while bedridden. I abandoned my duties to be by her side at all times, caring for her needs despite the occasional protest. Every night before bedtime I told her I loved her before she went to sleep, my hoof with hers. I have never slept since, having kept an eye on her throughout, watching her for the fateful time that the next breath would be her last. It was maddening, but my undying love for her gave me solace.

I was fortunate enough that she did not pass in her sleep, but stayed with me long enough to say goodbye. She told me she loved me, and she was happy for everything she had done for both Equestria and I. Twilight wished for me to live a happy life as well without regret, and not to be so detached from everypony out there. I returned her words of love, and we stared at each other until I saw her close her eyes with a smile. Her hoof became limp in mine, and I knew she had passed, her face finally at rest after a lifetime of hard work. With her dwindling energy, I quickly extracted some magic from her horn to migrate to a magic flask, in order to forever preserve her essence.

The jewel, the Element of Harmony that once belonged to Twilight sits next to her flask. I can see her in it, its brightness dimming as time passes, disconnecting from her spirit and awaiting its next representative. With her gone, this leaves all six of the elements without holders. My worry of how this will affect Equestria resides deep within my mind, but I refuse to give up so soon. I will do whatever is necessary to preserve the harmony that Twilight had worked all her life for.

I find myself staring vacantly at the small, glass flask containing her magic. Its luminous, lavender glow shines upon me even now from the desk as I write, filling me with peace and hope. Her memory lives on through me, preserved forever in my mind and my heart, but my sadness cannot be driven away. After I finish writing, I will take the time to draw out my held-back emotions alone. She gave me strength, and brightened my life in a way I never could have dreamed. I must live on for Twilight, accepting that she is gone.

...I miss her.