• Published 21st Feb 2012
  • 5,839 Views, 308 Comments

Diary of a Ruler - Lamia

Thoughts of the sun princess.

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Entry 71 - Religion

I attended a funeral today, in respect for the death of a widely-known leader of a city in Equestria. The stallion was quite religious, and he had many followers. Many ponies from lands all around came to give prayers and good tidings to him for the wonderful afterlife that they believed he went to.

One matter that bothers me is that during most any funeral, everypony is very sad and disappointed. I can see their thoughts... Why did they have to die? Why did they leave me? How could this happen to her? I know all too well due to my own experience... I understand feeling sad, but I do not understand their reasonings. I relish the joyous memories I had with my passed friends and close ones, and hoped they had enjoyed their time on this world while they lived. I say that now, but for a time afterward, I realize that I, too, become overwhelmed with grief.

Just about any religion there is involves a kind of afterlife where you are led to a much better place, but these ponies seem to be in despair about that fact. Why should they be? Is the afterlife not better than ours that we live in? I came upon the distinct possibility that they must be envious; it may be selfish desire in that they wanted more time with that pony for themselves. Or, deep down inside they do not believe that the deceased went to a better place at all, perhaps nowhere.

Religion is, of course, one of the most infamous subjects of debate among the masses, if you could call it that. To me, I do not believe that any kind of religion is debatable outside of their own religious circles. The main issue is that ponies prefer to interpret their teachings to benefit only themselves and their learned ideals. In doing so, they may only be condemning themselves as a result.

These kinds of mindsets cause wars, societal separation, and most importantly, corruption of the religion itself. All is the result of one's selfishness to press their beliefs and standards onto others. There is much malevolence related to such goals and viewpoints in our lives in general. It is for this reason why most ponies are taken aback by random acts of kindness, and in my opinion, that is not a good state to be in.

As for a god, a creator's existence... I am truly uncertain that there is one. There is much to be said about the lack of solid evidence for such claims. However, I also do not know that there is not one. To me, all of it is faith and belief. Nopony can know for sure.

While I am, I believe the term is agnostic, always open to being part of a religion, I have yet to be converted. Although, I do not believe that religion is a wasteful exercise. I find it invigorating the amount of faith some ponies possess. It warms my heart at times the lengths that ponies go to for letting it affect their lives, and the lives of others, in so many positive ways. In fact, I believe that the possibility of a creator or creators existing is profoundly exciting!

It makes one wonder what that one or multiple creators' purpose was for creating us, or even the universe around us. We will never know for certain, I suppose. At least, not until we discover something essential, or die. That is, if we have an existence after death; not that I have to worry about it.