• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 1,835 Views, 49 Comments

Love is Power I: Singing from the Heart - ThaStrangr

Fluttershy has been in love with one of her closest friends for some time now, but has been too scared to confess. Will the upcoming Ponyville talent show provide her the opportunity she has been looking for?

  • ...

A Perfect Plan

"Is everypony as excited about the talent show as I am?!" Asked an overly enthusiastic Pinkie Pie. Nopony could even imagine the idea of her being more excited than she was... well, generally. But today she seemed to just be floating. Twilight made sure to check every now and again to ensure she wasn't literally floating.

"Pinkie, no one is as excited as you. Ever. About anything." Stated Rainbow Dash.

"Well, I can't say I'm as excited as Pinkie, but I do look forward to it. I can't wait to see what kinds of acts we'll have. Ooh, maybe I should sign up for it." Twilight pondered. Rainbow chuckled.

"What's your talent, egghead? Lecturing ponies to sleep?" Twilight glared.

"I was thinking I could show how fast I can make a rainbow disappear." Rainbow backed away.

"I'll be good."

"Hey, girls!" The five ponies looked in the direction from which they had been called. A yellow mare trotted toward them.

"Well, howdy, 'Shy," Applejack greeted, "Ah thought you were busy with yer animals er somethin'."

"I was, but Angel offered to take care of them so I could go out." Rainbow's face grew into a quizzical expression.

"Uhh, are you sure about that, Fluttershy? Cause knowing Angel, it sounds more like he wants you out so he can be in charge."

"I'm with Dashie on this one. That bunny is a big meanie-pants." Pinkie said as she jumped onto "Dashie's" back.

"Pinkie. Get... off."

"Trust me, Angel's a sweetheart. He can just be a little..."

"Egotistical?" Rarity suggested.

"Maniacal?" Dash questioned.

"Eccentric?" Twilight deadpanned at her.

"Eccentric. Let's go with that."

"Well, now that yer free, we were 'bout ta git some lunch. You hungry, 'Shy?" Fluttershy nodded, holding her stomach a bit.

"I kind of missed dinner last night. And breakfast this morning." Rarity gasped.

"You mean to tell me that you have gone nearly 24 hours without food?! Oh, nononono. This will not do! We must get a salad into you immediately!" Rarity was Fluttershy's closest friend, and always felt the need to look out for her. Fluttershy attempted to protest as Rarity began scooting her towards the nearest restaurant, but Rarity simply used her magic to seal her mouth shut.

"You know it's useless to argue with me by now, Fluttershy. Going so long without food is not healthy. You need a minimum three square meals per day to maintain a healthy digestive system.

"She's right, Fluttershy," Twilight chimed in, "It has been proven that your body can adjust to such eating habits and-"

"Yeah, yeah. Lecture, science, magic. Can we eat now?" Twilight glared at Rainbow Dash for interrupting her. Rainbow held her hooves up innocently, as if to say "Who, me?" Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Ah'm with Dash. Ah'm hungrier than a tree without sunlight."


The sun was beginning to set. It had been a wonderful day. After lunch, the friends had gone bowling. Fluttershy had never been one for bowling, having needed so much force to ensure the ball made it to the pins. But since the incident with Obscurity, she had been much less timid. She bowled her very first strike that day. All of her friends had congratulated her, and she was pretty excited herself. When they finished playing, they decided to hang out at the library for a while. They talked and joked the whole day through. But now, the day was over, and they all had to hit the hay so they could prepare for the next day. Before going her own way, Rainbow pulled Fluttershy off to the side, a sly grin on her face.

"What?" Fluttershy asked innocently.

"Yeah, just keep on staring at her. I'm sure she doesn't find that creepy at all." Fluttershy grew a pinkish hue on her cheeks.

"I.. I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh come on, 'Shy. You had your eyes on her ALL DAY. They almost never left her. Even at the library, you risked throwing looks at her without anyone noticing. If you want to keep it secret, you may wanna be a little more subtle." Fluttershy sighed. When did Rainbow become so observant?

"How did you find out?" Rainbow smirked.

"You told me. Just now. Besides, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out, they way you gawked at her through the day. Why don't you just tell her?"

"I can't. It's not like I haven't tried. I spend hours working up the courage to confess. But the instant I see her, and look into her eyes, it all just melts away." Fluttershy seemed at this moment that she was going to cry. She was like a sister to Dash, and Dash hated to see her cry. She brought her fillyhood friend into a warm embrace.

"Hey, don't cry. You know I'm here if you ever need to talk. And if you want, I could help you with her. I'm no love expert, but I'll do what I can." She could feel Fluttershy shaking her head. Shy then leaned out of the hug.

"No, Rainbow, this is something I have to do myself. I just need to figure out how to do it without getting cold hooves." Rainbow looked around, thinking. An idea sprung into her head as she noticed the talent show flyers, and her face instantly lit up.

"Hey, why don't you show how you feel? Perform something at the talent show, something only she would notice." Fluttershy touched a hoof to her chin.

"Well, I have been told that I'm a good singer."

"The best! Ponies line-up down the streets to hear you singing at one of Pinkie's personal parties. Seriously, when I look out the window, the houses and lights and even the stars are blocked out by other ponies."


"Absolutely! And all of our friends love your singing, especially her. You should totally sing something to her."

"But, there are no songs that really appeal to her."

"Write one. That's even more romantic, because it's personal."

"I... I don't know."

"Fluttershy, you want to win her over, don't you?" Fluttershy nodded enthusiastically.

"Then trust me. Do this, and she's yours."

"But we don't even know if she likes mares. And if she does, we can't be sure she likes me. I mean, if she does like me, why hasn't she made a move?"

"Shy, NONE of our friends have ever been in a relationship before. Twilight was too much of a shut-in, AJ and Rarity are always too caught-up in their work, and Pinkie never liked the idea of treating one pony better than everypony else. We're the only two in our group with experience. It has to be you." Fluttershy had to admit, that made sense.

"Alright, I'll do it."

"Alright! And all of the girls will be there to cheer you on, except me." Fluttershy gave her a confused expression.

"I'm gonna be in it, too!" Rainbow winked, "Thought I'd try my hoof at the whole singing thing." Fluttershy's ears flattened. Not only would she be singing before an entire crowd AND the mare of her dreams, she had to do it while competing with her oldest friend. Rainbow seemed to know what was on her mind, however.

"Hey, it's not a competition. We're just demonstrating to other ponies things that we like to do. Besides, I'd NEVER compete in a singing contest against YOU. I don't want to make myself look bad." Fluttershy's mouth curved into a small but genuine smile.

"Now there's the Fluttershy I know. Anyway, it's getting late. You better go sign-up now, before all of the spots are taken. And we should both head home. Gotta get ready!" They said their goodbyes and Rainbow Dash flew off. Fluttershy signed up on the application nearby, and began her walk home. As she walked, the thought of her union with a certain mare crossed her mind, and her walk became a giddy skip. She walked up the stairs to her second floor, shut the door behind her, and grabbed a quill and paper. She had a lot of work to do.

Author's Note:

Okay, so this is a series I put together when I saw the first episode. I wanted to animate it, but I got tired of my piece of (buy some apples) computer crashing after simply changing tools in Flash. So I decided to just write it out. If you see anything I need to improve on, please let me know. I could use all the feedback I can get. Thanks, and hope you enjoy! :D
P.S. If you're wondering what Obscurity is, it's part of this prologue story I had for this series. May write it, not sure yet.
P.P.S Second chapter out as soon as I can, but third might take a while. I want to write my own song for it.
P.P.P.S. Before anyone goes THERE, I just want to clarify that "Pinkie's personal party" is one held just for the mane 6, AND NOTHING ELSE!