• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 1,838 Views, 49 Comments

Love is Power I: Singing from the Heart - ThaStrangr

Fluttershy has been in love with one of her closest friends for some time now, but has been too scared to confess. Will the upcoming Ponyville talent show provide her the opportunity she has been looking for?

  • ...


Fluttershy awoke peacefully, her songbirds chirping her a lovely wake-up call. She smiled at them.

"Oh, that's beautiful! Thank you." She sat up in her bed and stretched satisfactorily. A loud yawn escaped her.

"That was one of the best rests I've ever had. I feel so full of energy. This is going to be a fantastic day. I hope." Despite her enthusiasm, Fluttershy was still anxious. The idea of her crush, and one of her best friends, rejecting her weighed on her heavily. She shook her head free of her negative thoughts.

"No, you've come too far. You will not back out this time." Fluttershy steeled her resolve, and nodded to herself.

"This time, I will see this through to the end. And may whatever be, be." She climbed out of her bed and walked downstairs. "First things first." She trotted into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for all of her beloved animals.


There was a loud knock on the door.

"Fluttershy," Rainbow called, "C'mon, they need to see all of the contestants behind the stage for set-up and rehearsal." She heard a fumbling sound inside.

"One moment." After a few seconds, the noises emanating from the small cottage subsided, and the door slowly creaked. Rainbow Dash raised a brow.

"What's that in your mane?" Fluttershy smiled.

"Something only she would notice. It's a phoenix feather. I got it from Philomena, Princess Celestia's pet phoenix. Remember? When she came to town and I thought Philomena was sick, I kind-of swiped her. When Twilight found out, she did everything she could to help me treat Philomena and return her so I wouldn't get punished. She put her own flank at risk to help save mine."

"Oh, yeah. I remember it now." She chuckled at the memory of the bird helping her mess with the guard ponies. "So, you get that song finished?" Fluttershy reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a small sheet of paper, waving it at the cyan pegasus. Rainbow instinctively reached for it, but Fluttershy quickly retracted her hoof.

"Not until the show." Dash looked irritated, which made her friend giggle.

"All right, we should get going." Fluttershy stepped over the threshold of her doorway and walked alongside.

"Oh, I never asked. What are you singing for the show, Dash?"

"Eh, just a little something a couple of fans wrote for me. Just about loyalty, me being awesome. Y'know, the usual."

"Yes, Rainbow, I know." She playfully rolled her eyes. As the two walked on, they discussed just about anything that popped into their heads. Work, their activities of late, any good books they'd read (which, in Rainbow's case, consisted mainly of the latest Daring Do adventures). They even chatted about their fillyhood a couple of times. About 15 minutes of mindless chatter later, they found themselves at the stage.

They trotted around back, catching sight of several other competitors. Lyra was fiddling nervously with her lyre, Octavia struggled to tune a particular string, Derpy did... whatever it is Derpy does. But the act that attracted the most of Fluttershy's attention was one she could not see. Somepony was practicing her singing, and it was magnificent.

"Buck! And I was actually hoping to win this thing," Rainbow groaned. Fluttershy looked to her annoyed friend, and followed her gaze to the source of the singing: Princess Luna. *Wow* Fluttershy though *I wouldn't have expected a princess to be in this contest.* She smiled warmly, and trotted toward the princess.

"That's lovely, your majesty." Luna was slightly stricken by the sudden noise, as she turned to face the source of the compliment.

"Ah, Fluttershy. It is good to see you again. Did you truly enjoy my singing?"

"Oh, absolutely! Some of the best I've heard. Best of luck, I'm really rooting for you." Luna looked puzzled.

"Isn't the point of this contest to attempt to out-perform each-other?" Fluttershy shook her head.

"For many, yes. Not for me. I have... ulterior motives." Luna winked in understanding.

"Your luck is appreciated, Fluttershy. I hope you receive much attention from your 'ulterior motive'." Luna pulled the shy mare into a tight embrace.

"Um... Princess... Don't want to bother you, but... I can't exactly breathe."

"Oh." The night princess sat the wheezing pony down and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Sorry, Fluttershy." Fluttershy took a long, deep breath, attempting to recompose herself.

"It's okay, princess. You were just caught-up in the moment."



"Just call me Luna, Fluttershy. I am more your friend than I am your princess." She smiled at the small pegasus, who returned it happily.

The two heard hoofsteps slowly approaching them. They turned toward the direction of the sound, and saw a cyan pegasus walking their way. Fluttershy was so entranced by Luna's singing, she'd completely forgotten she had left a friend waiting for her. Rainbow Dash bowed as she approached the night princess.

"Good evening, your majesty," she stated curtly. She had expected response, but she hadn't expected it to be a pair of hooves latching onto her sides. She looked up, just before being pulled into a bone-shattering hug.

"And likewise to you, Rainbow Dash," Luna said as she unknowingly forced all of the air from Rainbow's lungs, "and, please, just call me Luna." Fluttershy uneasily watched this exchange, before turning to the princess.

"Ummm, Luna," she said. Luna smiled over to her, and she pointed back to Rainbow Dash, who had a grimace of pain etched onto her face. Luna gasped and released her prisoner.

"Apologies, Rainbow Dash," she said, connecting a hoof audibly to her own face. Rainbow inhaled deeply, reveling in the fresh air.

"It's alright, Luna. It's good to see you again. And just Rainbow is fine. Or 'The Dash". 'Awesome Incarnate' works, too." Fluttershy raised a brow at her friend's unexpectedly developed vocabulary. 'Awesome' shrugged. "Daring Do said it." This time it was Fluttershy's turn to play hoof-to-face.

The three were interrupted as a stage-hoof trotted up. He passed small slips of paper to each mare in the group, and slipped away into the crowd. Fluttershy lifted the paper until until a sliver of light shone on it. On the paper was etched a large number six. She assumed these numbers were to be the order of performance. She looked to the others to compare.

"It seems I am number six. What about you two?"

"I am fifth to stage," responded Luna.

"Got three here," Rainbow exclaimed as she waved it around. Fluttershy looked to the other contestants, all focused wholly on the digits locked in their grips. Lyra was particularly interested in her number- 42, which she regarded as though it held the answer to everything.

"Looks like we're pretty high up on the list. You girls ready?" Rainbow eyed the other two, clearly nervous, though not allowing herself to show it. The other two also presented symptoms of apprehension, but each swallowed her distress and gave an uncertain nod. Rainbow nodded back and the trio looked back to the stage to await the call for the first contestant.


Fluttershy had respectively spectated the first five contestants. She closed her eyes and fell into Octavia's beautiful concerto. She watched in awe as Derpy harvested vapor from a stray cumulus and converted it into an array of bubbles. She listened to Rainbow brag about herself. She admired Scootaloo's complex scooter tricks. But without a doubt, the best and most inspiring performance came from Princess Luna. She had sung a song, written by her own hoof, describing the isolation and sorrow she felt on her return from the moon. Fluttershy was swarmed with emotion as she listened, her eyes actually beginning to feel moist. She had never fully understood the hardships Luna had undergone upon her return until that night. She thought, for a brief moment, she even saw Rainbow's eyes glistening. Though, the proud pony would never let anypony see. Whatever voices seethed with anger or fear towards the regal mare were silenced that night.

The thought of the princess' haunted past drew her mind to another thought about her crush she had not considered. She chanced a peek from behind the stage and began to explore the audience with her eyes. The first sight to draw her attention was a large, white mare lying down (surely so ponies behind her could see) in the front. Fluttershy didn't realize Princess Celestia would be here. Of course, Luna was performing. She probably didn't give any notice so Twilight didn't start lining the streets with red carpet or something. Just the idea made Fluttershy giggle.

After a bit more searching, she found in the crowd the lavender unicorn she had been searching for. She looked around the pony in question and noticed two small forms at her hooves; one purple with a few hints of green here and there, the other a dark black with a violet mane. Fluttershy couldn't believe she hadn't taken Twilight's oldest friend and adopted daughter into account. How would they react to Fluttershy's proclamation of love? Would they disapprove? Would they resent her from trying to take Twilight from them? Fluttershy began hyperventilating. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. Maybe she should just-

"Number Six!" Fluttershy felt her breath catch in her throat. She could just slip through the rest of the performers, then- no. No, she promised herself she would do this. And in spite of all her misgivings, she will! Fluttershy took a long, deep breath and stepped onto the stage.


Fluttershy raised a hoof to her face to combat the intense light blaring down on her. When her eyes adjusted to spotlight, she lowered her hoof and looked toward the crowd. She'd remembered where she had directed her attention a few moments prior, and immediately her eyes fell on that same beautiful unicorn mare, now with the little alicorn filly wrapped between her forelegs. The sight put a smile on Fluttershy's face. Twilight, on seeing Fluttershy looking at her, raised a hoof from around her daughter's form and used it to offer an encouraging wave. Nyx saw her mother waving and decided to show her support as well. Though hers was more of a miniature seizure than a simple wave.

Fluttershy giggled and returned their gesture, though admittedly not as enthusiastically as the excited filly. Seeing her crush gazing up at her with some admiration and wonder quickly steeled Fluttershy's resolve, and she stepped up to the mic, preparing for what may be the most important and difficult moment of her life. She cleared her throat and leaned toward the microphone.

"Um, hello everypony. I'm Fluttershy, and I would like to sing for you a song I wrote recently. I call it "Social Issues". I hope you all enjoy it." Fluttershy carefully placed the feather into her mane and took another long, shaky breath as nearby birds of varying species began to chirp their sweet melody, Angel began a steady rhythm on his pot, Curry the raccoon shook his can with enthusiasm, and Berenger the bear carefully strummed the strings of his guitar. These harmonized into a lovely tune. After a moment, Fluttershy accompanied them.

I'll Always Remember That Fateful Day When

You First Stepped in My Sight.

Your Boundless Beauty Made Me,

For My Breath, Fight.

When You Smiled That Dazzling Smile,

My Head Was Sent Spinning Wild.

You Shined Brighter Than the

Brightest Star in the Night

'Cause When I Was Younger,

I Feared to Speak.

My Social Issues Kept Me

Feeling Weak.

But, Then, There Came the Day

I Saw Your Smiling Face.

My Whole World Changed the Day

You First Looked at Me

The crowd listened as Fluttershy spilled her heart out on that stage, completely unaware of the song's true intent. Upon reaching the end of the musical confession, Fluttershy looked up to the crowd, an instant before her ears were blown out by an eruption of cheers and stomps. The audience whistled, clapped their hooves together, slapped satisfied smiles on their faces. All reactions that made Fluttershy feel so much better about herself.

However appreciative the ponies were of her song, she remembered it wasn't for them. She turned to the mare of her dreams. Twilight was clapping harder than anypony else, and... Wait, was she... crying? This reaction both puzzled and worried Fluttershy. Did she not like the song? Did she discern its meaning and was crying at the thought of having to break her friend's heart?! Fluttershy struggled to stop herself from trembling as these fears surfaced in her mind.

Twilight soon noticed the pegasus staring and cast a gentle smile her way before mouthing a simple, "That was beautiful". This put Fluttershy's concerns to bed. Twilight wasn't crying because she would have to hurt one of her closest friends, or because she didn't like the song. She was crying because it had affected her so much, filled her with such emotion. Many ponies in Ponyville would forget what Twilight was like before moving there. She, too, knew what it was like to be a social outcast. Twilight cried because she had uncovered one of the messages of the song. And if she discovered one, there was a chance she found the other.

Not a bad plan after all.


"Now to announce the winners of Ponyville's first ever Night of the Showpony (not you, Trixie)," a light groaning was heard as Mayor Ivory Scroll pointed out that last little detail. She adjusted her glasses as she read the results, "Third place, Rainbow Dash!" A group of young fillies and colts began chanting "Dash!" at the sound of her name. Rainbow, in true Rainbow Dash nature, began making ridiculous poses imitating a buff, tough pony. Noticing the annoyed look on the mayor's face, Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck and walked toward the third place platform to receive her medal.

"Right. Okay, second place is... Fluttershy!" Fluttershy eeped. She hadn't expected to place. She walked up to the second place stand and scanned the crowd. Each pony had a hoof half over his or her eyes and used the other hoof for a quick wave before shielding the eyes entirely. Fluttershy leaned toward Dash.

"Umm, what are they doing?" Barely above a whisper she spoke, so as not to interrupt the mayor. Rainbow glanced over at the ponies and smirked.

"By now, everypony in Ponyville knows how shy you are, especially when facing the public. So they're covering their eyes so you don't feel uncomfortable." Fluttershy smiled at the ponies. Was there any question why she loved this town?

"And now, everypony. The moment you've all been waiting for. First place in the Night of the Showpony (still not you) ("Augh!" Trixie grunted): Princess Luna!" For a moment, the night princess was not certain she had heard correctly. When her brain had finally caught up, screams of praise flooded her ears. The largest voice, shockingly, being that of her older sister. She cast her gaze toward Celestia, who was whistling and stomping and cheering as though Equestria was coming to an end. Luna blushed at all the attention she was receiving as she stepped onto her own pedestal. Luna was given a large trophy and a standing ovation for her victory. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash each offered her congratulations.

Fluttershy dared a glance back to Twilight, who was not looking at Luna or Rainbow Dash, but instead staring insistently at her. Twilight had an expression of contemplation and uncertainty on her face. Realizing Fluttershy was facing her direction again, Twilight's expression melted into a glimmering smile. But all too late. Fluttershy had noticed the first look Twilight had been giving her, and the thought of it made her feel uneasy. She was even more unsettled when the unicorn gestured for them to take a walk together. Alone. With hesitation and anxiety weighing heavily on her mind, Fluttershy followed lavender mare from the cheery ponies celebrating the night princess' victory with such frivolity. She had wondered if she should have just stayed with them.

Author's Note:

Sorry this was so long. No one needs to tell me I'm a disgrace. I am fully aware of that fact. :trixieshiftleft:
BTW, sorry if the song seems rushed. When I first imagined this scene, Fluttershy was singing "Everything She Does is Magic". :twilightblush: