• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Terror in Equestria 2: Quest for the Jade Alicorn - StormLuna

The Dark Queen Twilight has just cemented herself as the sole ruler of Equestria. She is extremely powerful, but she wants a power only the Goddess LaurFa had, to see all. To achieve this, she must acquire an ancient relic in a guarded city.

  • ...

Retrieving the Jade Alicorn

The morning of their departure had arrived. Twilight made sure that everyone had a good breakfast. After they finished their breakfast she addressed them down at the base of the tower.

"Alright, the time has come for us to head out. We are prepared for anything that they can throw at us and I have an armor spell that will allow all of us to take many more strikes from them than we normally would otherwise. Colonel Ice Storm, Colonel Lightning Wasp, you two are to keep order while we are gone. Do you remember what I said?" asked Twilight

Lightning Wasp replied, "Yes, I remember. You said that if there are any rebellions to crush them and deal with the disobedient ones accordingly."

"That is correct," replied Twilight "alright everypony, let's get going. There is plentiful food by the shoreline that we can eat before we set sail. Our first meal on our ships will be supper. Let's get going!"

Twilight and her forces flew west from Ponyville towards the ocean. In Canterlot it appeared as though Twilight and her forces were paying the city a visit again.

Twilight Velvet said, "Oh great, we have to put up with Twilight and her thugs again."

Crescent Sparkle replied, "It looks that way. Why must she continue to come here and rub it in everypony's face that Ponyville is the capitol now?"

They looked in amazement as Twilight and her forces flew directly over the city without stopping. Twilight was thinking of swooping down and scaring all the Canterlot elites but figured that would only waste time. She needed to get her forces out to the coast as soon as possible.

It was early afternoon when the coastline and their ships became visible on the horizon. They sped up a bit seeing this and landed along the coast.

"Wow, that was a long flight" said Colgate

Twilight replied, "Yep, but we got here sooner than we thought. I thought we wouldn't arrive until around two and we got here just after one. Let's eat."

Twilight and her forces found lakes with fresh water and bushes that had small apples on them which everypony found to be delicious.

"Wow," said Applejack "These small apples are delicious! Ah'm thinking that once there is time, that we should transplant some of these to Sweet Apple Acres. Ah'm sure everypony would love them!"

Twilight replied, "I am glad to know that you like them and once we have everything taken care of, we will transplant these. The apples that grow from them are very tasty."

They all spent around an hour eating their lunch before Twilight addressed them.

Twilight said, "Alright everypony, now we are going to board our ships and set sail for Alicorn Island. Depending on the wind, this could take as long as four days and if we have easterly winds, our trip may only take three days. While we will not be crammed in these ships like sardines, we will be seeing a whole lot of one another than normal. Just relax, enjoy one another's company and enjoy your meals. I will provide more information once Alicorn Island is visible on the horizon."

"What direction will we be approaching Faustica from?" asked Lyra

"Lyra, we will be approaching the island from the northeast. We will be much less noticeable going in from that direction. Like I said, once we get close to the island, I will provide detailed information on what we will be doing." replied Twilight

Everypony got aboard their assigned ship and they set sail towards the west. Twilight was pleased with the easterly wind that was pushing them along. She thought to herself, "I hope this wind keeps up because I don't want us to have to be out here at sea for too long."

Twilight was looking off to the southwest as the sun rose on the fourth morning. She could make out something on the shoreline. Once they got a bit closer she shouted, "THAT IS ALICORN ISLAND ON THE HORIZON! EVERYPONY FLY OVER TO MY SHIP SO I CAN GIVE YOU THE FINAL DETAILS."

After everypony had gathered on her ship Twilight addressed them, "Alright everypony, our target is within sight. Here is what we are going to do. Once we get about a mile from the coast I am going to have LaurFa fly into Faustica. They believe that she is their goddess and they will flock to her and have all their attention and focus aimed solely at her. The rest of us will then go in and retrieve the library materials while I go get the relic."

Colgate asked, "Twilight, how do we know where all this stuff is? It could take us a very long time to locate the library and then how are we going to transport the materials."

Twilight replied, "LaurFa has told me where everything is. I am going to have a lot of you head to the main library which is about six blocks south of the king and queen's palace. Luckily for us they have large boxes to pack all the materials in. They have these in the event it had to be relocated in the event of an emergency. The other library is located in the basement of the castle of the goddess."

Applejack asked, "Who will be going into the goddess's castle to retrieve that material along with the relic with you?"

Twilight replied, "Applejack, you and the rest of my friends, along with Colgate, Lyra and Lemon Hearts will be coming in there with me. Shining Armor will take the unicorn soldiers and changelings in with him."

Rainbow Dash said, "Twilight, the changelings can't levitate things and they can't carry anything, what will they do?"

Twilight replied, "They are here primarily for security detail. If any problems arise, they will cover those who try to stop us in green ooze, which will render their magic useless. Around 100 of them will be coming with us into the goddess's castle while the rest of them will join Shining Armor and our Alicorn soldiers in the main library."

"Are there any other things we have to be concerned about?" asked Fluttershy

"Yes Fluttershy, there are. Faustica is where Queen Galaxia, King Cosmos, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna all live. If Celestia causes any problems, I can deal with her and I most likely can handle Galaxia as they use the same type of magic."

"What about Cosmos and Luna?" asked Colgate

Twilight replied, "They use a different kind of magic, something similar to mine. I have not engaged in any battles against Luna so I am not sure how we would deal with those two. That is where we would need changelings to surround them and cover them in ooze."

"Regarding getting close to them," said Thunder Rage "When are you going to cast that armor spell on us?"

Twilight replied, "I will do it now. I am not only going to cast this spell on the changelings, but all of us, including myself. Everypony gather around me, we need to form a giant ball."

All her soldiers and recruits gathered around her. She began to glow a deep shade of purple, her eyes were glowing green and her horn glowing purple as she recited, "The ones without armor do not stand a chance, so it is what we must enhance, the unarmed ones will likely receive death, with armor they shall continue to draw breath, without armor they will be torn to shreds like a rag but with armor victory is in the bag."

A bright flash of purple energy enveloped them all strengthening their resistance to Alicorn energy. Twilight said, "Ok, all of us can take a lot more hits from the Alicorns than we could before. LaurFa, are you ready to go in?"

"Yes Twilight, I am ready to go in. Let's get this done, in the name of Twilight, in the name of our army, IN THE NAME OF EQUESTRIA!" said a determined LaurFa

"Alright LaurFa, go distract them while we take care of the rest." replied Twilight

It was an ordinary day in Faustica while the royal family was sitting out on the balcony of their palace. Galaxia said, "What is that coming in from the northeast? Is it a huge bird or something?"

Luna looked off that way and started to shout, "IT'S HER! IT'S LAURFA! SHE HAS RETURNED!"

LaurFa landed down on their balcony and said, "It has been such a long time since I have seen you! How is everypony doing?"

Galaxia hugged her and asked, "How did you escape the void your highness? How did you regain your power and size after Twilight drained you?"

LaurFa replied, "Galaxia, I am a goddess! Twilight may have knocked me down and banished me to the void, but I escaped and now I think we need to go to the town square to address my subjects."

LaurFa and the royal family headed off to the town square as Twilight's ships were docking on the northeast side of the city. The citizens of Faustica saw LaurFa flying with the royal family and began to cheer as they ran to the town square.

LaurFa said to the citizens, "I am sure everypony has wondered where I have been. I had a run in with a powerful Alicorn in Equestria who had banished me to the void."

The crowd sighed in concern. LaurFa continued, "But I am a goddess and while even a goddess can get banished temporarily, she will never be trapped forever. I had the power to get out and now I rejoin the royal family in ruling here."

While LaurFa was addressing the crowd Twilight and her forces headed into the city to achieve their objective.

Twilight, her recruits and 100 changelings headed into LaurFa's old palace while the rest of her forces headed to the main library, which was a mile away from the town square so the ponies were oblivious as to what was happening.

Shining Armor and the Alicorn soldiers headed into the main library. "Alright guys, this library has 5 stories to it. Since you know how to levitate, I do not have any concerns as to getting these books in the boxes. Do not worry about sorting them. Twilight will handle that once we return to Ponyville. I need to head to the basement to retrieve the most sacred scrolls this place has. General Dark Night, you will supervise these operations while I am down there."

Dark Night replied, "You can count on me! I will make sure this goes flawless."

At the goddess's palace Twilight and her recruits headed in. Twilight said, "Ok, LaurFa said that the private library is down those stairs and to the left. She said that the relic can be found three flights up and is the room at the end of the hall attached to the balcony. Let's do this."

Twilight headed up the stairs and didn't have a hard time locating LaurFa's old bedroom, as a banner above the entrance read, "Bedroom of Her supreme highness, LaurFa."

Twilight was thinking to herself, "Was LaurFa really so narcissistic that she had to have a banner above her bedroom saying that? Well it just made my life a whole lot easier!"

Twilight headed into the bedroom and on LaurFa's nightstand, she saw what she had came for, the jade alicorn and the emerald plate that it sat in, just as it had sat for thousands of years. Twilight also saw the huge bed that LaurFa had. She decided that she would go and try it out. She sank into it and was thinking to herself, "I have to have this bed! I am the most powerful pony in the universe so I should have a bed designed for the most powerful pony in the universe."

Twilight went downstairs and ran into Major Black Mist. "Black Mist, I need you and thirty changelings to follow me upstairs, now."

Black Mist replied, "Alright Twilight, we are coming. What do you need us for?"

"I have found what I am looking for. I am going to levitate them to the ship and I will then need you and your drones to guard the ship." said Twilight

"Them?" asked Black Mist "I thought there was only one item you wanted."

Twilight replied, "I want LaurFa's bed as well. I tried it out and it is so comfy!"

Twilight, Black Mist and thirty drones headed back up to LaurFa's bedroom to take care of this. Twilight also saw a gold box in her closet. She opened the box, put the jade Alicorn and emerald plate in it and locked it. She then flew to her ship levitating the bed and the box. Black Mist and his changelings followed her. Once they got there Twilight put them down in her bedroom.

"Black Mist, you and your drones guard this ship with your lives. Do not let anyone other than my forces on this ship. Do you understand?" said Twilight

Black Mist replied, "Yes, I understand. You can count on us!"

"Good to hear." replied Twilight

Twilight then flew back towards the goddess's palace and checked on the library. All the materials had been neatly packed and were ready to go.

Twilight said, "Good job girls, good job. Let's get this stuff back to the ship. Thunder Rage, grab your changelings and let's head back to the ship."

Thunder Rage said, "Boys, Twilight said it is time to go. Come on! Follow Twilight and her friends."

Pinkie said, "Wow Twilight, we get to go home this quick. This was easy!"

Twilight replied, "We're not done yet. Shining Armor and the Alicorn soldiers are still handling the main library. Come on, let's go. We can't hang around all day."

Twilight and her friends levitated the boxed up materials and flew back to her ship with great haste. Once they arrived they took all the library materials below deck to a storage compartment.

Fluttershy said, "Twilight, what do we do now?"

Twilight replied, "I want all of you to stay here and guard this ship with your lives. If any of the island's inhabitants come towards these ships, fire on them. Thunder Rage, if you see them coming cover them in ooze and then let the sea handle them."

Applejack asked, "Twilight, what are y'all going to be doing while we are guarding the ship."

Twilight replied, "I am going to go see how things are going at the library and when that is all ready to go, I am going to get LaurFa so we can head back home."