• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Terror in Equestria 2: Quest for the Jade Alicorn - StormLuna

The Dark Queen Twilight has just cemented herself as the sole ruler of Equestria. She is extremely powerful, but she wants a power only the Goddess LaurFa had, to see all. To achieve this, she must acquire an ancient relic in a guarded city.

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Further Studies

The following day Twilight and Shining Armor are discussing matters involving their trip to Alicorn Island to transfer the library materials from Faustica to Ponyville when Shining Armor realizes a few things.

Shining Armor said, "With as powerful as they are, we are going to need more than just two Alicorns in our forces. I am not sure about you but I think we need to transform more unicorns here into Alicorns. I think we should first start with your unicorn soldiers. Giving them the ability to fly would increase the strength of your forces dramatically. They are stronger than the changelings so they could handle the energy beams from the Alicorns better."

Twilight replied, "You know big brother, you are right. I have also thought of something. Once I release LaurFa and cast the loyalty spell on her. She will go with us. The Alicorns there would never use their energy against her. She could have them all gather in an area away from her library while we pack the library materials into boxes and then transfer those to our ship. During that time, I will go and retrieve the jade unicorn and the emerald plate. But I do think we need more than just the unicorn soldiers being able to fly. We also need other normal unicorns transformed."

"I do have a question Twilight, are there any unicorns here that have written their own magic? They would be a lot easier to transform." asked Shining Armor

"Actually, yes we do." replied Twilight "Colgate has written her own magic but the only way I could get her to agree to becoming an Alicorn is to allow her to remain being a dentist. Since the capitol city is Ponyville now, all I have to do is let her remain a dentist and she will agree to this for sure."

Shining Armor and Twilight discuss how long it would take to do all of this. Twilight said that she would need to transfer each unicorn soldier individually, which might take a week to ten days. Since they already are loyal to Twilight, she would not have to cast a loyalty spell on them. With the other regular unicorns she would have to cast the loyalty spell on them.

Shining Armor gave Twilight a suggestion, "Twilight, what if you were to transform your friends into Alicorns. Is there anyway to transform other types of ponies into Alicorns?"

Twilight replied, "Well I would need to do some studying to see if there is any way to do that. I would also need to cast the loyalty spell on them. Yes they are my friends but I would need them to be unquestionably loyal. I do think that besides Colgate, Lyra Heartstrings and Lemon Hearts would be good Alicorns as well."

"When do you think we should start transforming all these ponies into Alicorns?" asked Shining Armor

"I think we need to start working on the unicorn soldiers today. Once we get them taken care of, then I will work on the other unicorns and Rarity will be the first of my friends I will transform. I will then study on how to transform Pegasus ponies and earth ponies." replied Twilight

"I have a question little sis," asked Shining Armor "is there any way you could transform all of the unicorn soldiers all at once? That would make things go a lot quicker."

Twilight replied, "I will need to go and study to see if there is a way or if there is any information that will guide me to write the spell to do that. We will put off any transformations until I get every spell I need."

Twilight headed back up into the archives to study and see if there are any spells or at least clues as to how to write magic to perform the tasks she desires. Shining Armor headed back towards the base when he ran into Rarity.

Rarity said, "Wow Shining Armor, how did you become an Alicorn prince?"

"Well Twilight transformed me into one and she made me a Grand Prince." replied Shining Armor

"I do have a question," asked Rarity "what happened to Princess Cadence?"

"Well Twilight and I caught her spying for the enemy and we had to send her into exile. I'm not sure where Twilight sent her, but her and I are no longer together." replied Shining Armor

This caused Rarity to get overly excited and she started jumping around Shining Armor giggling and batting her eyes at him. Everypony in town could tell that Rarity was wanting Shining Armor to be her special somepony. Rainbow Dash saw this from the other side of town and shouted, "Rarity, everypony knows you want him, just ask him to be your special somepony!"

Rarity and Shining Armor both had stunned looks on their faces as this had suddenly turned into one of those awkward moments that anypony would want to get out of.

"Well, I think I better get back to my boutique." said Rarity

"Maybe we can talk later, I need to get over to the base to make sure everything is going alright, besides it is getting close to time for supper for our army and I need to make sure that they are fed." replied Shining Armor

In the Starswirl the Bearded room Twilight was going through some of the same scrolls where she found the transformation spell and she found a lot of information on how to transform more than one unicorn at a time. She continued reading and the spell came to her. "The unicorns without wings can not fly, that can make their plans go awry, when they need to get there in great haste, without wings it is like they are stuck in paste, to be assured they get places fast, their wingless days must be a thing of the past."

Twilight ran to her balcony and flew off to the south towards the Ponyville Military Base. There she ran into Shining Armor and said to him with great excitement, "I think I have it!"

Shining Armor replied, "You think you have what?"

"The transformation spell!" replied Twilight "I think I have it right to where I can transform our unicorn soldiers into Alicorns."

Shining Armor said, "When should we see if it works?"

Twilight replied, "When I get all the other spells figured out. I think it would be best if we waited instead of transforming the unicorn soldiers now and waiting until later to take care of the other ponies."

"Alright, you're the top pony in charge." replied Shining Armor "I'm just as excited as you are to see this work."

"It is time for supper." said Twilight "Go get our officers to join us for supper."

After supper they headed into the throne room to discuss their plans involving the transformation of the unicorns and the plans involving the other ponies.

Twilight addressed her officers, "General Dark Night, you and all the other dark unicorns are going to be transformed into Alicorns so that you can fly. That will make our traveling to battles quicker and easier. It will also strengthen the power of your energy and give you more protection from energy beams of other Alicorns."

"What about us?" asked General Thunder Rage "What about my changelings and myself?"

"That is a good question Thunder Rage. I don't think there is any information regarding changelings in any of the books or scrolls that I have gone through. I do think I can find a spell to make it tougher to kill you though." replied Twilight

"So what are our plans for tomorrow Twilight?" asked Shining Armor

"I want our plans to just be the same as they were today until I get every spell figured out that I need to get figured out. Once I have everything in order and everypony ready for their transformation, then we will see a change in routine." replied Twilight

"Sounds good to me. I am enjoying the more laid back schedule you are having us do. Sombra nearly worked us to death even when he wasn't planning any military action." said Dark Night

Twilight woke up early the following morning so that she could go catch Colgate outside of her office before she got to work. "Hi Colgate, how is your morning treating you?" asked Twilight

"It is going well your Majesty, how is your day going for you?" replied Colgate

"Colgate, you can just call me Twilight or Twily. I hate the formal ways of the old royal family. I do have something I want to say though." said Twilight

Twilight pointed her horn at Colgate and it began to glow. Colgate looked kind of scared but knew better than to say anything. Twilight recited, "From another to me, that is where your allegiance will now be, you thought your old commander loved you like pie when all they wanted was for you to die. With me all shall be great, there shall be no hate."

Twilight sent a beam of energy to Colgate while she recited this. After it reached her she appeared stunned but then she wiped her eyes and said, "Twilight, your are the one and only leader I will ever recognize and be loyal to."

Twilight gave her a smile and said, "Colgate, before you get to work I do have a question. What would you think about becoming an Alicorn?"

Colgate replied, "I don't know. When Celestia told me that I couldn't be a dentist if I became an Alicorn that sealed it for me. I am loyal to you but I just want to remain a dentist. I don't want to be royalty."

Twilight said, "Colgate, of course you can remain a dentist. That is what your special talent is and nopony, not even me, can take that away from you or change it. You will just assist me in some overseas endeavors, that is all. I promise you it won't keep you away from your dentist office for long."

Colgate put her hoof on her chin and thought for a minute. She got a smile on her face and said, "You've got a deal Twilight! Since the capitol is here and I will still be able to be a dentist, I am ready to become an Alicorn!"

Twilight said, "That is wonderful!" Twilight pointed her horn at Colgate. It began to glow purple as she recited, "The unicorn who has no wings is bound to the ground, they can not really get around, their smarts are great yet without flight they will be late, with these smarts they will be great and they shall never have a bad fate."

Like Shining Armor, Colgate began to levitate and great amounts of energy headed to her. She was encircled in this energy for three minutes before it dissipated and Colgate floated to the ground using her new wings. Just to test them out though, she flew around her office a couple of times, a little bit wobbly but very well for a first time flyer.

"Twilight!" said Colgate "I love these wings! Now I can fly around everywhere and have a whole lot more time. I won't have to scarf down my lunch so fast at the cafe. Now I can fly back here instead of run! I better get to work Twilight. You have a great day!"

"You too! Come by my tower tomorrow after you close your office so we can talk about important matters." said Twilight

"I will! See you around 5:30 tomorrow." replied Colgate

Twilight flew back to her tower as she was late for breakfast. When she finally arrived Shining Armor and her generals were waiting for her before they took a bite of food.

"You guys didn't have to wait for me to eat." said Twilight "I don't want your food to get cold!"

"It is just a matter of habit." said Thunder Rage "Chrysalis would never let us eat anything until she started eating first. A lot of times we wound up having to wait until our food was cold."

Dark Night added, "Sombra was the same way as Chrysalis. You are a breath of fresh air Twilight. You are the type of leader that everypony deserves."

"Well thanks guys. I think we better chow down before our food does get cold!" said Twilight

After they finished their breakfast Twilight told Shining Armor and her two generals what she had done this morning. She figured that it would be a good idea to transform Colgate early since she had written her own magic.

"Twily," said Shining Armor "I think it was a good idea to transform Colgate early. She is more powerful than Lemon Hearts and Lyra anyway."

Twilight replied, "Well they will all have the same strength of power once I transform them all. The main difference is that Colgate can perform pain free root canals and the others can't."

Dark Night asked, "Will she wind up being the dentist for the military?"

Twilight replied, "Probably not. She is a civilian dentist and loves her practice. I could never ask her to give that up. I am heading back up to the archives so I can figure out those other spells so we can have everything in order for our mission."

Twilight spent a very long time in the archives, she even missed lunch. She was bound and determined to find information that would aid in her writing spells to transform Pegasus ponies and earth ponies into Alicorns. She finally found a scroll that pointed her in the right direction. It mentioned something about the pegasus having flight but no power and the earth ponies desiring the qualities of both. Twilight spent around an hour trying to figure this out and then it hit her.

"That's it!" shouted Twilight "I have figured them out! Now I just have to hope that they work."

Twilight was confident that they would work but realized that it was already time for supper as her stomach growled loudly. Twilight said to herself, "Hmmm, I better get down to the dining hall for supper. After all, a pony with an empty stomach is not a happy pony!"