• Published 13th Aug 2013
  • 7,869 Views, 208 Comments

Six Best Friends Play Diplomacy - DagaYemar

Twilight and the rest of the Elements of Harmony are about to play Diplomacy. Let's watch.

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Summer 02

The new units were barely placed on the board when Twilight draped a wing around Rarity and pulled her away from the table. “Come on, we need to talk right now.”

“Not so rough, Twilight!” Rarity complained, disentangling herself from her friend’s grasp when they were a good distance away. “What’s come over you, Dear? It’s just a game, after all.”

“I see what you’re doing.” Twilight said, cutting past Rarity’s complaints. “She might not see it yet, but that last unit you put down makes it plain as day.”

Rarity carefully controlled her face into an expressionless mask. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”

Twilight shook her head and fixed her friend with a piercing look. “Say what you like, there was no other reason to choose that type of unit if you weren’t planning to invade. Perhaps I should call her over and tell her all about my theories…”

“No!” Rarity said before she could stop herself. She took a deep breath, composed herself, and looked at her friend in a new light. “What’s come over you, Twilight? That was mean.”

“If I do nothing, I’m going to be out of this game.” Twilight said, her voice hardening with determination. “At this point, I need every advantage I can get. And for that, your plan needs to go off without a hitch.”

Rarity leaned back thoughtfully. “So… you’re not going to expose me?”

“Not if you do something for me…”

“Ah thought you were gonna stop Rainbow from takin’ the Dune Sea!” Applejack hissed, looking over her shoulder to make sure the pegasus in question couldn’t overhear the two of them.

Pinkie Pie shrugged and rooted around in her bag for any remaining kernels. “But then I’d have it. Wouldn’t you rather take it from her yourself?”

“Well, Ah suppose Ah do at that.” Applejack said thoughtfully, scratching her chin. “That’s mighty kind of you, Pinkie. But isn’t it a little late? She’s already got her piece for holdin’ it.”

“But she won’t get to keep it!” Pinkie said, pulling AJ into a tight huddle and glancing around all secretive like. “She’ll move all her pieces away over the next few turns. With a little help from me, you can take that spot without any trouble. All we’ve got to do is wait for her to get far enough away that she can’t recover and fight back.”

Applejack blinked and realized her mouth was hanging open. “Pinkie? That’s the smartest thing Ah ever heard comin’ out of your mouth. Where’d all this come from?”

“Well, duh!” Pinkie said with an exaggerated sigh, releasing the orange pony from her huddle. “My special talent is throwing parties, remember? And what do you think ponies play at parties? There isn’t a game I don’t know how to win at! You stick with me, and together we’ll win this thing!”

“R-right!” Applejack said through a forced grin. Well don’t that beat all! Looks like Ah made the right ally after all!

“Although… now that I look at it, that space would be very useful…”

“Well, do you want it or not?!” Applejack asked, exasperated.

“Oh no, the spot is yours, all right.” Pinkie’s eyes grew distant as she stared off just over AJ’s shoulder. “I was just thinking about those delicious apple fritters you know how to make…”

Fluttershy stared remorsefully at the game board spread out before her. Looks like another turn of doing nothing at all…


The yellow pegasus jumped out of her seat and spun around to face Twilight. “I’m sorry, I was lost in thought, if you want me to get out of your way, I’ll go…”

“No, I need to talk to you right away.” Twilight said, patting to the seat next to her. “Please, you’re the only one who can help me now.”

“M-me?” Fluttershy asked. She lowered herself to the table.

“Applejack is coming down on both of us,” Twilight explained, using the game board to point out the position of the pieces. “But she’s going to take my territories first. Just look; all I’ve got in the north is a single air force and a navy. I can probably hold her off for a turn, but no longer. I need you to help me stop her.”

“But…” Fluttershy frowned. “But you tried to take from me last turn. I’m not sure I should trust you…”

“I’m sorry that I attacked you.” Twilight interrupted. “It was a mistake. But the game’s changed and the Elks and clearly coming for both of us. We need to work together.” She extended her hoof and Fluttershy stared at it like it contained an explosive.

“But what can I do? I haven’t been able to make any moves at all this whole game.”

“That’s not true. You’ve actually set yourself up for a very interesting play. Here, let me tell you about a move I read about before we started playing…”

“Oh Rainbow, could you come over here for a moment?” Rarity called from the kitchen area.

Rainbow Dash shrugged and flew over. “What do you need? Worried about me stomping all over you already?”

“Have you finished writing down your orders again?” Rarity asked with an arched eyebrow. “Confidence is a good thing, but you can’t really expect to win without gaining any allies at all.”

“It’s been working for me so far.” Rainbow said defensively. “Did you call me over here just to point out all my flaws?”

“No, no, here. Let me start over.” Rarity composed herself and beamed. “I think you and I could really work together on this. If we combine…”

“You’re just worried that I’m going to take your spot on the coast first.” Rainbow interrupted, rolling her eyes.

Rarity’s smile slipped for a fraction of a second. “That’s not it, I just think that Twilight…”

“Oh, I’m all prepared for Twilight!” Rainbow Dash said confidently, floating onto her back and relaxing.

“She’s in a better position than you give her credit for.” Rarity tried to say.

“Not better than my plan.”

“Somehow I doubt that.”

“Well, look if you don’t believe me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed angrily, opening up her notebook and thrusting it in Rarity’s face. “I’ve got it all planned out ahead. There’s no way she can stop this!”

“That’s… well! I am impressed!” Rarity said, reading as quickly as she could. She’s written several turns down already! Does she really think that’s a good plan?

Rainbow snapped her book shut and tucked it under her shoulder. “You’re darn right to be impressed! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some more relaxing to do before the turn ends!”

Rarity watched the flyer leave and shook her head. Twilight was right, that’s was almost too easy. And I suppose I can put this to my use as well… She ripped a piece of paper out of her notebook and started writing down as much as she could remember.

Applejack stepped up to the table and grinned at the others already there. “How’re y’all doing?”

Fluttershy ducked under the table and peered up at her from the edge. “Nothing! We’re not plotting anything!”

Applejack blinked and looked around at the other two. Rainbow Dash was leaning back in her chair with her hind legs resting on the table. She cracked an eye at Fluttershy’s antics and chuckled good-naturedly. Twilight just sighed and placed a hoof over her face.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy. We don’t have to keep it a secret.” Twilight pointed an accusing hoof at Applejack. “We were talking about how you were going to attack me next turn.”

“Ah see.” Applejack said, suppressing a smile of her own. And you can keep thinkin’ that, if you want. Ah can do the math too, Twi. We both got two units next to your Broncordia; if Ah went for it now, we’d just both get stuck. If you want to waste a turn defendin’ an attack which ain’t comin’…

“Almost time!” Spike said, holding up the hourglass. “Everypony finished writing down their orders?”

“Give me a sec!” Applejack said hurriedly. She picked up her pencil and quickly jotted down her last few thoughts onto paper. Alright Pinkie, Ah’m trustin’ you…

Out of the corner of her eye, AJ saw Rarity walk up to the table across from her and slip a piece of paper into Twilight’s lap. The alicorn read quickly through what was written on it and smiled, pulling out her own notebook and make several adjustments. Twilight glanced furtively around the table, saw Applejack watching her, and hid the paper a little too late.

So Rarity’s got a plan with Twilight. Applejack thought back to the deal she’d made with Rarity back on the first turn. The two of them hadn’t talked since, but she had been true to her word so far. But if Rarity is workin’ with the two of us, who is she fightin’ against?

Unfortunately she had no further time to speculate as Spike chose that moment to call time.

“There are a lot of pieces on the board now, so I’m going to try and go through this quickly.” Spike said, flipping through the stack of papers in his claws. “Pinkie’s navies go into the Alpaca Sea, Azure Reaches, and Zebrica. Her air force goes into the Sea of Neighrobi and her army doesn’t move.” He placed a purple flag on Zebrica and moved on.

“All of Rainbow’s pieces move east unopposed. She doesn’t take any new territories. Twilight’s armies go to Lunesiana and Konikticut and her air force moves back into Canterlot. Her navy doesn’t move.”

“Huh.” AJ mumbled. I didn’t expect that…

“Applejack’s navy doesn’t move either, and her army clashes with Fluttershy’s for the western Badlands, so neither of them moves. Her other two units go down to Paardveld and Pferdreich. Fluttershy’s only other move is to put her navy out into the Crescent Sea.”

“Sorry, Applejack.” Fluttershy said softly, but inside she was amazed. It went exactly like Twilight said! How did she know what Applejack was going to do?

Applejack tipped her hat in the pegasus’s direction. “It’s nothin’, Sugarcube. Was just bumped heads, is all.”

“And last but not least,” Spike said, leaning slightly into Rarity’s side. “Rarity moves her air forces into Latigo and Palomino, her navies into the Griffon Sea and the Wingover Sea, and her army into Ternej. And that’s it.” Spike frowned a little and held up his notes close to his face again. “Honestly, it’s a little underwhelming after the last turn.”

“I think Summer turns are going to be.” Twilight said, picking up her notebook with her magic and tapping it several times on the table to straighten it. “The real action is going to happen during Winter, when everypony scrambles to get new territory and units.

“Ready girls?” she asked, the challenge gleaming in her eyes.

“Ready!” came the chorused reply.

Author's Note:

Plans are starting to come to fruition, alliances made in ignorance are beginning to fray... let's take a look at the board:

Click here for a closer look.

Twilight hit the nail on the head; most of the fun is going to happen during Winter turns. There's not much point in ambushing another player if they then get a chance to retaliate. Of course, if you know that no one is going to do anything rough during Summer... I'm keeping some things purposely vague because I love mystery. I look forward to seeing what theories you all come up with for what everypony's current plans are. Happy sleuthing!