• Published 13th Aug 2013
  • 7,869 Views, 208 Comments

Six Best Friends Play Diplomacy - DagaYemar

Twilight and the rest of the Elements of Harmony are about to play Diplomacy. Let's watch.

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Winter 02

Twilight was the first from the table, darting to the back of the library as quickly as she could without seeming to be running. I don’t have a lot of time. If this doesn’t work just right, I’m going to be all but finished. And I will not accept that! Now if only I can remember where…

She quickly opened up the top drawer on one of the many writing desks and breathed a sigh of relief. It was right where she’d left it all those months ago. Silently thanking her tendency to keep hold of things ‘just in case’, she opened her notebook to the next blank page and planned her next move.

“You ready, partner?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed right in Applejack’s ear.

The farm pony clamped both hooves over her poor ears and grimaced. “Tarnation, Pinkie, don’t do that!” She clapped an arm around her bouncy friend and pulled her a safe distance away from the table.

“This is your chance!” Pinkie interrupted before AJ could say anything. “Go for the Dune Sea and I’ll support. Not that you’re going to need it, because Rainbow Dash is moving to Ptehinchala next turn, but I’ll do it anyway. Because I made a promise and when Pinkie makes a promise, you can count on Pinkie!”

“Wait, wait, wait, slow down there!” Applejack said, struggling to get Pinkie’s attention. “What do you mean by that? How do you know where Rainbow’s goin’ to go next?”

“I overheard her talking with Rarity, duh!” Pinkie gestured wildly as she explained, several times nearly smacking Applejack in the face had she ducked any slower. “I was sitting on the top of the stairs writing in my notebook and you know how hard it is to find privacy in this library. I mean, it’s just a large round room! Anypony can just stumble into you, which is hard when you’re trying to be sneaky. And Rainbow was right below me. You’d think she’d remember to look up, but she never did! I look up all the time, just in case something interesting is happening and I don’t want to miss anything interesting-”

“Pinkie! Focus!” Applejack said, clamping her friend on either side of her head and forcing her to hold still.

Pinkie grinned and extracted herself easily from her friend’s grip. “Rainbow was showing her book to Rarity and she’s already written her moves down for the next several turns! So I know what she’s going to do and Rarity knows and Twilight knows and Fluttershy probably knows and now you know, so now everypony knows but…”

Pinkie shuddered all of a sudden and looked down at herself. “Wait a minute. Knocky knees, eye flutter, twitchy tail. That means… oh.”

She turned slowly to the side and Applejack followed her gaze to find Rainbow Dash staring at the two of them with a look of horror on her face.

Fluttershy sat pensively at the table, staring at the board. She’d been doing a lot of that over the last hour and it didn’t seem likely to change anytime soon. Still, she was almost starting to see patterns emerging. Nothing specific, just… directions mostly. Like each nation was shifting in a certain direction.

It did not escape her notice that her own tiny brown forces had only shrunk in on themselves and were being slowly encircled by the green shape of the elks.

But the rest of the nations were also in motion. The blue shape of Twilight’s ponies was slowly bending down to meet the charging yellow of the buffalo. The purple of the tapirs was spreading out along the bottom of the map like water collecting at the bottom of a glass. The red of the griffons were edging south along the coast… and…

Wait a minute. Fluttershy thought, blinking several times and leaning closer to make sure she was seeing things correctly. Everypony is moving south?

They were, she realized. Every one of her friends was slowly but steadily consolidating towards the bottom half of the board. This didn’t make a lot of sense, because that would only leave a bunch of unprotected spaces in the north.

And suddenly everything clicked into place. In a split second she understood exactly what was going to happen. I... I have to warn her! Before it’s too late!

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Twilight asked, only looking up briefly from her notebook as she approached. “I need another favor.”

“Well, I hope you don’t plan to threaten me for it again!” Rarity returned disdainfully, turning away with a huff.

“No! Just… look.” Twilight sighed and set her book aside, seeming to gather herself. “I’m sorry about how I acted. I’m not sure what came over me. I just thought I was going to be the first to lose and I… said some things I regret. Will you forgive me?”

Rarity smiled and turned back around. “What are friends for, darling? Now, what is it you needed?”

“It’s about the note you gave me,” Twilight explained, pulling it out from the place it was marking in her notebook. “You wrote down that Rainbow’s going to be attacking Hyasanguia with her army, supported by the air force in Caballeria. I could defend it myself, but I’d need both my army in Konikticut and my air force in Canterlot to do it.”

“So what’s the problem?” Rarity pressed.

Twilight pulled out her map and pointed to the other side of her territory. “The problem is that Applejack has two units in Pferdreich and Paarvdveld just waiting to attack my Broncordia. To stop that, I need my Canterlot air force to support the navy. I can’t defend both at the same time!”

“You’re going to lost one of your spaces no matter what.” Rarity mused, understanding the situation quickly. “What do you propose?”

“If you use your air force in Latigo to support my army, I can send my air force to block Applejack and stop both attacks. It’s just a holding action for now, but with a little bit more time I know I can work out a way to knock them both back.”

“Say no more!” Rarity said airily, patting her friend affectionately on the head. “Of course I’ll help you. I don’t want Rainbow Dash breaking through the coast either, after all. We’ll put a stop to her together!”

“Oh, thank you!” Twilight sighed in relief, levitating her notebook and writing the move down where the other unicorn could see it. “I was worried for…”

“Just a moment.” Rarity interrupted, a flash of movement catching her attention. “It looks like I might have another situation to deal with. Good luck!”

“You too!” Twilight called as Rarity walked briskly away. She watched her go for a few seconds, then cracked her book and made a little note in the margin.

“How… long have you been standin’ there?” Applejack asked hesitantly.

A multicolored blur shooting past her face was her only answer as the race pony launched herself at Pinkie, stopping just short of bowling her over. Pinkie bent backwards easily as Rainbow leaned up right into her face. “YOU WERE LISTENING?!”

“How could I not? You were almost shouting at her.”

“Kinda like what your doin’ now.” Applejack put in dryly.

Blushing to her roots, Rainbow Dash stepped back and started flipping through her notebook desperately. If Twilight and Pinkie know where I’m attacking next… “But that means my plans are all ruined!”

“Well, what did you expect, showin’ somepony your moves like that?” AJ asked.

Rainbow crossed her arms defensively. “It wasn’t going to hurt Rarity! I thought she’d be happy with me taking care of Twilight for her!”

“And who were you goin’ to attack after that?” Applejack pointed out. “She probably figured that she’d be next and would rather let Twi stop you cold. The two of them have been cozy the last half hour…” She trailed off and seemed to be mulling over something.

“What am I supposed to do now?” Rainbow demanded.

Pinkie took this opportunity to bounce back into the conversation. “Don’t worry, you still have time to change your move. And the best part is, neither Twilight or Rarity will be expecting it!”

The two others ponies blinked at her for a moment, then a smile broke out over Rainbow’s face. “Hey, you’re right! I can use this against them!” She pulled her notebook out and the others crowded in next to her to help.

“I was going to attack Hyasanguia with my army,” Rainbow explained, this time keeping her voice low. “My awesome flying units would move along the coast, into Garanha and the Azure Reaches and head straight for Cavallia.”

“Wouldn’ it make more sense for your air force to support the attacking army?” Applejack asked.

Pinkie shook her head almost before AJ had finished. “Then none of her other pieces would get to move. Caballeria is a bottleneck; if the piece in that space doesn’t move, nothing can get past.”

“…um… excuse me…”

“Exactly!” Rainbow said, winking. “I’ve got to keep moving through if I want to attack. But now Twilight’s probably going to block me.”

“With what, her air force in Canterlot?” Applejack mused. “It’d have to be the army. Nothing else is close enough.”

“… I really have to talk to you about…”

“And that would leave Konikticut open!” Pinkie said excitedly. “You could slip in behind her unit and Semental would be all defenseless!”

“Awesome!” Rainbow said determinedly, pumping her arm in premature victory. “And I can move the air force to Rocinante instead too. That will really mess up her thinking! I think I’ve got the hang of this! Gotta go and make some changes fast!” And I gotta set something up… thanks for the idea, girls!

Rainbow took off into the air to find a quiet place to write, leaving the three ponies to watch her thoughtfully.

“…now that’s she’s gone, I really need…”

“Do you think we did the right thing, helping her recover like that?” Applejack asked. “I mean, we are playin’ against her as well, after all.”

“Yeah, but now she’s thinking about changing all her moves,” Pinkie said sweetly, scrunching up her shoulders innocently. “And since the rest of her units were going to attack me next…”

Applejack gave the pink pony a long look. “Pinkie, remind me to never challenge you to a game of checkers.”


“I’m sorry!” Fluttershy squeaked, “But we don’t have a lot of time left and…

“Fluttershy! How long have you been there?” Applejack asked, genuinely surprised with herself for not noticing her. Girl could teach tip-toe to a mouse.

“Yes, what is it that’s got you so excited?” Rarity asked, walking up to the group and stopping next to the farm pony.
Fluttershy’s mouth opened and closed a couple of times, but no sound came out. “…nothing…” she finally whispered, before dashing away.

“Ah don’t think ah’m ever goin’ to understand that one.” Applejack muttered, turning to find Pinkie Pie had disappeared at some point. “Or that one. Been a while, Rarity. How’s the game treatin’ you?”

“Can’t complain.” Rarity said, adjusting her hair slightly. “I just wanted to remind you that there’s not long left in this turn. You all looked so caught up in your discussion, I didn’t want you to miss it.”

“Thanks, ah haven’t even started writin’ yet.” Come to think of it, ah barely know what ah want to do this turn, myself. Spent too long talkin’ with the others. Let’s see, I guess I have to decide whether to attack Fluttershy or Twilight…

“Having fun?” Twilight asked, writing in her notebook with the pencil carefully held in her magic.

“Actually, yeah!” Spike said, idly flipping through the rules book while keeping an eye on the dwindling sands of the hourglass. “Can you imagine how difficult this would be if you didn’t have someone keeping track of all the moves for you? The game would take twice as long without me helping out like this. It’s a really important job! Plus I get to sit here and read while you all run around like maniacs.”

“As long as you’re enjoying yourself.” Twilight said, tearing the page out. Before she could turn it over, though, Fluttershy ran up to her and slipped right between the two of them so she wouldn't be ignored.

“Twilight, you need to help me stop her!” she whispered wildly. “We don’t have much time. Er… that is, if you’re not busy…”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked, setting her notebook and the torn page down on the table top. “What do you need me to do?”

Fluttershy glanced over her shoulder and her eyes widened. “It’s Rarity. I tried to warn Applejack, but then she was there and I just knew she knew that I knew and oh my goodness, I haven’t even written down my own moves yet! I was just so excited and I still haven’t warned…”

“Calm down.” Twilight said soothingly, placing an arm comfortingly over her shoulders. “One thing at a time. Do you have your book? You still have a minute to fill it out. Do you remember the move I told you about?”

“Yes, but what do we do about…”

“Don’t worry about that, just focus on protecting yourself right now.” Twilight looked up as the rest of her friends gathered around the table. “It’s too late to do something about it this turn, but I’ll handle it.”

Applejack froze just as she sat down at the table. Twilight was staring at her and Rarity, and right in front of her on the table was a piece of paper torn from a notebook. The writing on it was a little faint, but she could still make out what was written there.

Navy in Sea of Tranq. moves to Broncordia
Air force in Canterlot supports Broncordia
Army in Konikticut moves to Hyasanguia
Army in Lusesiana moves to Cavallia

Those are Twilight’s next moves! Does she not realize she’s left the paper face up? A quick glance at the hourglass revealed that there was barely a minute left in the round. Time enough, ah suppose…

Coming to a quick decision, she pointed to the page. “Hey, Twi? You dropped somethin’.”

The alicorn looked down and sucked in a breath, quickly snatching the page off the table with her magic and whisking it into Spike’s claws. “Thanks, I didn’t even notice I did that.”

“No problem.” Applejack returned, and then bent down to make a quick adjustment with her own orders. Ah’m sorry, Fluttershy, but she’s defendin’ this turn for sure and ah haven’t taken a new space since the first turn. Ah’m not goin’ to let this good fortune go to waste.

“Pinkie,” Twilight asked, “What are you doing with your map?”

“Making a hat!” Pinkie said happily, continuing to fold while they waited.

“I can tell that, but… nevermind.” Twilight sighed, as Spike finished shuffling through the papers and hopped up to the head of the table.

“Alright, here we go,” he started, “Applejack moves her army into the West Dune Sea with support from Pinkie’s army in Alpaclan, taking it from Rainbow. Her army in Paardveld attacks Ard with the support of her air force. The army in Elgland doesn’t move.”

“Ah knew ah forgot somethin’.” Applejack said, “So, do ah get Ard?”

“Actually, Fluttershy used a convoy move.” Spike pointed out the pieces as he explained. “The army in Naqah used her navy in the Crescent Sea as a bridge to move into Ard, which also counts as the navy supporting the move. Since it’s two against two, neither of you get to move and the army goes back to Naqah. The camel’s other army moves into Heststed. Meanwhile, Pinkie’s navy in Zebrica stays where it is and this one enters the now empty Sea of Naqah. Twilight’s army, Rarity’s air force, and Pinkie’s last navy all tried to get Cavallia, but Pinkie supported her attack with the air force in the Sea of Neighrobi so it goes to the tapirs.”

“HA haha ha!” Pinkie cackled, bouncing up into a victory pose with her new three-cornered paper hat perched on her head.

Spike ignored the interruption and continued where he left off. “Rainbow’s army in the South Dune Sea tried to go back to the West, but the tapir-elk combo cut that off. Her air force in Ptesan goes out to the Azure Reaches, the one in Caballeria moves into Rocinante, and last one supports her army’s move into Caballeria. This is a good thing, because Twilight’s navy tried to take it from her.”

Twilight frowned in confusion. “What?”

“Rainbow Dash’s last army tried to take Konikticut, but Twilight’s army there didn’t move, so that fails. Her air force leaves Canterlot for Hyasanguia…”

“Wait a minute!” Twilight interrupted, pushing herself up onto the table. “Those aren’t my moves!”

“Yeah! Her paper fell face up on the table. Most of us saw it!” Rainbow shouted.

Spike looked flabbergasted. “But that’s what’s written here!” he said, pulling out the appropriate page. The girls all gathered around to get a closer look.

It was definitely the same page, torn in the same places where it was removed from the notebook. The instructions were just as Spike described, written in Twilight’s careful cursive script. There were no other marks, not even eraser smudges, on the front or back of the page. There was nothing to suggest that the page was anything out of the ordinary, aside from the completely different writing than what was there only a few minutes ago.

Eventually, a confused Twilight sat back down in her chair and Spike picked up where he left off.

“Well, all that’s left is Rarity pieces. Her air force in Palomino got stopped from going to Cavallia, but her other one moves into Hippopotamia and takes the supply center. Her army in Ternej takes Gryphos and its supply center, giving her two this turn. And each of her navies move west the Griffon and Iceflow Seas.”

“But why would you…” Applejack started, then her eyes widened. She turned to the fashionista sitting next to her.

“I’m sorry, Applejack,” she said, reaching into the box containing her pieces. She slapped an army onto Haupstadt. “But every game must have a winner.”

Author's Note:

I'm back! And my goodness, it's getting a little intense! Rarity has finally played her hand, so to speak. Let's look at the board:

Click here for a closer look. Sorry the quality is bad on this one, I'll try to make it better later.

I'm going to try to get these out faster, possibly compress some of the chapters together. You don't want to see every single exchange, do you? Or are there people actually trying to follow the game? Let me know!