• Published 22nd Feb 2012
  • 2,333 Views, 37 Comments

When Worlds Colide - Muleicous

A story about ponies and humans living together

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First Entry: A little background info.

Day 1:

Well, since I’m starting this little journal, I guess I should give a bit of background information. My name is Dan, Daniel J. Harrison, and I live in a small town in Illinois. It’s not exactly a city, but it’s also not a village. I can’t really define it well, but that’s not the point of this blog. The point is to tell you guys about my life after the ponies. For those of you who don’t know (those living under a rock in other words), about a year ago a portal from another dimension opened up. It was all over the news, CNN even had twenty-four hour coverage of it. Millions of people where speculating on what it was: physicists said it was a rip in time and space, religions all said it was a sign of the apocalypse, and politicians tried to brush it away as some sort of stunt from a big company. But no one was ready for what it really was.

A little this time, a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic premiered on a channel called The HUB. It was a reboot of the older My Little Pony series, but something was different. It actually had a lot of work put behind it, so much that the show appealed to more then just little girls. It also appealed to teen boys and young adult males, these where soon called Bronies. At first I was a little skeptical on how good the show really was, at least until a friend of mine asked me to watch it with him. We wound up riffing on it, but at the same time I felt like I was enjoying the show. Soon, I watched an episode or two alone, and I loved it. After that I knew I was a brony, a closet brony but still a brony. I told my friends, they didn’t treat me any different, and every thing seemed fine... Woah, sorry... Got off subject there, I sometimes ramble about things.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the portal. Well, everyone waited months and months for this thing to spit something out or swallow us up, then one day something finally came out of it. A whole lot of some things. When I saw the long, pointed, white horn and swirling, rainbow-ish mane there was only one thing I could say.

“Fucking ponies...” It was a joke me and my friend (the one who got me to watch MLP) had. When ever some one asked us why we watched the show, all we said was 'Fucking ponies.’ Anyway, a tall white alicorn and a small dark blue alicorn stepped out of the portal first, and everyone basically turned their heads and said what the fuck. Then, Princess Celestia (the white alicorn) spoke.

“Dear humans of this place!” she called out using the 'Royal Canterlot Voice’, “I am Celestia Beambright, princess and ruler of the land of Equestria. I ask to speak to you leaders, in order to solve a terrible matter that has befallen my land.” I held my breath, hopping that the soldier there wouldn’t try to shoot Celestia for the sheer fact that she was a talking horse with wings and a horn, then something great happened. A soldier took a few steps towards the two alicorns and bowed his head in respect. I couldn’t hear what he was saying, but it seemed to make Princess Luna (the dark blue alicorn) a little less tense.

Over the next few days, negotiations where being held at the U.N. over what many where calling ‘My Little Contact’. The media made up that name, finding the connection between Celestia and MLP fast. Many stations (like FOX News) said that the U.N. shouldn’t help the Equestrians, playing clips from various episodes that made the ponies look like barbarians or as dangerous (mostly from the episodes where Twilight Sparkle goes crazy, Pinkie Pie goes crazy, and where the main six characters fight off large monsters.). Thankfully, no one listened to them as the princesses proved to be very generous and kind. The whole world was on the edge of their seats, especially Bronies and Pegasisters, as well all wanted to know what was wrong with the world the colorful creatures came from. A lot of us also wondered why they all looked like they did in the show, and not like normal horses... Then again, that mite’ve been a good thing.

Finally, a press conference was called by the princesses in front of the U.N. Every prime time show was interrupted by it, and the whole world watched as Princess Celestia walked up to the podium.

“Humans of the world,” she began, “my sister and I thank you for this warm welcome. We both know that you are all wondering why we have come to you, what terrible problem we have that would force us to cross dimensions to ask you for help. Well, I shall show you...” Celestia’s horn them shined with a bright white light, and my TV screen was filled with an image I was very familiar with... But it was different. I knew I was looking at Ponyville, the town from the show, but it looked abandoned. Windows where cracked, houses had no roofs, and even the castle the princesses lived in (which was far off in the background) looked like it was ready to fall off the side of the mountain it was on. Needless to say, I was very shocked, but it wasn’t the image that scared me the most but what was missing from it. There where no ponies in Ponyville. No Twilight, no Pinkie Pie, no Rarity, no Apple Family, not even a hair of Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash. Even the background ponies, a huge part of the Brony/Pegasister fandom, where gone.

“Our world is dying, dear humans.” Celestia began again, “Some how, Equestria is suffering from powerful earth quakes that are taring the planet apart. The other races of creatures: the dragons, griffons, and other creature have left for new homes already. We are the last to leave our land, and we ask you... No, beg of you to let us take residence here with you. Here, we shall co-exist, as equals.” The sun princess backed away from the microphone, and a U.N. representative took her place.

“We of the United Nations, egarly accept the idea of living side by side with being such as the Equestrians.” the man straightened his tie then resumed, “We ask that all members of our respected countries take the same steps to welcome them.” It took every bit of straight I had not to jump for joy, and that’s when the world began to change. Even for me.

Day 2: Yesterday Feb. 21,2012

Almost a year to the day, I put in an add for a room mate, mostly because I really need help with the rent. My place is a big for me, a duplex that I’ve got half of. It’s nice, not much work to be done on it, but it’s just... Lonely. I placed an add in the paper, put some fliers on public bulletin boards, the usual stuff when you look for a room mate. I stayed off the internet, just a personal thing but I’d rather not take the chance of winding up with a psycho. I didn’t expect a lot to happen with in the next week, what with various human and Equestrian holiday just getting over with; however, I was wrong. Five seconds after I sat down, I heard my doorbell go off. Now, I wasn’t expecting anyone, but I had a feeling I knew who was at the door. Sure enough, I was right.

As I opened the door, I could see the poofy cotton candy hair of Pinkie Diane Pie. I thought I had seen the pink pony following me around from the corner of my eye, but I had no clue that it really was her. After the rest of the ponies came through the portal, Pinkie Pie and the Cakes had opened a new Sugarcube Corner in my town. I visited it every so often, especially on Monday when it was two for one Donut Morning Madness. Pinkie’s smile always cheered me up, and here she was now with the same smile with one of my fliers in between her teeth. I told her it would start as a trial run (three months), and if we couldn’t get along she’d have to move out. Pinkie agreed, which made me a little happy. We talked for a while, I don’t remember what it was about, then she said that she needed to get back to work. I walked her to the door and asked when she wanted to move her stuff in, she said she’d call tomorrow and a smiled. Before she left my front yard, Pinkie yelled back that she couldn’t wait to make me her new bestest best friend. ‘Typical Pinkie’ I though, then headed back inside to call 012my girlfriend. I had to tell her that THE Pinkie Pie was moving in, after all Fluttershy lived with her.