• Published 22nd Feb 2012
  • 2,334 Views, 37 Comments

When Worlds Colide - Muleicous

A story about ponies and humans living together

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Second Entry: Room Mate

Day 4:

Well, Pinkie moved in yesterday, and the house is still standing. I was a crazy day, but of course I helped. I kind of regret it, not letting her stay, helping her move. I never knew how heavy cook books where until I was carrying about fifteen of them to and from my car, not to mention her pet alligator wouldn’t get off my head. Pinkie told me that it was Gummy’s (the alligator) way of saying he likes me, and that he wanted to make sure he would see all of his new home. To me, the little guy just had a far off stare in his eyes, like he was deep in though... Or high off his mind. Either way, he was heavy for such a small gator. I’m just happy he didn’t try to bite me, or gum me as it where. I decided not to ask my new roomy if Gummy was naturally toothless, or if she had to pull out his teeth. It just seemed like a rude question.

Around noon, Pinkie’s friend Rainbow Dash flew by to help us out a bit. She brought her pet, a turtle named Tank who was floating thanks to a few balloons tied to his shell. With her helping us, the move went a little faster, though I wish one of their unicorns friends could’ve come by too. Rainbow said that Twilight was busy helping Celestia and Luna with diplomatic stuff, and that Rarity had been hired on by a big named designer in France. However, Rarity did send a letter to Rainbow saying that she would send a dress for each of her five friends as soon as she could, no pay necessary. I guess it pays to have a friend who’s supposed to be the most generous pony in Equestria... well, on Earth would be a better term now, I guess. Anyway, we took a break at one and went to get some lunch.

We went to this little pizza shop I knew about, it probably has the best bread sticks in the world, and ordered a large half meat lovers, half veggie pie. I was a little afraid to eat meat in front of my two new friends, but the earth pony and pegasus said it was ok, as long as I never ate horse. I guess they pretty much understood that the animals here are different from the ones in their dimension, but it seemed like Dash was a bit put off by one of the more pepperoni covered slices. We struck up a small conversation, turns out Rainbow Dash had joined an air show. In fact, the closing performance was her racing a jet at full speed. Pinkie, of course, still baked for the Cakes, but she also took up a side job as a party planer. I had to laugh at that, it just seemed like one of the most ironic things in the world to me. Pinkie Pie actually getting payed to throw parties, talk about doing what you love. After lunch we finished up moving Pinkie, she said good bye to the Cake and that she’d see them tomorrow first thing in the morning (which she did). It was kind of sad, mostly because Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake started to cry when Pinkie hugged them. But she had to leave, the little apartments above Sugarcube Corner where just too small for a family of four and their friend. We drove away, and Pinkie sighed but smiled at the same time. She said that she’d have to throw a party next week for them, since the baby Cakes where going to be a year old. I just smiled and drove.


Today, I saw something that scared me a little. Pinkie Pie was on the computer, I didn’t mind though I was a little confused on how she typed my password in. It wasn’t that that scared me, it was the fact that she was looking up...well, pony porn. The old stuff from before the Equestrians crossed to Earth, the drawings. She some of them where art, tasteful nudes of what people thought where imaginary, but some of it was just weird.

“Why would me and Spike do anything like that?” she asked me, “That’s just silly! We’re just friends, plus he’s in love with...” She covered her mouth with her hooves quickly, then smiled, “Woops! Almost forgot, loose lips sink friendships.”

“You know, everyone knows he likes Rarity, right?” I asked, not knowing if she had seen any old episodes of the show.

“I know silly, but I still promised not to tell anypony. And that includes humans.” I had to admire how good of a friend she was. Of course, there wasn’t any pony porn with actual ponies. They didn’t mind the fact that we had drawn them doing stuff, but they didn’t think it was right for them to show us themselves. Now, you’re all probably wondering (all three of you under that rock) if there where any pony/human couples. Not really, after all it’s kind of hard to love a cartoon pony that much, no matter what a lot of the stranger Bronies said or wrote. As for fan fictions and clop fics, they’re less fan fiction now and more just... fiction. A few writers from fimfiction.com actually became published authors, some even worked side by side with the ponies there where writing about. It’s a bit late... I think I’m gonna head to bed. Night.

Ooooo, what’s this? Hmmm, oh I know! It’s a blog! Hi everypony on the internet! I’m Pinkie Pie, and I just moved in with this super duper guy named Dan. He’s nice, even though he’s kind of boring. Anyway, I think he left his blog up accidentally... Maybe I should close it down? Probably, well I hope that I get to make even more friends with every human I meet. If any of my old friends from Ponyville are reading this, I just want to saw hi! Hi Twilight! Hi Applejack! Hi Rarity, oh I mean, Bonjour Rarity! Hi Dashie! Hi Fluttershy! Hi Spike! Goodnight everypony!

Day 5:

I noticed that Pinkie wrote a little on my last post. I’m a little ticked off, but she did make an amazing pancake breakfast this morning so I can forgive her. The rest of the day was pretty much the same as it would’ve been without Pinkie: I went to work, ate lunch with the humans and ponies who I work with, worked more, then I went home. That’s where things went a little differently. Once I got inside and turned on the lights, Pinkie and about half of my friend jumped out and yelled surprise. Apparently, Pinkie had called them up and told them she was planing a 'Congratulations on finding a room mate’ party. It probably wasn’t the best idea to have it on a Monday, but I wasn’t going to turn down a Pinkie Pie party. The pink pony even invited my neighbor, who I never spoke to before, over. He was standing the corner talking to a brown colt with an hourglass cutie mark, but they didn’t hold my attention for long because I could see Pinkie pushing a more familiar person toward me. Somehow, Pinkie had found the phone number for my girlfriend, Sheila. Once she and I locked eyes, we couldn’t help but run to each other and kiss. Right next to Pinkie, a pale yellow pegasus with a pink mane was blushing.

“See,” Pinkie said, “I told you they would be happy!”

“Oh... My...” Fluttershy said, though I was barely able to hear it over the music and the sound of people talking. I barely have time to post this actually, Pinkie’s starting a conga line and Sheila’s waving me over to join it. I’ll try and talk to you guys tomorrow.


Authors note: Thanks for making this a real popular story guys. Also, the reason Pinkie Pie's part is in purple is because the pink coloring was really hard to see on the white backround