• Published 11th Aug 2013
  • 8,621 Views, 72 Comments

Little Chrysalis. - Mrchibivampire

Chrysalis falls into a magical pond of water and turns into a foal.

  • ...

The only chapter.

Queen Chrysalis was running as fast as she could through the Crystal forest, after a failed attempt to take over the Crystal kingdom, both her wings and her horn had been damage in her failed attack and she was left with no other option but running.

Queen Cadence was not far behind her, flying close to the ground, so she would not lose sight of her target, she was not going to let her get away this time.

Despite being a very patience young mare, she still had her limits and with this attack, Chrysalis had tipped the scale and she was going to suffer for it.

`Damn It, I underestimated her, I thought she was going to be an easy target with her husband currently residing in Canterlot, to celebrate his little sister.´ Chrysalis hated to lose, she only wanted a safe place for her changelings, was that too much to ask?

She looked over her shoulder and saw Cadence gaining on her, she had to think of something or she would end her days with her head cut off and mounted on a wall. She continued to run, not paying much attention to where she was going.

She could feel Cadence's aura trying to grab her, thus startling her so much that she tripped on a tree branch laying on the ground.

Chrysalis, rolled a few times on the ground and with a big splash she landed in a small pond. Cadence got so surprised by what happened, that she flew straight into a tree, slamming her body against the trunk, she landed in a nearby bush.

Chrysalis, climbed out of the pond and quickly scanned the area for Cadence, but to her surprise she was nowhere to be seen.

She smirked and laughed quietly to herself, she took a step and started to feel woozy, she held a hoof to her head and tried to focus on the task at hand.

She took another step only to trip over her own hooves. With a loud thud she hit the ground, she clenched her teeth and let out a small growl.

She rose to her hooves, only to fall down again, she was getting frustrated, so frustrated that she felt like crying.

She tried one more time and succeeded, she took a few steps, but realised quickly that her legs were incredible wobbly, they feel like jello.

Cadence rubbed her head with her one of her hooves. “Ow, that hurt........Where is Chrysalis!?” She leaped out off the bush and saw that a drenched Chrysalis who was trying to steady herself.

Chrysalis turned her head and looked at Cadence, fear looming in her eyes.

She felt a surge go through her body, but she ignored it and started running, yet another surge shoot through her body and she tripped over her own hooves.

She landed on her nose. The combined frustration and pain she had suffered, this day, was too much for her mind to take in at the time.

` This is the second time I have tripped on my own hooves today, why is it happening and why now, of all times?´ She could not take it anymore and broke down, she cried loudly and tears were streaming down her face.

This caught Cadence by surprise, but she was not going to fall for something as simple as crying. This was the same monster that had tried to take over Canterlot a few months ago. The very same monster that ruined her life.

She walked towards Chrysalis, her horn glowing and ready to fire.

But suddenly Chrysalis’body started glowing with a soft blue light and she started to shrink, her limbs growing shorter, her wings receded back into her body, her horn shrunk back into her head, leaving only a tiny stump, her sharp fangs receding back into her gums, the holes in her body closed up and the hard black carapace that surrounded her body shattered leaving only a tiny little foal, who was crying loudly.

Cadence could not believe her eyes, the once mighty queen of the changeling was gone and now there was only a tiny black foal, with green eyes, left in her wake.

Cadence was not sure what to believe, one one side it could be a trick and she was only trying to deceive her, but on the other side, there was a scared little baby in front of her that desperately needed someone to comfort her.

She slowly walked up to the crying baby and carefully picking it up, rocking it slowly in her hooves.

The baby quickly calmed down and fell asleep in her limbs, happy squeals emanated from the

baby as it cuddled against her chest.

Cadence smiled, she hugged the baby tightly, yet carefully to her chest, she flared her wings and took off into the sky and making her way back to the Crystal castle.


Chrysalis opened her eyes, a tiny yawn escaped her now toothless mouth, she rubbed herself against whatever she was leaning against, it was really soft.

she opened her eyes only to be blinded by the bright light inside the room, she closed them again and rubbed them with her hooves. She opened her eyes only to see a giant pair of purple eyes, looking down at her.

She screamed in fear and tried to escape, but she was being held between the hooves of this unknow monstrosity, she was overcome with fear and started to cry.

Cadence picked her up and levitated a pacifier in her mouth, she then rocked the little foal back and forth while humming softly. “There, there, you don’t have to be afraid, I’m not going to hurt you.” She said in the softest tone she could muster.

The combined force of the soft words and pacifier manage to calm the black foal, her crying receding to a quiet sniffing. Chrysalis whimpered, but she slowly got the courage to speak. “You awe not going to huwt me?” Her voice, was no longer distorted and powerful, but instead weak and childish.

She looked at her surroundings and beginned to cry again, the pacifier fell from her mouth and down onto the floor. “Who.......*sob*.... awe..*sob*...you?” she said in between sobs.

Cadence tried to think of a good way to put it. “Listen, sweetie, I found you in the forest, you were struggling to get to on your hooves, you tripped, then you started crying and that’s when I found you.

Chrysalis started to giggle, Cadence looked at her with a confused look on her face. “What is so funny?”

“You cwashed intwo a twee? That is hilawious,” She giggled

Cadence, smiled brightly, she was unable to help it, the foal laying in her limbs, was too cute to get upset at. “Yes I did and you are super adorable. Here comes the tickle monster!.” She blew a raspberry on her stomach. This caused Chrystalish to laugh uncontrollably.

“Stop it! I will destwoy you!” She said while laughing.

“Well I can’t allow that now can I?” Cadence put Chrysalis on the floor and tickled her, with her soft wings.

Despite being one of the best foal sitters in Equestria, she did manage to forget a small detail. Never tickle a baby that is not wearing a diaper.

The most obvious thing happened, Chrysalis wet herself all over the floor. Once again making her cry.

Cadence was quick to pick her up and carrying her to the bathroom, she turned on the shower, making sure that the water was the perfect temperature, neither too cold or hot. She placed the sobbing foal in the shower and washed her, all while telling her that it could happen to anyone and that she should have stopped earlier.

“There,there, It was just an accident. There is no reason to cry.” She said while getting Chrysalis all nice and clean. Once she was certain that the foal was clean, she put the plug in the tub, allowing the water to rise just above the foals waist.

Chrysalis was felling better and her crying had fadded to a soft sobbing. “You Awe mean!” She splashed water at Cadence, thus getting her all wet. She giggled at Cadence now flat mane.

Cadence rolled her eyes and said. “You little rascal! Now I got no choice. I need to get in the tub with you.” She levitated the foal out ot off the tub, she got inside, filled it up with some more water, she then put the foal on her stomach and started to wash its mane.

“Now close your eyes sweetie, I don’t want you to get shampoo in your eyes.”

“Otay.” Chrysalis did as she was told and closed her eyes, she also held her breath for some reason.

Cadence lathered her mane and then the rest of her tiny body, making sure to get it evenly spread out all over her body. Once she started to wash it out she realised that the foal was holding it’s breath.

“Sweetie, why are you holding your breath?”

The foal did not answer, she only continued holding her breath. Cadence was getting worried, seeing as the foal’s face was starting to turn blue.

“Sweetie, you need to breath.” Cadence did the only logical thing, she tickled the foals belly, making her laugh and gasp for air.

The foal was breathing heavily, she turned around and looked at Cadence with a grumpy look on her face.

“You awe mean!” She stuck her tongue out at Cadence and blew a raspberry.

Cadence giggled at the foals adorable antics. “You are so cute. You know that right?”

The foal dunked her head in the water, filling her cheeks. She turned to face Cadence and with a sly grin on her face she hydro pumped straight in her face, as good as she could, but halfway through her vicious attack she gagged and swallowed the rest of the water.

The foal scrunched up her face and stuck her tongue out. “Jucky!” She started coughing bubbles.

Cadence held a hoof in front of her mouth to suffocate the laughter, trying to escape her throat.

`She is so adorable.´

She grabbed the foal and got out of the tub, she grabbed a towel and dried the foal, she picked up the foal and got out her supply of foal related items, Such as diapers, lotion and baby powder.

She powdered the foal’s bottom and diapered her, making her look even more adorable. She carried the foal back into her master bedroom and walked over to a pink chest, labeled :Future.

Inside was all kind of foal sized clothing, she picked out a green onesie with a buttflap for easier diaper changing, it was decorated with little yellow suns.

Cadence, combed the foal’s mane and tied it up in two pigtails. She was the most adorable foal, Cadence had ever seen and her heart was melting like a popsicle in the sun, just by looking at her.

The rest of the day went by quickly with lots of playing and it did not take long for the foal to get very sleepy.

Cadence picked her up and carried her to a pink crib, she had ordered her servants to get for her, she tucked the foal in and kissed her forehead.

“Good night, sweetie. Let’s play more tomorrow, okay?” Her voice soaking with love.

The foal yawned and looked up at Cadence. “Good night, mommy!” She closed her eyes and in a matter of seconds she was sleeping peacefully.

Cadence stood by the crib, looking down on the little foal. This adorable foal had earlier tried to take her life and assume control of her kingdom. Perhaps it was fate giving her a second chance, but that mattered not to Cadence, she was so happy that she had called her mommy that all her doubts just washed from her mind.

“Goodnight my little Crystal.” She whispered.

It was a pleasant night, the moon was shining, the wind was flowing quietly in the air and everything was peaceful. But there was a certain little foal who was trapped in a horrible nightmare.

She was all alone in complete darkness. She was scared and she wanted her mommy.

“Mommy.....” she said with a whimper.

Suddenly a loud thumping noise, similar to a heartbeat echoed through the darkness and she felt as if something was watching her, she heard a grotesque opening and shutting sound from above.

She slowly looked up and saw an enormous eyeball, it was staring at her, it was speaking in a way, she could not understand.

Her eyes started to tear up and she wanted to turn away, but she was unable to for some reason, it was almost like the eyeball was forcing her to watch.

A massive tentacle grabbed her and lifted her up into the air. She was crying loudly, she had never been this scared before. Where was her mommy?

Cadence was awakened by the cries of an infant echoing through her room, she got out of bed

and ran as fast as she could to the crib.

Her baby was shaking violently as she cried out for her mommy. Cadence picked her up and held her close to her chest.

*Crystal, wake up! It’s okay mommy is here.”

Crystal opened her eyes and embraced her mommy. “Hewp! The giant eyebawl is going to get me!” Tears were flowing down her face and into her mother coat.

“There, there. No giant eyeball is going to hurt my daughter. Crystal, I promise you, nothing will get to you, because mommy is here and when mommy is here no bad guys can get to you.” She kissed Crystal’s forehead and hugged her tightly.

Crystal was calming down, her crying dying down to a soft sobbing. “Mommy, I’m scawed.” She whimpered.

Cadence put her daughter on the floor and wiped away her tears. “Mommy is here, there is nothing to be scared of. It was just a nightmare, even though they are scary, they can in no way harm you. So cheer up.” She nuzzled her baby and picked her up.

Crystal had stopped crying, but she was still scared. She hugged her mommy tightly.

Cadence walked over to the bathroom and changed Crystals diaper. Whatever she had been dreaming about had scared her bad.

She carried Crystal over to her own bed and laid down beside her. “Now aren't we feeling a little better now?”

Crystal did not let go of her mother to look up at her, she only nodded.

Cadence put her head around Crystal and nuzzled her back. Crystal let go of her mommy’s chest and hugged her muzzle tightly, she was still scared and tears were once again forming in her eyes.

Cadence began to sing a lullaby, hoping it would make Crystal forget her fears.

“You have nothing to fear, mother is here.

Forget your fears, mother is here and she will never leave you.

Monsters and demons, can be quite scarey, but mother is here, you have nothing to fear.

The dawn will soon be here and make all your fears fadeaway.

Mother is here, you have nothing to fear.

Mother will always love you.”

Crystal had once again fallen into slumber, Cadence laid her head next to her daughter and watched her sleep for a while, until also she was consumed by sleep.

Crystal was once again trapped in darkness, the giant eyeball was gazing down upon her and the tentacle was heading towards her. But this time, her mommy was there and the tentacle burst into flames once it got too close. The eyeball roared in pain and faded away.


It was early afternoon and a royal carriage arrived at the castle and out from the carriage stepped King Shining Armor, captain of the crystal guard, he was wearing his purple armor, on top of his head rested a purple crown.

The soldiers bowed as he walked down the pathway to the castle.

A young stallion donning the royal armor of the Crystal kingdom walked up the his king and bowed deeply.

“You may rise, soldier. Walk with me.” The king said.

“Yes my king!”

They walked down the pathway and once inside the castle, Shining Armor looked at the soldier.

“Anything to rapport?”

“Nothing! My king.”

“Good, where is my wife?”

“Queen Cadence is currently residing in the royal bedroom. She is most likely playing with her daughter!”

“That is good, I’ll go and see her right away................” Once the soldier's words had penetrated his skull, he stopped dead in his tracks.

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped to the floor. “Daughter?.................What daughter? How long have I been gone?!!!”

“My king, you have been gone for three days, just as it was planned.”

Shining shoved the guard up against the wall, the wall cracking due to the amount of force, behind the shove.

“My, king?” The guard croaked out.

“What daughter? Answer me soldier!” He dropped the guard and he fell to the floor with a crash.

The guard coughed a few times before regaining his posture.

“Her daughter, Princess Crystal of course, who.....who.....who else?” The guard gulped nervously.

“If this is a joke........ I’m not laughing soldier. Get back to the barracks!”

The guard ran away with his tail tucked. Shining was unsure what to believe, but he decided that the best thing to do was to look into this mess for himself.

He opened the door to the bedroom, his eyes were meet by a tiny black filly playing with some colored block. The filly had green hair and was wearing a pink onesie, her hair was tied up in two pigtails.

Shining walked up to the foal and got on his knees so he could make eye contact with her.

Crystal tilted her head and smiled at the unknown stallion, she reached out with her hooves and bopped his nose, she started to giggle.

Shining was at a loss for words, he just stared blankly at the foal. `Whose child is this? Why is it here? And why do I get such a bad feeling, about this........ cute child?´

“Hewwo! Can you tawk mistew?

Shining snapped out of his trance and once again looked at the foal in front of him.

“Who are you, little one?”

“My name is Cwystal! I live hewe with my mommy. Who awe you?”

“My name is King Shining Armor, coruler of this kingdom. Who is your mommy?”

“My mommy is mommy, siwwy!”

Shining sighed and rose to his hooves. Cadence had some explaining to do.

“CADENCE, WHERE ARE YOU?!” He shouted.

Shining sudden outburst scared Crystal and she was crying for her mommy.

“Mommy, thewe is a stwangew hewe and he is mean!”

Cadence walked out from the bathroom with a towel around her mane. She picked up her daughter and gave shining an angry stare.

“It’s okay sweetie, you don't have to be afraid, it’s only daddy. Remember I told you about him.”

Crystal looked at Shining, her tears were replaced with a big happy smile and she reached out with her hooves towards him. “Daddy is home!”

Cadence handed her to Shining, he grabbed her and she hugged his neck. Shining returned the hug, all while giving Cadence a look of confusion.

“We'll talk later okay?” Cadence whispered.


Cadence had put Crystal down for her afternoon nap, she walked up to her husband and kissed him on the lips, followed by a hug.

“It’s good to see you again my love.” Her voice soaking with the love she had for her husband.

Shining broke the hug and walked over to a window, he gazed out over his kingdom. “You have some explaining to do.” His voice was cold and carried no emotion, not even the tiniest shred of love.

Cadence sighed, she looked at the door leading to where Crystals was sleeping. She walked in front of the door and looked at her husband.

“Promise me you won't freak out.”

Shining turned around and looked her in the eyes. “I’m captain of the guard, my nerves are harder than steel, nothing can shatter them.”

Shining grabbed bottle of whisky from his liquor cabinet and poured himself a glass, he chugged it and with a straight face said. “Tell me, who’s child is that!”

Cadence took a deep breath, she noticed noticed that Shining had poured himself another glass. She told him everything, the attack, the pond and how she had come to love Chrysalis as her own.

Shining was furious, he crushed the glass he held in his hooves, it shattered and glass fell all over the floor.

He pulled a dagger from it’s sheath and walked up to his wife. “Out of my way.” He growled.

Cadence stood her ground and told him to drop the knife. “If you as much as touches a hair on

her body, I swear. I will not let you walk away unharmed!”

Shining sheathed the dagger and looked into his wife’s eyes. “I’m only going to say this one more time. Get outta my way!”

His eyes were filled to the brim with hatred and his intentions were crystal clear.




“I have not, BUT I WON’T LET YOU HARM AN INNOCENT BABY! She has no memories of her past and you are not going to hurt her.” Cadence horn flared, her mane was flowing like fire.

Shining knew he could never take her head on in combat, she was a earthborn demigod and he was just a regular unicorn. He walked towards the door leading out of their bedroom, cursing under his breath.

“I won’t try to harm her. But know this, I will never call that monster, daughter. Once you have come to your senses, come talk to me.”

He slammed the door and walked to his office.

Cadence collapsed onto her knees and tears were falling to the floor. She was devastated, she knew that it would take time for Shining to accept that the one he hated the most was now his child. But she had hoped that his reaction would have been calmer, she loved him with all her heart, but she could not abandon Crystal, she loved her and she was probably the closest thing to a child of their own that they would ever have.


Shining sat by his desk, working his way to the bottom of another bottle of whisky.

`What is she thinking, that monster almost killed her and now she want’s to raise it as a daughter.´

Shining closed his eyes, but some tears still fell from his eyes.

`That monster ruined our chances at child of our own, there is no way I’ll let her live.´

Shining grabbed the bottle and downed it, the alcohol hit him hard and he passed out in his chair.


Shortly after their marriage.

After several test and blood samples, the doctors in Canterlot had had made it clear that, Shining’s seed had been corrupted by Chrysalis. They would never be able to have a child of their own, unless they wanted a freak of nature.

They had taken the news with great sorrow, but they still had each other and that was enough to get them through the crisis.

But there were some side effect, Shining had started drinking and he had gotten more ruthless, he wanted only to protect those he loved, but this time, by any means necessary.

Cadence would knit, articles of clothes for the foals they would never have, she would then place every piece of clothing she finished within a pink chest.

She cried every time she finished a piece, the sorrow was eating her alive and shining could do nothing to cheer her up, he was afraid of leaving her alone in the castle, but his duty had called him out of the country.

Would he have left if he knew that the changelings would have attacked?

But he could not ignore the fact that Cadence was happier now that she had been in months.


Cadence had put Crystal to bed, she looked at her precious daughter and tears started flowing down her face.

“I wish he would love you as much as I do.” She kissed Crystal’s forehead and went to bed.

Shining woke from his blackout, he was angry and he wanted to end this stupid charade. He made his way to their bedroom, he placed a soundproof barrier around the bed and walked over to the crib, where his most hated enemy was sleeping.

He unsheathed his dagger and lowered the protective bars on the crib, he was breathing heavily and he was set on one thing. To kill the monster that ruined the life of his wife and himself, he raised the dagger into the air and was about to strike, but the sound of crying stopped him.

He looked down on the monster laying in front of him, but there was no monster to be seen, there was only a foal suffering from a nightmare.

How could he kill a helpless child? No this was no child it was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

He raised the dagger again, his limb was trembling violently, he was clenching his teeth so hard that he could taste blood in his mouth, some even dripping from his mouth, a few drips of blood fell onto the floor.

`C'mon do it, end it. End it once for all! What am I waiting for? She is right there, the one who ruined my life.´

Shinning was stuck in trance, he could end this whole thing, but if he did he would be no better than the monster he hated.


The giant eyeball was gazing down at Crystal, the tentacle had caught her and was holding her in front of itself.

“Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the overmind, eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me.”

The grim voice echoed inside Crystals head. She woke from her nightmare, she was crying for her mommy.

She opened her eyes and saw her daddy, he looked scary, but he was daddy and mommy had said that daddy was nice.

“Daddy!” She cried out, she lifted her hooves up, hoping that her daddy would make the scary monster go away.

Shining broke from his trance and looked down at the crying foal, she was crying for her daddy.

He dropped the dagger and embraced the foal.

“It’s okay, daddy is here.” His voice was unstable and tears were making their way down his face.

Crystal had calmed down, she was sleeping in his embrace, cuddling against his chest.

Hours passed and a seemingly never ending stream of thoughts forced their way through Shining’s brain. What was he doing? Why was he comforting the one creature in the world, he wished death upon?

He looked down at the sleeping foal and a smile spread across his lips. “Maybe this is for the best, she might have destroyed my life but she saved me from becoming a monster far worse than she had ever been."

She had saved his life and now he would never leave her side again.

“I love you Crystal........... My only daughter, I swear I will keep you safe.............. I swear.”


The hours passed and the morning arrived.

Cadence woke up feeling rejuvenated and full of energy, she got out of bed and walked over to the pink crib, only to find it empty, she panicked, she looked everywhere for her child and that is when she saw it, the dagger on the floor and the dried blood next to it.

`No, How could he do something like this.´

Cadence fell to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Devoured by her sorrow, she felt something inside her coming to life, these new feeling claimed her mind and she only had one thing on her mind.

`Shining will pay for this, I’ll tear him to pieces for this.´

She slammed the door open with the fury of a thousand suns, the impact from the door destroyed both the door and the wall behind it, but that was nothing she cared about at the time, she only wanted to find her once beloved husband and end him.

She walked to his personal study, knowing it was the only place he could be. She opened the door expecting to see her husband, drunk on whatever poison he could get his hooves on.

But to her surprise she was greeted by the sight of her daughter, she was playing with a purple plush.

Cadence was overcome with joy and rushed over to hug her daughter, tears of joy flowing from her eyes.

“Mommy what is wong? Why awe you cwying?”

“Mommy is not sad. Mommy is happy that you are alright. Where is your daddy?”

Crystal pointed at her father's desk. “Daddy is wooking out the window!” She said with glee.

“That’s wonderful. Now sweetie, could you go and play in the other room for a bit? Mommy needs to talk to daddy.”

“Otay!” Crystal grabbed the plush and walked on unsteady legs into the next room.

Cadence walked up to the desk and turned the chair around so she could see her husband. He was holding a glass of dark liquid in his hoof and gave her a stare she had never seen before. For the first time in her life, since they had gotten married was she unable to read her husband and figure out his intentions.

“I’m happy that you did not kill my daughter but I-” She was cut off by Shining.

“Our daughter, my love. Even though she used to be the one monster in this world that I wished death upon. She is now our daughter and I’ll be damned if I were to hurt her, she saved me from becoming something I could never escape from. It’s going to take time to accept this, but I swear I will never harm her, I will care for her as if she was our own and I hope you will follow me in this journey. My love.”

Cadence was at a loss for words, but her tears was enough, they said everything. She embraced her husband and he did the same. They was going to do this together and nothing was to going to stand in their way.

“I love you. But You need to stop drinking, it’s a bad influence.” Cadence laughed.

“Huh? I can’t even drink apple cider? Give me a break, honey.” Shining kissed his wife and silence hung in the air.


Queen Cadence, King Shining Armor and their daughter, Princess Crystal.

They have a long journey ahead of themselves, but for the moment it seems as if fate have decided to give them a break.

What will the future bring? That is a good question, we can only wait and see, such is the curse of the mortal world.

Let us wish happiness upon them.

The end............or is it?

Deep down in the long forgotten tunnels of ancient Equestria.

A creature unlike anything you can imagine, bigger than the capital of Canterlot, its intelligence unrivaled by anything that currently resides within the mortal realm.

No creature alive knows when and why it was created, such knowledge have since long faded away in the never ending river that is time.

This ancient monstrosity is the master of the Changeling swarm.

It is know as the Overmind.

It’s influence is strong and its will is the law which all changelings are guided by. Its ancient commands have lingered in this world for thousands of years.

Long before the age of ponies, this massive creature ruled the world, every living being was linked to it, there was no wars, no pain, no sorrow, there was only peace.

The ancestor of this world lived to serve it and in a way everything was perfect.

Where did it go and why did it disappear? A question only the gods can answer.

Let us pray that nothing interrupts it’s slumber and that the world will never fall under its control ever again. May its slumber last until the end of time.

Author's Note:

Here we go another story.
I hope you like it. Feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks to my Editor Draxco as usual.

Cover art by The awesome Beavernator
If you wanna see more of his awesome work, just click the link.


Comments ( 72 )

Love it. Please make a sequal

Pretty good but it feels more like it could be dragged out over mulitple chapters. :eeyup:

And I would like a sequel. :pinkiesmile:

Like everyone else is saying, this needs a sequel


I like the idea but there's a lot of grammar errors and choppy/awkward sentences.

It does seem OOC for Shining Armor to behave the way he does in your story, but now that I think about it, it does make sense.

Great Fic, please Sequel :twilightsheepish:

Feels like it could use more fleshing out to better explain the ragged emotions going thru shining and cadence


A story about a baby, written with all the skill of the aforementioned.

Go back to Grade Three English. Do not pass Go, do not collect 200 views.

plz sequel!!!
great fic

3031826 How rude. You know, there's constructive criticism, and then there's what you just did. Perhaps a refresher lesson in basic kindness would serve you well.

Constructive criticism is for people who actually put in an effort. I won't waste my time helping those who don't help themselves first.

First paragraph by itself features a lazy mistake:
>crystal kingdom
Proper noun, uncapitalized. Made worse by the fact that "Crystal Forest" is capitalized just mere words before (this being besides the fact that there is nothing to suggest a crystal forest exists).

Then he goes and does "Queen Cadence" when it should be "Princess". Simple, stupid mistakes spot this story like stains, each speaking of just how little thought went into editing this, and don't even get me started on the subjective stylistic mistakes.

Chrysalis whimpered, but she slowly got the courage to speak. “You awe not going to huwt me?”

Ah! Ow, yep. Felt a slight disturbance in the heart region from that one. I forgot that Cadance was mentioned by Twilight as the greates foalsitter of all foalsitters for only she would have a pacifier on hoof at all times. Despite the many editing flaws and Shining Armor being out of character (for a reason due to the plot), it is a good read.

3032415 I read it. It's fairly obvious an effort was put into it. If you'd like to see some examples of things where no effort was put into it, you can find them. They're much...much... much worse than this, with much larger, much more unforgivable errors.

Perhaps it's not up to your standards. That's fine. But effort was still put into it. So, yes, Constructive Criticism is, in fact, called for here. Not general douchebaggery.

I could fart a better story than this. "Effort" is not in regards to how many times he right-clicked a word with a red-squiggly line underneath it to let the spell-checker do the job for him, it's for what he did after his face had finished rolling across the keyboard. There was obviously no, or at least very minimal, time and energy expended in regards to editing this (and I use the term loosely) story and preparing it for viewer consumption, and now it pays the price by being consumed by my grammatical wrath.

Any idiot can make something. It takes a true artist to refine it into something worthy. The time spent making it does not matter, only the end product's quality. I can stand a stylistically poor story, but not one where the author refused to put even the bare minimum into the basic mechanics.

I suppose something you should consider is whether or not the artist actually tried, good grammar or not. Did you even ask them?

3033296 I don't believe he did. And for all we know, English might not even be the author's main language. I know, I shouldn't get so fired up about it, but I have some distant kin whom have a hard time with their grammar. One of them was trying to improve, and then a whole clique of about 10 or 15 students at his school thought it would be hilarious to use it as a springboard to give him a hard time.

He tried to power through it of course, but ... children can be exceptionally cruel bastards, and when their verbal trolling didn't provoke a favorable enough response, they moved to more ... physical behavior to back it up. To his credit, he stuck with it dutifully until high school, but when a particularly grievous incident affected his eyesight, he gave up, dropped out of high school...

Darkentrophy's behavior is very reminiscent of how that crap started. I don't want to see someone else give up on something they enjoy just because of one self-centered asshole.

3029940 For the moment, but there seems to be a lot of people who wants a sequel, so I'll work on that.

3029970 There will be one. Someday.

3030502 I'll do my best.

3030644 I have heard the crowd.

3030738 OKAY!!!!

3030761 I'll have my editor take a second look at it.

3031072 It's in the planning stage.

3031528 True, I might have gotten a bit lazy. Sorry.

3031826 Thanks I love you too. :heart:>>

3032504 Thanks.

Thank you all for reading, Ill try to make a sequel and I'll see if I can improve this one a bit. Doubt I'll ever reach Darkentrophy's standards, but hey. I do this for fun.

3033962 I cant wait to see Crystal grow up with her new mommy and daddy

Despite some grammatical errors there is a lot of potential here. Keep writing and and rewriting as they are the best ways to improve as a writer. You have talent, no doubt about that.

Comment posted by Darkentrophy deleted Aug 12th, 2013

Ok, I will explain some of the problems I noticed.

1. He is Swedish, so his native language isn't English.

2. The title thing is just a part of the story, the fact that none of the rulers are named "Queen" (instead they are "Princesses") is something that I myself have wondered about. Why are they only named "Princess" and not "Queen" anyway? They rule separate realms, so why not be named "Queen"?
Chrysalis is a queen, yet all she rules over is her hive. Unless you can provide some real cannon reasons for why they aren't named as such, I really don't see a reason to attack the writer so vehemently.

Oh, that's the Disney rule. Queens are evil and Princesses are good.

3035786 Ok, odd rule, but whatever I didn't make the rule. Thanks for the info.

3037720 Well I guess she trusted her husband to do the right thing, If Crystal would have started to cry she would most likely have heard it, but since, Shining actually have some brains, he countered that possibility with the barrier spell.

Had my editor take a second look at it, I hope there are fewer grammatical errors now.

Cute. :twilightsmile: I support this story, though the mistakes pointed out by Velkaden are prominent at times. Luckily, the Grammar Nazi inside me is learning to cope with the... internet. *shudders*

It makes perfect sense. Chrysalis took control over Shining's mind, leading him to believe that she was actually Cadence. Being deceived that heavily can have serious aftereffects, like constant distrust that the real Cadence, whom he loves, might be a changeling. This constant uncertainty could lead him to killing Chrysalis so that she can't harm his wife, or himself, ever again with her deceit. The longer this went on, the further Shining could fall into insanity, even making him think that the real Cadence is a changeling. Long story short, we'd have a Shining/Cadence version of "Cupcakes."

3034770 Just a little nitpick, there is no canon evidence that Changelings live in hives and that Chrysalis' kingdom is a hive. That's just popular fanon.

3052335 Doesn't she refer to her kingdom as a hive in the show? I thought she did, hmm, I have to double check. In any case, thank you for bringing this to my attention.

3061130 No, she just refered to the other Changelings as her minions. And in the comics, she took over and coverted the Lovecats' home into a Transylvania-esque kingdom.

Comment posted by Draxco deleted Aug 17th, 2013

3052335 I never said that the Crystal Kingdom was a hive.
I like to think of the changelings as ants and ants live in hives.

3061279 I said CHRYSALIS' Kingdom, not the Crystal Kingdom.

But hey, if that is your headcanon, fair enough.

3061287 Oh, sorry. I misread it

Here have a mustache and then we can forget this silly thing ever happened.

Cadence rolled her eyes and said. “You little rascal! Now I got no choice. I need to get in the tub with you.”
Not going to lie, the second i read this i thought RAPE!!

“You have nothing to fear, mother is here.
Forget your fears, mother is here and she will never leave you.
Monsters and demons, can be quite scarey, but mother is here, you have nothing to fear.
The dawn will soon be here and make all your fears fadeaway.
Mother is here, you have nothing to fear.
Mother will always love you.”

I lost my mother at the age of 11, so this, whatever it is, got to me.... i miss my mom really bad:applecry:

Sorry about the constant comments, but here are my final thoughts on it.

One, not trying to me mean, but your grammar sucked ass. That said, your spacing sucked too. Why would you put a gap between someone's dialogue? That just confuses the reader.

The good outweighs the bad though. Shining's development was good; the comment on hoe Crystal corrupted his sperm was funny and sad at the same time.
You also didn't explain why Cadence stopped trying to kill crystal (I'm saying crystal becouse i can't spell her real name for shit) even if she is the princess of love, if you messed with her life, nearly stole her husband and messed with his sperm, she would kill her where she stands, baby or not.
(Wow, i hope that sentence is correct grammar wise, but i think it is)

Like i said about the poem, there were quite a few moments where my heart melted. Especially when Cadence came to Crystals rescue in the nightmare. (And when Shining did the same)

All in all, great concept, and not bad execution wasn't that bad either.
You earned a favorite and like from me.

3090823 Thanks for your input.
I dunno what is wrong with the spacing thought, my editor never mentioned anything about it.
It's nice to hear that you liked the story.
My grammar is not the best, I won't say that it is. But I'm doing my best and hopefully I'll get better one day.

Very touching story, but it seemed to be a little rushed. This kind of concept could easily have been spread across several chapters. However it was still very entertaining, and foal Chrysalis was absolutely bucking adorable. :rainbowkiss::heart::rainbowkiss:

3100778 This was originally planed to be a very short oneshot comedy story.
But as I was writing it, my brain decided to spiral out of control and dive into the darker corners of my mind.

ok, I understand it is the Crystal Empire, but I don't think Cadance and Shining would be King/Queen. otherwise, good story :)

ok, I understand it is the Crystal Empire, but I don't think Cadance and Shining would be King/Queen. otherwise, good story :)

3103436 Well they are the rulers of the kingdom.
Besides I'm tired of princes and princesses so i made them king and queen just to mix things up a bit.
I'm glad you liked it.

Other than making em king and queen, the alcohol use, and the attempt to kill it was great writing. Shining would never treat Cadence like that. And killing is so unlike either of them.

I came in here thinking that this could be great but it was gonna be really hard to pull off, and in my opinion ... you fell short. Sorry. But good try! I didn't like how Chrysalis seemed to retain a little knowledge (remembered Cadance hit a tree, "I will destroy you") yet otherwise was just a toddler (and in need of potty training). If nothing remains of Chrysalis but the easily-banished nightmares of the Overmind, then what's the point? And if more remains, why don't we see it? Thus, I won't upvote, but I didn't think it deserves a downvote either.

One nitpick:
her husband currently residing in Canterlot, to celebrate his little sister.
I suspect you're missing something here, perhaps Twilight's coronation. I mean, celebrating his sister? Is Twilight an aunt now (different sister), or does Shining just really need no excuse other than Twilight's continued existence to have a party?

This is adorable! I won't comment on the grammer because it is like war and peace compared to some I've read on this site, but I have one thing to say.
PLEASE DO A SEQUEL! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the nice comment. I'm working on a sequel, but It might take a while.


You're Right. Cadence Should Declare herself Empress.

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