• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 2,053 Views, 23 Comments

Crowns and Apples, Butterflies and Lilies - zyr1987

Fancy and Fleur break up and each independently heads to Ponyville to unwind. While there, they find new love and new perspectives on life.

  • ...

Held up by Fame

The next day arrived in earnest, with Rarity getting up at seven. She went downstairs and prepared a small breakfast for herself and her guest, with the smell of baking muffins awakening the sleepy noble in the guest room. When he walked into the kitchen he said, “something smells lovely.”

“Oh, hi Fancy. How does your horn feel?”

“Still sore, but it's feeling better,” Fancy said. The doctor had told him that his horn was physically fine, but he should avoid using it until the soreness passed, if only because using magic made it hurt more. The only issue was that, as a proper unicorn gentlecolt, there were certain things he was expected to use his magic for, so he had a rather delicate balancing act to manage.

“That's good to hear. Anyway, the muffins should be ready in a minute. What would you like to drink?”

“What do you have?”

“Milk, apple juice, water-” Rarity said.

“Apple juice will be fine.”

She took out the jug and poured two glasses full of apple juice, setting them down on the table, before the oven dinged. Taking the muffins out of their tin, and carefully placing them on a plate, she moved to the table and sat down, Fancy asked, “So what are your plans for the day?”

“Well, I'll be taking Opal down to Fluttershy's for her grooming, and picking up some groceries after breakfast. From there I don't have anything scheduled. What about you?”

“I thought I'd see the sights, if you know of any worth seeing.”

“Well, there's Ponyville Tower, and if you like nature you could take a walk through Whitetail Wood. If you want sweets, you can't beat Sugarcube Corner,” Rarity said, before listing off a few other locales of interest.

Fancy listened intently, making plans for his stay. When she finished, he said, “I didn't expect so many locales.”

“I guess it comes with the location.”

“I guess,” Fancy said, trying to ea a muffin with his magic. The pain caused him to drop it back on his plate, and he resigned himself to eating it with his hoof.

Meanwhile, just outside town, Fleur and Fluttershy were starting their days as well.

Fluttershy was eating a bowl of cereal, while Fleur, at her request, was working on a piece of grapefruit, and asking “So, do you have a coltfriend, Fluttershy? You never mentioned one in your letters.”



“No,” Fluttershy said.

“Have you had your eye on anypony?”

“Maybe a few here and there. But I haven't asked anypony on a date or anything.”

“Why not?” Fleur asked, a bit surprised.

“I've been scared to.”

“You shouldn't be. If you find somepony you like, you should take a step out of your comfort zone and ask them out. The worst that could happen is they say no.”

“I guess I could try sometime.”

No sooner had Fluttershy said this than a knock came at the front door. The pony on the other side yelled, “Fluttershy, I need your help!”

“Oh, that's Twilight. I should probably get that,” Fluttershy said, getting up. Fleur, curious, followed her, taking her grapefruit with her.

When Fluttershy opened the front door, Twlight was waiting on the other side with her saddlebags on and, much to both other ponies' confusion (though for different reasons), a very floppy, spotted horn. Fluttershy asked, “Oh, Twilight. What happened?”

“I think I may have walked into some poison joke yesterday when coming back from Zecora's. Do you still have my copy of 'Supernaturals' by any chance?”

“I think I do. Let me go get it for you.”

“Thanks,” Twilight said.

When Fluttershy left, Fleur asked, “So poison joke makes your horn floppy?”

“Well, it depends on the pony. Fluttershy got affected by it once, actually, and she ended up with a very deep, manly voice.”

Fleur imagined this and said, “Okay, that sounds really funny...and maybe a bit sexy,” then noticed Fluttershy was now next to her with the book in her mouth.

Giving an embarrassed blush, she took the book the, using her horn to open one of Twilight's saddlebags and dramatically posing for reasons only known to her, deposited it within.

“Thanks. And before I forget, Princess Luna sent you a letter. Fluttershy,” Twilight said, opening her other saddle bag and pulling out a scroll.

“Oh, thank you.”

Twilight turned to leave and Fluttershy shut the door while Fleur asked, “Out of curiosity, why is a princess writing a letter to you, and why did she deliver it?”

“Twilight has a direct magical line to the princesses, and Princess Luna seems to like me for some reason, so we keep in touch.”


“Yes,” Fluttershy said.

“Can I see it when you're done with it?”

“Okay, if there's nothing too personal in it.”

They sat back at the table and resumed breakfast, neither speaking for a few moments as Fluttershy read the letter. Eventually, Fleur asked, “so, how did you meet Princess Luna?”

“Twilight brought her by my home when she came to visit for Nightmare Night, to help her learn to speak more quietly. Apparently, I was a big help even though I was scared stiff. Twilight said she even gave me a hug before she left.”

“You don't remember?”

“I remember trying to get back into my cottage and being pulled away, then waking up on my doorstep, alone. I thought I mentioned that in one of my letters,” Fluttershy said.

“Maybe you did. I don't remember. Either way, being hugged by a princess sounds like quite the honor.”

“I guess I didn't think it was,” Fluttershy said with a shudder as she remembered Luna's arrival.

A few hours later, Rarity was running some errands and Fancypants was in her shop taking care of some of his paperwork when the bell on the door rang and he looked up to see the orange earth pony who had attended to him yesterday.

Se looked around the shop and noticed the unicorn seated at Rarity's dask, before asking, “Where's Rarity?”

“She's running some errands. She said she would be out for about an hour.”

“And how long has it been?”

“She left about a half hour ago,” Fancypants said.

“Well, I guess I can wait until she gets back.” After she said this, she seemed to realize something. “Wait, you're the pony who got hit in the horn yesterday.”

“Yes. I remember you helping attend to me. Barely.”

“So how are ya feeling?” The mare asked.

“My horn still hurts but it's better. No real damage beyond the pain.”

“That's good to hear.”

“So how have things been going with you?” Fancy asked, wanting to keep the conversation going.

“Pretty well. It's been quiet at the farm for the most part, aside from two scam artists trying to take it from us last year.”

“How did they do that?”

Applejack, whose name suddenly slipped into Fancypants' mind, described the antics of the Flim Flam brothers during their short stay in Ponyville.

When she finished, Fancy asked, “What happened to them after they left town?”

“I dunno. I never checked, and they seem to be avoiding any towns where the Apple clan resides, because none of my relatives have said anything about them.”

“Probably for the best. I'll let others know about those two so that they don't fall for their schemes.”

“Thanks. I'm sure they'll appreciate it.”

Rarity knocked on Fluttershy's front door, and was quickly greeted by the sight of her dear friend. “Hi, Rarity.”

“Hi, Fluttershy. Do you think you could groom Opal for me? I have your usual payment.”

“Sure. Just bring her inside.”

Rarity walked in and set Opal's basket down in the middle of the floor. She then noticed another pony was present. Between the large, light purple eyes, the tall frame, and the long pink mane, it wasn't difficult for the fashionista to figure out who she was looking at. “Fleur de Lis? What are you doing here in Ponyville?”

“Please, call me Fleur. As for what I'm doing here, is it so wrong of me to visit a friend I haven't seen in months?”

Rarity gave Fleur an incredulous look before her brain caught up. “But, wait! Fluttershy never mentioned that you were her friend!”

“I didn't? I though I mentioned it a few days ago,” Fluttershy said.

Rarity thought back and remembered Fluttershy mentioning that someone may have been coming to visit, but, since she wasn't paying full attention at the time, she didn't catch a name. “Oh, I guess you did.”

Fleur said, “Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Rarity. Fluttershy speaks pretty highly of your work in her letters.”

“Nice to meet you too, but didn't we meet in Canterlot right before the garden party last year?”

We did didn't we? But, as I recall, we barely exchanged two sentences. I wouldn't call that a proper meeting.”

“I guess I can see your reasoning. Speaking of meetings, where did you meet a famous fashion model, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked.

“I can answer that. I'm sure you know that Fluttershy was a model at one time?”

“Of course, how could I forget? I assume you met her on the modeling circuit?”

“Oui, right after one of her bigger shows She seemed miserable and I thought she could use a friend,” Fleur said.

“And you kept in contact even after she quit?”

“Oui, though we nearly didn't. I had to rush after her on the way to the station for her address, actually, since I really wanted to keep up with her.”

“Oh, I see. Anyway Do you mind if I stay and chat for a while, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked.

“Sure. If you want,” Fluttershy said.

Rarity got back to the boutique about an hour after she said she would, and the two ponies who had been waiting for her there were all too happy to let them know what they thought of her tardiness.

“I thought you were supposed to be back around 10? It's just past 11, now,” Fancy said, obviously a bit miffed.

“Sorry. I just got caught up at Fluttershy's place. Did you know that Fleur de Lis is staying with her?”

Fancy's expression of annoyance disappeared, being replaced by one of surprise, though Applejack's was unaffected. “Wait. Fleur is here? In Ponyville?”

“Who is this Fleur and why did she keep you?” Applejack asked, obviously still a bit annoyed.

Fancy spoke up again, saying, “I can answer the first part. She's a famous fashion model here in Equestria and in Prance, and also my ex-marefriend. Still, I don't think her presence should hold you up for an hour.”

“Sorry. It's not every day that you meet a famous fashion model, and I couldn't help myself. I promise it won't happen again”

“Anyway,” Applejack said, “I just came by because Applebloom needs a costume for a school play about food groups. She's playing the part of fruit, so I'm thinking she should be dressed as an apple.”

“When's the play?” Rarity asked, avoiding remarking on the obvious costume choice.


“Oh. I'm sure I can have something ready for her by then, free of charge. I'll let you know when it's ready.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

As Applejack left, Rarity asked, “how long was she waiting?”

“About an hour and a half. And, if I may ask, why are you making the costume for free?”

“Because she's my friend, and I owe her a favor or two,” Rarity said, fudging the truth a bit.

Author's Note:

There is more to this chapter, but I thought this would be a good place to stop, since I was granted an extension in the contest until today (because myself and the other entrant who was writing a story both struggled to finish by Monday. The tihrd ended up with an impossible pairing, so he dropped out), and essentially got this far last night. The next chapter will be part 2 of this one, in essence.

Anyway, the hardest part of an Applepants ship is that it's very difficult to get the two talking without it feeling really contrived (so if it does feel contrived, that's why). Flutter de Lis is much easier about this simply because Fleur is a model (according to the iOS game) and Fluttershy was a model so they have something to bond over, at least.