• Published 17th Aug 2013
  • 2,054 Views, 23 Comments

Crowns and Apples, Butterflies and Lilies - zyr1987

Fancy and Fleur break up and each independently heads to Ponyville to unwind. While there, they find new love and new perspectives on life.

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Crowns and Apples at the spa

Fancy entered the spa behind Applejack, and they were both led to the steam room. Before entering he was given a large, light blue robe, obviously cut for a mare and thus not fitting him all that well, which only served to increase his self-consciousness.

Still, he put on the ill-fitted robe then entered the steam room. He noticed his companion wearing a very red robe, with green apples on the flank. He sat down next to her on the long wooden bench and tried to stay silent. However, Applejack apparently wanted to talk, asking, “Have you spoken to Fleur since your breakup?”

“I spoke to her twice since my arrival in Ponyville. The first time was two days ago after two different ponies mentioned to her that I was staying with Rarity.”

“Oh, sorry about that,” Applejack said.

“That's okay. I wanted her to find me. Anyway, we were on friendlier terms than I thought, and I assume that's when she sent me that gift certificate. The second time was yesterday, when I asked about the gift certificate, and ended up taking her to the hospital after she scratched her horn.”

“Oh, wow. Is she okay?”

“Her horn is sore, but she's fine, if slightly bitter with me over dragging her to the hospital,” Fancy said with a chuckle.

“Well, that's good I guess.”

“It is. She'll get over it.”

“By the way, what do you actually do for a living, Fancypants?” Applejack asked.

“I'm the president and CEO of Fancy Industries.”

“Would that be the same Fancy Industries that owns King Plow?”

“It would be, yes,” Fancypants said.

Before Applejack could speak further, the two spa ponies informed them that it was time to move to the next station. The two of them stood up and followed the twins to what Fancy guessed to be a facial station, judging by the greenish creams, cucumbers and brushes sitting nearby.

He cringed and considered asking to pass on this part but, after imagining what Fleur's reaction to him rejecting her generosity would look like, decided to grin and bear it.

Mercifully, perhaps because they sensed his discomfort, the twins simply put some mud on his cheeks. He also noticed, that they did the same with Applejack, rather than giver her a full facial.

As the twins started (and quickly stopped once it became clear that wasn't appreciated) filing Fancy's horn, Applejack said, “You said your company owns King Plow, right?”

“Yes. Why”

“Well, I always wanted to let the owners of the company know just what I thought of their product.”

“And I'd love to hear your thoughts,” Fancy said.

“Okay, well, my family bought one of your plows a year or so ago, after a minor windfall of bits. My brother, Big McIntosh tried to use it immediately after it arrived, but it was so poorly made that it literally buckled under itself within 100 yards of where he started plowing.”

“Are you sure it wasn't defective?”

“Actually, that was our first thought, so we exchanged it for a new one, which did the exact same thing. One of our relatives was visiting at the time and told us that everyone she knew that had one ended up returning it a few days later because they tended to buckle under like that and they are not worth the bits that your company charges for them. I know I'm being harsh, but that's the truth of it,” Applejack said.

“Well, if that's true, then I'm going to have to have a long talk with the heads of King Plow. This is the first time I've heard about it, though.”

“And how often do you speak with us country folk?”

“Not enough, I'm sure. It probably doesn't help that I'm always surrounded by yes-ponies in Canterlot, making the few ponies who tell it like it is all the more appreciated,” Fancy admitted, sadly. “I'll speak with them when I return to Canterlot, see if I can't get the issue fixed.”

They were then moved to the next station at this point, that station being the hooficure area which they both asked to skip, Fancy especially because of how his horn felt the idea of it being filed made him wince. The two spa ponies, looking a bit disappointed, obliged, moving their two clients to the massage tables instead. This had been the point Fancypants had been waiting for, and he climbed on to the massage table the spa pony gestured him towards with glee, asking, “Could you give my horn some extra care? It's been rather sore these past few days.”

“Certainly, Mister Fancypants.”

As the spa pony gently massaged his horn, Fancy took a closer look at the currently very relaxed and unfocused Applejack, and a thought floated, completely unbidden, into his mind. I wonder if she would go out on a date with me.

The thought shocked him, and he fought to keep from showing that surprise as the spa pony worked on a particularly sore part of his horn. He tried to put it out of mind, but it stayed put, niggling at him. He wondered why it had come to him, while taking another glance at the orange mare beside him.

After turning back towards the far wall, with his masseuse working to keep his head facing that way, he thought, well, she is attractive, in a charmingly rustic sort of way, and she seems to be more honest than most ponies I know. Still, why would I ever think of going on a date with somepony I barely know? Is my breakup with Fleur affecting me that much? Though, on the other hoof, what reason would I have not to go on a date with her?

After a moment, he decided to just relax and let his thoughts sort themselves out. Over the next few minutes, his horn started to feel much less sore, as the spa pony worked it over, and he decided to give her a big tip when she was done.

Soon it was time to end the massage, and move on to the hoof bath section, which, again, both ponies declined, causing Fancy to wonder if Applejack was trying to keep pace with him, despite, he assumed, having paid less than he did. He also wondered if she thought he was doing the same with her.

“Well, that was the last part of the spa treatment. If you wish you can have a complimentary stay in our hot tub. Otherwise billing is at the front.” the blue pony with the pink mane said.

Fancy moved for the hot tub first, taking off his ill-fitted robe, and sliding in. He noticed Applejack did the same behind him. After settling in, he asked the mare, “I assume you took the most expensive package too?”

“Yep. I'm on Rarity's tab, and asking for a full service then taking only the services I'm in the mood for then paying Rarity back for them later always seemed like a good plan to me. So, I'm guessing your horn feels better after that massage.”

“Oh, yes. Much better. Thank you for asking.”

Applejack nodded and leaned back and Fancy developed a particular urge. He resisted it for a moment, then decided he probably wouldn't have a better chance than now to sate it.

He asked, “Applejack, what would you say if I offered to cover your spa trip today with Rarity?”

“Suspicious, if I'm honest. What do you want in return?”

“Nothing. At least nothing in return for that. Consider it an act of charity, in return for being so honest with me about my company's products.”

“Well, if you want to cover my bill with Rarity, I'm happy with that. But I reckon you have something else you want to ask me,” Applejack said, still sounding suspicious.

“Well, yes, but it's a separate matter. I was simply wondering if you would like to go on a date with me.”

“A date? Really? The CEO of Fancy industries wants to go on a date with a simple farm pony like me?”

“It's out there, I know, but there are so few honest ponies in my life, and even fewer I find myself so attracted to. If you don't want to, though, you can just tell me,” Fancy said.

“Um, tell you what. I'll think about it, then get back to you tomorrow, alright?”

“Okay. I'll wait at Rarity's boutique for you,” Fancy said, making a mental note to ask Rarity about Applejack.

Shortly after, Fancypants climbed out of the hot tub and retrieved his tuxedo before going to the counter, where he met the spa pony who had treated him. She said, “Hello Mister Fancypants. With the services we provided, minus the services you decided to skip, you have another fifteen bits on your gift certificate. Would you like to keep them for another time, or should I give them back to Miss Fleur?”

“Actually, I was hoping you could put them towards Applejack's bill, and charge me the rest of it.”

“Certainly. I will just need five bits.”

Fancy reached into his tuxedo pocket and dropped a twenty bit piece on the counter, saying, “keep the change. You've earned it.”

“Thank you, Mister Fancypants,” the blue pony said with a big smile.

“You're quite welcome.”

Author's Note:

By pure coincidence, Fancy's last line here is the last line of Gimme Shelter. I just can't help but note that.

Anyway, this is technically part of the last chapter, to keep the seven chapter idea together, since I realize now one of my plans for near the end works best as its own chapter.

Also, as I said before, it's hard to get these two to interact, and even harder to justify putting them in a relationship (though Fancy's vague personality and Fleur's almost not-personality in canon help a lot by letting me build them in a way that works for the story). It's technically a crack pairing, if I'm honest, so if it doesn't quite feel right, just know, I'm trying my best to write a bizarre and damn tricky ship.

And I've already started on Fluttershy and Fleur's side of this chapter, though it's proving to be tricky for the simple reason that there isn't a lot I need to do with it

Comments ( 3 )

So.... I see your having fun with the Ship you got... Sorry it happened to be such a wierd one

I'm not liking this chapter too much. The pacing feels too fast and abrupt. A bit shallow, too.

Straight to the point. I like that! It matches their personalities, I think.

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