• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 552 Views, 72 Comments

Dawning of A New Era - Necroesphere

The birth of the Comment Warrior as they face their first fight.

  • ...

Advent 3: The Darkness

Advent 3: The Darkness
Arc 1: Darker Skies

Author: Necroesphere
Editor: None
Prereader: None

I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space,
Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth
Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air
Darkness by Lord Byron

Chaotic sat waiting next to the throne as Luna sat on the throne next to Celestia, listening to a new pony to court. He claimed to be from another town on the outlying edges of the Everfree Forest. Chaotic Note didn’t buy into that however, having read a few maps in his time. There was no other town close to the edge of the Everfree besides Ponyville.

There were also a few reports coming in from Ponyville, including a detailed letter from Spike about a strange storm and warriors fighting in the night. He hadn’t heard from Twilight supposedly since the end of the storm. It troubled Chaotic greatly, knowing that Necroesphere was wrapped up in the mess somehow.

“Now Churro, what town is it you are from,” Celestia asked, reading over the note her scribe was taking. “I’ve never heard of this… Mareland. Is it under a different nation?”

“Neigh, Princess,” Churro responded, leaning back in a lawn chair that hadn’t previously been located there. “However, it isn’t really a part of any nation to be honest. My buddies were traveling with me, but we got separated at Ponyville during that freak storm. My magically inclined friend said it was black magic.”

“Tia,” Luna whispered, looking at her older sister. Celestia nodded her head, looking back down at Churro. Chaotic felt a presence behind him as Black Paladin appeared from the shadows, his matte armor making it hard to pick him out.

“Necroesphere has returned,” Paladin whispered to Chaotic, who glanced up at Luna who also heard the news. “However, the situation seems bad. Red has taken him to the dungeons and the others with him are under a heavy guard. The Elements of Harmony are with him, but they seem to be in bad shape.”

“Thank you, Paladin,” Chaotic whispered back, sighing. Churro glanced over at the two, lifting a brow.

“I’m sorry, Churro, but we have a matter most dire to attend to,” Luna stated, rising from her throne. Churro bowed, moving out of the way as Luna made her way out with Chaotic and Celestia. “What is Red doing, putting Necroesphere in the dungeon?”

“I haven’t the slightest idea,” Chaotic responded, noticing that Black Paladin was following along behind. “Who were the others with him? And what befell them?”

“I haven’t any idea, but they are being held in an antechamber while the Elements of Harmony were transferred to the infirmary. Golden spheres were held above their heads, keeping them in a state of rest it seemed.” Paladin explained, ghosting on the other side of Luna. “Necroesphere is being held with anti-magic containment items. I truly doubt that would stop him should he wish an escape.”

“Let’s hope he can contain himself,” Celestia sighed. “I am going to check on Twilight. Luna, I hope you can keep Red under control before he does anything we may regret later. Necroesphere is the only one that can retain full memory of what happened in Ponyville.”

“And I will go check on our guests,” Luna responded. “Chaotic, please go down with Paladin and retrieve Necroesphere. And if Red stops you, tell him that these are my orders and if he has a problem, he can talk to me about it later.”

“Aye, Princess.” Chaotic saluted, taking a side passage that was coming up. Black Paladin followed, almost disappearing into the shadows. “Where are the dungeons?”

“Follow me,” Paladin sighed, elbowing his way past and taking the lead. “How have you not been to the dungeons? You have been here for almost a year now yet you still have yet to truly explore?”

“I don’t think knowing where a dungeon is really falls under my job description,” Chaotic chuckled, feeling awkward. Being around such a powerful unicorn was putting him on edge. There were many rumors floating around about Black Paladin and his two friends. Dark and terrible things that they had done in the past. “I am only a coltfriend to Luna. I normally do as she commands, though I am left to my own devices.”

“Then get out and explore. Those screens will ruin your eyesight and scrap your brain. Just know that I hope you realize that.” Paladin stated, taking a turn down a new tunnel. Chaotic sighed, following close behind Black Paladin as torches began to be the only thing lighting their path.

“This place is creepy…” Chaotic noticed a cobweb hanging from a low hanging arch. More started to sprout up the farther they went in, as well as a lack of torches. Chaotic lit his horn, casting a light spell to brighten the way. “Where is the dungeon exactly?”

“Right here,” Paladin chuckled, a large wooden door looming in the darkness. “If I am correct, Necroesphere will be located at the very end of the cell block. It’s where all dangerous magical beings are quarantined.”

“That makes me feel even worse…” Chaotic grumbled. Dust and rust floated off the door as Black Paladin opened it with his magic. His red glow encased the ancient door as it opened, giving off a massive screech. Chaotic covered his ears from the sound, realizing it was the rusted hinges of the door.

The door thudded to a stop with a large boom. The halls echoed behind them as a small squealing noise caught Chaotic’s attention. “You may wish to duck,” Paladin muttered, doing as he had suggested. Chaotic hit the stone floor as a flock of bats flew over him. The screeching was annoying at best, though the bats offered no harm as they flew out a window far up in the roof.

“That was something,” Chaotic sighed, dusting himself off. Paladin was already advancing forward through the cell block. There were multiple hooves and other appendages gripping the black bars, a torch or magical light hovering every twenty hoof steps. “Who are these ponies?”

“The worst of the worst.” Paladin stated, voice set. “You are glad we have brought them and contained in here. You would never wish to meet one of them down a back alley at night. It would never end well for a pony not trained in self defence.”

“I can protect myself quite well.” Chaotic stated. “I have trained myself with the use of a katana, you know. I am not a stallion to be messed with.”

“And yet you play lapdog to the Mistress of the Night?” Black Paladin chuckled, stopping in front of a metal door. “He’s behind here, in one of the back cells.”

“Aren’t we going to open it?” Chaotic asked, looking at the door. It seemed normal, though after some moments to look it over, Chaotic noticed a thin web of magic over the door. “Is that a rune?”

“I’m amazed you noticed. Those are harder to find than I am, for the untrained.” Black Paladin said, backing away from the door. “However, we might not need to do anything.”


“That you, Chaotic?” Necroesphere called out from his cell.

“Yeah, Necro. Hold on, we will get you out.” Chaotic yelled back. “How do we get him out of there?” Chaotic asked Paladin.

“I need to spend a few minutes to disenchant this door. Then we need to keys for it.” Black Paladin sighed, preparing himself for work.

“How about I cut that time to about 7 seconds? I am free, right?” Necroesphere questioned.

“That’s right, but what do you…” Paladin asked before realizing what was going on. He leapt out of the way, dragging Chaotic with him. Necroesphere barged through the door, throwing it off the hinges. Chaotic didn’t know who was standing before him, but it didn’t look like the Necroesphere he knew.

Instead of the normal purple of his armor, it was pure white. His weapons that were normally strapped wherever they could be attached were now compacted to a single blade at a golden scabbard on his hip. He also had no scratches on his new armor, something that struck Chaotic as odd. He always enjoyed the battle scars of his equipment, always enjoying telling stories of how he received them.

“That is definitely a way to get out,” Chaotic chuckled, picking himself up off the floor. “You are Necroesphere, right?”

“Of course,” Necroesphere responded. “Red locked me up down here, claiming that I disobeyed Luna’s orders. I did not fight this ruling, believing they had come from Luna herself. It seems I was wrong and Red was acting out on his own.”

“That is the sum of it all.” Black Paladin responded, walking towards a wall. “I’ll go ahead and tell Luna of this. Find us near the throne room when you make it up there. Necroesphere, I have no worries that you will be lost in this palace.”

“Go ahead,” Necroesphere saluted. Black Paladin saluted back, disappearing into the shadows of the wall and leaving Chaotic stumped. Necroesphere looked down at him, chuckling. “Shadow travel. He is already with Luna now.”

“That sounds very convenient,” Chaotic sighed, walking back down the hall. “Let’s get going then.”

Necroesphere followed, his armor giving off a faint glowing light that basked the surrounding dark hallway in it’s eery glow. Each footfall sounded like the bricks were barely able to keep him up, making Chaotic wonder how Necroesphere had ever been able to successfully sneak around.

“What’s on your mind?” Necroesphere asked, ducking through the doorframe that led back to the palace.

“What’s with the new armor?” Chaotic asked, glancing up into the warrior’s face plate. “It’s very… bright.”

“It’s not that new, actually. It’s my original armor, named White Knight. It has a much larger power output that the suit I normally wear around the palace. It is also much heavier, making it much harder for me to take damage.” Necroesphere explained.

“Wait, you equipped that armor for what reason then?”

“I was getting my butt handed to me by two of my oldest enemies. I couldn’t let them continue to make a mockery of me, now could I?” Necroesphere chuckled.

“Guess not. Was this before or after the Elements of Harmony went down?” Chaotic asked, wondering if Necroesphere had caused any problems with the Elements.

“It was after, when they didn’t listen to me and fired their Elements. As of now, I have no idea as to where the jewels are, but I fear they have fallen into the wrong hands.” Necroesphere sighed, tapping at his gauntlet. In a flash of light, Necroesphere was back to his normal self, the purple armor making him blend in with the surrounding area.

“Is that hard for you to do?” Chaotic inquired, still confused about Necroesphere’s newly shown talent. “You don’t seem to be tired at all.”

“Why would I be tired? That form wasn’t even putting any strain on my body. It’s my later forms that tend to leave me exhausted when I use them.” Necroesphere explained. Chaotic couldn’t see his face, so know what the warriors expression was didn’t help. “You’ll be seeing those forms soon though. If this is a full scale invasion, which I know it is, I will need to battle against Galax.”

“Who is this Galax? The names sounds familiar.”

“My oldest rival, my anti-thesis. But more than all. My uncle.”

“CaB, you alright?” TL asked as he kicked the hatch of his pod open. He surveyed the surrounding area, looking for the other pod that had landed before his. He spotted it some distance away, the city of Canterlot behind it.

“Calculating. No damage detected. However, The Knight has been totally destroyed.” CaB responded through the speakers of the life craft. TL sighed, knowing that it would have never survived after the damage it had taken. He hoped that Galax was at least a burnt crisp on the inside of it though.

Somewhere deep down, TL felt like he hadn’t seen the last of the nightmare.

“CaB, I’ll meet you in the Castle. If you get there first, tell Celestia and Luna what has happened. Show them the recording.” TL said, leaning against the outside of his pod. “Make sure they know that Darkness is coming to Equestria. One that I don’t think they can stop so easily.”

Galax stood, the ship around him burnt and torn to shreds. His armor however, barely had a scratch upon it’s flawless golden surface. Gold, the opposite of the color of the black creature. Yet it symbolized the greed that he had, for power, for war, for misery. His only thoughts were upon the death of this world and the end of Necroesphere, his greatest enemy. At every turn, he had stopped Galax in his tracks.

A flurry of snow filtered in through one of the holes of the ship. Galax climbed out, finding himself in a frozen wasteland. “Where the blast am I?” Galax cursed, looking around in all directions. Only one visible landmark stood out to him. A giant crystal tower looming in the wastes, powerful magic coming from the area.

“Well, looks like I won’t be bored for long.” Galax sneered, his bloodlust rising. He dashed off, a blizzard forming with his movements. Unbeknownst to the city in his path, Armageddon was coming for them. And it would show no mercy.

Artemis sighed, watching Princess Celestia as she paced in the room they were all sitting in. She was worried about her pupil and friends who had been rushed off to the royal infirmary as soon as Celestia had arrived. Artemis glanced over at the stallion who had brought them to the room, a red earth stallion who seemed to be holding back some sort of anger.

“So… Necroesphere did what?” Celestia asked, her brow furrowed.

“He’s a monster, like I’ve been telling since I’ve begun my work with you.” The stallion growled. “I locked him up for good reason.”

“Except Luna overrode your ruling.” Celestia sighed, having to explain herself again. Artemis was confused as to where Princess Luna had gone, never seeing the Mistress of the Night before. “Who were the other two he was fighting, Artemis?”

“Beings with which I have yet to experience the power of. Necroesphere clashed with the beasts, though the two of them easily overpowered him. He unleashed some sort of power, changing his form and gaining powers far beyond the others. Yet, even then, it seemed like they were just performing actions that were normal and everyday to them.” Artemis explained, leaning forward in his seat, placing a hoof to his head. “The strength. It is something I have yet to see.”

“I already knew that Necroesphere had power far beyond this realm,” Celestia replied, “But to think there would be more who would come upon this world. It seems Necroesphere will be-”

A giant boom shook the building as the sky outside the window flashed red. Artemis shot up, followed by Market and Pen as he looked outside the window. A giant smoke stack rose into the air, a crater in the ground. A second boom exploded through the air as a second object struck down, creating a new crater.

“What in Equestria was that?” Market asked, looking up at Celestia.

“I have no idea.” Celestia stated, losing all sense of motion. “Red, take some guards out and check the situation out. Make sure that we aren’t being attacked by anything.”

“Yes, Princess!” Red snapped to attention, turning to go out of the room.

“Wait!” Pen yelled. “Red couldn’t fight anything that Necroesphere seems to have trouble fighting. How would Red or any other guard ever be able to fight them?”

“Please, little filly.” Red snapped, his voice flaring. “You really believe that I will be outdone by that weakling Necroesphere? He will never be strong enough. I, on the other hand, have more power than he does. I will put a stop to anything that wishes to harm my Princesses.”

“Yeah, and do you know what waits above our heads, Red?” A new voice asked from the door. Artemis glanced over his shoulder, the Princess of Night standing in the frame to the hall.

“Princess Luna.” Red quickly bowed his head. “Why have you had Necroesphere released? He is dangerous. Look at all the trouble he has-”

“That’s enough, Red.” Luna’s voice shook as she raised a hoof to silence her coltfriend. “Whatever’s out there, it isn’t one of the enemies we need worry about. He is an ally of mine, whose friend has just now contacted me with vital information.”

“What would that be, Luna?” Red asked, sounding deeply concerned, which was new to Artemis. He was sure rage was the only thing the pony was good for.

“An imperial battle cruiser hanging over heads, ready to descend upon us and unleash a horde of monsters who will not stop unless killed.” Another voice responded. Artemis felt that the voice was familiar this time and he was right. Behind Luna stood Necroesphere, seeming to dwarf most of the room with his presence. Next to him was another unicorn stallion in what looked like traditional samurai armor with a katana and a portal gun.

“Necroesphere.” Red growled.

“Don’t worry about it Red.” Necroesphere stated, his voice set. “We have a common enemy at the moment who needs to be destroyed. We need to work together so we are not stuck with a threat to our Princess. So, shall we let bygones be bygones?”

“Sure, for now.” Red huffed, extending a hoof. Necroesphere extended his own… something. Artemis wasn’t sure what it was, but Necroesphere used it to shake Red’s own hoof. “Alright, so where are this Zerva and Swarm for the moment?”

“Currently, I have no idea.” Necroesphere responded. “I felt a large energy source from the north, but it is farther than those two could travel in about six hours.”

“Then what is the energy source?” Celestia asked, looking out the north window.

“I- I actually don’t know.” Necroesphere answered, turning to the north as well. “It seems familiar, about a few thousand years or so old.” Necroesphere dropped into a battle stance, looking to be taken back. “I know who it is.” His voice shook, not out of fear, but of excitement.

“Alert!” An artificial voice sounded. “Message for Princess Celestia!” A small bear burst in from the window, the one that faced the craters. It landed in a cloud of smoke, rushing up to Celestia. One of the guards snatched it up by the back and held it away from his charge.

“CaB?” Celestia said, her eyes wide. “Is that you?”

“Princess Celestia. Alert! Alien threat on approach to planet. Leader: Galax. He has made planetfall to the north.” CaB stated, beeping as a tiny siren whirred.

“Galax!” Necroesphere growled, shoving the window wide open. “He’s mine!” Before anypony reacted, Necroesphere leaped from the window into the air. As he fell, giant metal wings exploded from his back as the air exploded behind him. Within seconds, Necroesphere was a mere speck in the horizon.

“I wish he would be more patient.” Red grumbled. “I could easily destroy this Galax of his.”

“Really, Red?” Chaotic asked, bumping his friend. “That speed is definitely nothing to joke about. He’s already gone. Would you be able to keep up with him?” Red simply looked the other way. “Leave it to him. He has been fighting this guy for a long time before either you or I were actually born. He can handle this fight.”

“Where is TL CaB?” Celestia asked the little bear, waving to the guard to set it down.

“In the crash outside.” CaB responded, pointing out the window. “He needs immediate medical support.”

“Chaotic, take a team down there and help TL.” Luna commanded. Chaotic saluted before turning and exiting the room, conventionally. “Sister, we need to raise the army. Necroesphere may be strong, but he is only one warrior. If his stories ring true, this Galax has more than there are stars.”

“I believe you may be right.” Celestia sighed, closing the window Necroesphere had left through. “I’ll send out the orders to all of Equestria and our allies. If the entire planet is under attack, we need more than just ponies to stand against the coming darkness.”

“Don’t worry, Princess, we aren’t going to leave your side.” Artemis stated, rising from his seat. Market and Pen followed suit. “We are ready to fight.”

“I can understand you and Market, Artemis, but I cannot allow Pen to fight.” Celestia said, her voice ringing with authority. “I’m sorry, dear Pen, but you I cannot risk your well being in this fight. I’ll have you returned home on the next train.”

“I have no home to return to Celestia.” Pen Brush responded, a tear streaming down her face. “I am more than willing to fight, especially because those monsters destroyed my home. Twilight helped teach me a lot about magic. I’m sure I can be of some help to you and the others.”

“And I am more than a likely candidate in this fight.” Pen’s other voice stated. “Nice to see you again, Celestia.”

“Doctor? Is that you?” Celestia asked, looking confused.

“Yeah, I may have messed something up, but I’m fine for now.” Pen stated, coughing up a bit of gold dust. “Well, fine is subject to the circumstance. I have no idea of how to get out. I am stuck like this for the time being, but I could offer some help.”

“Alright, just make sure to keep Pen safe.” Celestia sighed. “If anypony needs me, I’m going to my tower to rest. I’ve been through a lot in my life, but an alien invasion is something that may just force me to retire.”

Celestia left, visibly exhausted. Luna turned to Red and they started to discuss strategy. During the whole ordeal,
nopony seemed to have noticed that Churro was no longer in the room at all.

Author's Note:

Hooray! To long a hiatus since last chapter was posted. My bad. Here it is guys. This will end Arc 1, and Arc 2 will definitely be a lot longer than this. Just had to give an intro to a few characters and our villains. And how stuff happened. Anyways, enjoy and prepare for the next one.

Also, if you see any errors, let me know and I'll fix it. No editor for this is something I should fix.

Comments ( 14 )

I wonder when you will make Pen realize how many hearts she has and she can regenerate?


You'll find it interesting I believe

I can imagine I very much will, as well as the burden of knowing all of time and space, what was what will be and what never should be. As the doctor says when he explains all of time and space in his head as he is stuck in the volcano that will destroy that civilization that I forget the name of. Strangely he only ever picked up a gun when he turned himself into a human and used the sonic to do everything except open a wooden door.

Sonic doesn't do wood. :rainbowlaugh:

Now THIS is what the RP-verse is like in my head. Crazy, serious and somewhat silly. XD

Makes me glad that I'm writing a Canon-verse fic right now. In fact, the next chapter is almost done! WOO!

Great work here bud.

I thought the chapter was fine.


Ok. I had no idea what that thing was though.

It is King Sombra. Aka Kingsley Glitter Sparkle Smile Friend.


Well, someone I know should get some sleep.

its a tumblr blog about Kind Sombra.

Oy, where's that one guy that can shout, eh?! Probably getting another sandwich I bet.:ajsmug:


Shhhhh.... That's next chapter.

I miss this little story, as well as the group in general.

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