• Published 27th Aug 2013
  • 2,093 Views, 67 Comments

Terror In Equestria 3: Twilight's Conquest - StormLuna

Twilight now has the Jade Alicorn and can see all over the world. She has absolute control over Equestria but she thirsts for more. Will she conquer the whole world or lose everything?

  • ...

The Release of Rarity

Twilight had finally recruited the ultimate pony into her alliance. She believed that with Starswirl restored and swearing allegiance to her, that things were looking better and better as far as conquering the whole world goes.

She thought to herself, "I have restored Starswirl, I have LaurFa on my side, I have Luna and Cosmos on my side, I have an armor spell that protects my armies very well, I am invincible. Very soon, the world will be mine, all mine!"

Shining Armor came into Twilight's room and asked, "Twilight, you do know it is time for breakfast don't you?"

Twilight replied, "Yeah, sorry about that big brother, I was just reflecting on everything that has happened here recently and thinking of the things that are yet to come."

Shining Armor said, "Well let's get downstairs for breakfast, Starswirl, Thunder Rage, Dark Night and LaurFa are waiting on you."

Twilight and Shining Armor headed down to the dining hall so that they would not keep everypony else waiting. Twilight felt bad for being late but knew that self-reflection is important as well.

"Hi Twilight, how did you sleep last night?" asked Starswirl

"I slept very well knowing that you are not in that dark, gloomy forest anymore. A pony as distinguished as you deserves the best sleeping quarters out there." replied Twilight

"Well you certainly provided it Twilight. I slept better last night than I had in thousands and thousands of years." said Starswirl

"Starswirl, do you remember anything about your time of being Discord?" asked Twilight

Starswirl replied, "I do remember some. I remember being encased in stone quite a bit. It is a good thing that as Discord I was immortal, otherwise I would have died."

LaurFa said, "Wait a minute, you are Starswirl, the one who went mad and became Discord?"

Starswirl replied, "Yes, I am LaurFa. Other than Twilight I have a feeling that you are probably the only pony alive today that knows that."

LaurFa said, "I actually didn't know that. I don't know why you would think I did."

Twilight replied, "I will let you know about that later LaurFa. Here comes our breakfast, let's eat!"

After breakfast Shining Armor said, "Twilight, today is a very important day. I need to discuss this with you in the throne room."

Twilight asked, "Ok, but what is so important about today?"

Once they got to the throne room Shining Armor let Twilight know that it had been thirty days since the imprisonment of Rarity.

Twilight said, "Oh yeah, it is. With everything that has been going on, I completely forgot about it. Could you go get Colonel Ice Storm to go down and bring her up here since she doesn't sass him and treats him with respect."

"Yep, I can do that." said Shining Armor "I will be back in ten to fifteen minutes."

Fifteen minutes later Shining Armor and Ice Storm entered the throne room with Rarity. Rarity glared at Twilight as she was being led up to the throne in chains.

"Rarity, it has been thirty days. Colonel Ice Storm has told me about your behavior. I have decided to let you go." said Twilight

Rarity replied, "Well it is about time. You have no clue how awful it was being locked up in the darkness down there. You have to be one of the worst friends anypony could have."

Shining Armor said, "Rarity, don't do anything to cause her to lock you back up for longer."

Twilight interrupted, "Shining Armor, I am going to let her go regardless. I do not feel like having our chefs prepare her food that she does not like. Besides, I am in a very forgiving mood today."

Rarity growled, "What, the dark queen in a forgiving mood? Wow, that has to be a first."

Twilight rolled her eyes and said, "Just let her go now. Where she goes, I don't really care. If she decides to start a rebellion or anything else that is not in the best interests of Equestria we can always go crush the problem and I will banish her to the void."

Twilight walked out of the tower with Rarity and removed the chains from her. "You are a free pony now Rarity." said Twilight "You are free to go wherever you wish, just do us commoners a favor and get out of Ponyville."

Rarity shouted, "You are calling yourself a commoner? You are the last one that should be saying that. Yes you are unrefined just like everypony else here but a dark queen has no business calling herself a commoner."

Twilight shouted, "JUST GO. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!"

Rarity decided that she was going to move to Canterlot where she felt that she would fit in. She headed over to Sweet Apple Acres to get Sweetie Belle.

Once Rarity got over to the farm she was greeted by Apple Bloom. "Howdy Rarity, how is your day going?"

Rarity said, "It is going much better than it was. Where is Sweetie Belle, I have come to get her."

Apple Bloom said, "Oh, she is over in the east field helping Applejack with apple bucking."

Rarity said, "Thank you Apple Bloom."

Rarity arrived in the east field to see Sweetie Belle having a lot of fun helping Applejack. Rarity shouted, "Sweetie Belle, it is me Rarity. I have come to take you to our new home."

Sweetie Belle replied, "New home? What are you talking about? I want to stay here with Applejack and help her out everyday for the rest of my life!"

Rarity said, "Oh come on Sweetie Belle, you don't want to stay here on a muddy old apple farm now do you. The place we are going will be much better. Fine food, sophisticated ponies, everything great in life, not among these unrefined ponies."

Applejack interrupted, "What are y'all saying about us? Unrefined ponies? Well that beats those high falootin ponies up in Canterlot anyday!"

Sweetie Belle added, "Yeah, I hate going up there. There is no way I'm moving there. Besides, I have adopted both Applejack and Apple Bloom as my sisters! You can't expect me to leave my new family!"

"Adopted them as sisters, new family?" shouted Rarity "You do know I am your real sister and you will do what I say."

Sweetie Belle said, "If you really care about me you will let me stay here. You take me up there I will just sneak out at night and come to my REAL HOME!"

Applejack said, "Y'all know Rarity. I have talked to Twilight about this and she said that this should be Sweetie Belle's decision and it is obvious that she wants to stay with us."


Applejack said, "Ah wouldn't count on it Rarity. She loves Fluttershy and you know she even growls and hisses at you. Fluttershy is the only pony she doesn't do that to. You can go see if Opal will want to come with you, but y'all probably just get scratched and maybe even bit."

Rarity snapped, "My Opal would never do such a thing! She loves me more than anything! Good riddance Sweetie Belle you little tyrant."

Rarity stormed off towards Fluttershy's cottage and banged on the door when she got there.

"Oh hi Rarity. I see you finally got out of the dungeon." said Fluttershy

"Yes, I did." replied Rarity "Your precious dark queen decided to let me go but she is running me out of Ponyville."

Fluttershy said, "Well I don't blame her. You do think you are better than anypony else here. So will Sweetie Belle be going with you?"

Rarity growled, "No, she wants to stay here and I decided I better let her stay here so Twilight doesn't come banish me to the void or throw me back in the dungeon."

"Twilight was telling me that she wouldn't put you back in the dungeon because she didn't feel like feeding you food you hate." replied Fluttershy

"Where is my Opal, she will be going with me." said Rarity

"She is in my cottage. You can go and get her, but I doubt if she will want to go with you." replied Fluttershy

Rarity headed into Fluttershy's cottage saying, "Opal, momma is back. Come out, we're going home!"

Rarity saw Opal under the kitchen table and started hissing and growling when she saw Rarity. Rarity put her face down to talk to her and Opal scratched and bit her.

"Opal, you do not do that to momma! Naughty Opal, Naughty!" shouted Rarity

Fluttershy came in and said, "I don't think she wants to go with you Rarity. I am thinking that so she will be happy you should just let her stay with me."


Fluttershy said, "Stop it Rarity, you're scaring my critter friends and making Opal mad."

Rarity levitated Opal onto her back and said, "I don't care about your stupid critter friends and Opal is coming with me. Let's get going Opal, we have a long journey to Canterlot."

Opal scratched her so hard that she drew blood and ran to Fluttershy's room and hid under her bed.


Fluttershy said, "You know what Rarity, I have had it with you and your thinking you are better than the rest of us. Just go to Canterlot and leave the rest of us alone."

"FINE" shouted Rarity

Rarity decided that she would just fly to Canterlot so she could get out of Ponyville as soon as possible. She did not feel like waiting thirty minutes for the next train. As she was leaving she shouted "GOOD RIDDANCE PONYVILLE!"