• Published 27th Aug 2013
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Terror In Equestria 3: Twilight's Conquest - StormLuna

Twilight now has the Jade Alicorn and can see all over the world. She has absolute control over Equestria but she thirsts for more. Will she conquer the whole world or lose everything?

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An Important Meeting

Twilight woke up early the following morning to go and get her friends and other recruits as the time had come. The time had come to hold the meeting that would decide who would do what in her ultimate conquest. She needed to know what the plans were for who would lead what troops, who would hold stewardship over various parts of the world and most of all, it was vital that all her forces be present for this.

Twilight first headed over to Sweet Apple Acres where she was greeted by Applejack.

"Howdy Twilight," said Applejack "What brings y'all over to these parts?"

Twilight replied, "I need you to come over to my tower for an extremely important meeting. We will be holding it outside because it requires that everypony be there, whether it is me, Shining Armor, one of you guys, Commander Colgate, one of my officers all the way down to the last changeling drone and dark Alicorn soldier."

Applejack replied, "Consider it done Twilight. What time is y'all's meeting?"

Twilight replied, "It will be at ten this morning. I still have the rest of our friends along with my other recruits to round up. I will see you then."

Applejack asked, "Twilight, what happened to your eyes. Why do they look like Sombra's eyes?"

Twilight replied, "Oh it happened when I put a little too much power into a spell."

Applejack asked, "Was it when y'all cast that hurricane spell to strike that traitor Rarity and your parents?"

Twilight replied, "Yes it was. But enough about my eyes. Will we be seeing you at the meeting?"

Applejack said, "Yes ma'am. Ah'll be seeing y'all at ten."

Twilight replied, "Glad to hear it Applejack. Your participation in this is extremely important."

Twilight then headed over to Sugarcube Corner where she ran into Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie said, "Hi Twilight, did you decide to have something sweet for breakfast?"

Twilight replied, "Yeah sure, a cupcake sounds good but that isn't why I came over here."

Pinkie asked, "What happened to your eyes Twilight?"

Twilight replied, "Well this happened when I put too much power in a spell I cast."

Rainbow Dash asked, "Was it the hurricane spell to sink the drama queen?"

Twilight laughed, "Yes, it was that one!"

Fluttershy asked, "If you didn't come over here solely for something sweet, then why did you come over here?"

Twilight replied, "I have come over to tell you that I need you at a very important meeting at ten this morning."

Rainbow Dash asked, "What is so important about this meeting that you had to come over here yourself to tell us?"

Pinkie asked, "Twilight, is it time to plan for the big one?"

Twilight replied, "Yes, Pinkie, it is time to plan for the big one. Because the three of you are Alicorns, you will need to help me with this. If we complete this mission, it will not only make our lives here in Equestria better, but it will make all our lives better."

Rainbow Dash asked, "Have you talked to Applejack, Colgate, Lemon Hearts and Lyra yet?"

Twilight replied, "I have spoken with Applejack, she will be there. I am headed over to Colgate's office to speak to her now and then I will head over to the cafe to catch Lyra and Lemon Hearts."

Fluttershy said, "Well I will be there Twilight, you don't have to worry."

Pinkie said, "I will be there too Twilight. Do I need to bring snacks?"

Twilight replied, "No, you don't need to bring snacks. You would need a whole army of cooks to bring enough snacks for my army."

Rainbow Dash said, "You see Pinkie, she puts her military above all else. Don't worry Twilight, I'll be there."

Twilight replied, "That is good to hear everypony and Rainbow, I don't put my military above everypony else. I just figure that if not everypony can have a snack, then there shouldn't be any at all."

Pinkie asked, "Well what about every changeling?"

Twilight replied, "They count as part of everypony Pinkie. Alright girls, I will see you at ten."

Rainbow asked, "Pinkie, when you say are we going to discuss the big one, do you mean her plans for global conquest?"

Pinkie replied, "Well of course! You know that Goddess Twilight needs to do this so she will have control over the domain of a goddess don't you."

Rainbow asked, "But LaurFa never ruled the whole planet and she was a goddess."

Pinkie replied, "Well Twilight is different. She is special. I can't wait to hear about her plans!"

Rainbow said, "Whatever Pinkie. She is a friend of mine but I think this whole global conquest idea isn't going to work."

Twilight next headed to Colgate's office and arrived just as she was getting there. Colgate had a look of concern on her face but knew this was important.

"Hi Colgate," said Twilight "how is your day going?"

Colgate replied, "Well, it's going. What brings you over here?"

Twilight said, "I have an extremely important meeting at my tower that you have to be present for. It involves my further endeavors."

Colgate asked, "Is this the big mission that you have been thinking about for so long?"

Twilight replied, "Yes, it is. I really need you there Colgate."

Colgate decided to not open her office that day and walked with Twilight over to the cafe. Colgate said, "Sure, I will just go with you to get the rest of our recruits. Do your friends know about this?"

Twilight replied, "Yes, they know about this. I only need to tell Lyra and Lemon Hearts. I am sure that they will be excited about this."

Colgate said, "Well I don't know if they will be excited or not. Lyra wanted to practice playing her lyre for the concert in Marentreal next week."

Twilight replied, "There will be no concert there next week, so she won't have to worry about it."

Colgate asked, "Why won't there be a concert there next week?"

Twilight replied, "You will find out when I tell Lyra about it. This is something she needs to know about."

Twilight and Colgate arrive at the cafe and see Lyra and Lemon Drops having some breakfast outside. Her and Colgate walk up to them and start a conversation.

"Hi Lyra, Hi Lemon Hearts." said Colgate

"Hi Colgate, Hi Twilight." said Lyra and Lemon Hearts in unison

Twilight said, "Lyra, you look kind of down. What is wrong?"

Lrya replied, "The concert I was supposed to play in next week was cancelled. The message I got was that the city was attacked."

Twilight asked, "What city were you supposed to play in?"

Lyra replied, "I was supposed to play in Marentreal. I heard something about a bunch of dark Alicorns attacking the city. Were those your soldiers Twilight?"

Twilight said, "Yes, they were. They were not only holding protests there, but they had a declaration of independence they were about to sign when we attacked."

Lemon Hearts replied, "I heard that over 10,000 ponies were killed there and almost 40,000 were sucked into some sort of vortex. Is that true?"

Twilight replied, "Yes, it is. They rebelled against my rule and the proper steps had to be taken to make sure that there are no more of these rebellions in Equestria."

Colgate added, "Twilight is having a meeting at her tower at ten this morning and we need both of you there."

Lyra started to cry and shouted, "How could you Twilight? I know you don't want any dissent but to kill over ten thousand ponies and banish nearly forty thousand into the void. Isn't that a bit too harsh?"

Lemon Hearts nudged her and said, "Lyra, just move on, ok. We don't need Twilight mad at either one of us."

Lyra was crying a bit but said to Twilight, "We will be there at ten. Will it be inside or outside?"

Twilight replied, "It will be held outside. I will be addressing not just you three, but my friends, all my other recruits and my entire army."

Lemon Hearts said, "We will be there Twilight, you can count on us."

Twilight and Colgate headed back to her tower. Twilight was not one bit happy over Lyra's sadness but figured she would get over it.

Colgate asked, "Maybe she will be able to go to a concert somewhere else?"

Twilight replied, "Nopony is going to be doing much of anything except helping me for a while. That means you too. I want to start this within the month."

Colgate asked, "I won't be able to have my office open now until you finish this mission of yours?"

Twilight replied, "No, you won't be able to have it open until WE finish this mission of OURS."

Colgate followed Twilight to her tower but realized that Twilight was not going to be as sweet or understanding now that she has decided to go for everything. Colgate decided to just follow Twilight's lead and hope that this got finished as soon as possible.

Ten o'clock arrived and Twilight was standing up on her balcony while everypony else was down on the ground awaiting her address. Twilight began to speak right as the clock tower struck ten.

"Hello everypony. I am glad you could make it. I'm sure some of you are wondering why you are here."

General Dark Night replied, "Yes Twilight, we are."

Twilight said, "Well the time has come. As you all know, I know many spells and I am the most powerful being not just here in the world, but in the entire universe. I was told by Starswirl the Bearded that since I created such a powerful and massive storm, that I am no longer just a queen, but I am a goddess now."

Rainbow Dash shouted, "Do we have to call you Goddess Twilight now?"

Twilight replied, "No, just call me Twily or Twilight. It will be our enemies that must address me as Dark Goddess Twilight Sparkle."

Fluttershy said, "D-Dark Goddess?"

Twilight replied, "Yes, Fluttershy. Dark Goddess. Don't worry though, all of you are like family to me. Even a dark goddess does not harm her family."

Pinkie shouted, "But you sent a hurricane after your parents."

Twilight said, "Well, ok. A dark goddess does not harm family of her's who is loyal to her."

LaurFa asked, "So Twilight, what are the exact details of your plan anyway?"

Twilight replied, "The exact details of my plan go like this. I plan on having us first head east to the Equine Empire. I believe the capitol city of Maredrid will be the city we need to take. That way we can take control of their whole army. I will need a steward or two to watch over each empire for me. After the Equine Empire, I am thinking we should head east to Saddle Arabia. That country will be hard to take. While an entirely different type of pony lives there, they are known as horses, they have no magical powers. They will not be easy to defeat. They all wear crowns that can fire energy at their enemies, but don't worry, I have us covered there. After we take Ridead, we will head east to Singapony and Marelaysia, which shouldn't be too difficult. Then we head south to Neigh Zealand, which will be easy. There are more sheep there than there are ponies and they have a unicorn population of zero. The toughest part of this conquest will be the final one, Alicorn Island. That is where the royal family lives and it is also where my backstabbing parents went."

Thunder Rage asked, "Twilight, are you wanting to save Alicorn Island for last because you want to rub Celestia's face in your final triumph?"

Twilight replied, "Yes, I am. She whined when I took Canterlot from her, she whined when she couldn't take Canterlot back and she whined when I took the relic and the libraries from Faustica. This will be the ultimate conquest. I am thinking, once we take Faustica, should I bring Celestia home with me and throw her into the dungeon or shall I banish her and Galaxia into the void?"

Applejack said, "Don't y'all think you better conquer everything else before you start thinking about what you want to do with Celestia. After all, y'all don't want your mind distracted while we're fighting these other battles."

Twilight smiled and replied, "You're right Applejack, as usual. A leader can sometimes get ahead of herself but you're the one here to keep me thinking about one thing at a time."

Starswirl asked, "Twilight, what will I be doing?"

Twilight replied, "You will be going with us to fight. I am thinking of perhaps making you the steward of the Equine Empire. While they have very few unicorns there, the ones they do have will be easy for you to handle. Don't worry, I have loyalty spells to handle our conquered enemies so you won't have to worry about the army turning on you."

Shining Armor asked, "Will you be duplicating any of our army to leave with these stewards? I think it would be a very smart idea."

Twilight replied, "Of course I am! You really think I am going to leave a steward of one of my empires there with only earth pony armies? They will each receive plenty of dark Alicorns and changelings to crush any rebellions. Those will not be tolerated just like they are not tolerated here."

Rainbow Dash said, "Twilight, I know you are all powerful now, but why don't you just use an incredibly powerful loyalty spell on the entire world so we don't have to go out and do this?"

Twilight replied, "I wish it were that simple. I can cause a whole army to be loyal to me but to cast a spell so powerful it could affect every living thing in the world would be a tough one. You know, it just might work, well everywhere except for Alicorn Island. To get an Alicorn loyal to you, you have to be right there in front of them to cast the spell. They have to see the whites, or in my case, the greens of my eyes. It is worth a shot, but this will require so much energy that it will make that hurricane spell look like nothing."

Starswirl asked, "Twilight, is there any way you could use that eye to send the proper energy to get them to be loyal to you?"

Twilight replied, "I wish. It is only for seeing. I think that simply going places and conquering them will be the easiest. Given that I know armor spells, duplication spells, invisibility/visibility spells and all sorts of other spells, we don't have to worry about losing a single life on this mission. All we have to do is pound them into submission, have me cast the loyalty spell on them and we can move on to our next target."

Rainbow Dash asked, "Twilight, isn't that kind of cheating? You make us immune to everything but don't mind killing them?"

Twilight replied, "Hey, a pony has to do what a pony has to do. I know these spells, I may as well use them."

Shining Armor asked, "Twilight, when do you want us to start the training exercises for this?"

Twilight replied, "Tomorrow. Let's rest the rest of the day. It is getting close to lunch time anyway. Let's eat."

Twilight, her usual company along with her friends and new recruits headed to the dining hall for lunch. They all knew that once this started, that Twilight would probably kill anypony who tries to get out of fighting. Colgate was especially sad knowing that her office would be closed for the foreseeable future. She figured it would be worth it though because once Twilight is done, she wouldn't have to put up with this anymore.