• Published 28th Feb 2012
  • 960 Views, 14 Comments

Dear Fellow Crusaders - M_D_Quill

After getting their cutie marks, the three crusaders go their seperate ways

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Third Bundle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

We are in sooo much trouble... Rainbow came by today an' found the letter Scootaloo wrote. I forgot to put my box of letters away when Applejack grounded me an' they were sittin' on the kitchen table when she came in. I forgot how curious Rainbow can be, because she started goin' through the letters and found Scoots. She is takin' it as bad as ah feared... let's just say it's a good thing Big Mac put strong locks on the cider celler door.

I never realized how much she cared for Scoots. She was cryin' and cryin' about how she misses her number one fan an' how she had kept her from givin' up on her dream to be in the Wonderbolts. An' now that Scoots is gone, it is like a sign tha' she will never get into them, not to mention Scoots was hanging out with Soarin and Spitfire during her stay in Cloudsdale. I think Rainbow is feelin’ betrayed.

I need to get away for a while. Will it be alright if I come an’ stay with ya fur a little? At least until things cool off some here.

Please write soon.


To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom,

I am sorry, but I won't be able to stay with me because of my studies. But during one of my lunches with Princess Luna, she said she can give you a room in the palace. I have already bought a train ticket for you. You will find it in the package that came with this letter. Can you give the box that was in the package to Twilight? The Princess said it was for her, and it would be best if you gave to her in person. I don't know what it is though. She made me Pinkie Promise not to look.

I will be waiting for you at the station.


Sweetie Belle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

How come ya have not told ya and Princess Luna are good friends now? I know ya did say ya had lunches with her, but how come ya didn' tell me ya two were so close? Ah felt downright silly when Princess Luna walked up to me and began asking me questions about how Sweet Apple Acers was doin'. I screamed mahself silly thinkin' Nightmare Moon was tryin' ta take the farm away, an I ran away from her only ta crash into the audience chamber with Princess Celestia talkin' ta a bunch of them fancy pancy noble folks. It was downright embarrassed and turned redder than Big Mac with a sunburn.

We got things straightened out though, but now I am supposed to meet Princess Luna and Princess Celestia for supper tonight. I am so nervous... I remember mah sister sayin' that there was a specific way we was supposed to eat when goin' ta fancy restaurants, but I never paid any attention to what she said. And now I am eating with royalty... I don' want them to think us Apples are a bunch of country bums! What do ah do?

I also saw your teacher Octavia today in the halls. If ya don' mind me sayin', I think ya was bein’ nice 'bout her sense of humor. I am not sure if she even has one. Are ya possitive her and Pinkie are related? She was in the audience chamber when I ran in and recognized mah name when Princess Celestia was talkin’ to me. We had quite a discussion about ya. I got ta say, she is mighty proud of ya so ya must be doin' something right in that school of yours. I even heard some of them noble folk talkin' about yur singin' at the Gala. You’re practically famous here! I can't believe mah best friend’s a celebrity.

I did ask her about Pinkie Pie too, and she got all pale like. Do ya think we should throw her another party to make her feel better? If I remember correctly you said the last one you did worked, right?

An' have ya seen the room Princess Luna gave me! Well of course ya have not seen it yet, I have only been here a day… Ya really need to come up here an' check it out next time your able though! I swear ya could fit mah entire room in it, with the kitchen, livin' room... oh, who am ah kiddin', ya could probably fit mah entire Apple Family house in this room alone! I'm scared I'm gonna get lost in this bed alone! How can y'all live in such large places?


To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom,

You do not realize how relieved I am to hear how good things are going for you in the castle. Luna even popped in today and kept going on about how you are a sweetheart. Even after your scare spell, you seemed to have made your way onto her good side. She was a lifesaver to me when I first started school. And there is no need to be nervous around her or Princess Celestia. I doubt you will get either of them angry as long as you use basic table manners. But if you’re still worried, I heard that Spike is visiting. He grew up in the castle, so I am sure he can answer any questions you might have.

I also think you really impressed Octavia. She mentioned you in today's lesson. She said you were witty, funny and have a fantastic posture. "With proper training, that pony could be a wonderful violinist." That would be a site to see. You on stage in a pretty dress playing the violin, with Octavia accompanying you on the cello and me singing the vocals. We would become the most popular classical performers in Canterlot, and tour throughout Equestria. Funny thought, right?

She did seem a little shaky though… Maybe we can write a letter to Pinkie Pie and invite everyone up here for a big party again! I asked Luna at dinner last night and she said it was a wonderful idea. Maybe we can get Rainbow up here too and cheer her up as well! Not to mention we can get Twilight and Applejack to become best friends again!

Cutie Mark Crusaders Operation: Applejack x Twilight Best Friends Get-Back-Together part two: Surprise Party! The Cutie Mark Crusaders never give up until the mission is done!


Sweetie Belle

P.S. If you see Prince Blueblood at dinner, put in a good word for me.

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Appleboom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

Supper with the Princesses went very well. They asked a bunch of questions about Applejack an' her friends, an' were mighty concerned when I told them 'bout Rainbow Dash findin' Scoot's letter. I also mentioned the party to them, an' Princess Celestia started laughin’ sayin’ it was a fantastic idea. She wrote a letter an' sent it away quickly. Not sure how she is goin' ta get it ta Ponyville quickly since Spike is here, but then again, I don' know anythin' 'bout magic.

We also talked about other stuff, how the farm was doin', the weddin' comin' up, just small talk really. At least 'til Princess Celestia got called away ta preform her "royal duties." After that, it was just Princess Luna and me. She was mighty curious about us when we were the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I told her about some of our adventures, like the talent show, the sleepover at Fluttershy's. She got strangely upset when I mentioned the love potion though... Ah was confused until she explained it was a potion created by Discord so he could get into power. I keep forgettin' how old the Princesses are. They are even older than the entire Apple family! An' we are an old, old old family, I mean, look at Granny Smith! Her Papa founded Ponyville! I don' see why somepony like them would want to listen to a no-pony like me, but I promised to keep writin' them letters when ah go back to the farm.

When I got back to my room, I found a mountain of letters waitin' fur me... I feel sorry for the poor mail mare that had to carry all of them, the pile looked heavy... One of the letters is from Prince Blueblood. He wants to meet me Saturday mornin' fur lunch. I will make sure ta put in a good word for you!

Got to go, there are quite a few letters I still have ta go through before I can go to bed.


P.S. Spike says hi.

To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom,

A letter from Prince Blueblood! You do not know how jealous I am of you right now. I told a few of my classmates that you have a date with him, and now you are the talk of the school. It seems I am not the only celebrity around the city.


Sweetie Belle

To: Princess Celestia
From: Twilight

Dear Princess Celestia,

We would be honored to your party. My friends and I will see you in one week.

Your ever faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Prince Blueblood is an absolute jerk. He was bein' fresh with me, so I bucked him where it hurt an' left. Ya deserve a lot better than that bag of rotten apples.

See ya tonight


To: Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie
From: Twilight

We have a problem…

Princess Celestia has just asked us to go to Canterlot for a big big party she is throwing. I found a book about being a guest at a party, and it says we need to have a nice dress, presents for the host, stuff to talk about… We don’t have any of that ready! The party is this Saturday, so only have six days to do all of this!

Rarity, if you can please get some dresses done, I will be over in a couple hours so you can get my measurements. I know you are swamped with other orders, but I will compensate you for this extra work. And if you need any help I will be over to help you get back on track.

Pinkie, can you start making some sweets. The book says it is polite to bring a small dish to add to the table so the host does not have to do all the cooking.

The rest of you, we need gifts! All of us needs to really work hard to make the Princess the perfect gift!

This is the first party I have ever heard the Princess throwing besides the Grand Gala. This must be some kind of test. Oh no… what if we fail? I don’t want to be banished to the moon!

Rarity, I changed my mind, I am coming over now!

We have to hurry everyone! Our futures are all at stake!!!


To: Twilight
From: Applejack

I got the tickets Sugarcube.

We will be departin’ at eight in the morn’ Saturday. I got Big Mac workin’ on some wood-carved gifts. They are lookin’ good so far, an' I am sure the Princess will be pleased.

Have ya seen Rarity anywhere though? Last time ah saw her was yesterday when she went out lookin’ for jewels for the dresses.


To: Spitfire
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Spitfire,

I know you do not know me very well, but I am a friend of a filly named Scootaloo who stayed at your house for a little while last year. I was curious if you have received any word from her since then.

I do not wish to be a bother, but she is one of my best friends. We have known each other for years, and I have not heard from her in almost a year and a half now. If you can please respond when it is convenient for you, I would really appreciate it.


Sweetie Belle

To: Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie
From: Twilight

The Diamond Dogs have captured Rarity again!

Applejack and I are going off to save her, but we need you two to continue working so we will be perfect guests for the Princesses!

We will be back soon.


To: Octavia
From: Luna

My Dear Subject Octavia,

We are pleased by thy work with our friend Sweetie Belle. As a reward, thou ist invited to a party we are holding this Saturday night. We request thy to respond in all haste to our invitation.

- Princess Luna

Royal Raiser of the Moon

Second to the Throne

Second Chair Council of Magic

To: Princess Celestia
From: Pinkie Pie

Dear Princess Celestia

We are so soooo excited for the party Saturday, but can I ask a teeny tiny itsy bitsy favor? Can you move it like… two or three days back? You don’t have to! But if you do, Fluttershy and I will have plenty of time to save our friends from the Diamond Dogs. Those silly puppies are holding them hostage again and trying to make Twilight and Rarity find gems and stuff for them again! They are so silly!

Thanks a whole bunches!

Pinkie Pie

To: Princess Luna
From: Octavia

Dear Princess Luna,

I would be thrilled to join you at a party. If it is not a problem, I would wish to bring my star student, Sweetie Belle, to the party as well. And if it pleases you, we can play a duet for your entertainment.

Your Faithful Subject,


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Spitfire

Dear Sweetie Belle,

I am sorry, but I still have not heard anything from that filly. I will let you know if I get any information though.


P.S. Your singing at the Gala last year was beautiful. I am looking forward to hearing you again.

To: Princess Celestia
From: Pinkie Pie

Dear Princess Celestia,

Never mind about my first letter! Got Twilight and everyone away safely! If you see any glowing spots out of your window though, it is probably the fire. Don't worry, though! Twilight says she has it mostly under control. Ponyville won't completely burn down again. Not like the time with those nasty parasprites. I still can't believe they ate half of our town! Especially when you were supposed to come visit shortly. It is a good thing another town was infested with them so Twilight would not have a panic attack at you seeing the town in ruins. Not that it is a good thing the other towns were infested, but Twilight was okay!

Did they know to play music would get rid of them? I hope so. We got infested on the rock farm when I was a filly and Octavia was the one to get rid of them. She was practicing for her class play and the song she was practicing was just the song we needed to save the farm! I still can't believe it and I had the cake afterwards!

So don't worry about the fire. We will be at your super duper party tomorrow!

-Pinkie Pie

To: Princess Celestia
From: Twilight

Dear Princess Celestia,

Everything is under control. No need to worry. Everything is perfectly fine!

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

To: CloudsDale Cloud Factory
From: Princess Celestia

Dear Mr. Hurricane,

I know this is a sudden request, but can you send a very heavy downfall to Ponyville, please. It seems a small fire has started and is burning up half the countryside.

- Princess Celestia

Royal Raiser of the Sun

First to the Throne

First Chair Council of Magic

To: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Princess Luna,

The party last night was so much fun! Thank you so much for hosting it for us. I think it was a fantastic success at bringing everyone closer again.

It was nice to see everyone get together and have a laugh and relax. They all must have been working themselves so hard back in Ponyville to be as tired as they were. I barely got to say hi to Rainbow Dash before she collapsed onto the table and began snoring.

It was also fun to see Pinkie Pie and Octavia catch up with each other too. I have never seen Octavia run so fast when Pinkie chased her before that tackle hug. If I did not know any better, I would have thought Octavia was trying to run away from Pinkie. That is silly though, why would she be afraid of her sister?

Thank you again for the party! It was a ton of fun and I cannot wait until our next dinner together.


Sweetie Belle

To: Applebloom
From: Sweetie Belle

Dear Applebloom,

Thank you so much for the carved unicorn! Did you actually make this yourself? It is amazing! I thought you bought this at that fancy store downtown. I promise I will treasure it always!

And Cutie Mark Crusaders Operation: Make Twilight x Applejack the Best-of-Friends again was a success! Did you see the way the two were leaning on each other when they fell asleep at the party. It was so sweet! I just wanted to give them both a hug, but I didn’t do that because it would have woken them up.

I have to cut this letter short, Octavia is piling the schoolwork on me recently. I think I heard her mumble something about keeping me busy so I cannot throw any more parties.


Sweetie Belle

To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

I'm so glad you like the gift. Big Mac gave me some tips when he came up to the party, an' I thought it would be nice ta give ya a gift for being such a good friend. I have really enjoyed the stay in the city, an' can't wait ta see ya at dinner tomorrow night. Princess Luna seems to almost bounce with excitement every Monday. I think she is excited for ya ta come up an' eat too.


To: Applebloom
From: Applejack

Dear Applebloom,

The weddin' is comin' soon an' we miss ya at the farm. I know that I have not been the best sister recently, an' I am sorry 'bout not writin' to ya... ya know how bad I am with words... But we all do miss ya.

Granny Smith won' quit talkin' 'bout her little grandbaby becomin' friends with the Princess, an' how she is movin' up in life. Ya should have seen her yesterday in the market when Ditzy Doo dropped off your letter. I swear I have never seen her move so fast. Rainbow Dash would have been sweatin' to keep up with her. When we read 'bout how ya and Princess Luna pulled the prank on Princess Celestia, I haven't laughed so hard in years. Ya do know that I have to keep that letter away from both Rainbow Dash an' Pinkie Pie now, don' ya? I can see them tryin' ta pull this on Rarity.

And don' ya worry your little head. Rainbow is back to her old self. She is flyin' 'round the town bein' that loud obnoxious pegasus we all know an' love. She does have her bad spells though, but when they come around she comes over. Us Apples are always here to help our friend, ya know. Just gotta keep her out of the cider...

Big Mac was also askin' if ya can make a blueprint for the weddin'. Ya know, like the platform they'll be married on, how the chairs will be placed. Your good at that stuff, an' it only seems right that his little sister plans it out.

Write back soon,


To: Sweetie Belle
From: Applebloom

Dear Sweetie Belle,

I'm headed back ta Ponyville at the end of the week. It has been fun stayin' in the big city, but I’m a country pony through an' through. Not to mention that Big Mac's weddin' is comin' up! I can' have them do all the work, what kinda sister would I be if I did that.

Please make sure ya write a lot of letters!


To: Applebloom
From: Luna

Dear Subject Applebloom,

Thou's presence in our castle has been most enjoyable. We are saddened that thy must leave, though we understand why. We would like thou to know that thou will always be welcome in our castle, and we will always have a room ready for thy to stay in.

Our sister, Princess Celestia, also wishes to tell you her goodbyes, and wishes a favor from thee. If thy can take a package to thy library friend in the Ponyville, whom is also our sister's prized pupil, we would be most grateful.

We wish thee safe travels, and ask thy write often.


Princess Luna

Royal Raiser of the Moon

Second to the Throne

Second Chair Council of Magic