• Published 19th Aug 2013
  • 2,445 Views, 270 Comments

Applejack Alone - Masterweaver

For all of her life, Applejack has lived with other ponies. Family, friends, employers... she has never been lacking for companionship. Today, that all changes.

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They think Ah'm dead, don't they?

Only reasonable explanation.

Rainbow.... she wouldn't stop looking for me if... if she didn't think Ah was. Twilight, Twilight's a logical gal. Fall into tha stormy seas, middle of tha night.... doesn't know bout this island, probably, way too small. Easy enough for HER ta convince Rainbow. Rarity... Rarity would think like Twilight. Poor Flutters wouldn't know what ta think. And Pinkie...

Ah don't know about Pinkie. Maybe that dang sense of hers is telling her Ah'm alive, and all tha gals think she's nuts. Ah don't know how she'd react ta death.

She is, ya know. Nuts. Brilliant, in her own way. But absolutely bonkers. Can't keep... keep her thoughts straight, ya know?

One of tha voices told me ta pee on mah leg. Ah don't get why. That's just... disgusting.

Nother one said ta cut it off. That makes.... a kind of sense. But Ah'm not.... not going ta. Nope.

They say not ta give up. They say.... Derpy? Derpy's looking fer me? Ha. Ah'd love ta see that mare.... great mom, great daughters. You should see them, Cocoa. Warms mah heart right up.

You know, Derpy has a.... thang? Some degenerative neurological... thang. She, she doesn't let it stop her. Doesn't even use it as an excuse. Ah respect that.

...If that mare can keep on trucking with something like that.... why can't Ah deal with a broken leg?

Kay, Ah need to plan this. Gotta.... Gotta find a splint. Set the bone. That's gonna be painful. Kay, bindings..... kay. Okay. Deep breaths. Alright.

Here we go.

Here we go....




...gotta... set splints. Tie. Tie them up.




Heh... it... it hurts less now. Haha....