• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 926 Views, 66 Comments

Fighting is Magic: Story Mode (Background Six Edition) - Lance Skyes

The Equestria Battle Tournament is on!

  • ...

Vinyl Scratch: Vinyl Scratch vs Princess Celestia

“Best of luck to you, Vinyl,” Octavia called as she took her seat among her friends.

The excitement of the crowd, meanwhile, had built up to a fever pitch. Everypony was chanting “Vinyl Scratch! Vinyl Scratch! Vinyl Scratch!” over and over again. Truly a sight to behold.

“Well this is quite the surprise,” Princess Celestia said to Vinyl Scratch. “Who would have guessed a pony as simple as yourself would have made it this far? No offense. And now here you are, standing ready to fight me. Tell me, Vinyl Scratch, how do you feel?”

“How else would I feel?” Vinyl asked in reply. “I’m pumped!”

Princess Celestia chuckled a little at this. “Well I’m glad you’re confident. However, I hope you’re aware that it will take much more than confidence to defeat me.”

“Did you think I got through this whole tournament off of confidence?” Vinyl asked with a laugh.

“I did not,” Princess Celestia remarked. “Now prepare yourself. I am the final obstacle you must overcome to win this tournament. Beat me, and the trophy and prize money are yours.”

“I’m just waiting on you.”

“Then let us begin. Violet Lynn Scratch, are you ready?”

“Let’s get this party started!”

“Round 1, fight!”

Celestia decided to start the round off with a bang. She charged her horn and fired a blast of energy. Vinyl was barely able to dodge this attack.

”This might be a little harder than I thought,” Vinyl thought to herself. ”I think I underestimated Princess Celestia a little.” Thinking on her hooves, Vinyl charged forward and struck Celestia with a mid-level punch. The Princess, however, simply shrugged the attack off.

“I can sense you’re nervous,” Princess Celestia said.

“Now why the hay would I be nervous?” Vinyl asked.

“Because you’re worried about what will become of your club, as well as Pinkie Pie and the Cakes, if you lose.”

“Well... I guess I am a little nervous about that...”

“You don’t need to be afraid of upsetting your friends if you lose. I’m not going to hold back on you, but I’d have no reason to with what I’ve seen from you throughout this tournament. However, that doesn’t mean you can slack off, either.” To prove her point, Celestia rushed forward and struck Vinyl with a kick.

Vinyl stumbled a little from the force of the attack, but she quickly recovered. ”I really shouldn’t use my Bass Cannon so early in the round,” Vinyl thought to herself. ”Things are heating up kind of fast, though. I’m gonna have to get creative if I want to win.” Vinyl then began charging forward while at the same time charging her horn with energy. ”I really hope this works.” Vinyl leapt up and gave a Princess Celestia a solid sky kick, but the alicorn was able to block the attack with her wing. Unbeknownst to Celestia, however, Vinyl had summoned her Bass Cannon right behind Celestia. The disc jockey flipped right over Celestia and landed perfectly behind her Bass Cannon. “Oh please work like I need you to, Bass Cannon.” Vinyl kissed her Cannon for good luck and then fired it right at Princess Celestia. The Princess was hit directly and sustained quite a lot of damage, but she wasn’t KO'd.

“That’s a very impressive attack you have there, Vinyl,” Celestia complemented. “It’s gonna take a lot more than that to defeat me, though. 30 seconds remaining!”

"This isn’t going so well,” Vinyl Scratch thought to herself. ”Still, halfway through the battle and she’s already this badly damaged. I can probably handle this.” Vinyl then charged forward and tried to attack Celestia with a high kick, but Celestia blocked the attack and countered with a powerful punch that sent Vinyl flying into a wall. ”Okay, that plan was a bust,” Vinyl thought to herself while getting up slowly. ”Let’s mix things up, why don’t we?” Vinyl then charged her horn and fired a bolt of magic that Celestia easily blocked with her wings, but that left her literally blind to the fact that Vinyl had rushed forward and given her a powerful sweep kick that felled the sun goddess.

“KO,” Princess Celestia muttered. “The winner of round 1 is Vinyl Scratch.” Sure the crowd could have asked for a more climactic victory than that, but that didn’t mean they were cheering any quieter. (That is to say, most of them were still cheering at the top of their lungs.) Vinyl’s friends were no exception.

“I knew you could do it!” Octavia shouted.

“Very impressive use of magic,” Lyra complemented.

“Couldn’t have pulled it off better myself,” Doctor Whooves admitted.

“Very awesome,” Derpy said.

“The battle’s not over, don’t forget,” Bon Bon said.

“Why do you have to be the negative one?” Lyra asked her friend.

“Because Doctor Whooves is taking a break from that role.”

“I am,” Doctor Whooves said.

“Thanks anyway, everypony,” Vinyl said. As she said that, she felt her wounds being healed and her stamina being restored by Princess Celestia. “Wish me luck in the next round.”

“Good luck,” the others said in unison as Vinyl turned to face Celestia once again.

“That wasn’t a bad round, Vinyl,” Celestia complemented. “I gotta say, I never thought you could be so creative.”

“Really?” Vinyl asked. “I’m a musician. It’s my job to be creative.”

“Oh, right,” Celestia said with a chuckled. “Must have completely slipped my mind. Now let’s get this next round started. Round 2, fight!”

Princess Celestia wasted no time using her wings to propel herself forward and unleash a volley of punches and kicks upon Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl wasn’t able to block many of them, but she did manage to use her magic to give Celestia a quick blast and put a little distance between the two. “My turn,” Vinyl said. She then charged forward and delivered a combo that consisted of a low-level punch, a low-level kick, a frontflip (that wasn’t meant to damage Celestia), and finally a downward smash. Princess Celestia recovered from the volley of strikes faster than Vinyl anticipated, however, and used her magic to throw Vinyl into the barrier surrounding the arena.

“Ooh,” Lyra said. “That’s gotta hurt.”

“You alright, Vinyl?” Octavia asked.

“I’m fine,” Vinyl said as she got up and dusted herself off. “Looks like she’s pulling out all the stops for this round. Gotta shake things up.” Vinyl then galloped forward to give Celestia a mid-level punch. Celesta blocked this attack, but Vinyl expected this, grabbed Celestia’s hoof, and hammer-threw her into the barrier. While the sun goddess was stunned, Vinyl summoned her Bass Cannon and fired at Celestia. The Princess was unable to recover fast enough to block the attack and was hit head-on.

“That wasn’t bad,” Celestia muttered. “KO. The winner of round 2 and the Equestria Battle Tournament is Vinyl Scratch.” The crowd couldn’t possibly be cheering any louder than they were at that moment if they had tried, and believe me when I say, they were trying.

“Woo hoo!” Doctor Whooves shouted. “I never doubted you, Vinyl.”

“Knew you could pull it off,” Bon Bon said.

“Not a thing I could have done better,” Lyra said.

“That was pretty cool,” Derpy said.

“I gotta say, Vinyl,” Octavia said, “there were a couple parts there where I didn’t think you were going to pull it off. But now, I’m happy to say you’ve proven me wrong.”

“Thanks, everypony,” Vinyl said. “I don’t think I’d be standing here if it weren’t for you guys.”

“Excellent match, Vinyl Scratch,” Celestia said as she healed both hers and Vinyl’s wounds. “By using your natural creativity, (and a fairly large stereo system), you were able to overcome the odds and become the champion of the Equestria Battle Tournament. You must be very proud.”

“Hay yeah, I am!” Vinyl said. ”Heh, I never doubted myself for a second,” Vinyl thought to herself. She then breathed a sigh of relief before proceeding to the stage where she would be awarded her trophy and prize money.

Author's Note:

Great shooting, Vinyl. That about wraps up Vinyl's story. Now all she has to do is walk up and claim her prize without a hitch. Simple enough, right? WRONG! XD