• Published 28th Aug 2013
  • 16,160 Views, 342 Comments

The Moon Shall Rise From Hell's Ashes - TundraStanza

A young man that's never heard of the MLP franchise is sent to Equestria, but not by Discord or one of Twilight's failed spells. This time, the victim is forced in by Nightmare Moon. He'll have to rediscover what it means to be alive.

  • ...

Ch. 15: Seconds Of Fame

A/N: Warning! This chapter may contain some spoilers to the Season 4 Finale "Twilight's Kingdom". Reader discretion is advised.

Chapter 15: Seconds Of Fame

---{Dilan Shier}

Where would I even begin to describe what happened over the last month? I wouldn't really know. When I tried to fully recall, all I could visualize was a blur of fencing training with Spirit Sword and Faith Shield, rose fruit salads, table badminton and/or war checker games with Discord, and a new spell that Celestia called the "Shadow Sprint". I was beginning to think that I had grown accustomed enough to this world that nothing could surprise me anymore.

Oh, Dilan you were so naive.

I was taking my fifth knockout that day via Spirit's blade when the glass door slid open. Princess Luna briskly trotted into the big room. Her frustration looked like it was on the brink of my first encounter with her atmosphere-crumbling shout. This time, however, she kept her volume at an even level.

"Dill Anne Shear, may we have a word in private?"

To that, I blinked. "You're asking for my permission? This is new, Princess."

"I'm being genuine," she insisted.

"I'm serious too," I said as I stood up.

A large, feathered wing shoved me toward the door. "Move it, smart-alec."

After the glass door slid shut, I could have sworn I heard a muffled comment to 'hit the showers'. But I was kind of distracted by Princess Luna giving me the look.

"So, what's the word, Your Highness?" I asked.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, her expression was less of a death glare and more of a neutral indifference.

"How well does your Shadow Sprint fare?" she inquired.

"Uh, I've been able to directly ride from one shadow to another in less than a second," I answered before scratching my neck. "Though, I still need to be able to see the next shadow before advancing." I set my hoof down. "Why do you ask?"

"I need you to follow Discord tonight."

Inside my mind, I heard something akin to glass breaking. "Eh?"

What followed was a well-prepared explanation about past and present events. There was an entity called Tirek who was banished to Tartarus for his actions against Equestria. Apparently, he had come back and was stealing the magic of ponies and making himself stronger. Due to these magical fluctuations, Discord was the most feasible candidate for tracking down Tirek and taking care of him. However, Princess Luna had her misgivings toward the master of manipulation.

"So, how am I supposed to track him down?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "And if this Tirek guy is as strong as you say he is, wouldn't he just steal my magic as soon he knows I'm there?"

"That's why I want you to go in the shadows," explained Princess Luna, "Nightmare Moon's domain is the darkness. You should be able to look around the city undetected. I pray that my suspicion of Discord is unfounded speculation, but if you see anything that should prove otherwise, report back to me immediately. Do not engage Discord and Tirek directly."

I chuckled. "Well, no worries there. Neither one of them is my type."

Princess Luna deadpanned.

I cleared my throat. "I mean, I'll be on the lookout. As soon as something happens, I'll be right back."

With that said, Princess Luna nodded once. She then proceeded to head back through the glass door. I turned around and trotted off to find the castle's exit.


"Ms. Nightmare Moon," stated one of the gate guard ponies.

"Sir," I nodded back. I'm considered one of the regulars now. Super.

As I crossed the bridge outside of the castle, I turned my gaze up to the night sky. The bright full moon and the twinkling stars felt comforting. I closed my eyes and took a calm, collected breath. Then, my work began. I let the Pony of Shadow's magic pull me in. My body followed my mane into the earth.

The great thing about the ground at night was that everything was in a shadow. It was simultaneously mind-boggling and liberating to know that once I rode a shadow, I could be anywhere I wanted to be in an instant. So, that's where I went: everywhere in Canterlot I could go in about five seconds.

When I spotted the back of a caped figure in an alleyway, I stopped sprinting. Quickly, I hid myself in the shadow of a nearby barrel. It was then that I noticed who the figure was facing. The draconequus that Princess Luna was so worried about had a rather disappointed look on his face. When he snapped his talon, a set of metal chains trapped the shackled claws of the caped figure together. I mentally sighed in relief.

So he's not evil. I was then caught off guard by seeing his head literally split apart to avoid an orange laser beam. Woah, that's pretty cool. Though, I can't imagine what kind of headaches that would eventually cause.

For the first time, I heard the caped figure's voice. "You're not saying you're friends with ponies?"

"Surprise!" Discord shouted popping out of a random cake. Some of the frosting landed on my hiding spot.

Aw, man. I hope shadows can't get food stains. In my internal worries, I almost missed the figure's next words. Oh, hold on. This sounds important.

"Freedom. Once I've stripped these ponies of their magic, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see this world turn upside down."

I wished I had a physical hoof at the moment so that I could cover a physical gasping mouth. There was little doubt in my mind that this was Tirek talking now. He was practically giving the whole devil's temptation package.

"Unless of course pony errand boy is the role you've always wanted to play."

Discord broke eye contact and started scratching his chin.

No, it can't be. He's actually considering the offer? But...

Tirek was suddenly stuffed into a top hat adorned by Discord. The draconequus had donned a rather convincing Houdini outfit.

"You drive a hard bargain, Tirek," he said with a chuckle, "Let the T & D partnership begin."

I didn't bother forcing my gasp to be inaudible this time as I quickly sprinted across the shadows to the other side of Canterlot. Once outside of the castle, I stopped long enough to imagine the pouring bowls of water. Though not short of breath, I still panted out of shock and worry.

"Princess Luna!" I shouted as I galloped into the castle.


A day passed. Perhaps it was due to the heaviness of the situation, but it felt like the longest day I had ever been through. Not knowing where the magical siphon and chaos duo would strike next might have had something to do with it. All I had for sure was the occasional update from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Tirek and Discord seemed to be striking targets all over the map.

The Crystal Empire's princess arrived at some point, though I can't remember the actual hour. We didn't really speak to each other. It was mostly an awkward staring contest with both of us breaking the 'no blinking' rule after the first two seconds. Eventually, the other princesses directed her into the main throne room and that was that.

When the Element of Magic arrived, it was slightly less awkward staring. It was more like her face was trying to decide whether to look suspicious of me or surprised at me.

"Nightmare Moon? You're still here?"

"I guess so." I shrugged a wing. "I'm still trying to figure out if I'm a house guest or a volunteer worker." I tried changing the subject. "Sorry, I can be terrible remembering names at times. Are you... Rarity by chance?"

"Not quite," she said in negation. Her face finally made up its mind to look at me with suspicion. "Are you working for Tirek?"

My eyes widened. "What? No! Of course not!"

"Uh-huh," the lavender alicorn muttered with a deadpanned glare.

Is it getting warm in here? I wondered as I tried fanning myself with a wing.

I coughed. "Uh, did you have an important meeting here today or something?"

The question seemed to snap her out of anger and into a look of panic. "Shoot, that's right! I can't waste time here. I've gotta go!" She started galloping down the hall before abruptly stopping. She gave one last glance of suspicion in my direction. "For the record, we're not done with this yet."

I gulped and replied with a nod. Thankfully, she turned forward and continued her gallop. As soon as she was out of sight, I let out a sigh.

How in the world is a little pony like her so intimidating? I wondered. It almost felt like I was seeing Princess Luna's eraser gaze. I shivered. A second Princess Luna... I don't think this world is ready for that.

A light tap on the shoulder interrupted my train of thought. I blinked before turning to see what it was.

"Come on," insisted Faith Shield, "Let's go see what this is about."

Spirit Sword was standing right there as well. He seemed a bit less enthusiastic than Faith. The serious vampire pony had his eyes closed. I could have sworn that I saw a dark spiral floating above his head. But it disappeared the instant I tried to take a better look at it.

"Go see what?" I replied.

"A meeting between all four of Equestria's princesses must be something important," Faith elaborated.

"Such important meetings give them a right to privacy," commented Spirit.

Faith turned to look at his partner. "Aren't you curious about what they're going to talk about?"

"I can't say that I am." Spirit turned his head to the side.

"You can't say it because it's true, right?" Faith smirked.

Spirit's eyes snapped open as his professional expression briefly took on the guise of shock. He then recovered by faking a slight cough.

"The longer we stand here gives the meeting more time to conclude before you get there," he pointed out.

Faith gasped. "You're right." He grabbed my hoof with his. "Let's get going!"

"Hey, wait!" I yelped as I was half-dragged, half-galloping beside him. I faintly heard Spirit exhale before he followed after us.


"Ponies will no longer be in control of their world," Princess Luna's voice leaked out through the crack in the door, "That power will belong solely to Tirek."

I think I heard Princess Celestia add something, but it was muffled.

"What did Celestia say?" I whispered.

"Shh!" hushed Faith.

"Once it is in his possession, his power will know no bounds, and all hope will be lost." Princess Luna's words shake me with their morbidness.

"I don't see the point in this eavesdropping," muttered Spirit, "All of this is information that we already know."

Before Faith could tell him to shush as well, Celestia's voice was raised to a much clearer volume.

"We must rid ourselves of our magic before Tirek has the chance to steal it from us."

Not-Rarity gasped loudly. Meanwhile, the three eavesdroppers reached a hoof to cover the other pony's mouth. If we hadn't done that, our cover probably would have been blown.

Get... rid of it? I stood there in bewilderment. Surely they don't mean to destroy the Element of Magic itself.

But on the receiving end of a statement by the bearer of Magic, Princess Luna had a way to alleviate those worries.

"You misunderstand. Our magic cannot just disappear into thin air. Somepony must keep it safe."

The implications seemed to point to the lavender alicorn. Somehow, Tirek was unaware of the fourth princess. It would buy the world some time while he wondered where all of the magic went. I also overheard this princess's real name: Twilight Sparkle.

"Having to single-hoofedly hold responsibility for all of that power," Faith marveled.

"Geez, no pressure or anything," I added my two cents of sarcasm before putting my ear back to the door.

"Then we must begin at once," declared Princess Celestia.

What followed, I couldn't say for sure. It sounded like a large collection of whirring, sparks, and rushing wind-like noises. What was going on in there? Briefly, a flash of light outlined the edges of the doorway before the noises stopped completely. After what seemed like forever, a pattern of hoofsteps sounded like it was quickly approaching.

The vampire ponies quickly scrambled into a position of attention at either side of the door. Just as quickly, I used my Shadowride on Faith's shadow. The door opened as Twilight Sparkle trotted out the throne room. For someone who had presumedly taken on a lot of extra magic, she didn't look that different. Unless, you counted Twilight's teary-eyed face as the big difference.

As soon as Twilight had left, another set of hoofsteps could be heard. These, however, were much slower and sounded a bit more deliberate... or heavy. A few struggling breaths were given before I saw who they belonged to.

"Dill Anne Shear," Princess Luna panted, "I know you're there somewhere. Listen carefully because we don't have much time."

"Your Highness!" exclaimed Spirit as he rushed to his princess's side. From my two-dimensional position, I saw what might have caused him such worry. Princess Luna's flowing mane had halted to a standstill. Additionally, the crescent moon that was her cutie mark was either invisible or completely gone.

With his mouth open, Faith merely pointed a hoof before lowering it. I don't think any of us could believe the tragic sight before us. In spite of our respective forms of shock and emotional breaks, Princess Luna continued talking to me directly.

"Go to Pit Stop, find the nearest rock formation, and grovel," she said between pants, "That's the signal for our allies." She then turned to look at her two guards. "I'm leaving you two in charge of escorting her."

"W-What about you?" stammered Faith.

She managed to collect herself, what was left of herself. "My sister, my niece, and I must remain here. Tirek will undoubtedly come after us. It is our role as princesses to hold him off here for as long as possible."

"But you'll be completely defenseless," argued Spirit, "I should at least stay here for your protection."

Princess Luna shook her head. "No, Spirit Sword. If you stay here, then Tirek will gain the magic of one more pegasus. Our task will be difficult enough without the extra help." She then proceeded to hobble back into the throne room.

"I am not going to abandon you again," he said. Were those... tears? No, they couldn't be. But there they were, glistening at the bottom of his eyes.

"You're right. You're not," commented Princess Luna, "I have to leave you this time."

Spirit shook on the spot. "I... I won't..."


Involuntarily, I followed along the floor of the hallway as Faith was sent hurtling through the air. When he landed and tumbled, I felt some of the impact. It didn't hurt a lot, but it was enough to recognize some form of collision. He groaned while looking over at Spirit who was in a similarly tumbled position.

"So her voice isn't contingent upon having alicorn magic," I said as I stood up from the shadow. "Learn something new every day."

But the ponies I was talking to were preoccupied with other concerns.

"Partner?" Faith asked, "Are you okay?"

Spirit didn't really answer. Instead, he slowly got up on his hooves. He used a wing to pull out his temp-ice-fabric and wiped away the half-existent tears on his face. He stared toward the castle's exit. His look wasn't seriousness or irritation. It was... empty.

"We have our orders," he stated flatly, "Shear, let's get you to Pit Stop A.S.A.P."

After opening his wings wide, he flew over the stairs going down. I shook myself out of my stupor and followed his path.

"R-Right," I stammered.

"Hey, wait for me!" called Faith as he trailed behind.


At a place that reminded me a lot of Stonehenge, we landed. I trotted over to the center of the circle of stones. It was about this time that I had no idea how to go about grovelling like Princess Luna asked me to do. So, I did the next best thing I could think of. I lifted my hooves up in surrender before imitating a rigorous bowing exercise.

After about fifteen repetitions, I heard a garbled chuckling noise. I also heard several insect wings. Before I knew it, several entities were in the surrounding area. They all resembled an illegitimate love-child of a beetle, a unicorn, and charcoal. Needless to say, it was a surreal and bizarre sight. I stood up straight as the largest bug-pony-briquette floated down in front of me.

Now I knew what a fanged smile looked like from the receiving end. To say I was unnerved would be an understatement.

"So, the time has come, has it?" inquired the apparent leader with green, slit irises as opposed to the other bug-pony-briquettes' solid blue eyes.

At this time, Spirit Sword stepped forth and procured what looked like an old-style photograph. The bug-pony leader took hold of it with green levitation magic. After a quick once-over of the photo, her eyelids fluttered down half-way.

"Give me a challenge. Why don't you?" she mocked as her body was suddenly enveloped by a green blaze.

What I saw in her place gave my jaw a reason to reach for the ground.


As the mighty Tirek finished his latest growth spurt, he stomped further into the land. Sure, no pony really liked what was in the Everfree Forest, but no life deserved the kind of brutal destruction that Tirek was forcing it to suffer. Meanwhile, Discord was offering a genuine gift of friendship.

"You think that might be the last one we need?" asked Applejack hopefully.

"Freedom!" called Twilight Sparkle's voice. But even she looked up into the sky in surprise.

"What...?" started Applejack.

"... the...?" added Rainbow Dash.

"... feather...?" Rarity said questioningly.

"... in...?" Fluttershy squeaked.

"... Celestia's...?" Pinkie Pie piped in.

"... mane...?" Spike continued.

"... is...?" Discord inquired.

"... that?" Twilight finished.

The sky that was a deep, evil orange had just been filled with lavender... lots and lots of lavender. Several fluttering ponies that looked exactly like Equestria's fourth alicorn princess were looking down with various expressions of happiness and fury. At the one Twilight look-alike's call, Tirek stopped his rampage and looked up. He tilted his head in confusion at the sight.

"All right, my loyal subjects." The speaking Twilight pointed her hoof with the order. "Charge!"

The red centaur soon found himself peppered with several bursts of green energy against his hide. To this, he let out a yowl. It couldn't be said if he was actually getting hurt by the barrage. However, he was clearly irritated at the number of annoying bugs buzzing around his body.

Meanwhile, the primary Twilight Sparkle shook herself out of her stupor. "We have to get to the chest."

This seemed to be enough to wake up all of her friends from their daze. As soon as she took off galloping, the rest ran after her. Apparently, this was timed perfectly to the distraction caused by the army of Twilights. In a rage, Tirek started blasting magic from between his horns in every which direction he could. Unfortunately for him, this only caught one of the pests. Where the burned carcass of one changeling crumbled to the ground, three more Twilight clones rammed and blasted at Tirek's tush.

"It's hero time!" shouted one while surrounding herself in a green blast shield.

"Wheeee hee hee hee hee!" giggled another as she flew around the centaur's large ears.

"Equestri Arion Zintros!" exclaimed a clone blasting a beam of green.

Tirek roared as he swung his arms around and slammed the ground. The resulting shockwave caught some of the lower flying Twilights in a rock smash. A small swarm of changelings reverted back to their default colors.

"I wish this didn't hurt so much," groaned one clone before her flames returned her true form.

---{Dilan Shier}

I was impressed with how well these changelings were holding up. They came from outside of Equestria Proper. Therefore, Tirek was unable to steal their magic completely like the rest of the ponies. They said that love hurts. I guess they weren't kidding.

The giant monster currently had his back to the three of us. Faith talked Spirit and I into following through with a plan so stupid that it just might work. How he managed to convince us, I'll never know. He took a flying dive toward the target as we did the same. Unfortunately, Tirek chose that very moment to whip around and psychically fling one of the Twilight copies over our heads. As he did so he saw us and opened his mouth hungrily.

"Shield," said Spirit Sword, "If we survive, remind me to smack you upside the head when this is over."

"I second that motion," I said with a hoof raised.

"What?" sputtered Faith Shield.

Then, I saw an orange light stream surround all of us. As it flowed toward the behemoth, it felt like something was eating away at my insides. It felt like the cold fires I had witnessed the first time I had been in Hell. Seriously, how does one properly explain having their life force being sucked dry?

As I felt like I was going under, a brief tingling pinched my flank. Then, darkness swallowed my vision.


I opened my eyes. Instinctively, I opened my wings and swung around. Catching both of the falling thestrals in my forehooves, I forced our fall to be more horizontal rather than completely vertical. I sighed before setting down his allies on a patch of ground far enough and out of sight of the centaur. The human probably would have found a way to kill me if I allowed them to die.

Speaking of which, how come he didn't have dominance of the body right now? I didn't have a clear-cut answer. But I had a good hunch about the cause of this problem, and it was currently slamming Chrysalis against a cliff. Grunting, I started rubbing my hooves together, watching the sparks dance along the ends of my legs.

There was one good thing about being in charge: I had full access to my top speed. From my brief contact with Rainbow Dash, I could fly as fast as she could. I managed to land a few punches into the centaur's side before zipping around. I was satisfied to hear some of the guy's pained yells. However, my satisfaction must have distracted me. Within a few seconds, my entire body was trapped in a giant hand.

A magical stream left my wings feeling awfully heavy. My eyes followed suit.



Master is sleeping.


Then I must take the initiative.


With a foe so large, his shadow is more than enough to work with.


Tendrils of darkness rise up to ensnare him with the intent to strangle.


I underestimate his absolute force.


Another parasite takes hold of Master's body. In my current state, I am helpless to stop it.



Heh heh heh heh heh. Oh, that giant miserable fool. The stronger the hatred I can feel, the more power I can call upon, and this 'Tirek' is practically a fountain of hatred for the ponies around him. It didn't take any effort to stand up. His delicious hatred was building up from the end of my tail to the tip of my horn. With this power, I was a god.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Dark crystals, rise!"

My pillars grew without even breaking a sweat. I rode my beautiful crystals far above the fool's large head. He was angry, but he was also surprised. Good. It appeared that the other weaklings inside of me made him ill-prepared for one such as myself, the King of the Crystals.

Still, he resisted.


The evil centaur slammed his fist into the side of the crystal pillar. It shattered at the point of impact and cracked everywhere else. The evil pony leapt from his perched position as another crystal pillar grew to meet his jumping height. Tirek's power beam struck down this pillar as well as the next three pillars that the pony was jumping across.

On his next elevated pillar, the ex-king lifted up several large boulders composed entirely of grayish-purple crystal. They were flung and crumbled against Tirek's hide. He didn't appreciate that. He smartened up and levitated the pony up. He held his fists around this interloper to ensure that he would suck the magic dry this time.

What the centaur failed to see was the pony's tail clenched more tightly around one of his fingers. As Tirek's usual power of stealing magic streamed into his mouth, a much darker and redder stream flowed from his hands into the pony. This cycle of stealing power from each other was happening at a consistent rate.

Tirek growled while he continued his absorption. He couldn't understand why he wasn't feeling any more strength or where this pony had a seemingly endless supply of magic. Meanwhile, Sombra was chuckling at the constant hatred that his victim was channeling toward him.

A bright white light in the corner of their vision stopped them. Both of these evil entities turned and were surprised to see the ponies that were inside of this intense magic. In that instant, Tirek weighed his options and decided to toss the irritating threat aside... literally. Sadly for Sombra, this left him with the headache created when crashing through three sturdy trees in a row.

With the nuisance out of the way, Tirek focused his power on obliterating the bright light. He was pretty miffed that his attack had little if any effect.

"How is this possible?!" he shouted, "You have no magic!"

"Wrong, Tirek!" declared Princess Twilight Sparkle, "I may have given up my alicorn magic, but I carry within me the most powerful magic of all!"

Well, you all know how this song and dance went. Tirek was forced to taste the rainbow. It was too bad for him that it was an acquired taste.


With the power granted by the Harmony Box, the bearers of Harmony flew across the land, restoring magic, flight, and strength to all of pony kind. They even managed to restore some of the destroyed landscape. Although, the same could not be said of every foreigner in Equestria. The changeling queen may have survived with little more than a bit of pain, but the casualty count of her subjects was in the double digits. Her wounded soldiers amounted to an even higher two-digit number.

My children, Chrysalis addressed the swarm as a whole, Those of you who are able to move, gather our wounded comrades. Our work is done here. We're going home.

As one, the still moving changelings nodded their understanding. It was going to be a long flight home.

---{Dilan Shier}

"Did anyone get the number of that car that ran over me?" I asked weakly.

I turned over to stand up. Immediately, though, I had to clench my teeth. My entire body was aching. After a couple forced breaths, I slowly opened my eyes. I was only a little surprised at the broken tree in front of me.

Man, I must have gotten my butt kicked pretty hard, I thought. I can't even remember anything that happened after that failed sneak attack. I looked around my surroundings. Speaking of which, where are Faith Shield and Spirit Sword at anyway?

I flew up a little to at least clear the canopy level and to get a better look of where I was.

"Dill Anne!"

I whirled around. I smiled at the approaching vampire pony guards.

"Are you all right, Shear?" inquired Spirit.

"Other than feeling like I've been tossed around a clothes dryer, yeah," I answered. My hooves ached and flinched.

"So, we survived," commented Spirit. "Are you forgetting something, Partner?"

"Hey." Faith held up his hooves defensively. "Who's dumber: the idiot or the ponies that follow the idiot?"

Try as we might, Spirit and I couldn't come up with a good enough counter for that question.

"Touché," I resigned.

Before Faith could celebrate his logical victory, a shaking noise resounded from far away. I turned to look and saw some kind of star-shaped object rising up. No, not just a star. There were several bright limbs growing up to support it. Was that a... tree? But it looked more like a supersized castle.

What the heck is that thing? I thought while staring from midair.

"What the hay is that thing?" blurted Faith.

"Perhaps we should go find out," suggested Spirit. He flew ahead.

As Faith and I raced after him, I could've sworn that I heard a heartfelt solo somewhere in the distance.

Author's Note:

Well, I honestly thought I could squeeze out a couple more chapters before this one. But I suppose filler only works so far. So, here you go. This was one of the things that I was leading up to.
Zerious business. :coolphoto: