• Published 28th Aug 2013
  • 16,160 Views, 342 Comments

The Moon Shall Rise From Hell's Ashes - TundraStanza

A young man that's never heard of the MLP franchise is sent to Equestria, but not by Discord or one of Twilight's failed spells. This time, the victim is forced in by Nightmare Moon. He'll have to rediscover what it means to be alive.

  • ...

Ch. 16: The Calm Between Storms

Chapter 16: The Calm Between Storms

---{Dilan Shier}

Seconds ticked by on the analog clock. Beeps followed a slightly different beat through one of the walls. Drops of water leaked in the distance. A woman's voice spoke calmly and professionally in one of the rooms. A pen scribbled details against paper and a clipboard. It was a typical day in my line of work.

I guess I couldn't say that everything was the same. For one, I didn't have a keyboard or monitor in front of me. The important notes I took down were being written by hair or whatever my mane was actually made of. But aside from that, it almost felt like I had my old life back.

What felt like an hour ago had really been seven.

---{Dilan's Flashback}

"While the physical damage that Tirek inflicted on the land has been erased," said Princess Celestia, "the mental scars on some ponies may take longer to mend."

"Quite," confirmed Princess Luna, "The experience of losing the very thing that makes up one's self can have a gripping and crippling effect on the victim."

"Dilan," addressed Princess Celestia.

"Yes, Princess?" I responded.

"You said before that you worked as a medical clerk, correct?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I was pretty good at keeping records straight."

"Would you be willing to offer your experience to assist the local doctors?"

"Well, I'd certainly help if I could," I answered, "but I'm afraid I've yet to comprehend the correlation and differences between human and pony medicine."

"I'm sure that won't be a problem," Princess Celestia insisted. "All it really stresses is one's memorization and coordination."

"Or you could just sit on that pink bed all day like the moocher that you are," proposed Princess Luna.

I was starting to think Princess Luna had something against me. Ha ha, no, that's a lie. I've known since my first conversation with her that she disliked me. All these months passed and she still hasn't come to terms that Nightmare Moon and I were two completely different entities regardless of my similar appearance.

"You know what, Princess Celestia?" I addressed. "I'll take you up on your offer. It would be good to refresh some of my old knowledge."

"I'm glad to hear you say that," said Princess Celestia with a smile. "Now, to ensure that the doctors and patients don't get intimidated by Nightmare working in their presence..."

---{end flashback}

I had a pink nurse's cap on instead of the full body armor. Additionally, I had a pair of contact lenses that were specifically crafted to make my eyes look like a normal pony's green eyes. Fangs weren't a problem. I had practiced smiling with closed lips so many times that I had nearly forgotten how to give toothy grins.

Besides, I was too busy switching between desk work and power walking to really smile.

"Dill, could you bring patient #902's record over here, please?"

"Sure thing, doctor," I had said.

"Ms. Shear, what was the diagnosis for a... Tiara Turner?"

"Let me see, Coldheart." I shuffled through the files. "Oh, here it is."

"Make a note of this, Dill Ann. 'Will require a liquid diet for the next two days'."

"Got it." I jotted down the side note.

"Did you see where I put down the form for...?"

"Right where you left it, Mend Heart," I said as I held it up for her to see.


The favors and requests slowed down at about twelve thirty that night. I stretched out behind the counter to stave off weariness for a little while longer. I stood back upright and let out a tired sigh.

"Thank you for your help today."

"You're welcome," I replied with a slow nod. "Good night."

My footsteps echoed through the hallway on my way out.


In the darkness of what I could only assume was a dream, I saw two entities. Their eyes shone brighter than anything else I could see. One pair was vibrant magenta. The other pair was solid yellow.

"Who is there?" I asked.

"I think you know darn well who we are," remarked the magenta stare.

I gasped. "Spectrum?"

"'Sup?" Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as the rest of her body came into view. The roy-g-biv smoke mane made her identity all the clearer.

The other entity took a loud breath. "I am here as well, Master."

It's that pony of shadows, I realized as I stared at the three-dimensional shadow.

"Wait," I said while raising an eyebrow. "How are you both here?"

"Considering what your ally inside of your tail did to us, I'd be more surprised if we weren't here."

I glanced back at my red tail before returning my gaze. Nightmare Spectrum's eyes dimmed to their natural color before she started trotting through the space. A shelf materialized in front of her and she pulled out a book. It seemed like more of a distraction than anything else, since her eyes zoned out on a single, blank page.

Pony of Shadows drew my attention with another loud exhale. "Master cleansed us of our darkest hatred. Now, our powers belong to Master."

I interrupted with a hoof wave. "Hold on. I'm nobody's master."

"That's just Posh's word for the mind in charge." Spectrum flipped to the next blank page.

"Posh?" I echoed. "Is that supposed to be short for Pony of Shadows?"

"Well, duh." Even from this angle, I could see her eyes roll. "What else would it stand for?"

Spectrum abruptly shut the blank book. She slid it back onto the shelf and sighed.

"And she's right," she said while turning around. "With the exception of when you fall unconscious, our powers are at your mercy."

I looked down at my right hoof and watched the dancing sparks.

"Did you guys somehow get free when Tirek took my magic?" I wondered as I looked back up.

"I wouldn't call it 'free' per se." Spectrum shook her head while waving a hoof dismissively. "Our actions in the driver's seat are still guided by your morals." A miniature image of Spirit Sword and Faith Shield flickered underneath her hoof. "Whoever you consider an ally, we'll protect." The image faded before a red centaur took their place. "Whoever you consider an enemy, we'll attack."

Posh finished Spectrum's point by stomping Tirek's image out of existence.

"So, you two are like my extra lives," I said while scratching my chin.

"Not Master's lives." Posh took another loud breath. "Master only has one life."

"It's probably better to think of us like bursts of adrenaline." Spectrum flew around three times in blurs of multicolored light. "We can keep the body going in a pinch." She landed behind me loudly and I had to turn my head to see her. "But if you do something really stupid and get yourself killed, then there's nothing we can do."

"Right, so no committing suicide. Got it." I nodded firmly.

"The fourth summer passes."

"Huh?" I turned back to look at Posh. She seemed to be fixated on her faded hoof.

She breathed again. "The fifth winter approaches. How many more Nightmares must Master face? Even I do not know."

"What are you talking about?" I raised my eyebrow.

"At first, I thought my plans only involved the six Elements of Harmony." Spectrum trotted up beside me. "But Posh was unaffiliated before you reclaimed her. Other remnants of Nightmare... remnants of me... may still linger in this world." She sighed and looked at me directly. "And they will more likely than not seek out pony hosts to prey upon."

My eyes sprang wide open. "There are more of you... and I have to find you all?"

"Hey!" Spectrum punched me in the shoulder. "You put me down a peg just fine. What's a few dozen or more?"

"Wow." I chuckled. "You're brimming with confidence."

"Well, I was a part of the fastest flyer in Equestria," she bragged.

"Fair enough," I conceded.


Author's Note:

The stage is set. The dice are cast. Every player starts with $1500. Each fighter begins with a Grade 0 unit. Depending on your perspective of time, the game will begin shortly.