• Published 26th Feb 2012
  • 5,981 Views, 36 Comments

Mommy and Me - Fluttrick

Derpy and Dinky, mother and daughter, spend their last moments together, until the end.

  • ...

Part 2: Runaway Dinky

Chapter5: "Howdy there partner!"

(Present Day)

Dinky slowly opened the card, within it revealed a letter from her mother, probably as a farewell will. The unicorn wiped away what tears she had left before and began to read.

Dear Dinky
I write to you my last few words because I probably never had the chance to tell you as I lay on my death bed now. I wanted to let you know that since you were a foal, I have always loved you, never once doubted my motherly feelings for one second even when we had our little arguments, and even when we had the worst of rambles.

Dinky took a moment to stop reading to wipe newly formed tears, and at the same time thinking back to the day she learned the truth about how Derpy came upon her also the day she ran away.

(11 Years Ago)

Dinky just kept galloping to what lied ahead of her, not a care in the world for what it was though. Blinded by tears and rage she suddenly crashed into a tree, then falling flat on her back, unconscious upon the patch of soft green grass below it....
Slowly, and groggily, Dinky's eyes fluttered open. The fading yellow-orange sun was setting as a figure stood above her.

"Howdy there partner!" An orange cowpony jumped up in front of her.

"Gah!" Dinky jumped back in surprise, then rubbed her eyes to see more clearly. Then after noticing it was just another pony she let out a sigh of relief.

"Um, hi there I'm Dinky Doo, nice to meet you." Dinky forgot of her anger and sorrow from before.

"Ah am Apple Jack, Apple Bloom's big sister. Ye know her right?" Apple Jack began. Dinky nodded in agreement to Apple Jack's question. "Well, are ye alright.? A few seconds ago ye were lying here unconscious." Apple Jack continued.

"Yah, just fine," She replied, until her stomach rumbled. "Well sorta, hehe." Just then Appe Jack bucked the tree beside them and caught an apple.

"Here, ye can have some. It's on me," Apple Jack gave Dinky a warm, almost motherly smile while Dinky took a bite out of the apple, until she curiously asked, "Shouldn't ye be with your mom Derpy right now?" Just then Dinky let out a huff then muttered angrily.

"She isn't any mother of mine." And with that, the little unicorn took one last bite from the apple then set off once again on her runaway.

Chapter6: "Cutie Mark Crusaders Sleepover!"

(Present Day)

Dinky continue reading the letter once again.
But through it all, we overcame our problems together, as a family, with friends and most importantly as a team.
The word team rang in Dinky's head for a moment as she recalled that little team of fillies who worked together to find their special talents. Dinky knocked on her head, trying to remember what they were called before it all came back to her.

(11 Years Ago

"We're the CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" The trio of fillies shouted in unison. Dinky Doo knew all of them from school. The red-orange one with a magenta mane was Scootaloo. The white filly with a cotton candy colored mane was Sweetie Belle, and the yellowish-tan one was Apple Bloom.

"Oh hi guys," Dinky mumbled shyly. The sun had already faded and the twilight hour was upon them. "So, what are you guys doing today?" Then all of a sudden Scootaloo began.

"We're having our 'Cutie Mark Crusaders Sleepover!'" The red-orange pegasi smiled at her. Then Sweetie Belle added

"At my sister Rarity's house."

"Wanna come, seeing how you don't have your cutie mark either." Scootaloo finished pointing to Dinky's blank flank.

"Sure, I don't have anywhere to go tonight anyways. Thanks guys!" Dinky replied, then giving them all an ear to ear smile. And so, she joined the Cutie Mark Crusaders on their way to Rarity's place. When they arrived, Dinky noticed it was a shop, with a sigh written in script. 'Carousal Boutique'. As they stepped up to the door, Sweetie Belle pulled the rope with her mouth which rang the bell. When the door opened, emerging from the door was a mare with a white coat and an amazingly styled blue-purple mane.

"Hey sis, were ready for the sleepover!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. Rarity let out a sigh of annoyance, but let the fillies in none the less until Rarity asked.

"Who's this filly with you girls?" Dinky began to get nervous, until Apple Bloom stepped up.

"Oh, she's Dinky Doo, she's from our school and just wanted to join us for the night. Ye wouldn't mind, would ye?" She pleaded.

"Oh, fine." Rarity huffed as the trio began planning their crazy ideas, even Dinky joined in for part of it. They played many games as well as attempting new ideas such as dress making (Which Rarity highly disapproved of) and giving manicures for Rarity (Which ended up horribly). Along the way, Dinky felt a deep connection with the three fillies. Like sisters, though not related. Dinky pondered on this new thought while they settled in for bed for the night,

Chapter7: "I have a mom!"

(Present Day)

And though we are not biologically related, I still and always consider you my daughter.



Dinky was now in tears as she finished the letter, her mother's last will to her. We shall always be family. While she considers me her daughter, I don't care what anypony else says. She is my mother. Dinky recited in her mind as she finished her memories as a filly.

(11 Years Ago)

"Bye guys!" Dinky called out to the crusaders as she trotted off to an unknown destination, and eventually .... she arrived at the door of her school. But it wasn't school just yet, it was the last day of the weekend. So Dinky trotted off in the opposite direction, until she heard a familiar voice call.

"Dinky Doo!" She turned around to see Miss Cheerilee motioning her to come back. And so she did. "Dinky, your mother has been worried sick about you." Cheerilee began.

"Yah, so what?" Dinky said, trying to sound as if she didn't care.

"So what? She's your mother Dinky, no matter if you aren't related or not. A mother is a somepony who loves you, takes care of you. It matters little if she is not a blood relative, the only thing that matters is love." Cheerilee concluded as she let Dinky recollect her thoughts. Maybe Cheerilee' is right. And I do have a mom. The word mom chimed in her head, since she was a foal, that is what she considered her. Dinky didn't even know her mom's true name, and without a mom she wouldn't have anypony to care for her and love her like her mom did.

"I have a mom." Dinky whispered at first. "I have a mom." She spoke louder until she shouted it out loud. "I have a mom!" And with that the filly galloped on home. "Thank you Miss Cheerilee!" Dinky called out.

"Your welcome Dinky, don't forget about Family Appreciation Day tomorrow!" Cheerilee replied.

As soon as Dinky arrived at her door step. She slowly opened the door.

"Mom?" She called out quietly as she stepped in. There, huddled in a dark corner... was Derpy. Her mane ragged and messy, and her coat just the same and her eyes... tear stricken. Dinky walked up to her then placed a hoof upon her mom's back, tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry mom!" Dinky cried into her hooves all of a sudden while falling to her knees. "I hope you can forgive me." Dinky sobbed even louder, waiting for a reply until she was met with the warm embrace of her mother's hug.

"I never hated you in the first place Dinky Doo. I just knew you were confused and angry and I understood that and I also should have told you about how I got you when before." Now Derpy began sobbing.

"It's okay mom, I forgive you too." And so, through the day, the two pony family told each other of their mistakes and their forgiveness to each other as Derpy's broken heart was mended, Thanks to my little Dinky Derpy thought to herself as she left the room to make muffins for dinner.