• Published 26th Feb 2012
  • 5,981 Views, 36 Comments

Mommy and Me - Fluttrick

Derpy and Dinky, mother and daughter, spend their last moments together, until the end.

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Part 4: The Doctor Is In!

Chapter9: "Mom, are you okay?"

(Present Day)

"Hey kid, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss and that Derpy was a good friend of mine, so.." Rainbow's eyes were beginning to look teary at this point. Just then Rainbow turned around then made a barely audible cry before flying off. Rainbow Dash, cry? For Dinky it was unheard of, the only time she remembered them actually being around each other was when Derpy messed up town hall, then...

(5 Years Ago)

"Yeah Apple Jack, Woo! Hoo!" Derpy cheered before falling through the hole in town hall flat on her back. Dinky rushed to the ledge.

"Mom, are you okay?" She called out to the gray lump at the bottom of the hole. Then Derpy sat up replying.

"Yes Dinky, I'm just fi-" She couldn't finish as she fell onto her back once again, but this time, not getting up.

"Mom!" Dinky screamed, now in full panic, until a brown colored blur wisped by her. There at the bottom of the hole was an earth pony with a hour glass for a cutie mark. His coat light brown, with a dark brown mane. Dinky wondered how he now stood beside his mother from the dare-devil like jump, unscathed and unbruised from this stunt. He suddenly placed Derpy upon his back before appearing up to ground level in a flash of white light. Huh? Dinky thought to herself as she followed the mysterious pony as he galloped to who knows where. After about five minutes of running, he stopped by in front of the hospital as Dinky, completely exhausted, walked up to him.

"Hello there, thanks for helping my mother." The colt turned to her, as she attracted his attention. "I'm Dinky Doo!"

"Nice to meet you Dinky, and I was glad I could help. I'm The Doctor, but you could just call me Doctor." He gave her a friendly grin as Dinky tried to comprehend the strange name then shrugged it off as they entered the hospital building. When they let the nurses take care of Derpy, The Doctor began his way out before Dinky called out to him.

"Thanks again Doctor, and where maybe I could see you again later." The Doctor then gave her an unsure look.

"Err maybe, maybe..." He muttered as he trotted off. Hmm, Dinky wondered. She looked to her mother who lied in the hospital bed, her eyes closed and her body calm. She'll be fine. Dinky assured to herself as she pursued the Doctor through White Tail Woods.

Chapter10: "Time Lord?"

(Present Day

Dinky began to pursue Rainbow, though she knew she never could catch up. But maybe, just maybe... Dinky thought to herself as she galloped after the cyan blue pegasus. She remembered that time she followed the Doctor and she discovered something that was too complex for her to comprehend at the time as she closed in on the landing place of Rainbow Dash.

(5 Years Ago)

After about five minutes of galloping, the Doctor stopped at a blue rectangular box that had the words,"Police Box: Public Call" Whatever that is. Dinky wondered as she sneaked behind a tree a good seven feet from the Doctor. He looked left and right to check if anypony was there, until finally he opened the door to the blue box and disappeared into it, leaving the door closing slowly just in time for Dinky to stop it and peak in.

"Wow!" She muttered to herself as she continued to gaze at the large room with complicated colors and buttons everywhere, and the Doctor sitting there pushing buttons that caused occasional beeps. At this point Dinky had seen enough as she entered the room, forgetting about her undercover mission she noisily did so. The Doctor turned to her with a surprised look.

"Um, this isn't what it looks like Dinky, it's just, I,.." He let out a sigh of defeat at his loss for words. "I'm a Time Lord." He muttered loud enough for Dinky to hear.

"Time Lord?" Dinky asked curiously.

"A Time Lord is someone whom can travel through the vast reaches of time and space, immortal by birth unless slain." He explained. "The whole time I've been in Ponyville has just been to retrieve parts for my Tardis." He motioned to the entire room.

"Uhhhh, okay then, so then what are you exactly, are you a pony?" Dinky asked, her face was full of wonder and her mind racing with questions that she somehow withheld.

"I can be if I want to, also a huma-" The Doctor cut himself off leaving Dinky in suspense. "Never mind, but the point is that you can't tell anypony about this, is that understand?" He eyed her much like her mother did. Dinky gave nod of agreement before looking to her feet with a saddened expression.

"And I'm really sorry I followed you and all, I just wanted to know really badly." Dinky said shamefully as the Doctor replied.

"It's okay Dinky, I forgive you, just.. There are some things that you really don't want to know." And with that the Doctor motioned for her to leave and so she did as Dinky returned to the hospital where her mother remained.

Chapter11: "Mail from who?"

(Present Day)

Rainbow sat below a tree to avoid the rain that had began to pour. Her face wet with the raindrops and of her own tears. Dinky walked up to her slowly then sat beside her catching her breath after the long gallop. As if Rainbow could read Dinky's mind, she began to speak.

"Your mother, Derpy, when I first saw her.." Rainbow took a moment to take in the memories before continuing. "She was being bullied by those colts who used to bully Fluttershy, but at that time, I didn't have the courage to stand up to them." Dinky looked at Rainbow who now acted like a different pony, then Rainbow looked back. "Dinky, your mother was the bravest mare I'd ever met, and I wish I could have done something and hung out with her some more, ya know?" Rainbow wiped her tears away as she finished.

"Yah," Dinky replied. "Thank you Rainbow Dash. I never knew she meant that much to you." She finished with a friendly grin.

"I just wish that there was something I could've done you know?" Rainbow exclaimed, but Dinky didn't reply, for she was lost in thought at Rainbow's words. Thinking back to that one letter from the Doctor, that sealed her mother's fate.

(4 Years Ago)

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"I'll be right there!" Dinky called out while carrying a muffin tray, she was done with school already and she was home alone while Derpy was at work. So she lay the tray on the dining room table and trotted to the door and opened it. It was her mother.

"Hi Mom!" Dinky greeted while Derpy let her gray hoof out to her daughter carrying a letter.

"Mail!" Derpy shouted happily.

"Mail from who?" Dinky asked while taking the letter than reading the envelope. On it written in pen were the words The Doctor. And Dinky knew what that meant already. "Oh it's from the Doctor." She exclaimed cheerfully.

"Who's that?" Derpy asked with a confused expression,

"Remember that time when you messed up town hall and got hurt?" Derpy nodded. "Well he was the one who brought you to the hospital afterwards."

"Now why don't you read what he said." Derpy offered to her daughter and so Dinky opened the letter and began reading.

Dear Dinky Doo,
Hello there! I know it's been about a year already and I just wanted to give you a Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, especially to your mother. Derpy made a barf face then began reading once more.
But that is not why I'm writing to you. I have come to warn you of what the future holds for you and your mother. Dinky's eyes were now strained and intent on reading every word, every sentence, every detail right.
I am truly sorry to say that the new is not good, not at all. And that it concerns with your mother, Derpy,. Over the next four years she will succumb to horrible disease that has no known cure, and even I do not know of any such thing. From the horrible news I've told you, I beg you, do not waste your last years with her and if you wish, you may tell somepony of this, but I suggest not.

Yours Truly

The Doctor

And Dinky had no intentions of telling anypony, especially her mother. I love her too much to tell her. Dinky told herself as she finished reading the letter.

"So what did he say?" Derpy asked. There was a long silence before Dinky snapped back into reality.

"Oh um, he just said hi and gave us a Happy Hearts and Hooves Day." Dinky lied, while trying her best to hold back her tears. Derpy sensed something, but didn't act too fast to ask, it would take some time. But time wasn't on Derpy's side at the moment as the Dinky spent her last few years with her mother, wielding knowledge, yet unable to use it. The Doctor's words now came back to her. " There are some things that you really don't want to know."

Comments ( 7 )

As you my fair readers may have realized if you have finished this part of the fiction, that I'm beginning to wrap up the story. :applecry: Though I Pinkie Promise that I will continue to write more later on. The next two parts will be my longest so while waiting, if you haven't already done so, read my other fiction.
She Flutters No More. :fluttercry: So that's all! :twilightsmile: For Now.

i am now intreged in this story *sorry for the bad grammar* and i am curious of whats going to0 happen:pinkiecrazy:

Are you planning on concluding this? It says "incomplete," but should it be "on hiatus" instead?

Really really sorry everypony, I've just been caught up with so many other fictions of mine, I have no time now sorry. :fluttershysad:581535

This was pretty good. I love the relationship that these two have. I would suggest splitting the chapters up so that they're not all bunched together. This will make it easier to read in the future.

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