• Published 28th Aug 2013
  • 1,104 Views, 26 Comments

Don't say goodbye. - Rubycast

All of us has lost a pet at some point. We mourned over them, but in the end we were able to move on, but Dash has never lost anything in her life: races, family, friends, or pets, but when Tank is killed Dash will have to experience her first lost.

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Don't let go

The sun had risen from its sleep and shined its light to awake life on Earth, though it would only reach a few places until it rose higher. The animals first rose from their slumber and begun their work. The ponies, on the other hoof, stayed in their beds since their work wouldn’t start until hours later. The only ponies up at this time would be Princess Celestia and farmers, but among them, unknown to them, was Rainbow Dash.

She awoke to the sound of birds chipping, which awoke the common sense in her brain. ‘Huh? Birds?’ She thought. ‘How did they get up this high? My cloud castle is too high for birds.’ It was a law of nature that birds couldn’t travel the same height as Pegasi, their energy and wings gave out under the skies pressure. Rainbow Dash remembered that law when she built her cloud castle. She didn’t want to be awoken from an awesome dream because of stupid birds.

She slowly opened her eyes to the world and sat up. She expected to feel her soft bed underneath her, but instead felt something cold and rough. She looked down and saw she was on grass. “Grass?” She said out loud. “Why am I on grass?” She looked around and saw the trees that surrounded her.

She knew she was in a forest, but she wasn’t sure which forest. There were a few forests in Ponyville, but they weren’t very large except the Everfree Forest, but she knew she wasn’t in there. The Everfree Forest had no sunshine inside of it, which gave it a night time feel. There were also no animals in it--well normal animals anyway.

‘I’m probably in another town.’ She thought to herself. ‘But why?’ She crossed her hooves and thought back to yesterday’s event. Instantly her mind was filled memories of Tank’s death, her attack on a unicorn, the funeral, and her flying through the rain.

She remembered how dark the clouds had gotten, which made it hard to see, but the rain almost made it impossible. She remembered the cold rain poured on her body and wings. At that moment she had remembered her old flight couch as he had warned her younger self, along with the others, never to fly in the rain. She then remembered how it grew harder to fly and how she got closer to the ground each second.

She remembered that she had tried to pull herself up, but it was useless when her back hoof hit the top of the tree and sent her diving toward the ground. She remembered hitting her head, then that was it.

She looked up from her spot and noticed a tree behind her. A few of the large leaves were scattered around it. She touched the top of her head, only to jerk it back at the pain. “Looks like I have a sore.” She shrugged. “I’ve done worse.”

She stood up and spread her wings. “Time to go home.” She felt the cool wind behind her wings as it tried to raise them up. As if they begged her to take off and bathe herself in the warmth of the summer sun. She grinned and narrowed her eyes. “Ready?” She asked herself. She bent her knees. “Set?” She lowered her head. She waited a moment before she yelled the final word to the world. “Go!”

Without a second to waste she took off into the skies. The summer winds pushed her to soar high enough to go through three clouds. She felt the rays of the sun hit her body and felt warmth spread across her. She knew the rays made her rainbow mane and tail glow brighter than on her regular days.

That moment was what every Pegasi dreamed of. That moment that cleared a ponies’ mind of all troubles and made them grin without knowing it. That moment which gave birth to happiness. Expect Rainbow Dash felt none of those things. To her it was nothing compared to yesterday.

Her mind forced her to witness the events of the past. She wanted to shake them away, but she wanted to relive in the memories more. She wanted to feel the rage, the sadness, just so Tank’s death wouldn’t go unnoticed. She was the only one who cared.

She blinked away tears as she flew at great speeds toward Ponyville to go home, but she didn’t realize that Ponyville was twenty miles away.

She arrived at noon in Ponyville. She slowed her pace to a normal speed when her wings cramped. She flew lazily over the ponies, though some didn’t notice her, or knew the fact that she had disappeared yesterday. The first one to notice was, of course, Pinkie Pie. The pink mare gasped and hopped after her Pegasi friend. “Rainbow Dash!” She called. “Welcome back!”

She looked down to see the pink mare. She smiled and landed in front of Pinkie. Pinkie’s smile reach both of her ears, and her eyes were large with a twinkle in both eyes. Dash’s smile only grew a few inches and her eyes were dull. “What’s up?” She asked.

Pinkie pie’s ears went flat against her head. Her smile turned into a frown and her large eyes filled with large tears, though none of them spilled. “Where did you go? Did you get lost? Were you mad at us?”

Dash wanted to shake her head no and tell her that it was alright, but it would be a lie. They said their goodbyes too fast and got over it. Even Pinkie returned to her normal life like nothing had happened. It was sick. It was disgusting.

She glared at Pinkie, but the moment she saw her friend ready to cry, she felt her anger disappear. How could she stay mad at the pink mare who lived everyday with a smile? She let out a sigh before she went over to Pinkie and wrapped her hoof around her neck. “Nah. I can’t stay mad at my best friends.”

Instantly Pinkie’s face lit up like Christmas lights. She giggled and wrapped her hoofs around Dash’s neck and squeezed. “I’m so glad!” She cheered. “Twilight said you might be, but I knew you weren’t! Friendship is fore-”

“Pinkie.” Choked Dash. “You’re choking me.” Her face turned a bright red from the lack of air.

Pinkie giggled and released her hold. “Oops! Sorry.” She gasped. “Dashie! We should have a welcome back party! There will be cake, games, punch, and friends!” She giggled. “We’ll invite the whole town!”

“Uh, Pinkie, I’m tired. I need my afternoon nap.” Dash said to stop her friend’s rambling, or so she had hoped.

“Then we’ll have it tonight at the Ponyville center! It’ll be great! We’ll have streamers, balloons, and stars! Not fake stars, but real stars! Oh, oh! And we can invite Princess Luna and it’ll be like Nightmare Night again, expect it's is a long time away. But it would be great to get some candy!” She gasped. “Candy! We’ll need lots of cakes and candy! I should start working- Oh! My party cannon-”

Dash backed away slowly as Pinkie continued to talk to herself. Without the pink mare noticing she spread her wings and took off toward her cloud castle. She flew across the town as she headed for her home. She couldn’t wait to feel the softness of clouds on her wings. She couldn’t wait to hear the silence of peace.

She smiled when she saw the castle in her view. She increased her speed just a bit so she could reach her home before anypony bothered her-

“Rainbow Dash!”

She halted in flight and looked toward the ground. The pony who stared back at her was Twilight. She smiled once she knew she had Rainbow‘s attention. “Rainbow Dash!” She called again. “Come down here!”

Dash sighed and rolled her eyes. “What now?” She muttered. She flew toward the ground and landed in front of the unicorn. She felt her insides twist in knots once they made eye contact. She took a step back to clear the knots, but they stayed.

“Where did you go, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked. “We were all worried about you. I was about to gather everypony to go look for you.”

Rainbow’s ears twitched at each word Twilight spoke. She had talked to the unicorn before with no problem, but at that moment her voice changed from pleasant to grating. It made Rainbow’s body itch with the need to fly away. “That’s great Twilight. Well, bye!” She spread her wings.

“Wait! Where did you-”

Before Twilight could say anything more, Dash had flown into the air and flew at top speed. She didn’t look back as she soared over the buildings. She flapped her wings harder than she had before. She had to get home. She had to.

She didn’t stop until she felt her hooves land on a cloud. She sighed in relief as she looked up at the castle she had worked hard to make. Many were surprised that she was able to make such a thing that stayed the same all year--they thought something, like a accidental kick, would make it crumble--but Dash had extra layers of clouds to support it. She needed an awesome house for an awesome pony like her.

She hadn’t realized how exhausted she was until her legs were unable to move another inch, which made her collapse on her “lawn.” Her wings fell limp beside her and wouldn’t lift. Her eyes begun to shut as she laid there.

Even though Dash’s body laid there, unmoving, and basked in the sun, her mind twisted and turned in the darkness until it created many scenes from her memory and forced her to relive them. Each about Tank, from the moment she met him to his death. She relived each moment in her mind and felt the same emotions she had those days.