• Published 31st Aug 2013
  • 4,843 Views, 119 Comments

Screw the Magic, I Have Friendship! - Supahsnail

Marik's evil plan puts all of the main characters of Yugioh (and Tristan) in a strange new world.

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Aliens and Robots and Ponies, Oh My!

Seto Kaiba and Mokuba were by themselves. Marik, Yugi and Yugi’s friends were nowhere to be seen. If the same were true of Mokuba, Kaiba might have actually been happy about his situation. He opened his eyes and saw that he was in the middle of a grassy field. It was a bright and happy looking day, but Kiba cared little about that. Kaiba tried to stand up, but he felt weird, as if his muscles were realigned in different places. Then he noticed that he could no longer feel the duel disk on his right arm. He quickly turned his head to where his right arm should have been and gasped at what he saw. Not only was there no duel disk, there was also no hand! It was replaced with a soft, round hoof! When he looked for a few more moments he also processed that it was a sort of faded blue color. He looked were his left hand should have been and saw that it looked identical. He scrambled to his feet… hooves, and looked over the rest of his body that he could see. He had four legs with hoofs and no hands. His entire body was the same shade of blue. When he looked further he saw that he had a short, brown tail and the Kaiba Corp logo was imprinted on the side of his butt. “Oh my god, I have a tramp stamp!” He exclaimed.

His yelling made Mokuba wake up. He opened his eyes and sleepily looked over to his brother. He woke up very quickly when he saw that his brother was a pastel cartoon pony! “Seto!” He yelled. “You look cute! What’s going on? I’m scared!”

“I don’t know, Moku…” Kiba began, but stopped when he saw his little brother as a grey, cartoon foal with puffy black hair. “Oh, my god! I think this is one of Joey’s furry conventions!”

“But I don’t want to be a furry, Seto!” Mokuba cried.

“DON’T WORRY, MOKUBA!” Kaiba said with his heart racing. “All we have to do is stay calm and not make eye contact with any of them!”

Mokuba peered over Seto’s shoulder and saw a yellow pegasus with curly pink hair on the other side of the meadow. She was staring at them, but when Mokuba looked at her she squealed and jumped behind a rock. The rock was too small to completely conceal her, however.

“Seto!” Mokuba said nervously. “I think I just made eye contact with one of them! What do I do?”

Kaiba pushed Mokuba directly behind him and said, “Just stay behind me! I’m Seto Freaking Kaiba! There’s no way I’m gonna be scared of some furry!” He began to angrily step toward the yellow pony.

The pegasus was about to make a run for it when Kaiba stomped on her tail. “Just where do you think you’re going?” Asked Kaiba in a serious tone.

“Nowhere… I wasn’t going anywhere,” the pegasus answered in a hushed and nervous voice.

“I’m Seto Kaiba, and you’re going to answer my questions,” Kaiba ordered.

“Okay,” said the frightened pegasus.

“Tell me your name!”

“*Gulp* Fluttershy…”

“What are you doing here?”

“I was picking flowers…”


“Yellow, mostly.”

“Where are the other furries?”

“What’s a furry?” Fluttershy asked.

Kaiba got closer to her face and shouted, “DON’T PLAY STUPID WITH ME!”

“I’m sorry!” was all Fluttershy could say in response.

“Maybe this isn’t a furry convention, Seto,” Mokuba suggested.

“Shut up, Mokuba,” Kaiba ordered. He turned back to Fluttershy. “Tell me where we are!”

“You’re just outside of Ponyville. It’s a small town in Equestria,” She quickly answered.

‘Ponyville? Equestria?’ Kaiba thought, ‘I’ve definitely never heard of those places, and since I know everything, that means that…’ “That can’t be!” he shouted.

“Oh, but it can, and it is!” A new voice said. It sounded slightly mechanical and oddly familiar. It came from a robot that was standing directly behind Kaiba. It was humanoid in shape and had a cylinder shaped head with yellow eyes, a spiky metal Mohawk, and a long, beaklike mouth.

“What is that!” Fluttershy cried, shaking and pointing at the robot.

Kaiba answered, “Oh, that’s just a robot that shows up from time to time and tells me important, but usually irrelevant things about my past.”

The robot raised its mechanical hands in a dramatic fashion and said, “Yes, it is I, the Ghost of Christmas past from the future! I have come to reveal ancient plot twists from your past!”

“Fine…” Kaiba said complacently.

“You’re a g-ghost from the past?!” Fluttershy declared, frightened.

“Yes,” the machine stated. “And I am also a robot from the future!”

“Will you just tell me what you came here for?” Kaiba demanded. “My money is getting cold.”

“I will tell you!” Said the ghost of Christmas past from the future. “What you are about to hear will change the very fabric of your existence!”


“You see, Kaiba, THOUSANDS of years ago, before Ben Affleck was chosen to star as Batman in the upcoming Superman Versus Batman Movie, Equestria was ruled by an all powerful king! And that king was you in a past life!”

“Wait a second; I thought I was an ancient Egyptian priest or something.”

“You were also a pony king. Deal with it!”


Fluttershy broke in, “This all seems very improbable…”

The robot continued, “As I was saying, aside from being a pony, this past you was exactly like you are now in every way!”

“Was my ego back then as big as it is now?”


“Did I have a queen?”


“Was she hot?”

“NOOO!!!” The robot shook his hands in protest. “Anyway, the ancient ponies of Equestria grew to hate your rule because you were a total douche bag!”

“That sounds about right.”

“They started a rebellion to kill you!”

“This is sounding awfully violent for a kids show.”

“However, when they entered your palace, they discovered the most horrible and unexpected plot twist in ancient history!”

“Let me guess. I was Ghost Nappa.”

“No! They discovered that you were in fact an ancient alien invader that looked exactly like a pony!”

“Ancient aliens!? Do you mean like the ones from the history channel?”

“Exactly like the ones from the history channel! Only not made up!”

Kaiba’s impatience grew. “Can you skip to the part of this story that I should care about?”

The robot lifted his arms again for added drama. “It was then that your biological daughter, Celestia, and your adopted daughter, Luna, created the Elements of Harmony, the only force in the galaxy that could defeat you, and banished you two Earth in the land of ancient Egypt! After that, you became a priest or something like that and discovered your destiny of defeating the pharaoh in a children’s card game! That makes sense, right? Because I could easily explain away any inconsistencies if you give me some time.”

“Here’s one. How did I become an Egyptian if I was an alien that looked like a pony?”

“Oh… You noticed that? I was hoping you would look over it. I know I did!”

“Answer the damn question!”

The robot stood still for a few moments before speaking again. “BECAUSE, The Elements of Harmony also turned you into a human!”

“Okay, so how is any of this information important?”

“I don’t know!”

Kaiba gave everything he had heard a moment of thought before coming to a realization. “WAIT! Does that mean that if I find the Elements Of Harmony, I can use them to get back to Japan and become a human?”

“I don’t know,” the robot said. “Probably. It’s worth a shot, man.”

“Wait,” Fluttershy interjected. “If Celestia was Kiba’s daughter but Luna was adopted, who was Luna’s father?”

“Ghost Nappa,” the robot immediately answered.


“I must leave now,” the robot said. “Good luck to you in the future, and in the past!” After saying this, the machine exploded and parts flew all across the meadow.

“Oh, and of course he exploded,” Kaiba said.


“This is FRIGGIN AWESOME!” Marik the light grey unicorn said as he admired his new body. “Forget Domino City! This is the place I want to rule over now!”

His minion was beside him with the same ridiculous hair style, only now he was an earth pony with a peach colored coat. “Attention, Master Marik!” He said, “My hair is now a mane!”