• Published 31st Aug 2013
  • 4,843 Views, 119 Comments

Screw the Magic, I Have Friendship! - Supahsnail

Marik's evil plan puts all of the main characters of Yugioh (and Tristan) in a strange new world.

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My Hair Forgot the Name of This Chapter!

You know, you can probably skip this chapter. I’m sure nothing important will happen.


A few spicetastic minutes later, Kaiba was still screaming at the top of his lungs. “UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!” He finally finished.

“Feel better now, big bro?” Mokuba asked lovingly.

Rainbow Dash woke up slowly and worked herself up to a sitting position. “What happened?” she asked as she rubbed the back of her head.

“That Marik guy used some freaky magic to put you under,” Applejack said while she helped her to her hooves.

“Yeah,” Yami added, “I mean, I use my freaky magic to crush peoples minds all of the time, but I usually have to beat them in a card game first. Marik didn’t even play a card game! Tha’s crazy!”

“And he got Pinkie!” Applejack said.

“WHAT!?” Rainbow Dash screamed, her voice cracking slightly.

Kaiba yelled, “Those elements were the only way to get back to Japan… I assume!”

“What are the Elements of Harmony?” Yami asked to no one in particular.

“I think I can explain,” said Twilight.

“Tell me!”

“No, Yug, we’re not doing that again,” said Joey.


“Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and I represent the six Elements of Harmony,” said Twilight. “Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty, Kindness, Laughter and Magic. When we’re all together and we have our elements with us, we have the power to vanquish any evil and restore balance to Equestria when we’re needed most.”

“And then you play a card game on a motorcycle?” Yami asked.

“What? No! We never play card games!”

“Well, that’s just lame.”

“What is it with you guys and card games?”

“I don’t play card games,” said Duke. “I play Dungeon Dice Monsters.”

“It’s the same damn thing!” Yami yelled.

“Without all six of us the Elements don’t work!” Twilight explained, “I fear Marik already knew this. Without Pinkie, the Elements are nothing but common jewelry! Whatever he’s planning, we can’t stop him until we get her back!”

“Holy Rah…” Yami said. “Marik has never been this intricate in his planning! He must be several steps ahead of us already! Who knows what evil things he has planned for that poor girl…”



Pinkie Pie was tied up with her back against a wooden support beam. The room around her was illuminated by candlelight. It looked like a basement, old books and boxes were strewn all around the damp interior. Marik was the only other pony she could see in the room. There was no sign of his crazy haired henchman.

“So…” Marik said, “You really don’t want to help, huh?”

“Of course not!” Pinkie Pie replied stubbornly.

“What if I said please?” Marik suggested.

“The answer is no!”

“But I asked nicely!”

“I’m not helping you!”

“Pretty please with sprinkles and pink heart on top?”


“What if I added ribbons? Friggin ribbons, Pinkie! Everybody likes ribbons!”

“I… Said… No!!”

“I’ll give you ice cream.”


“It can be any flavor you want! What’s your favorite flavor?”





“There’s no way we can search the whole town in time,” Twilight said with despair. “We need to find Pinkie as soon as possible, and that could take days!”

“Maybe I could do something helpful!” Tristan suggested. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll turn out to be the hero and this entire fanfiction will be about me!”

“What if we all split up?” Rarity suggested.

“Hey! Are you guys listening to me?” Tristan asked.

“We could try to use my mojo to find her,” said Duke.

“Why do I feel like I’m talking to myself!?!?” Tristan shouted.

“I hope none of you are expecting me to help,” Kaiba said coldly. “I couldn’t care less about what happens to your friend. And I have far too much money to be expected to associate myself with the likes of you.”

“Wait!” Tea cried. She ran in front of Kaiba before he could leave. “You can’t leave us!”

“Why not?” Kaiba asked.

“You’re in for it now, Kaiba! I wrote an entire friendship speech just for you!”

Kaiba steeped back and shielded his face. “No! Please! Anything but that!”

“You see, Kaiba, friendship is the best thing in the world because blah blah blah friends blah blah. Blah blah blah friendship blah blah blah helping blah…”

“Please stop. Please stop. Please stop. Please stop.”

[45 spicetastic minutes later]

“…Blah blah friendship blah,” Tea finished, “And that is why friendship is the greatest thing in the universe!”

“So, Kaiba,” Joey said, “Are you gonna help us out and not be a complete douche bag for once?”

“That depends,” Kaiba said, quivering from the bombardment of friendship. “If I say no, will she keep talking about friendship?”

“Yes,” said Tea.

“Well then, I have no choice!” Kaiba immediately said back.

Twilight hung her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe it!” she grunted. “You guys just wasted an entire hour that we could have spent searching for Pinkie!”

“I know,” Yugi agreed. “We’ve been standing here for so long that Yami got bored and let me take over again. He usually hates giving away screen time.”

“At this rate it will take a miracle for us to get anything done!” Twilight complained.

“THEN WHY AREN’T YOU USING ONE OF THOSE!?!?” Tristan yelled, shaking Twilight by the base of her shoulders.

Yugi stood up in front of the group and said, “Everyone just follow me!” He started walking down the dirt road leading near the outskirts of town. A few moments later, the others started to follow him, but mainly just to ask him what he was doing.

Rainbow Dash was the first to ask, “Where could you possibly be leading us? You know just as much as we do about where Marik is!”

“Yes, but I’m also the main character,” Yugi added. “If I just start walking around, the plot will eventually catch up with me.”

“I’m hungry, Seto,” Mokuba complained as they walked through the street.

Kaiba peered back at him and asked, “Why didn’t you eat when we were back at the library?”

“I didn’t know there was food at the library.”

“Well, you should have asked.”

“But I’m hungry now!”

“And that’s your fault!”

Yugi turned onto a market street that Twilight had rarely ever been to.

“Hey, Yug, I just thought of something,” Joey said.

“Good job, Joey!” Yugi said encouragingly, “Thinking is the only thing that separates us from Tristan.”

“With you gone, who’s gonna take care of your senile and dysfunctional grandfather?”

“I’m not worried about him,” Yugi said confidently. “My grandpa is totally capable of taking care of himself.”


MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE TOOLSHED! I’m just kidding; it was Yugi’s grandfather’s card shop.

Yugi’s grandfather was standing behind the counter at his card shop with a blank look of confusion on his face. “I can’t believe Yugi would just leave his poor grandpa here while he goes and plays card games with his arch rival! Sometimes I feel like Yugi wants me to die, and the way that he keeps pushing me down the stairs and not taking me to the hospital doesn’t make me feel any better about it…” He announced to the empty store. “And apparently I also own a card shop. Why does nobody tell me these things?”

A ringing bell marked the door to his shop opening. A teenager stepped inside wearing the uniform for Yugi’s school, though Yugi had never gone to class there in about a year.

“Who is that?” Yugi’s grandpa asked. “Have they come for me already? I’m not ready!”

“What?” the teenager replied.

“I remember the war!”

“Relax, dude, I’m just here to buy some cards,” the teen said.

“We don’t sell cards here!” the old man barked.

The teen looked at the shelves around him, all stacked with Duel Monsters merchandise. “Dude, this is, like, a card shop.”

“It is?” Yugi’s grandpa asked. “I hadn’t noticed!”

Yugi’s grandfather’s attention shifted to his television when he heard a voice say, “We now return to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, right here on the Hub!”

“Yay!” He jeered with his eyes riveted on the screen. “My one reason for living!”

“Can I like buy some cards, or something?” the teen asked.

The old man held out his hand, but didn’t take his eyes off the screen. “GO AWAY!” He ordered. “I’M TRYING TO WATCH CUTE S*** OVER HERE!”


“You’re right,” Joey agreed as they all walked further down the road. “Nothing bad will happen to him, because all of the main characters are in this world.”

The Henchman with crazy hair was waiting for them to cross, and he jumped down from the roof of a flower shop when he saw Yugi walking by, landing on the ground in a surprisingly graceful manner. “Attention Duelists!” He announced. “My hair has been waiting for you!”

“Oh great, it’s that guy,” Kaiba commented, remembering his experiences at Pegasus’s castle.

“See!” Yugi cried out to the group. “I told you the plot would show up eventually!”

The henchman spoke again, “Attention duelists…”

“Why do you keep doing that?” Twilight asked.

“Doing what?”

“Why do you always say ‘Attention Duelists’ before you say something? It doesn’t seem to have any significance,” Twilight commented.

“Listen between that and my hair I’ve got nothing else! Now, would you please let me keep talking?”


“As I was saying, my hair has broken free from Marik’s control, and has come to help you defeat him!”

“How dumb do you think we are?” Applejack asked.

“This is clearly a trick,” said Kaiba. “Who would be stupid enough to take your word like this?”

“I believe him, Seto,” said Mokuba.

“Me too!” said Tristan.

“My point exactly,” Kaiba said annoyed.

“Maybe so, but my hair also knows the whereabouts of Marik and your pink friend!” the henchman said. “Follow me and I can show you!”

Rainbow Dash was about to fly out and settle a score with the crazy haired stallion, but Twilight stopped her. “We don’t have to trust him,” she said. “but we do need him to show us where she is.”

“But what if it’s a trick?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight but on a confident smirk. “We can handle it.”

[A few spicetastic minutes later]

The ponies followed the spiky haired henchman to the edge of the Everfree Forest. “Attention duelists!” he said. “If you could all stop staring at my hair for a moment, you would see that I have lead you to the Everfree Forest!”

“And that’s my cue to leave!” Fluttershy squealed after seeing the opening to the dark forest. She turned to run away, but Duke was blocking her path.

“Don’t you worry,” said Duke. “You’re safe with Duke Devlin.”

“For some reason, I don’t feel that much safer…” said Fluttershy.