• Published 4th Sep 2013
  • 6,727 Views, 182 Comments

Vile beast - ZheTwidashLover

A strange creature is found in the Canterlot castle and is brought to the Canterlot dungeons for containment and research

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It´s Awake

Celestia and Shining Armor were walking towards the deepest part of the Canterlot dungeons, talking all the while about this new animal discovered in the freezer of the Canterlot Castle bakery.

“And you´re absolutely sure it´s contained?” Celestia asked with a bit of dread in her voice

“Yes. It´s strapped to the wall with the strongest magical chains the Archmage was able to forge. And just in case it somehow breaks out of that we have two earth pony guards ordered to not take their eyes of it, two of the fastest pegasi in the royal guard ready to pounce on it and unicorns on the balcony overlooking the room.” Shining returned.

Celestia seemed to visibly relax at that. “Well, I guess that´s something. I just want to make sure it doesn’t escape before the Archmage can finish her examination of it. How is that going by the way?”

“She ran off halfway through, said something about needing a clean sample and then something about magic contamination and something else I didn´t quite catch.” Shining looked on the verge of remembering something else but he let it go and returned to more important thoughts, like what the cafeteria was serving while he waited for Celestia.

Celestia looked almost sad when she heard the Archmage would be away. “That is a shame. I was hoping she would be able to tell me what she has learned of this animal. Has it by any chance woken up yet?”

“It hadn´t woken up when I left but it´s been over two hours so it could very well be awake by now.”

“Yes, I do apologize for that. The nobles can be a problem when I´m not allowed to send them to jail like everyone else. Noooo, because they´re apparently too valuable to the community and functionality of Canterlot to be sent to jail. But they can take a six month vacation on a yacht without anything bad happening. You know why nothing bad happens when they take a vacation? Because they don´t do anything anyway! They just take the credit for what me and Luna do and blame us when they do something wrong! I could put every last one of them in jail and nothing would change except all that expensive wine and moldy cheese would stop stinking up everything these rats breathe on!” Celestia was fuming and Shining was getting a little scared. Every one of these words had been spoken while looking at him and she was almost touching noses with him right now, still fuming.

“Umm…” Was all shining could say to that.

Celestia came to her senses before any permanent harm could be done to Shining. She took her regal pose again and cleared her throat. “I do apologize for that. I´m just so tired of these not even century old children thinking they know better than me, an immortal goddess whose rule has caused nothing but happiness and harmony since she started this gig. I even came up with the idea of having nobles. But they were supposed to be honored heroes of fortitude and chivalry, not snots with their mouths stuffed with expensive food and pockets full of money that they didn´t earn and don´t need. They just make me so angry.”

“Are you all right princess? You´re acting out of character.” Shining said, a bit scared for the princess´s (mental) health

“Am I?” A simple sentence, only two words, yet it had the potential to start wars if only spoken the right way.

“Y-y-ye-yes, yo-you are. A bit.”

“I apologize again, the nobles have been an even bigger pain in my flank since Luna´s return. They say she isn´t fit to rule because she´s monster. She is not a monster. Not anymore. She is an immortal artist, forced to create a new piece of art every night, only to have the little ponies she makes it for, shun and ignore it.” Celestia´s muzzle was almost touching the ground at this point and she barely held back a sob.

“I understand princess.”

Celestia was probably capable of killing with the glare she gave Shining. “Do you really? Do you understand what it´s like to hear the ponies whisper monster when they think you can´t hear? To see the ponies cower in your presence? Watch them run away from you in fear? To have your own subjects attack you, regardless of guards there to protect you? Even the guards attack her sometimes, she can´t trust any of them. Worst of all though by far is when somepony tries to make her that monster again. She told me she wants to go back to the moon…” This time her muzzle was touching the ground but she still held back that sob.

Shining was silent for a while. He had meant that he understood she was angry with the nobles not that he understood what it was like to be seen as a monster but Celestia obviously had to get that of her chest.

“No. I guess I don´t understand.”

They were silent the rest of the way until they came to the doors leading to the newly discovered species containment cell.

“Well, here we are.” Shining said. “You think the Archmage is back yet?”

“Let´s find out shall we?” Celestia replied. She lifted her hoof off the ground and touched it to the door. The door flashed once before opening, a ward that only gave way to certain ponies used to secure the room as a means of mandatory final resort used for all dangerous criminals or unknown animals.

The door opened and revealed another door, this one transparent and the containment cell was just through that door, the creature visible just across from them. The creature still stood shackled to the wall. It´s legs were fixed together and it´s arms were held out to its side. Glowing red half circles held it up against the wall and prevented it from moving most of its body.

“As you can see it´s still contained and will be so until the Archmage gives us the green light to let it go.” Shining explained to Celestia.

“I guess that´s good news.” She replied

Celestia and Shining just stared into the room at the creature, watching it´s chest move with every breath it took.

Shining took hold of a small stone covered in runes and spoke into it, “Eagle Eyes, has the creature shown any signs of consciousness?”

Through the door, Celestia could see a white pegasus stallion in the traditional royal guard uniform jump into the air before grabbing a stone similar to the one Shining was holding. A voice could be heard coming from Shining´s stone. “No sir, none. The Archmage hasn´t returned either, since I know that´s what you were going to ask me next.”

“Thank you Eagle Eyes.” Shining returned.

“What do you think of it captain? Could it be a threat?”

“No, I don´t think it would be a threat.” Shining half laughed the sentence out, shaking his head to top it of.

“But it killed a pony. That may not be such a hard task,” Shining snorted at that, “but it still killed a pony.”

“That was just luck.” Shining retorted. “It´s a dumb animal, it can´t know where to hit us where it counts.”

Celestia raised one eyebrow and said: “Maybe it´s from the Everfree forest. Maybe it´s been hunting ponies there for millennias but so few ponies go in there these days that it was forced to go out of its natural habitat to find food. Maybe ponies have come in contact with it before but never made it away alive.”

“That…is something to think about.” Shining said to himself more than anyone else. “But wait. Why do think that´s the case?”

“I don´t, it was just something I made up.” Celestia stuck her tongue out at her Captain of the Royal Guard in a very un-princess like manner, her previous episodes forgotten.

“Please don´t make things like that up your Highness, it´s distracting.” Shining seemed to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Celestia looked at him with concerned eyes and said, “What´s wrong Captain?”

Shining considered holding his tongue but ultimately decided it best to spill the beans. “It´s just… Ever since Princess Luna returned there has been a decrease in guards.”Celestia stared at him but didn´t say anything so Shining continued. “First there were just a few guards who refused to guard Princess Luna and they had to quit the guard, nothing serious, just a handful of soldiers. But since then the guards have had to protect Princess Luna on numerous occasions and have gotten injured in the progress. Third and as you mentioned earlier are the guards that attack her. Over all the Royal Guard has been reduced to only half of what it used to be. If the griffons or the dragons decide to attack we won´t stand a chance”

Celestia said nothing, but instead focused her gaze on the creature stuck on the wall. Without taking her eyes of off the creature she said: “She blames herself for everything that´s gone wrong since her return. She blames herself for every cult, for every murder attempt gone wrong that ends in a dead or injured guard and/or citizen and she blames herself for the distrust these rats, called nobles, have placed in me. She wants to make friends. Talk to somepony. But most of all, she wants to be loved. She doesn´t care whether ponies love her because of her or because she´s a princess. She just wants to feel good for a change…”

Shining would have said something, but Eagle Eyes voice rang out from the rune stone: “Sir! The creature! It moved!”

Shining looked with passive interest in the creature´s direction.

The creature was indeed moving but that movement was superficial, eyes blinking, fingers twitching, that sort of thing. But the most noticeable was without a doubt the red half circles securing him to the wall blinking and flashing until they just disappeared and the creature dropped to its feet, before falling on its hands and knees.

The creature looked up at the door, through the door, directly at Celestia, and growled.