• Published 4th Sep 2013
  • 6,726 Views, 182 Comments

Vile beast - ZheTwidashLover

A strange creature is found in the Canterlot castle and is brought to the Canterlot dungeons for containment and research

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A Shocking Revelation

Eagle Eyes looked at the creature above him with a new found respect. It wasn´t just a brute, brainless beast, it could learn and it could learn very fast for an animal.

The creature advanced on Eagle Eyes and made sure he stayed where he was by fixing him with a paralyzing glare that Eagle Eyes would have told you could root a full grown dragon to the spot.

Just before the creature was within striking distance it stopped. It looked very spooked all of a sudden by something it couldn´t see, its head darting from one corner of the room to the opposite, from the floor to the relatively high ceiling and then stopping right above it.

The creature crouched low, hands and feet on the floor and then leaped backwards just before a small crater appeared where it stood not a second earlier. Distorted air fell from the ceiling and a loud thud could be heard by everyone present as it made contact with the floor. The air stretched up to about eight feet before coming to a stop.

The air made some quick movements and stopped, the creature almost disappearing before reappearing on a cracked wall. It fell from the wall and gasped for air as the distorted air rose out of the crater -showing it to be nine feet instead of eight- and made its way to the gasping creature and grasped its arms with its hands. As soon as contact was made the distorted air blinked in and out of sight until it disappeared, leaving a hood-clad minotaur in its place.

The minotaur had a look of surprise for a brief moment but quickly hid it to show in its place a very angry looking minotaur. Knowing it couldn´t pull its hands free by simply pulling like it had been doing for about two seconds, it lifted both feet to the same level as its arms and planted them in the minotaur´s wrists. The minotaur´s grasp loosened and the creature pulled with all its might and finally got free, having been stuck like that for forever from the creature´s perspective while it had really been less than five seconds.

The minotaur was again surprised by the creature, nothing short of another large minotaur had ever escaped his grasp before and then this creature gets free in less than five seconds.

A sharp pain in the groin area informed the large minotaur that he had let his guard down for long enough for the creature to realize it had no chance in a fair confrontation. A deep groan came from the minotaur´s throat as his hands grasped his groin and his eyes threatened to jump out of their sockets.

Celestia was frozen in place as the scene played out in front of her. ‘Yes, definitely a battlefield.’ She thought, remembering the last war she partook in over a thousand years ago, all honor cast aside as one´s life was on the line.

The creature used the precious few milliseconds its unexpected hardcore footjob had given it to spin in a quick circle and kick the side of the minotaur´s left knee. The minotaur ducked so he could reach down to his dislodged knee and a very dark blue -almost black- glow of light emitted from his hands. The knee had almost righted itself before the creature landed another spin kick, this time to the minotaur´s head.

If asked, the minotaur would have said that he was getting rusty, his presence enough to calm most prisoners and never had he been forced to engage in anything more straining than flex his muscles to calm the worst of the worst since he started his job in this peaceful land of ponies. All in all it was rather dull this life of his and he welcomed any who could liven it up and inflict pain on him. If he didn´t already know the feeling, he would have thought he was in love.

The creature, unknowing of the minotaur´s thoughts, -and probably uncaring if it did- kicked the now crouching minotaur in the face. The minotaur rose up and staggered a bit before retaliating with a right hook. The creature rolled under the huge fist and the arm that followed. The creature then spun in a single circle and jumped into the air, body leaning away from the minotaur and left leg approaching impact with the minotaur´s head.

The following kick was something that nopony or minotaur present would forget as the minotaur was sent flying a short distance before being thoroughly acquainted with the floor with a resounding thud as his large body impacted with the enchanted stone floor.

The minotaur defeated, the creature turned its attention back to Eagle Eyes, or the spot were Eagle Eyes had been last time the creature checked. Rather than look for the pegasus, the creature turned to Celestia, who had been a busy bee.

While the short battle between the creature and the minotaur raged, Celestia had woven, created and condensed as much magical energies into a small ball at the tip of her horn as she would allow while other ponies were nearby.

The creature didn´t look very impressed or even startled in the slightest that a mini sun, made entirely of magic, was pointed at it by the same pony it was charging. Celestia got ready to shoot, legs spread out to keep her balance and horn pointed straight at the creature.

The creature was entirely unprepared for the blast that followed and the impact after that and the impact there after until the ball exploded in the hall outside the cell, both doors reduced to rubble as the creature was pushed through everything from the simple air to magical wards, spells and hardened stone before finally coming to a stop on the wall outside the cell after the ball exploded and the single hallway was lit up like a garden in midsummer as the creature fell of the wall and into the rubble, leaving a sizable hole in the wall.

Celestia made her way to the pile were the creature lay and ran some magical checks on the unconscious ponies and minotaur on her way until she came to a stop before the creature´s unmoving but breathing body. She ran the same magical check on the creature as she did for the ponies, but the amount of magical energy she had to put into the spell for the creature surprised her. After about half a minute Celestia had scanned the creature a total of four times but it was always the same, it surprised Celestia that it was breathing but quite frankly it frightened her that it was completely fine, aside from some light bruising on its back from the two doors and wall.

The Archmage was an old mare by the name of Practical Practice. Her coat was bright yellow, her mane had adopted a silver gray color and she walked with a limp. Her horn was slightly bigger than most but not noticeably so. Her eyes were a deep red and always left a lasting impression on everyone who locked eyes with her. She had just entered the dungeons when a she heard the sound of stone breaking and felt spells and wards dispelled. She would have galloped there but her old age prevented such things and she would need all of her magic to do what had to be done so no teleporting.

She rounded the last corner and saw Celestia standing above the creature, a surprised look on her face. Practical made her way over to Celestia and looked into the cell. She saw the four unicorns on the balcony, they all seemed exhausted and she felt almost no magic in them, they could have died if they had continued casting. Practical saw an earth pony lying against the wall and another lying close to a large minotaur who she recognized as the minotaur battle mage in service to the Equestrian crown. The three were unconscious but breathing, the two pegasi on the other hand seemed completely fine, there wasn´t a scratch on either one of them.

Practical turned to Celestia “Your highness.” Celestia turned to the origin of the voice. “I know what that creature is, it´s called a human and we ponies have made contact with them once before, in the time of Archmage Riften the Crazed.”

Author's Note:

I have been writing this chapter little by little for about a week now. I´m not really happy about the way it turned out but i just don´t have the drive to make this part any better since i can finally write what i have been waiting to write since the original first chapter.