• Published 6th Sep 2013
  • 2,634 Views, 34 Comments

A Love Lost in History and Time - Elusive Belle

Twilight has noticed something strange since becoming a princess, Luna and Discord hardly acknowledge each other's existence outside normal expected royal greetings. And Twilight is determined to find out why.

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Connecting the Pieces

I immediately jumped out of bed as soon as I got up frantically reaching for my journal as the thoughts of my dream ran through my mind, it was so much to remember but I was determined to get it all down. Writing furiously I started on a fresh page to get down everything Discord has told me, if he was telling the truth then Celestia was hiding something. Something she deemed important enough that she had to alter history to hide. This was something that disturbed me greatly, what could possibly be so bad that she would have to change history?

Next came Luna’s portion of the story, this helped put my mind at some ease. Whatever it was that happened between Discord and Luna only happened because Discord had broken his promise with Luna, what did trouble me though was why? If he loved her like he said and had yet to actually hurt anypony up until that point, what would cause him to suddenly do so? It really just didn’t make sense, especially considering he was planning to propose.

The hours flew by as I sat there writing and thinking over what I knew, but there were still far too many blanks to fully connect everything together just yet. I only came out of my fixation on my notes when I heard a knocking at the door, and after a quick check it turned out to be a guard informing me I was late for breakfast. Stashing my journal away I got up and promptly made my way to head for breakfast.

As I walked into the dining room I wasn’t too surprised to not find anyone there, I was already late for breakfast and I could only assume Celestia and the others were off doing whatever it was they did before morning court started. With limited time to eat and prepare I opted for a simple bowl of cereal. With bowl and spoon in hoof I sat down to enjoy my meal, I always did prefer the simpler meals rather than the overly complex meals the cooks here at the castle could come up with. Not that I didn’t like them, I just preferred things simple. Now then, I should have seen it coming I really should have, but much to my surprise as soon as I scooped up my first spoonful the whole bowl exploded completely covering me with milk and bits of cereal. An oh so jolly draconequus was now on the floor clutching his gut in laughter, “Thank you Discord, I don’t know how I’d ever manage to go through one day without being tormented by one of your pranks.”

Discord simply smiled at me, “Probably the same way you did before I was released, boring and dull being an egghead and whatnot.”

“I am not an egghead, I’m well read!” I was really getting tired of having to clarify this; I had enough time dealing with it with Rainbow Dash. I really didn’t need Discord jumping on that bandwagon as well.

Discord took a seat where he deemed it to be his official dining hall seat, which wasn’t so much a seat but rather just Discord siting right in the middle of the table. Seeing him sitting there nonchalantly chewing down on what appeared to be a spoon and fork made me shake my head and roll my eyes, Discord just seemed incapable of doing anything normal or sane.

Discord seemed to smile as I continued to stare before finally breaking the silence, “I’ve already had one fling with a princess Twilight, keep staring at me and I may think you want a turn.” With his signature laugh Discord decided to also throw in a wink.

“What? No! Why in Equestria would I ever want to deal with you more than I already do?” I couldn’t stop myself at shuddering at the thought, me with Discord? No, no, no, one hundred times no! “You already cause me more headaches than Pinkie did when I tried to study her.”

“Oh stop Twilight, you flatter me” With a girlish giggle that make me cringe Discord playfully swatted his claw at me using his paw to hide his blushing face before suddenly erupting into another fit of laughter.

I needed to end this quick before I had to suffer through more of this nonsense and it ate up more of my time I was already rushing to catch up on this morning, “I talked to Luna last night in my dreams you know, she told me more about you.”

Discord looked at me with that usual smirk of his as he crossed his arms leaning on the table, “and what could dear old Luna have told you that I didn’t already say?”

I simply smiled t Discord as I mentally went over the details in my head, “She told me about the kingdoms you took over and all the chaos you caused there after she broke up with you,”

I realized quickly that I may have pushed too hard too fast, Discord visibly tensed up as he looked away, “Those kingdoms were already in chaos before I got there. I was accused of destroying them so I did just that. My chaos did not touch them until after Luna called things off.”

“Wait what?” This didn’t make sense and it was driving me crazy. I thought I had the whole story but something major was missing in the middle and I needed to find out what. “What about the love potion you gave the prince then? That actually turned out to be a poison, maybe you didn’t know it caused the downfall of their kingdom?”

Discord turned back to me his previous anger seemingly gone, “What are you talking about? I never gave a prince a love potion, or poison for that matter.”

I could already feel my head start to pound with a headache coming on strong, this wasn’t making any sense and that was the one thing I hated more than being wrong. “Luna told me that the day before she broke up with you, a prince had approached you for help on gaining the affection of the princess of a nearby kingdom.”

After taking a moment seemingly to think about it, visibly running through his memories, Discord finally nodded, “A pony came to me yes, that much I remember but it wasn’t a prince.”

I’d have to remember to note down the errors in our history books later, but right now I needed to make sense of the problem at hoof. “It wasn’t? All of our history books say that a prince had the potion and had given it to the princess, who did you give the potion to then?”

Laying back Discord simply floated where he was on his back waving his paw in the air as he thought, “I don’t really know, it was some cloaked white mare, she did have a light pink mane though that much I could see. Not that it really matters so I don’t see why you’re asking.”

“I’m trying to find the connection between your story and Luna’s, you’re claiming one thing but Luna believes the other. Obviously there has to be something that got lost between your two stories.” I knew I was getting close to the answer too; I just needed to keep Discord from teleporting away beforehoof.

As if reading my mind Discord rolled over and looked to me with a rather amused smirk, “I’ve been rather compliant to all your meddling questions, what do I get out of this? I must admit this little Q and A session you have going is getting a little boring.”

“Just a few more questions Discord then I won’t have to bother you anymore I promise. I’m sure I’ll have everything settled soon.” Oh Celestia I hope I’m right, having to come back to Discord would only result in him holding this over my head and possibly refusing to answer any more questions.

“That doesn’t answer my question at all Twilight Sparkle, aren’t princesses supposed to be good at listening? Especially eggheads like you.” Sitting upright I could see Discord looking down to me shaking his head in a disapproving manner.

With a sigh I could stop my eyes from rolling; this morning was turning out to be a rather trying one “How about because you’re my friend Discord? Will that be sufficient enough?”

Obviously my answer wasn’t good enough due to the fact that Discord simply turned his back to me, “You’ve never actually claimed to be my friend you know Twilight, and I’m hurt you only offer now when you want something from me.”

It took several deep breaths to finally come up with a response, although he was technically right it wasn’t how I intended it and he knew it. “Can you just answer one more question Discord?”

Turning back to me Discord was once again grinning like he usually did when he was up to something, and I didn’t like it one bit. “I’m not being very helpful to you am I?”

Well that was putting it mildly, but nonetheless I nodded my head.

“And how often am I ever actually helpful?”

With how he was looking at me expectantly I was surprised I had to think about it, and as I did I was surprised at the answer, “Almost none at all.”

“Bingo, though personally I’d drop the almost.” Sitting back Discord just smiled obviously pleased with the point he just made.

“I get it, no more questions. Thanks anyways Discord.” With a sigh I turned to start to head back to my room, hopefully I’d have time to think before it was time for court.

Just before I could take a step I felt a tug at my tail and immediately turned to see Discord holding my tail in his paw, “You really can be slow you know. We just established I don’t help others correct? And giving a potion, or poison, to someone asking for it would qualify as help would it not?”

Surprisingly Discord actually had a point, “That’s actually true, in a slightly ambiguous way. So long as you completely ignore the fact that giving them a love poison instead of a potion would be considered chaotic.”

Discord seemed completely unfazed by that fact, almost as if he expected it, “Which would be the expected thing to do would it not? And rule number one of Chaos is; Chaos is not expected.”

Once again, in a strange Discord type way, it made sense. “So if you didn’t actually give her anything, what-“

“I never said I never gave her anything.” Once again Discord was smiling as he looked to me, “but what I gave her was nothing more than rainbow colored sugar water and told her it was a love potion.”

Storing that quick bit of information aside for later assessment I had to tackle on the most prominent problem that came up now, “So all you gave her was a placebo?”

“Genius isn’t it?” Discord chuckled to himself obviously amused with his own handiwork. “Imagine it, how big of a fool they’ll look like when it doesn’t work but acts like it does.”

“So you could actually still be the reason that the two kingdoms were collapsing. By causing one to act a fool trying to win over the other they could have taken it as an attempt at poisoning and thus gone to war!” I had it, this had to be the final part of the puzzle and I could finally put this to rest.

Discord just looked at me obviously unamused, “I thought you said both kingdoms fell into chaos, if they went to war one side would have won in the end not both wind up collapsing. Try again Sparkle.”

That was impossible! There is no way I could have been wrong, what other solution was there? Yet again nothing was making sense and I was starting to think that the reason for that was Discord himself, “Alright, if you’re so sure I’m wrong then what really happened?”

“Now that is the question isn’t it? I must admit you at least have me a bit curious as to who would be foolish enough to try and imitate my wonderful chaos. Everyone knows you can’t imitate perfection.” Again for I don’t know what number of times I had to roll my eyes, but I stayed quiet and let Discord continue, who was now pacing in a detective coat and hat blowing pipes out of bubbles. “With the evidence we have gathered so far I think we can safely deduce that it was Colonel Mustard with the candle stick in the Ballroom!”

“Discord! Can you act serious for one moment?” I was quickly reaching my wits end here, I needed to end this fast. “If you didn’t do it, who would have? Sombra? Chrysalis?”

“Don’t be silly Twilight, Chrysalis didn’t exist then and Sombra was in the Crytaltopia or whatever doing his crazy unicorn thing.” With a simple nod Discord seemed to finally take it serious as he thought about it, “If your little history books are right, which I doubt but I’ll humor you, and the kingdoms were brought down by a love potion.”

“Poison.” I corrected

“Don’t correct me Twilight it’s rude and I’m on a roll here. Now then if they were brought down by a potion then we have to look at who are the only ones who knew how to make said potion back in that time right? And as far as I know it was only myself, Luna and….. Celestia….” Discord suddenly went very quiet as if the pieces finally clicked in his head and both his paw and claw suddenly clenched into a tight fist. “And she claims me a monster.”

In a flash of light Discord was gone and I had a bad feeling I knew where he was going which meant I had to beat him to finding Princess Celestia before something very bad happens.

Author's Note:

Finally I managed to get this done, yay busy life with school and all that jazz >.> Hopefully I'll be able to get this thing finished sooner now that winter break is almost here.

I just finished typing out and changing some things so I only did a quick scan type of edit. Feel free to point out mistakes, I'll go back and reread later to fix it all.

Comments ( 17 )

Discord should mess her up, yo.

Discord should totally kick her ass. It's not like we haven't seen Celestia get her ass handed to her before via Queen Chrysalis. This sh:yay:t's like something straight out of "100 Bullets", Character A finds out who ruined their life and have the 'possibility' of exacting revenge.

Oh the glorious chaos that will ensue. I am so happy this updated. Keep up the fantastic work.

gahhh more !!!:rainbowderp::pinkiegasp: you know what is about to hit the fan!!!

what will discord do???:applejackunsure:

ooooh nononononononononooooo PLEEEEAAASSSEEE continue PLEASE
i REEEAAAALLLLLY want to know whats hapening next PLEEAASE finish this story :(

AMAZING i loved it and at the end was like " OH BUCK SHIT ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN OR IT ALREADY HAS" like woah PLEASE NEXT CHAPTER :pinkiehappy:

is this dead? just curious.


And so lies another good story, dead at three chapters, right when Discord was going to get his vengeance on Celestia.

PLEAse update soon!!!

Please update this. I WUV IT!!!

Will this story ever continue?
It is such a good story conception, and it is sad there is no more progressing on it as of now.

Oh, please, please, PLEASE continue the story.

Please continue this! I wanna know what happens next! :raritydespair:

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