• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 5,253 Views, 74 Comments

Sweetie Belle's Secret - Fuckboi

Sweet Belle deals with the troubles of coming out to friends and family.

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Hey Sis...?

“Hey, Rarity?” Sweetie Belle asks. She brushes her hoof across the ground, nervously looking at her sister hard at work. The dust bunnies moving along the floor and the knots in the wood captivate her eyes.

“Make it quick Sweetie Belle, I have a large order to fill.” Rarity continues to work thinking that it is another frivolous request.

“Sis, is it wrong for one filly to like another filly?” Sweetie Belle chokes out as her eyes begin to water. The filly looks up to her sister, her eyes wide, as she waits for a response. Her heart rate rapidly increases as it climbs into her throat, and her hoof moves even faster on the ground.

Rarity suddenly stops what she is doing. Her eyes looking over the fabric each thread a train of thought, one way of replying to her sister’s inquiry. “Why do you ask that Sweetie Belle?” Her eyes remain on the fabric at her table, a silk in a shade of sky blue that will go beautiful on any mare.

“Well, I kinda like this filly at school, her name is Silver Spoon. She’s a little like you. She acts all snooty but I don’t really think she’s like that at heart.” Her answer is plagued with sobs and pauses as she forces the words out of her throat. Sweetie Belle turns around attempting hide her face inside herself, afraid of what her sister might think.

“Why, Sweetie Belle, there is nothing wrong with that. Who cares who you like?” Rarity walks over to the now crying filly with a comforting smile. “You’ll always be my sister.”

“You really mean that sis’?” Sweetie Belle raises her head to meet the sister’s gaze. Her eyes filling with tears that occasionally spill over and down her cheeks.

“Sweetie Belle dear, I promise to love you no matter what and any good friend will do the same.” Rarity gives her sister a comforting embrace hoping to reassure her that everything will be alright. “But now you have to go to school. Miss Cheerilee would scold me for bringing you late to class and I really must get back to this order. When you get home, we can talk about this more, okay dear?”

“Okay, I guess you’re right.” Sweetie Belle sighs and goes to grab her school stuff and heads out the door. As she walks to school she counts the bricks in the road she walks on, trying to clear her mind so that she will be able to face her friends at school. I have to tell them. I have to tell them. I have to tell them. I have to tell them. Over and over the same words run through her mind. Her thoughts are filled with the same phrase, like a broken record. I have to tell them. I have to tell them. It is all that she can think. She arrives at school and sees her friends waiting for her. Their chipper smiles and laughing do not fit with the melancholy that gripps Sweetie Belle so tightly.

“Hey there Sweetie Belle, what’s got you in a sour mood?” Apple Bloom says, greeting her friend in the hope of cheering her from her gloomy disposition.

“Yeah Sweetie Belle, come on, what’s your problem today?” Scootaloo pipes up. “Did Rarity get mad at you again?” She tries to go over to Sweetie Belle and put an arm around her but is brushed away.

“No, no, nothing like that.” Sweetie Belle responds, the usual joy in her voice is sapped away by the ever-present fear of what her friends will think. “I’ll tell you at recess. Let’s get to class, wouldn’t wanna have Miss Cheerilee mad at us.” Sweetie Belle pushes by the two and heads for the door. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom exchange a look and shrug before following their depressed friend into the classroom.

Sweetie Belle watches Miss Cheerilee speak, but she doesn’t hear anything she is saying. She is lost in thought. Why am I different? What will my friends think? What if I don’t like her that way and this is a mistake? These thoughts assault her as she tries to maintain a calm composure. Multiple times, the thoughts break the mental walls that she had erected to keep her from crying, and her eyes water. She puts her head down in an attempt to hide her distress from the rest of the classroom. Her friends are able to see right through it though realizing that something is bothering her, something is pushing her into a well of sadness neither Apple Bloom or Scootaloo had seen her in before.

Time passed, and eventually Miss Cheerilee leads the classroom outside to the field behind the school. The other ponies run off to play as Sweetie Belle and her friends drift towards a secluded area where they won’t be overheard.

“Come on Sweetie Belle, tell us what your problem is already.” Scootaloo’s impatience has reached a boiling point.

“Come on Sweetie Belle, we’re all ears.” Apple Bloom also wanted to know what had her friend in such a depressed condition.

Sweetie Belle took a deep breath and sighed. She realized that at this point there was no way to get around the truth. I’d have to tell them sooner or later. She tried to come up with the strength to tell them. “Scootaloo… Apple Bloom…” her eyes were watering and she looked up to see her concerned friends’ faces waiting anxiously. “I’m a fillyfooler, I mean, I think…” She said, her gaze roaming to everything but her friends.

“So?” Scootaloo replied, smiling, not seeing the big deal. She was already moving to comfort her friend.

Apple Bloom did not take the news as lightly. “No you ain’t.” She tried to deny it. She decided that Sweetie Belle was testing their friendship.

Sweetie Belle was confused by Apple Bloom’s reply. She tried to read her friends’ expression. “Yea I am, why would I lie to you two?” She paused and then continued hastily, “Please don’t go and tell nopony. Please, it’d be terrible.” Sweetie Belle pleaded, realizing that if this got out a lot of ponies would make fun of her and judge her. “I don’t want you to look at me and just think fillyfooler, remember I’m still Sweetie Belle.” she said, trying to make certain that their friendship would not change due to the new dynamic. No sooner however, did she finish saying that, than Apple Bloom had run off towards Sweet Apple Acres to make light of* what had happened.

*To avoid further confusion, I'd like everyone to know that this is used as 'to understand', I was unaware that in different places people saw this as 'to make fun of' and did not mean to cause any confusion.