• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 5,253 Views, 74 Comments

Sweetie Belle's Secret - Fuckboi

Sweet Belle deals with the troubles of coming out to friends and family.

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A yellow and red blur stormed into the house resting comfortably in Sweet Apple Acres. Her heart pounded in her chest as it expanded and contracted, rapidly trying to force more air into her lungs. “I’m so confused” Apple Bloom said each word followed by a gasp for air. The other ponies merely returned looks of confusion as Apple Bloom tried to regain a normal breathing pattern.

“I don’t know how to handle this,” Apple Bloom was finally able to say as her eyes moved to take in each of the other ponies expressions, “one of ma best friends is a darned fillyfooler and aye just don’t know what do.” Her accent was heavy but her company was well used to it. Different emotions swept across the older ponies faces. Grannie Smith was disgusted by the thought, Applejack had a look of worry, and Big Mac had a rare look of anger.

Applejack was first to break the silence that had fallen over the group, looking at the small filly who had since shriveled into her self, trying to hide from her families prying eyes. “Who, Apple Bloom, which one of yer friends i-is a… fillyfooler” She choked out the word. The mere mention of it giving the other two other older ponies a look of disdain.

“Well, Sweetie Belle thinks she’s a fillyfooler, but aye don’t mind, aye just came too…”

“What do ya mean ya don’t mind?” Granny Smith said, cutting Apple Bloom off. “T’aint natural fer two fillies err colts to mingle like that. Aye’d avoid that problem if’n aye were ya Apple Bloom.”


“B-b-but…” Apple Bloom stuttered, her heart began to race as she realized what her family thought of the idea.

“Here Apple Bloom, let’s talk about this.” Applejack said, her tone comforting as she headed over to embrace the filly.


“Hey Rarity!” the white filly bounced into the carousel boutique. Her demeanor happy, despite what had happened with Apple Bloom. She was able to talk to Scootaloo about the ordeal, finding a trusting friend that was understanding and more than happy to help, and to stand by her.

“I’m pleased to see that you are in a good mood Sweetie Belle.” Rarity smiled down on her little sister. I’m glad everything at school went okay for the little dear. She’s so young to have to deal with problems like this. “Would you be interested in accompanying me to Sugar Cube Corner? I would like to treat you to something nice.”

A wave of joy washed over the filly, immersing her in certain pleasure that only one so young and innocent could achieve. The prospect of going out to her big sister was a rare one, let alone at her favorite restraint. To her it was an easy choice in every manner of the word. “YES!” a high pitch squeal came from the little filly as she broke into a song. She sang about going to eat with her sister as she bounced around the room, making words up as she went that melodiously flew into each other, like a small brook, the words rushed in some places and soothing in others.

Rarity’s mouth stretched wide to see the joy in her sister’s eyes. I simply must do this with her more often. The fact that the little white pony was able to be so happy after the pressure of the events that transpired made Rarity think, she thought of the wonders of youth, of the hate she would face, the talent she possessed, and most of all, her bright and shining future. “Let’s get going darling, and I must say, you’re voice is simply divine in that song. I’m not sure anypony in Equestria could match the beauty in you’re voice Sweetie Belle.

“Gee, thanks sis.” The answer Sweetie Belle said gave so much more meaning than those three words. Not only was the filly going out to eat with her sister, now she has also garnered praise. If she had been immersed with joy before, she was now bursting with it. Hoovesteps rapped rhythmically across the wood floor as Sweetie Belle rushed over to the door, hoping that she might make Rarity move faster if she held the door for her. “Are we going or what?” She was anxious to get on the road, sniffing at the air as if she could already smell the food that was to come.

“One second Sweetie Belle.” Rarity said as she reached for her bag and some bits. Sweetie Belle almost pushing Rarity out the door as the two head out.

This time Sweetie Belle was more focused as she walked down the road. She walked with purpose, yet her mind was still trapped in the thought of Apple Bloom running off. The road that she had walked down earlier reminding her of what had happened at school. She wouldn’t care about something like that… would she? She’s a Cutie Mark Crusader, nothing could ruin our friendship… right? The thoughts bombarded her head like siege equipment, her walls began to crumble as did her happy mood. Suddenly, tears streamed down Sweetie Belles face. The salty water running along the small grooves in her cheek before dripping from her chin to the hard rock road below.

“My, my. What’s the matter Sweetie Belle, Darling?” Rarity said a hoof moving in front of the filly as the mare confronted her. A look of concern now sat on Rarity’s face as she faced her now teary eyed sister.

“A-Apple Bloom…” Sweetie Belle tried to get out, before her voice drifted off into sobs. Her hooves stopped moving as she moved to sit near a nearby tree. She looks up to the clouds, avoiding eye contact with Rarity in an effort to quell the tears now flowing much more rapidly down her face.

“She did not say anything hurtful to you did she?” Rarity asked as she put a comforting hoof around the filly who now regained her composure and looked into Rarity’s eyes. Rarity could still see the drying cheeks on her face and her red eyes and it wrenched at her heartstrings as she tried to comfort her sister.

“She, she didn’t really say anything. She kind of just ran off towards Sweet Apple Acres. I-I just don’t want to have this get in between us.” Sweetie Belle began, choking up again as the tears returned to her eyes.

“Well it’s not like it effects her, does it? You don’t like her, that way, so it’s not like there’s any problem now is there?” A comforting tone in Rarity’s voice as she pulled the filly closer from a comforting hoof around her shoulder to a full embrace.