• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 8,721 Views, 289 Comments

Sunset Eclipsed - EldritchNexus

Sunset Shimmer, purged of her inner evil by the Elements of Harmony, prematurely returns to Equestria. There, she is given the chance to learn the values of friendship first-hand.

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One Last Night in Vanhoover

Later that night, Sunset Shimmer woke up from a dream she was having and sat on her bed in silence until the sun went up a few minutes later. After waiting a while in silence, she decided to climb out of bed and go downstairs. As she went down, Radiant Dawn's bedroom door opened up, and Lightning Dust came out.

"Lightning, what the heck were you doing in my brother's room?" asked Sunset.

"Radiant and I had to share a bed, since this place is so packed!" explained the pegasus. "Did you know your brother's totally got a snoring problem?"

"Well, nopony's perfect." said Sunset, shrugging. "By the way, did you two do...anything while you were in there?"

"Not really." said Lightning Dust. "Radiant went to bed pretty quickly. Why?"

"Oh, no reason." said Sunset, who started to whistle inconspicuously.

Sunset and Lightning went downstairs, where Scarlet Blaze was talking with Frosty.

"So, you're from Baltimare, huh?" asked Frosty.

"That is certainly correct." said Scarlet. "And you are, too?"

"That's right." said Frosty.

"So, how come you live in Vanhoover?" asked Scarlet, curiously.

"Because I wanted to get a lot of girls to like me." said Frosty. "I heard that the ponies here are very polite and gentle, and I thought that it would be easy for me to get a marefriend or two around here that would let me take them out on a date."

"Uh-huh." said Scarlet, in a sarcastic, calculating tone.

"And then I met Nose Nip during my time here, and we turned out to be the best explorers in town." said Frosty.

"Sure, you are." said Scarlet, sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean, huh?" questioned Frosty. "Is it because of how short I am?"

"Well, maybe." snarked Scarlet.

"Which reminds me, how come you're so tall?" asked Frosty. "I don't get why that is. The ponies in Baltimare don't usually get that tall."

Scarlet examined one of her long legs for a moment.

"Okay, I'll explain it." said Scarlet. "I got it from my father, Crimson Blade's side. He's part Saddle Arabian, and the ponies they are very tall. In fact, they're almost horse-sized."

"Well, that's interesting." said Frosty. "So, Radiant and Sunset are part Saddle Arabian, too?"

"That's right." said Scarlet. "Radiant inherited his tallness from me. But Sunset didn't. Her height's actually closer to her father's."

"Well, she sure inherited your good looks and attitude, though." said Frosty.

"And her father's brains." said Scarlet, her lips tucked in a grin.

"Morning, mom." said Sunset, trotting into the room.

"Good morning, Sunset." said Scarlet. "So, when will we be getting all these ponies out of our household?"

"When everypony's ready to go." said Sunset.

"Well, we'd better start waking everyone up, then!" said Scarlet.

"I'm on it." said Lightning Dust.

And then the pegasus flew around the mansion, getting everypony out of their bedrooms. In a few minutes, a crowd of at least fifty stood together on the front lawn of the estate. Sunset Shimmer and her family and friends led the liberated prisoners into Vanhoover, and let Sergeant Bullpup and his guards escort them to the train station.

"Alright, everyone." Bullpup told them all. "You're all going to be taking the next few trains to the train station in Canterlot. From there, Captain Star Shield and Captain Shining Armor will meet you, and you'll be led to trains that will bring you to your respective hometowns. Pegasi, gryphons, and anyone else that is capable of flying or otherwise travelling long distances can leave straight away. Maps will be given to those that need them."

"And what about those of us whose homes have long been destroyed or otherwise unavailable?" asked a donkey. "I was actually homeless and bankrupt long before the Changelings captured me."

"If there is anyone you know that can take unfortunate ones such as you in, then make yourselves known." said Bullpup. "If not, we can provide temporary lodgings for you all."

"Or perhaps anyone here might be interested in earning some money to get your own homes?" suggested Scarlet Blaze, who was standing beside Sergeant Bullpup. "My mansion has been understaffed for quite some time. I'm willing to pay money."

Half a dozen ponies and donkeys, plus a gryphon approached Scarlet.

"Well, I don't really have much of a job, myself." admitted a unicorn.

"Good, then you can all start next week." said Scarlet. "As for the rest of you...um, sergeant?"

"As for the rest of you." continued Sergeant Bullpup. "The train to Canterlot leaves in ten minutes, and the next one in two hours. Your tickets will be on us."

On cue, the ponies, gryphons, and other creatures that didn't choose to stay behind to wait for the next train boarded the one currently in the station, and soon enough, the train started speeding to the southeast.

"I estimate that it won't be until tomorrow that we'll be able to get back to Canterlot ourselves." Sunset Shimmer said to her friends. "So how about we take a look around here. I mean, now that the Changelings are all gone?"

"That sounds awesome!" said Lightning Dust.

"Maybe I can try pulling off one last magic show here." said Trixie. "Let's see if those spells you've taught me have made my magic tricks any better."

"I'm sure you'll do great, Trixie." said Sunset.

"But I think I'll need an assistant for my final trick." said Trixie.

"I'm all yours, Trixie." said Lightning Dust.

"Oh, this will be brilliant!" said Trixie.

Later that night, Trixie was able to book an exhibition at the Vanhoover Renaissance Theatre, and half the population of Vanhoover was there.

"Fillies and gentlecolts of Vanhoover!" proclaimed the blue unicorn. "You shall bear witness to the latest and greatest performance of me, the Great and Powerful Trrrrrrixie!"

As she uttered her name, her horn glowed and her star-covered pointed hat and cape appeared on her body in a flash of purple light. The ponies in the audience cheered on, though most of the gryphons seemed indifferent.

"And for my first trick, I'm going to create an exact duplicate of myself."

The ponies in the theatre all held their breath, as Trixie's horn glowed again. Surely enough, a second Trixie appeared on the stage in a flash of light. The two Trixies looked at each other, and started moving in perfect synchronization with one another, before the second Trixie blew a raspberry at the first, prompting the audience to laugh.

"And now, let me introduce you to my assistant, Lightning Dust!" said the first Trixie.

Her horn glowed, and the second Trixie transformed into the familiar bluish-green pegasus, who was now wearing a little black dress. Radiant Dawn whistled at her from the audience. Lightning Dust heard this, and blushed.

"Now for my next trick, I am going to saw my assistant in half." said Trixie to the audience.

Lightning Dust flew off-stage, and returned with a long cardboard box with holes at the end. Radiant Dawn looked nervously at Lightning as she opened up the box, and stuck her head and hooves out of the holes.

"Relax, bro." said Sunset. "It's all in good fun. It's not real."

"Right, Sunny." Radiant nodded slowly.

Trixie levitated a hacksaw over the box, and began to saw it in half. All the while, Lightning Dust was whistling blissfully. When the saw went through all the way, Trixie used her telekinesis to pull the two halves apart. Lightning's head and hooves were still moving on their own. Then Trixie levitated the two halves and spun them in circles. She turned the half that held Lightning's head into Frosty, and the lower half into Nose Nip. The two stallions got up, and stood on either side of Trixie. Nose Nip picked up Trixie's hat off of her head, and threw it up towards the ceiling. Trixie's horn glowed, and a flash of light engulfed the entire stage. The hat disappeared, and a streak of electricity was circling above the stage, before dropping down to the ground.

In the cloud of ash that emitted from the spot where the lightning hit, Lightning Dust emerged, and stood in front of Trixie, Nose Nip, and Frosty. When all four ponies bowed to the audience, the whole theater erupted in applause. Some even began to chant Trixie's name.

"Thank you, everypony!" said Trixie, who conjured her hat back onto her head. "And let's put our hooves together for my three assistants here!"

And the crowd did just that. Frosty especially looked happy to see all the mares in the audience looking at him.

Later, Sunset and her friends came out of the theatre, though it took Trixie a while to finish signing autographs from her various fans. Frosty came out, being crowded by a bunch of local mares, who were all giggling and nuzzling against his short body.

"Frosty, what's your secret?" asked Radiant, looking at him.

"I don't know." said Frosty. "All I said was that I was from Baltimare. And then...well, I don't exactly know what happened. But if you'll excuse me, I have some quality time to spend with these girls. Nips, you want in on the action?!"

"You know I do, man!" said Nose Nip.

"Are they always like that?" Sunset questioned, once Frosty and Nose Nip were gone.

"Pretty much." said Radiant, with a shrug.

Trixie came out of the theatre, and stopped in front of Sunset Shimmer.

"You did great, Trix." said Sunset, with a smile.

"Thanks, Sunset." said Trixie. "So what are we going to do now?"

"Hello, everypony." said Pressure Point, who suddenly appeared.

"Pressure, where the heck were you?" asked Trixie.

"Oh, I was at the general store, intending to buy medical supplies."
explained Pressure.

"So, I take it you didn't see my performance, cousin?" asked Trixie.

"Well, of course I did." said Pressure. "You actually did pretty darn good, cousin. I just thought I'd make a quick stop to the general store, but it closed twenty minutes ago. So that's why I'm here now. And empty-hooved."

"Hey, guys!" said a high-pitched, almost whiny-sounding voice.

"Hi there, Teddy." said Sunset Shimmer, recognizing the voice and turning around.

"It's good to see you're all right, Sunset." said Teddy, stepping into the light emitting from a nearby lamp-post.

Sunset and her friends saw that there was a black eye on his face, and his muzzle looked bruised.

"Teddy, what happened to you?!" gasped Sunset.

Teddy whimpered, and turned around slowly. Standing there was--

"Gilda!" shouted Radiant in surprise.

Gilda was standing there, still looking as unfettered and disheveled as she was when Trixie and her companions found her.

"How are you doing, B.F.?" asked Gilda, sinisterly.

Gilda crept forward, knocking Teddy aside. But before Radiant could do anything in retaliation, Sunset Shimmer slowly approached Gilda.

"Tell me, girl." said Sunset. "What the heck is your problem with us?"

"What?" Gilda asked, offended. "No, what's your problem with me?"

"Hey, we don't go around attacking random bystanders at the drop of a hat." said Sunset. "I know how you stuck-up bullying types work. You're so shallow, foul, and predictable. I know, because I used to be like that for a while."

"You wanna bring it, sister? Because I'll bring it!" said Gilda.

"No, I'm going to bring it off, and right now." said Sunset. "Now listen closely."

Then she bent her head forward, and spoke to Gilda in rapid but quiet French. Gilda just stood there, seemingly unfazed. Then she started to nod every now and then. She seemed positively bored, when Sunset's voice was suddenly louder and angrier. Then Gilda's nods became slower and heavier. Her eyes even began to water a little. Eventually, she seemed as though she were about to cry. But then her head mechanically lifted back up, and she had a bored expression on her face again.

"Whatever." she said, calmly. "I've got better things to do than bother you guys, anyway. I'm out of here."

Then she flew off quickly.

Sunset bent over to help Teddy back up.

"You okay, Ted?" asked Sunset.

"Yeah." said Teddy. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." said Sunset.

"What'd ya say to her?" asked Radiant, curiously.

But Sunset just yawned.

"It's late, Red." she said. "We should get ready for tomorrow. We've got to get back to Canterlot tomorrow."

"But...but...what about me, man?" Teddy asked, almost on the verge of tears.

"Don't worry, Teddy." said Pressure Point. "I'm a doctor. I'll get those injuries looked at back at Daystar Manor."

Then Pressure turned his head towards Radiant and Sunset.

"I mean, if you're okay with it." he said.

"Yeah, we're fine with it." said Radiant.

"We'd be crazy if we weren't." said Sunset.

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