• Published 13th Sep 2013
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A Daughter and her Dragon - Level Dasher

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption. But what is it like to be raised by royalty?

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Chapter Twenty-Five - The Market is Overrated

“So, Sir Spike, what is it that you exactly do at the Canterlot Archives? You know, many of us ponies didn’t even know you were in the city for the longest time; you never stepped hoof—er, claw outside of the castle. You adopted a daughter, correct? Is that what made you finally bring yourself out into the open?”

Spike deadpanned at the pony sitting across from him. “You’re really going to bring up the fact that I stayed in the castle for decades again? And why’re you asking me questions you know the answers to?”

“I’m trying to make small talk, Spike. It’s common on dates, you know.”

Spike sighed. “Yeah, I know. This just isn’t exactly what I had in mind when Twilight said she would set me up on a blind date.”

“Believe me, Spike,” Celestia responded, “I’m as surprised as you are.”

“I’m home!” Cotton called from the main hall.

“In here, sweetie,” Spike called back with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

Cotton made her way into the dining room. “Yo Dad, you sound like—” She found her father and aunt not at the main banquet table, but a small, round one with a white tablecloth and a votive with a single daffodil in the middle. “Uhh… what’s going on here?”

“Your aunt Twilight set us up on a ‘blind lunch date,’” Celestia replied, holding back a smirk.

Cotton did not possess such restraint. “Wait, you’re actually going through with this, Dad?” she giggled.

“I’m humoring my sister. And you, for that matter—in the literal sense, apparently,” Spike responded, as Cotton held her hooves to her muzzle.

“O… kay! Ha ha ha!” Cotton laughed. She suddenly drew in a sharp breath with a wide grin in an attempt to keep her mouth shut.

“What?” Spike deadpanned at her.

“Just… just…” Cotton couldn’t hold it any longer. “Make sure you get checked first!” she burst out, galloping out of the room towards the stairway.

Spike’s eyes widened before he put his claw to his face and shook his head. “I set myself up for that.” Celestia put her hoof to her muzzle and snickered, her face tinting just a bit red.

“…Unless Auntie Tia is still preserving her virtue!

The tint deepened to a dark crimson as Celestia’s own eyes widened. Spike tilted his head and cocked a brow at her. “Yes, I set myself up for that as well…” she admitted.


“I feel like I should be turning this ‘date’ into an interrogation,” Spike growled.

“But this is the perfect ‘date’ environment! A full moon, the open sky, these bright stars, a patio venue—”

“And an alicorn that seems intent on helping my daughter and her boyfriend get in bed together,” he snarled. “Now I need Nightshade to cover for me if Twilight insists on continuing this on their study days. What’s with all the meddling?”

“We… We blame Cadenza. She is a terrible influence on Us,” Luna replied.

“Yeah, I’ll bet. Why don’t you get an early start on your dreamhopping, and I’ll think about not flambéing you for trying to help Steadclaw get lucky,” Spike said, narrowing his eyes at her.

“Umm… Yes, We shall do that,” Luna responded quickly, teleporting away in a flash.


“Good, now Twilight’s set me up with the other pony I wanted to fla—talk to.”

“Oh, come on, Spike. Cotton’s a big girl. If she wants to have a little action, you should let her. Take it from the princess who’s in her element,” Cadance responded with a wink.

“Don’t you wink at me! I do not condone what you’ve been—”

“Now Spike, listen to me,” Cadance interrupted him casually. “When a mare has her sights set on something she wants, she’s more than likely going to get it.” She leaned forward on the table and batted her eyelashes. “Especially when she’s in the right mood.”

Spike’s narrowed eyes widened. “Are you… flirting with me?”

Cadance rested her chin on her hooves and lifted her eyebrows. “What if I am?”

“…You do remember that you’re married to my brother, right?” Spike asked her.

“Oh, I know, and Shiney’s still a sweetheart, even if he does only have one or two marbles left rolling around up there. He’s just… not as able as he used to be. I can’t get a rise out of him without a little blue pill. After that, though, I—”

“THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND DISCRETION!” Spike shouted over her, before beating his wings and flying back into the castle from the courtyard where they had been sitting.

Cadance smirked. That should keep me out of his crosshairs for a while.


What in Equestria was Twilight thinking? Is she getting back at me for something?


“Rutherford, you do understand that you’re married to my niece, don’t you?” Spike asked him.


“I’m sure you are,” Spike responded. He put a claw to his face and shook his head. I don’t know which is more awkward: being seduced by my sister-in-law, or hearing my yak nephew tell me he’s… open-minded.



“Ack! What’s this green stuff in my salad?”

“…That’s lettuce, Shining,” Spike responded.

“…Oh. Then what’s this little blue candy doing in here?”


Spike sat in the corner of Canterlot Memorial Gardens, a blanket spread out before him. After the gate to the gardens opened, he spotted an older mare walking toward him.

“Spike! How is everything? Is something the matter with Cotton? Last I heard from either of you, she was perfectly—”

“Everything is fine, Mother Matron,” Spike said with a small smile. “Cotton is doing quite well.”

Mother Matron sighed with relief. “That’s good to hear. When Princess Twilight contacted me and asked that I meet you here, I got worried.” She looked at the blanket laid out before her, with glowing crystals holding down the corners. She cocked a brow and asked, “If I may, what is this setup all about?”

Spike let out his own sigh. “My sister has been encouraging me to date again. She thought it would be best to ask somepony I already knew.”

Matron grimaced for a moment. “Uh, Spike… I may not wear my habit in my day-to-day life, but ponies address me as Mother Matron for a reason.”

Spike’s eyes widened for a moment before he covered his face with a claw.

Sweet Celestia, my sister set me up with a NUN. This is officially the bottom of the barrel, it can’t get worse than this!


A knock sounded on the door to Spike’s room. “Uh… Spike? We’re, uh… we’re done studying. So, well, here I am.”

Spike opened his bedroom door with a smile. “Well, Steadclaw, it looks like I can trust you to keep your word. Good. Come on in.”

Steadclaw walked through the giant double doors to find an elegant table setup, complete with a tablecloth, flower bouquet, and candles. “Uhhh… Spike? What’s this?”

Firmly shutting his door behind him, Spike replied, “We’re having a little date tonight, Steadclaw. I want to see how you treat my daughter when you take her out. Given what I’ve heard, you’ve set the bar pretty high. I want to see nothing less than your best. Sit,” he finished, gesturing to the single chair set up in front of the table.

As Spike moved back to the other end of the table, he lay down on his stomach and propped his head up to keep himself somewhere near Steadclaw’s eye level, while the tiercel shakily sat down in the offered chair. “Ummm…” Steadclaw began.

Spike cocked a brow and smirked. “Well? Go on.”

Steadclaw fidgeted in his chair. “Uh, Spike, I’m really uncomfortable with this.”

Letting out a snort, Spike replied, “Steadclaw, I’ve just put up with a week of uncomfortable dates. You can deal with it for one night.”


Spike lay outside an outdoor cafe in front of a table, taking up the entire patio. His date was 15 minutes late. Finally, a bright red pegasus mare with a long, black mane came up to the table.

“So, I hear you’re lookin’ for a date, honey,” she said to him.

“Yes, I am,” Spike responded. “Did the Princess talk to you about it?”

The mare leaned toward him and leered at him. “Sure, we can do a bit of princess roleplay, if that’s how you want it. For a stallion your size, though, it’ll be three-hundred bits an hour.”

Spike’s eyes bulged. With a beat of his wings, he soared into the air back toward the castle.



Once again sitting in the Canterlot Memorial Gardens, Spike looked at the pony sitting across from him. “Who’s watching the kids? You’re supposed to be helping them study!”

Twilight sighed. “They said they were all pretty confident about their science exam tomorrow. They have… flashcards,” she said as she looked down in dejection. “Nightshade is making sure they actually use them while I’m out with you.” Her mood lightened a bit with her next thought. “Speaking of which, your date with her last night must have gone pretty well. She couldn’t stop laughing when I asked her about it.”

After a moment, Spike narrowed his eyes at nobody. “Next time I see that mare, I’m going to find out what bat tastes like.”

Twilight waved a hoof at him. “Now Spike, she is watching the kids for us, so don’t be too rough with her.”

After his eyes widened for a moment, Spike closed them and shook his head. After opening them again, he glanced out toward the gates of the park, finding a fairly large number of ponies looking through the bars at him and Twilight with interest.

Glancing around at all the spying eyes, Spike shifted uncomfortably. Leaning forward, he asked, “Twilight, I understand wanting ponies to see me out and about, but do you think we could… move this somewhere a little more private?”

Twilight blushed. “Spike, I’m flattered, but… I don’t think I’m prepared to practice that part with you.”

Promptly rising from his seat, Spike turned around and smashed his head into a tree.


“Really?” the elderly mare sitting across from Spike at the outdoor cafe asked him. “Not that it isn’t nice to see you, Spike, but a date with your sister-in-law?”

Spike snorted. “Sweetie Belle, I’ve dated my other sister-in-law, my nephew, and even my own brother and sister. At this point, there’s only one line I haven’t crossed, and given that I almost did, I really don’t want to talk about it.”


Once again sitting on the patio of the outdoor cafe, Spike winced as an unknown beige unicorn mare with a teal mane approached him. “Hello, Spike.”

Once his simmering anxiety subsided after being addressed by his name, another thought came to him. “Uh, do I know you?” He kept his voice low, hoping not to cause any distress from the other patrons, like he had done the last time a random mare had approached him at this location.

“Oh come now, Spike. Don’t you recognize me?” The mare suddenly engulfed herself in green flames, revealing her true form from her hooves to her horn as she let out a maniacal laugh. The cafe patrons and employees all screamed and scattered, leaving the establishment empty, except Spike and his ‘date.’ After looking around for a moment, Chrysalis chuckled. “Still got it.”


“Thanks for the drop-off, Steadclaw! Tell your mom I said hi!” Cotton called over her shoulder as she closed the main hall door.

“Will do!”

Cotton let out a long, happy sigh. “Ahh, now THAT’S the way to end the school year. How could I put it… A bit of… sincerity, a bit of serenity, and a bit of stupidity!” she laughed. “Geez, that movie was dumber than ‘Oblivious’! I think…” She shrugged, then walked into the dining room and found her father sitting at the table, slumped over a bowl of gems. “Hey, Dad! Who was the lucky mare tonight?” she giggled.

“Keen Kifaliff,” he said through his chewing.

Cotton cocked a brow at him. “Who?

Spike swallowed first, then repeated, “Queen Chrysalis.”

“Woah!” Cotton cried. “She came all the way from the Badlands?”

“Eyyup,” Spike replied, before grabbing another clawful of gems and shoving them in his mouth.

When he didn’t continue, Cotton waved her hoof in a circular motion. “Soooo? How’d it go?”

Spike swallowed his gems first, then answered, “I’m going to wait until you finish college to ‘go back on the market.’ It’s overrated anyway.”

Author's Note:

Since there are many things I could say but won’t—most of them revolving around the fact that almost this whole thing is Crystal Moose’s fault :rainbowlaugh:—I really only have two notes I am going to make:

1) Yes, I know Rutherford is technically Spike’s nephew-in-law, but it just sounded too annoying to actually have it written. :applejackunsure:
2) Moral of this chapter: Twilight is a terrible matchmaker. :facehoof:

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