• Published 13th Sep 2013
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A Daughter and her Dragon - Level Dasher

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption. But what is it like to be raised by royalty?

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Chapter Forty-Eight - It Takes Time

Cotton slowly walked the perimeter of the castle’s rear gates, Luna keeping pace beside her. She looked out over what had been the battlefield, unmoving griffons everywhere. Off in the distance she saw a group of at least twenty ponies digging a mass grave.

“Aunt Luna… was all this really necessary?”

Luna lowered her head and sighed. “Unfortunately, t’was, dear Cotton. The griffons forced our hooves. Equestria does not instigate battle unless absolutely necessary, but we will not hesitate to defend ourselves in full force. ‘Tis full force or nothing; We believe no enemy shouldst be underestimated.”

Cotton looked out at the field again, silent. After a few moments, she nodded. “I guess I understand.”

As the two of them continued, they heard the sound of scraping armor. Up ahead, one of the griffons rose from in between three other bodies. After a groan, he reached up to his helmet, then removed it and let it drop to the ground. Cotton gasped, then galloped up to him as he collapsed again.

“Steadclaw! Oh sweet aunties, I can’t believe it! You’re… you’re…” She dropped down next to him, turning him over so his face wasn’t buried in the dirt. She looked down at his armored chest, unable to tell if he still drew breath. She tore off his breastplate as fast as she could and looked again; she could see his unmoving chest. She could also see something else.

A hole in his bleeding heart.

Her hooves and ears both dropped, as did a tear from her eye. “You’re not…” After a moment, realization dawned on her, and she looked up at Luna, who simply tilted her head at her. “Aunt Luna, why would you—”

“She didn’t.”

Cotton whipped around, and she found Moondog floating behind her, her forelegs crossed as she wore a sympathetic frown. “You mean…”

Shaking her head, Moondog replied, “No, that isn’t Mom. That’s just your own projection of her.”

Cotton let out a sigh, looking back at the body before her. Then she turned around again and scowled, pointing at Moondog before she started, “Then why would—”

“I didn’t do it, either,” Moondog responded, floating herself down to the ground and actually walking up beside Cotton. “I just got here. This is all you, ‘cuz. You really think I would do this to you? Neither Mom or I even knew; Mom still doesn't. Besides, don’t you remember what I told you last time at your not-so-little family reunion?”

Cotton’s scowl disappeared, replaced by a guilty frown. She nodded and replied, “Yeah. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t’ve—”

Moondog reached over and gave Cotton a tight hug. “Don’t worry about it.” She let go of Cotton and held her at hoof’s length. “Do you…” She glanced at the body over Cotton’s shoulder, then back at her. “…need to talk?”

“Oh. I…” Cotton started. “Well… It’s just…” She sank to her haunches and looked downward. Another tear dripped down her cheek before she continued, “I just didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know what happened. We were just so… right. And then he left. And everything changed.”

Moondog nodded silently, settling down on her own haunches and putting her starry hoof around Cotton’s shoulders.

“And then… and then there he was. On the battlefield. Fighting. He told me he didn’t want to fight. So why would he?” She looked up and searched Moondog’s eyes for answers, but found only unknown constellations. The starry alicorn just tilted her head, prompting Cotton to continue. “I don’t know what to think of him anymore. I’ve been hanging on to him since he left. Since he broke contact. And now he’s…” She looked down again and sniffled. Then she closed her eyes and shook her head. “I need to stop. There’s no point lingering on it anymore. I guess this…” She looked over her shoulder back at the griffon’s body, then turned back and let out a deep sigh. “I guess this is the closure I needed.”

Pulling Cotton into another hug, Moondog said, “I don’t know how this’ll sound, but it’s good to hear you say that.” When Cotton glanced up at her, she continued, “Like you said, you’ve held onto the idea of him for so long. It held you back from so much. It'll take some time, but now you can move on. Move on to other things. Better things. Do you know how many ponies I’ve watched that have dreams about ex-filly or coltfriends? Ex-wives or husbands?”

Cotton silently shook her head.

Thousands. It’s rare that I see somebody marry a high school sweetheart and live a long, happy marriage. I may only be in my eighties, but I’ve seen enough to know.

"Look, you won't forget about him. You never will. But he doesn't have to be the only one you remember. There’s someone out there for you, Cotton. Trust me.”

Leaning her head on Moondog’s shoulder, Cotton nuzzled into her starry, silky smooth mane. “Mhm. Thanks.”

Moondog broke the hug, then took a hoof and lifted Cotton’s head until they were looking eye to eye. “Anytime, ‘cuz. Now here, I came to tell you something that’ll probably cheer you up.”

Wiping her tears away, Cotton sniffled once and asked, “What?”

Smiling, Moondog answered, “Mom sent me. Your dad’s awake.”

Cotton gasped. “Really? Oh, thank you!” She reached over and clutched Moondog again. “I need to go see him!” She scrunched her eyes as tight as she could. After a minute of alternating squeezing her eyes shut and forcefully bobbing her head up and down, she looked up at Moondog, who had jumped up and reclined in the air with a smirk, and asked her with pleading eyes, “Uh… can you wake me up? I’ve never had to force myself out of a dream before…”

Moondog chuckled. “We’ll work on that.” With a mischievous grin, Moondog dropped back to the ground, then spun and bucked Cotton into a pit. With a cry, Cotton fell into blackness.


Cotton gasped and shot up into a seated position as she awoke. She quickly glanced around her room, from her vanity, to her closet, to the darkened windows. She jumped off the bed and rushed to her door, flinging it open before she galloped down the hallway. “DADDY!”

Some of the hired help pressed themselves against the walls when they heard her, smiling as they watched her fly down the hall. She rushed up to Spike’s doors and swung them open, finding a massive bandage across his side, along with Dr. Cross and Luna standing beside him, and Ember looming over him. “Daddy?”

She heard her father groan, then saw his head lift. “Hm? Cott—”

“Hey, stay down,” Ember said, pushing on his forehead and forcing his head back down to the massive pillow on which he lay. “You’ll ruin the hard work your doctor did.”

Spike growled. “Yes, Mom.”

Luna chuckled, then turned to Cotton and smiled. “We see thou hast received Our message from Our daughter.”

Cotton nodded her head rapidly. “Uh-huh.” She ran up to Luna and gave her a hug. “Thanks for sending her.”

“Thou art quite welcome.”

Then she moved to Dr. Cross, giving him a hug as well. “Thank you, Doctor. Thank you thank you thank you.”

The doctor chuckled. “Of course, my dear.”

Cotton craned her head up to look at Ember. “Hey, Ember! When did you get here?”

Ember smirked. “Hey, kid. Not long ago. There were some nasty storms out over the ocean; it took me much longer to get here than it normally would. Looks like you all took care of those birdbrains before I could make it here. Glad you did, it would’ve gotten ugly.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Waving her claw, Ember said, “Don’t ask, it’s a long story.” She pointed the Bloodstone Scepter at Cotton and repeated, “I mean it. Don’t ask.”

Cotton flinched. “Woah, okay, I won’t.”

Ember smirked. “Smart girl.”

As Cotton looked back at Luna and cocked a brow, the princess answered her unasked question. “Last We heard, Our sister was in the recovery ward, speaking with our Mares and Stallions in Uniform. We have learned that Discord is there as well, receiving a ‘stern talking-to.’”

Cotton nodded, then rushed through Ember’s legs and flew toward Spike’s muzzle. He tilted his head sideways toward her and smiled as she glided up to him and clutched his snout. “Oh Daddy, thank goodness you’re okay. How do you feel?”

Spike snorted as one of her stray feathers almost got sucked into his nostril. Then he let out a deep sigh. “I’m happy to see you, too, sweetie. It hurts, but I’ll be alright. I just need to rest for a while so I can heal. That’ll take some time.” Then he lifted his eyebrows. “I heard you and Discord made a great pair of medics.”

Letting go of his snout and hovering down to the floor, Cotton giggled. “Mhm.”

“Well then, maybe we shouldn’t completely bar him from matters of warfare.” He smirked. “As long as he’s partnered with you.”

Cotton shrugged. “I guess.” After a brief moment of silence, Cotton’s eyebrows tilted up as she smiled and kissed the top of his snout. Closing her eyes, she leaned her cheek against him. “Thank you for coming back, Daddy. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

Spike let out a deep breath through his nostrils, smiling and closing his own eyes as he felt his daughter’s warmth against his snout. “Don’t you worry, sweetie. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here as long as you need me.”

Still smiling, Cotton sniffled once. “Thank you, Daddy.”

Letting out a little snort, Spike then said, “Cotton, while we’re talking about one needing the other, I need you to help me with something.”

Cotton leaned back from him and asked, “You need me to help take care of you? Of course I will!”

“Well, that too, but—” He smirked. “—what I really need is some of those topaz and amethyst butter cookies you make. When do you think I could get a batch?” he asked, looking injured. This wasn’t a difficult feat.

Cotton giggled again and reached for his snout, giving him another hug. “Right now!” She turned and flew back through Ember’s legs, then past Luna and Dr. Cross and straight out of Spike’s room. She let out a sigh as she frowned, but then she shook her head and donned a smile.

Luna and Dr. Cross both laughed as they approached Spike. “Thou art incorrigible, Sir Spike.”

Spike chuckled as well. “What? I’m an injured soldier, too, y’know!”

Ember smirked from behind them as she crossed her arms. “You better plan on sharing those. They sound amazing.”

“Then you can talk to her. I want my own batch,” Spike responded, smirking back at her before sticking his tongue out.

Author's Note:

We now return you to your regular weekly updates. For about a month or so.

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