• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 436 Views, 16 Comments

Shadowed Pasts and Shining Futures - TheAspiringWriter93

Musical Elegy is enjoying a nice evening at home when tragedy strikes.

  • ...

An Angel's Elegy

It was a quiet night save for the chirping of crickets in a field near a small village nestled in the valley of a mountain. The normally bustling town was settling down for the evening, many of its inhabitants making their way home while others stayed and admired the scenery from under the glow of the lamplights. As time wore on, so too did these ponies head to their homes to nestle themselves amidst the covers of their beds and slip peacefully into dreamland.

One by one, the lights of the village were snuffed out until only the street lamps remained lit. However, a single hoof-built cottage sitting quietly at the edge of the town stood out in prominent contrast to the night like a beacon of light in a storm of serene darkness. It was a quaint dwelling; four wooden walls, a patio, a shingled roof and a brick chimney poking above, calmly sending forth plumes of warm smoke into the cold air. Warm firelight spilled from the open windows, leaving glowing patches of orange on the night-stained ground.

Within this quiet home sat an elderly unicorn, slowly rocking back and forth in a wooden rocking chair. His mahogany coat gleamed in the firelight, and the book and mug gently floated next to him in his fuschia-colored telekinesis, the turning of pages the only sound aside from the merry crackling of the fire. It was the very picture of a calm night at home.

Unfortunately, fate rarely ever leaves things as they are.

Just as Musical Elegy was about to turn the page and continue reading, he heard a sound so faint, he thought it was just his tired old mind playing games with him. It was only when he heard the sound again did he realize it wasn’t just his imagination; there was somepony at the door. Setting his book and drink aside, he slowly rose to his hooves, his ancient joints creaking loudly in protest, and made his way to the door.

“Yes, yes...” he muttered at the insistent knocking, grasping the handle in his magic and slowly opening the door a crack. Whatever comment about the current hour of the night he had ready was stayed before it even left his mouth by the sight his eyes beheld. Lying on the wooden patio was a tiny pegasus filly. In the light spilling from the fireplace, Musical could just barely make out her features: a light green coat with two-toned pink-on-white mane and tail, the former of which fell over her face, effectively hiding her features. What stood out to him, however, was not her coat, marred with small blood-stains and cuts, nor her mane and tail, tangled with brambles and leaves.

The young filly wasn’t breathing.

Eyes snapping open with panic, Musical Elegy threw open his door, knocking over his coat-rack and sending his bowler hat flying across the room. He scrambled onto the patio, taking care not to further injure the battered filly, and enveloped her in his magic, gently lifting her into the air in front of him and floating her through the front door, closing it behind them. Pupils the size of peas, he quickly, but carefully, guided the filly’s still form across his living room, ignoring the mug and book his hat had knocked over, and onto a sofa on the far side of the room.

Setting her down as gently as his panicked mind could manage, he flipped her onto her back and placed his forelegs on her chest and began pressing down, over and over again, pausing every few presses to breathe into her lungs. He stopped halfway through his care-giving when he noticed something that horrified him to no end. Just above her left fetlock was a dark brown triangle of what appeared to be...

“Glass...?” Musical Elegy thought aloud, mortified. Upon further inspection, he found other such specks of brown amidst her green coat.

What could have happened to this poor child to make her end up like this?’ Dark images flashed through his mind, but were instantly cast out. He couldn’t allow his imagination to run rampant now; there was somepony that needed his help. Calling upon his magic, he began working her diaphragm in time with each press. Seconds felt like an eternity before he could faintly hear a raspy breath. Sighing in relief, he picked her up once more in his magic and made for the front door. A single voice stopped him.

“Grandpa? What’s wrong? Is everything alright?”

Stopping in his tracks, Musical Elegy looked over his shoulder, past the rocking chair and fireplace, to the entrance of the hallway leading further into his home. Standing on the wooden floor was a young Earth Pony colt with lemon-colored mane and tail and a pristine snow-white coat. Ice-blue eyes held the elder stallion’s gaze, asking questions his young mind couldn’t put into words.

Musical Elegy stood in the entrance of his home staring at Snowy Dawn, his adopted grandfoal. Finally, he uttered with an increasing sense of dread, “I hardly know, child.”

A pair of wooden double door swung open, revealing a pegasus mare wearing a white coat and a stethoscope slung over her neck. She took a glance about the sparsely furnished waiting room, noting the plain, navy-blue chairs against the off-white walls, the small tables with magazines and potted plants, and the single unicorn sitting in the room. Sighing, she calmly made her way over and sat across from him.

Musical Elegy looked from the drab linoleum he had been slowly boring a hole into with his gaze and into the eyes of the mare facing him.

“Anything?” he asked, trying not to sound too hopeful and failing miserably.

“Well, she’s breathing; that much is certain. What we don’t know is how she got here or why she’s in the state she’s in. They’re doing what they can for her; removing the glass and such. She’s still in surgery getting her wounds stitched up. Should be another few minutes.” She took a breath, gazing intently at him. “She’s gonna have to stay here for the night. I’d advise coming by tomorrow if you really want to see her that badly. There’s no point in waiting here any longer; she’ll be asleep, and visiting hours end in...” she glanced at a clock on the wall, her eyes widening slightly. “...ten minutes ago.” She sighed again and walked back to the double doors. She turned back to look at him. He hadn’t moved an inch. Shaking her head, she opened the doors and left him, knowing he would be there in the morning.

The sun began its slow ascent over the eastern horizon, heralding a new day. Ponies could be seen coming out of their homes in the pre-dawn light. Musical Elegy noted this all from where he sat in the waiting room of the hospital, but none of it registered in his troubled mind. The only thing he could think of was the filly slumbering two hallways away. He, himself, hadn’t slept a wink, too distraught for his eyes to drift shut. He contented himself with passing the time by reading the magazines sitting on the table next to him or staring at the floor.

He could hear the main entrance doors swing open and the sound of hooves on tile. Looking up, the unicorn spotted the nurse from the previous night groggily making her way through the front doors, a small box on her back with a coffee cup balanced on top. Yawning, she slowly walked over to the counter of the lobby and set the items down before stretching her wings and back. Musical winced every time he heard a distinct pop come from the mare. Smacking her lips, she turned half-lidded eyes toward where he was sitting, nodded sleepily, and made her way through the wooden doors that led deeper into the hospital.

Several minutes later, she came back out with her clipboard and stethoscope, looking slightly more awake than before. Mumbling to herself, she walked over to Musical Elegy and sat down across from him, just like the night before.

“Well, she survived the night,” was her opening statement. The ancient stallion could only marvel at her bluntness, but said nothing, waiting for her to continue.

“Her vitals look good, her heart rate is normal, breathing is fine. Everything checks out.” She smiled when he sighed loudly.

“Can I see her?”

“Not just yet. She’s still asleep. When she wakes up, I’ll come get you.” She paused for a minute, looking him over. He was visibly slouched. Bags hung under his eyes from a severe lack of sleep, but he was as alert as ever.

“Have you eaten anything yet?” She asked, concern for him coloring her words. Just as he opened his mouth to reply, a noisy grumble could be heard, and he blushed slightly, shaking his head. The pegasus could only laugh, standing up and walking over to the box she had left on the counter. She flipped open the lid and pulled out a small pastry before walking back to the stallion. “Here,” she said, placing the pastry and a napkin on the small table next to him. Nodding in thanks, he ate the pastry in silence. The nurse turned and walked back through the door, throwing reassurances over her shoulder as she went.

It was nearly an hour later when she came back out to fetch the old unicorn. The filly had awoken and, once she had properly adjusted to her new surroundings and was told how she had come to be there, had begun asking for him.

They walked down the hallway in silence, neither unicorn nor pegasus saying much of anything. It was only once they had come to a stop outside of a door with a large number 42 on it did the mare turn and face the ancient stallion, looking him in the eye.

“Before you go in, there’s something you need to know.” This caught him off-guard, but he nodded, motioning for her to continue.

“Do not ask her about what happened to her. The minute I tried, she locked up and refused to speak until I left. Like I said before, she’s alright now. Tired, maybe, and sore, but alive. But she refuses to speak about anything concerning what happened to her. From what I saw during the surgery, it couldn’t have been good, but I can’t even fathom the circumstances that left her in such a horrid state.” She shook her head in disgust.

“I know how you feel. I’ve been up all night wondering exactly the same thing; who she is, where she’s from, how she got here...” Musical sighed. “But I guess it’s for the best. If she wants to talk about it, she will. There isn’t much point in badgering her about her past if she doesn’t wish to speak of such things.” He placed a hoof on the nurse’s shoulder. “I’m sure we’ll be fine. If she needs anything, I will let you know.”

She nodded and stepped out of the way, allowing him to open the door and cautiously step inside.

The room looked just like the rest of the hospital; plain white walls, tile floor, paneled ceiling. The curtains of the window on the far side of the room were drawn back slightly, allowing a sliver of morning sunlight to filter in from outside. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to see clearly by.

The filly sat in the bed, her lower legs covered in the thin sheets and her tiny wings spread. The aged unicorn could see bandages holding wood against feather and bone and winced. Upon hearing the door open, she had looked up from the sheets and was now staring at the stallion and nurse, who had come in behind him. The mare quickly trotted over to a machine and peered at it, making several marks on her clipboard before stepping out into the hallway, smiling at them both as she passed.

The filly stared at the stallion. The stallion stared at the filly. Neither said a word.

Now that her mane wasn’t covering her face, he could finally see what she looked like. Tiny freckles dotted her green coat and blue eyes watched his every move intently. He noticed something in her gaze that broke his aged heart: fear. There was fear in her eyes, like she was frightened of him, afraid he would attempt to harm her. He cast his gaze to the floor, blinking back tears and forcing the dark thoughts trying to claw their way to the forefront of his attention back down into the deepest recesses of his mind and locked them there. He looked back to the filly, who hadn’t shifted her gaze in the slightest. The curious intent was still there. The fear was still there. Putting on a warm smile, he took a tentative step forward.

The filly flinched and pushed deeper into the pillow against her back, pupils becoming pinpricks.

He stopped instantly, his smile faltering. He took a small step back and, after casting a cursory glance about the room, sat in the only chair available. The stallion met her gaze once again and sighed. ‘Well, this isn’t awkward...’ he thought to himself wryly.

Several more moments passed between them, neither taking their gaze of the other, both of them continuing to study the other. Musical Elegy offered another smile, this one slightly smaller and a little lop-sided, as if worried he might frighten her again. It seemed to have the effect he was hoping for, as she slowly relaxed and leaned out of the pillow she had been attempting to phase through, pupils returning to normal, although no less fearful. He pursed his lips in thought. Unable to stand the silence any longer, he broke it.

“H-hello...” he said softly. She didn’t move. “Um... what’s your name?” he asked hesitantly. She held perfectly still, preferring to remain static, eyes wide and jaw clamped shut. Hoof met forehead as Musical Elegy contemplated his next move. He decided to go with the warm, quiet approach.

“My name is Musical Elegy. I found you unconscious on my patio last night, so I brought you here. You, um... You weren’t breathing. You had me really worried. I was afraid...” he broke off, his gaze falling to the floor once more. “I was afraid it was already too late.” He heard the sheets rustle and looked up. The filly was staring at the sheets again, her hind legs absent-mindedly kicking around while she thought. Emboldened by the slight variation in her demeanor, he pressed on. “I’m glad you’re okay now, though. The nurse said you’d be better soon; isn’t that great?” He paused as she opened her mouth to reply, then seemed to think better of it and clamped her muzzle shut again, lips pressed tightly together.

“It’s ok, little one. You don’t have to speak if you don’t wish to.” The unicorn spoke gently, keeping his voice soft and his expression kind. She spared him a fleeting glance before sinking lower into the sheets and closing her eyes. Seeing that further attempts at conversation was futile, Musical Elegy stood and tip-hoofed as quietly as he could to the door. Just as the handle turned downward in his magic, he heard something that made his heart stop.


Time seemed to slow for a brief moment.

The handle ceased glowing, slowly returning to its unbothered position.

The unicorn turned his head and faced the broken child. She was staring at him once more, but with a look that made him wish to leap for joy, if his tired joints would allow it.

The fear was gone.

In the hours that passed since the filly had woken up, she was regularly checked by doctors and nurses. Musical Elegy had tried speaking with her more, but it seemed as though her request had effectively silenced her for the time being. So they sat together in amicable silence, neither saying a thing, yet content in the mute understanding. He was just beginning to nod off for the second time that day when she broke the silence.


Startled by the sudden noise, his eyes snapped open and he looked up at her. She was sitting in the bed, a neutral look displayed across her features.

“I’m sorry?” he asked sleepily.

“You told me your name. Mine’s Columbine.” she repeated quietly.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Columbine, though I wish it were under better circumstances.” He replied with a light chuckle. Upon seeing the grimace flash over her features, he instantly silenced himself and took to gazing at the floor again, shrouding them both once more in silence.