• Published 19th Sep 2013
  • 5,740 Views, 217 Comments

Of Kingdoms and Cutie-Marks - GreyGuardPony

The threat of The Collector has been vanquished. However, the nations beyond Equestria's borders stare at the land of the dual monarchs in suspicion. Meanwhile Skitch-Sketch struggles to find purpose in her new home. Sequel to A Skitch in Time.

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An Emperor's Choice (Bonus 3)

Emperor Placido idly swirled the glass of cachaca as he looked out the window of the Pride of Tapira, leaning back in his soft high backed chair; the sleek airship was putting the spires of Canterlot behind it as it began to work it's way back south towards his homeland.

The conference had gone about as well as one could expect. No real commitments aside from the creatures already allied with Celestia. He took a long drink of his alcohol, letting the sweet, slightly molassesy flavors of the fermented sugarcane wash over his taste buds. The burden of leadership didn't allow for many pleasures, but this was one he stuck with.

Still, he had managed go give Luna her amulet, fulfilling a legacy of his family that had been passed down for a thousand years. Another little point of light in the world. Those were the moments he lived for.

Putting the drink down, he turned his attention back to the reports that rested on the table next to his chair. The military was looking for more money, of course. They were always looking for more money, because the changelings were always on the warpath. Even the ones that were their allies.

The sound of hooves on wood caught his attention as Princess Rosewater came walking into the main observation deck. She smiled and nodded to him, Placido raising his glass to her in response before downing the rest of it's contents.

“Ahh. Rosewater. Join me for a drink?”

The changeling princess lowered herself onto one of the low sitting couches, nodding as she idly buzzed her wings. “I would love one actually.”

Placdio got to his feet and trotted over to the ornate mahogany drinks cabinet, pulling two glasses down from the shelf. Grabbing a lime from the icebox, he sliced it up into eight pieces dropping four pieces in each glass before adding two scoops of refined sugar into each one. Grabbing a small wooden pestle he began to muddle the ingredients.

“The paperwork getting you down, Emperor?” Rosewater asked, motioning to the stack on the table.

Placido didn't respond at first, instead just pouring the rich golden liquid that was the top shelf cachaca into each glass. He gave each glass a short stir before walking over and handing a glass to Rosewater.

“Perhaps a little.” He responded as he walked back to his seat, and tapped a file that was resting on top. “This happens to be what feels like the three thousand and thirty fifth request from my generals to break all ties with your land and then take it back.”

“Oh,” Rosewater smirked, “Is that all?” She took a long drink.

“The military is, what it is. They seem to be quite annoyed that your people have not yet led us to a victory over your kin. They seem to feel that my deal for the land was a rip off.”

“Chrysalis is stronger than they think. She has many, many hives under her control and we are just one.”

Placido idly wove a hoof. “I know that. You know that. Celestia knows that. They want glory. A quick and decisive victory that they can use to ensure their legacy.” He took another drink of his alchohol. “Raging idiots, all of them.”

Rosewater frowned, her wings buzzing.

“You seem tired, emperor. Perhaps a nap would be in order.”

“...It's not even noon yet. Besides, I received these reports before I left for the conference. I need to have responses and solutions by the time we return. It is my duty. And then I have to look over this report Celestia gave me on the other human.”

“Stewardship is my duty as well, but I don't look as run down at you do right now.”

Placido smiled back, raising his glass towards her. “You are still young and full of energy my dear. I am old and exhausted from years of fighting, both politically and militarily.”

“...I'm fifty years old.”

“And your mother is how old again?”

Rosewater waved a hoof dismissively. “Details. I have lived through many of the same events you have emperor.”

Placido smirked slightly as he finished the last of his second drink. Lime really did enhance the natural flavors of the alcohol.

“I grow weary of the office, Rosewater. The military continues to chafe under my restrained guidance and the younger generation of nobility seem to have forgotten just how far our nation has progressed since the old days. As much as the common creature loves me, those others in the government hate me for my decisions.”

He sighed and looked out the window again. “I do not expect the monarchy to survive me, if it lasts that long.”

Rosewater frowned, tilting her head slightly as she regarded the tapir. “You have a son and a daughter. If the crown weighs heavy, perhaps it's time for them to step forward and make their own bold mark on the world.”

Placido shook his head. “I could not force that upon them before they are ready...”

“Placido. You are sixty five. Your eldest is thirty five. This is not the same situation as you being thrown into the throne at the age of fifteen.” Her expression becoming probing, almost questioning.

He sighed, rubbing his forehead, but Rosewater cut him off before he could speak again.

“Emperor, I do not know what path you should take. But what I do know is that you can't stay in this stasis. You must either rediscover your passion for the job, or let one of your children take the throne in your stead.”

She polished off her own drink, before standing up. “Anyway, I will be resting in my quarters if you need me. I shall leave you to your work.”

Placido sighed as he watched the young changeling go, turning back to to his stack of papers.

- - - -

The sun was down by the time Placdio walked into his quarters on the airship. Taking off his jacket and dumping it on a chair, he crawled into bed. The airship was currently flying across the ocean that separated the Equestrian and Tapiran continents. They'd arrive at Venexia tomorrow morning, and then it would be a short trip back to the capital.

Letting his tired head hit the pillow, Placido allowed himself to rest for the first time today and let memories of times long past play through his head.

- - - -

Placido sat in a plush chair in a palace hallway reading a book of economic theory as the argument raged in his father's office.

“You ask too much, Celestia! I have banned the trade, but I can not emancipate! The plantation barons would have my hide, and the economy would collapse! It's far to great a shock. Now, with some gradual pressure over time...”

It was always the same story with his father. When he was convinced of something, it was almost impossible to move him from that position. Not even his family could budge him, so he doubted that the princess of Equestria would be able to pull it off.

“That is a song and dance I have heard many times over the centuries.” Celestia cut across his father. “And you'll forgive me for saying that it always feels like an excuse. Every time slavery has been abolished, I have seen a net gain for the land and it's creatures.”

“And I say to you that the risk can not be taken here! You would ask me to risk my sons life to possible revolution...”

“And you think I wouldn't support you?”

“You can't be here all the time, Celestia. I am sorry.”

Placido frowned, looking up from his book as Celestia sighed.

“You do realize that I might have to sever our alliance? The era where this is acceptable has ended, and Equestria remaining an ally of a slave state...”

Placido jumped as the loud bang of his father slamming his hoof onto his desk echoed into the hallway; his father's tone becoming short as he began to shout.

“You threaten me, Celestia? Do you think I enjoy this? Slavery is like holding a changeling by the wings! You may not like it, but you don't dare let go! And may I remind you, princess that these creatures will suffer all the more if you leave us to the tender mercy of the changelings!”

His rant was interrupted by a round of coughing. He sunk back into his chair, sighing.

“My apologies, Celestia. I don't mean to shout. But this is the end of this discussion, I have other duties that I need to attend to.”

He walked past Celestia and past Placido, pausing only to nod to his son before heading off to handle other affairs. Placido watched his father leave, before looking back to Celestia. She hadn't left the office yet and was standing stock still, her wings twitching slightly; her expression was a mixture of anger and disappointment.

Placido snapped his book shut. This argument had happened in front of him enough times that he had been looking into the matter personally. His youth was no excuse to be ignorant of such an important issue.

Getting to his hooves, he coughed to gain Celestia's attention.


The sun princess turned her gaze towards him, an eyebrow raised in an almost questioning manner.

“I will do it.”

- - - -

Placdio awoke with a start, the sunlight of the next morning streaming through the airship windows.

Sighing, he rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom, the rays of dawn beginning to creep into his cabin. A quick glance into the mirror revealed his very disheveled appearance. Sighing again, he splashed water into his face to help wake him up before drying his coat off with a towel.

Grabbing a small pair of scissors with his prehensile snout, he quickly trimmed his beard, keeping it's distinctive length but making sure that it was neat enough to look proper for an emperor. After that, it was a fresh gray jacket and white tie.

He paused in front of his dresser mirror, double checking his appearance, nodding in satisfaction at the dignified look he once again radiated. Walking back to the main observation deck, he found that Rosewater had beat him to the waking world. She also had picked up some coffee from the ship's little kitchen.

As sun continued to rise, Placido could see the spires of Venexia off in the distance. Rosewater nodded to him as she took a drink of her coffee.

“I spoke to the pilot. No need to bring the ship in to dock,” She flicked her wings, “I'll just fly out myself. Any messages that you wish me to pass onto mother?”

Placido shook his head. “No need. I'm sure that we'll speak again soon enough. We'll have to collaborate our efforts to counter Chrysalis' next moves.”

Rosewater nodded. “Placido...please consider what I have told you, and consider speaking to my mother about the situation. We are all part of Celestia's circle. The support it provides is not just on a national level.”

Placido frowned slightly. “I shall consider it.”

An hour later The Pride of Tapria slowed as it passed over Venexia, allowing Rosewater to leap from the entrance hatch of the airship and fly towards the main palace spire of the hive-city. It was the briefest of slowdowns before the airship just rolled onwards.

It was another two hours to Basila, leaving Placido alone with his thoughts and the minimal crew that it took to run the airship. With his work finished the night before, he decided to read and mull over the reports Celestia had provided on the ex-human now living in Equestria and the possible threats that were sealed away. A new variable in the world and a new crisis.

He found that his mind kept wandering off task, however. The question that Rosewater had placed in his head constantly dragged him off task. Perhaps it was time to retire and hand the reigns of state off to his children. After all, hadn't he done enough?

- - - -

He took a deep calming breath, running over his prepared speech in his head. In a five minutes he would step out onto the balcony of the palace and make the announcement that would either make, or break his burgeoning rule.

It was time to fulfill the promise he had made to Celestia. To put the final nail into the coffin of slavery in Tapiria. Still, there was a small voice in the back of his head that was spelling out every objection that his father had ever brought up.

He had died suddenly, leaving Placido as Emperor at the age of fifteen. There's a chance that the nobles would turn on him for this. For making these decisions when he was so young and inexperienced. They were already antsy about his decision to trade land to Queen Magnolia's changelings.

“No.” He muttered as he pushed that thought from his head. He had spent five years studying every aspect of the problem, from walking the shanty towns so common on Basila's outskirts, to studying the economic systems of every other nation on the planet. This was the right course of action. Two minutes.

A light knock on the door called his attention. “Come in.”

The door swung open as Princess Celestia entered, the sun monarch smiling her ethereal smile.

“Ready for your big announcement Emperor?” She asked.

“For better, or for worse princesa, I'm ready to step through this door.”

“And we are ready to greet you on the other side. What you're doing is very brave.” She gazed towards the balcony, a slightly sad smile crossing her features. “I never could convince your father to take this step.”

Placido nodded. “I remember some of those arguments.”

Celestia frowned, as she ruffled her wings. “I never enjoyed clashing with your father on those fronts. We were allies on so many others.”

Placido smiled widely. “Then let us be glad that won't be the case with us.”

The sound of trumpets from outside signaled that it was time. Celestia winked as she vanished in a flash of light, Placido chuckling as he stepped out into the balcony. Two rows of bleachers flanked the courtyard of the palace, their seats mostly dominated by military officers and nobility. Princess Celestia and Queen Magnolia were with them, sitting as close to the balcony end of the bleachers as possible; they were flanked by a compliment of their royal guard.

Every other available place on the ground was taken up by common folk, pressed shoulder to shoulder. And the buildings beyond that had good views of the palace were likewise crammed full of creatures. All that they knew was that the emperor was going to make an announcement, and that work had been suspended for the day.

He raised his hooves waving to the crowd, acknowledging his subjects before speaking. A microphone had been placed at the end of the balcony, so that his words could be broadcast all across the city.

“My people!” He roared. “I bring to you today a new blueprint for the future! Your future and our nation's future!”

A round of optimistic cheers rippled across the crowd, muted, but present.

“For the entirety of my father's reign, and countless reigns before, we have clung to the past. We have clung to a useless economic system that's kept the people bound to the land and the plantations. The all working for the few, no chance to advance.” He waved hoof in the air to emphasize his point. “That ends TODAY!”

He pulled a folded stack of paper from his jacket.

“I have here a policy that will abolish slavery and make all current slaves freecreatures! This policy will allow greater economic flexibility and freedom, it will rebound our flagging economy and move to make Tapiria truly a world's great power! A great power built upon true labor and effort!”

The crowd erupted in a thunderous roar of wild cheering and the stomping of hooves. The throngs of creatures below seemed overjoyed at the prospects laid before them. The bleachers were much quieter, the nobles applauding softly, more out of obligation than anything else. Their eyes said it all, anger at having their reliable source of labor yanked out from underneath them.

Celestia and Magnolia, however, were cheering just as loud as the rest of crowd. Celestia in particular was slamming her hooves into the wooden floor of the bleachers with so much gusto that he was unsure if they'd be able to stand up much longer.

But he couldn't keep his smile off his face all the same.

- - - -

That had been the start of the love/hate relationship that existed between him and his people. Though all the battles with the changelings, and internal squabbles, Celestia had been there. And through that same time period, Equestria had never been tested in the same way.

His eyes rolled down to the files again.

“I owe her support on one crisis, at the very least.”

As the Pride of Tapira continued on the rest of the trip back home, Placido was at least resolute about that.

Author's Note:

Emperor Placido, the tired old man of the setting.

As I've mentioned in my blog, Placido is very much based on the historical Emperor Pedro II of Brazil. And much like the historical man, he's grown tired of the burden of rule, but continues to soldier on out of loyalty to his allies like Celestia and Magnolia.

Naturally, if he was an element bearer, he'd be the Element of Loyalty.

There was some *serious* debate in my mind about having him abolish slavery, like the historical Pedro II did, mostly because of how it might make Celestia look uncaring for being an ally of a slave state for a long period of time. But, in the end, I decided to go with it, and portray Celestia as both having been exerting pressure for that to change and being overjoyed that Placido finally ended it.

It is rare to see Celestia genuinely and visibly overjoyed about something and that was fun to write.