• Published 19th Sep 2013
  • 5,736 Views, 217 Comments

Of Kingdoms and Cutie-Marks - GreyGuardPony

The threat of The Collector has been vanquished. However, the nations beyond Equestria's borders stare at the land of the dual monarchs in suspicion. Meanwhile Skitch-Sketch struggles to find purpose in her new home. Sequel to A Skitch in Time.

  • ...


The office of the chancellor of the High Confederation of Wings was a shining testament to the griffon architectural style and the sensibilities of it's current occupant. More utilitarian than pretty, every decoration that Chancellor Ironclaw had chosen was chosen for a purpose.

The high statesman of the griffons was aging, but his body was still toned, his black feathers and gray coat occasionally marred by scars that he gained from a younger life of mercenary work.

Standing on his hind paws, one eagle taloned forearm resting on the mantle of his marble fireplace he resolutely stoked the fire with a simple poker; all the while he listened to the full report of the World Congress from General Ironfeather.

“...and most importantly, Celestia has offered the olive branch once again. She is offering a full alliance against 'the shadows of the past'.”

Ironclaw snorted.

“Madam Celestia certainly enjoys her 'friendship' rhetoric, doesn't she?”

Ironfeather shrugged.

“She does seem genuine in her beliefs, Chancellor.”

“Oh, I know. I've met her personally. If anything her sincerity makes it all the more tiring at times.”

Sliding the poker back into it's holder, he turned to face his general.

“Redirect the third legion to our side of the demilitarized zone. Just to send Celestia a reminder that we are quite capable of handling our own affairs.”

“And her actual concerns?”

“Are legitimate, all things considered.” He sighed, motioning to the world map he kept pinned to the wall and the borders of what was once the Crystal Empire. “The remains of the Crystal Empire are hard to ignore in that regard. Inform the nobles to step up the release of Letters of Marque for adventurers, and recall our over seas mercenary bands that are not engaged in active contracts.”

“And what of the rumors that Celestia has operatives in our own lands?”

“Inform the local constables to be on guard, and bring the State Security Ministry in on this. If there are any agents of the sun monarch in our lands, I want them found before they can cause us undo harm.”

“As you wish, Chancellor.”

- - - -

Gilda opened an eye as she heard the soft thud of a paper on paper. Another folded up scroll hand landed on her bedside table, leaning at an angle on top of the others that Celestia had sent. Sighing, she reached out a claw and sliced the simple wax seal. Keeping her wings folding close to her body, she rolled onto her side and read the contained message; most likely another request from Celestia for her to undertake a mission.


After many letters, I've not heard a response from you in regards to any of my requests regarding the task I wanted you to undertake.

Gilda snorted. Of course that was it. She rolled her eyes and continued to read.

As I am aware of the conflict that you had with Rainbow Dash it seems that I have overlooked an important question. Are you all right? I am well aware of how it can hurt to loose somecreature you considered to be a friend. So, forget the mission requests that I've made. Is there anything I can do for you?

-Princess Celestia

Gilda's beak dropped open at that. She hadn't expected that kind of response. She read the letter a few more times before dropping it on the table with the others and rolling to her other side. Her eyes falling upon the painting of her great, great, great grandfather that hung on the wall.

The only reason Celestia was being so nice was because of who she was. Alzen the Great, ruler of the Kingdom of Bavin, one of the core states that had gone on to become part of the High Confederation of Wings. He had been part of Celestia's allied circle, and her family line had remained her allies since then; even when they had fallen out of power and become just another peasant family. Celestia was good at keeping track of her pawns.

Besides, even if she did mean it, Gilda knew that she didn't deserve it. She was no great griffon like her ancestors. Her anger and jealousy had cost her one of her oldest friends. This was not the kind of griffon that should be undertaking covert missions.

She pulled the covers over her head again. Best that Celestia find some other kind of griffon to be her spy.

- - - -

In a hidden back room of a high class inn in Canterlot a clandestine meeting was taking place. Four figures sat around a low mahogany table, glasses of fine brandy balanced in their chitinous hooves. Had anypony been there to observe they would have recognized the Changelings as being of the Venexian strain, two mares and two stallions.

One of the mares, her mane and tail a long pink affair, smiled wide at her fellows.

“With the return of the human, it seems that the buzzards will be swirling around Equestria soon enough. This places us in an excellent position for profit, I'm quite sure that the other nations will be coming to us for our unique talents.”

“How far shall we take it?” A stallion with a dark green mane asked. “I have no desire to see Equestria diminished that much. This land is far too cushy.”

“Agreed. We'll do what we always do. Balance the channels of information, sell to the proper figures, and make sure we and our people maintain our plush bank accounts.”

The pink haired Changeling raised her glass to her fellows.

“To the Lernaeans!”

The others responded by raising their own glasses.

“To the Lernaeans!”

- - - -

“And if the human does anything else strange, write or telegraph me right away sweetie.”

Nouveau Riche ruffed the mane of his granddaughter, as he prepared to board the train that would take him back to Canterlot. The deed had been done and he had successfully foreclosed on the human. He was already working out the next moves in his head. Hiring some paparazzi to add some additional pressure seemed like a logical next move. Diamond Tiara smiled back up at him.

“Will do granddad! You can count on Silver Spoon and I.”

Diamond Tiara was practically beaming with pride and excitement, a very wide grin crossing her muzzle.

“I know you can. You're my little court climber.”

He gave his granddaughter one last hug, before trotting into the train car and heading for his private compartment towards the back. He passed one of the others along a way, throwing a glance at Firefly and Posey as he passed. A pity he couldn't get them on his side, but perhaps they'd come around in time.

- - - -


“My husband can run the household, and any business that needs my absolute stamp can be telegraphed to me...”


“Just need to pick some things up back at home and then I'll relocate to Ponyville for a little while...make sure that my daughter stays safe.”


Posey stopped her ramblings, glaring over at her friend.


“Didn't you promise Fluttershy that you would trust her?”

Posey bit her lip.

“I did, yes...but...”

“Posey. You can't go back on what you promised your daughter. Fluttershy is her own mare at this point. And Skitch did burn those files.”

Posey winced, nervously tapping her hooves together.

“But...she's my only foal. I can't imagine my life without her.”

“I know. But they aren't little foals any more. And they see something in her. We have to trust them on that.”

Posey sighed as she turned her head and stared out the window. As much as she hated to admit it, her friend did have a point. Staying in Ponyville would send the message to her daughter that she didn't trust her. But maybe she could check in every so often...

- - - -

Daring Do hummed to herself as she walked through the halls of the palace of Regula's capital, Addi Alada. Many of the lion guards nodded to her as she passed, the pegasus' appearance around the capital very familiar to them at this point. After all, a fair number of the artifacts that decorated the royal palace had been discovered by her.

Plenty of creatures would be nervous around the predator vibe that lions gave off, but Daring truly did not care. She had delved into enough dangerous ancient ruins that something as mundane as a predator vibe didn't phase her anymore.

She came to a large set of double doors that was flanked by a pair of lion guards in full army regalia- neatly woven green vests with their rank clearly displayed on the right breast- their expressions stony and immoveable. Daring tipped her pith helmet their direction.

“Ladies. I think that King Regulus wanted to speak with me?”

The guards rolled their eyes motioning for her to proceed. Daring pushed her way inside to where the king of the lions was looking over some books, a few of them her own. The big cat looked her way and broke into a wide and full smile spreading his forepaws wide and clapping the pegasus across the back as part of a friendly hug.

“Right on time Miss Do, punctual as always.”

“So, what can I do for the throne of Regula today your highness? ”

“Not just my throne. Celestia and I are working together on this one.”

“So, how is old fuss and feathers doing? I've been out of Equestria for a bit.”

Regulus raised an eyebrow. “And what would Celestia say if she heard you call her that?”

“Probably the exact same thing she did last time I called her that. Laugh and commend me for my daring do.”

Regulus rolled his eyes, motioning to a map on the wall. “By my memory you are familiar with Dromedus yes?”

Daring nodded. “Of course. My first published paper was on their early dynastic period. Always have wanted to get a look at their ruins up close. Just never been able to get in there...”

Regulus laughed, a low rumbling laugh as he smiled wide again.

“Well, now you'll have your chance. It seems that Dromedus' new chancellor wishes to fully exploit and uncover the remains of his land's past. Built a new museum in the capital in preparation. But they don't quite have enough in house archaeologists to cover all the sites they wish.”

He slid a piece of paper over to her, the symbol of Dromedus' national telegraph company clearly visible.

“As you can see Regula, Zebrica and the Ivory Coast are making a joint offer of support with our own archeology team. One that will be lead by the world renowned Daring Do. And Dromedus has graciously accepted our trustworthy offer.”

Daring smirked.

“And I'm guessing that you and Celestia want me to keep my eyes peeled for the usual kinds of trouble that these kinds of missions seem to attract?”

“It is as you say.”

Daring gave a sharp little salute to the ruler.

“You two can count on me your highness! I'll do my best to keep anything dangerous buried. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll be able to squeeze another book out of this trip.”

“You remain as cavalier as ever my friend. Never change.

“Wasn't planning on it, your highness.”

- - - -

Celestia sighed as she finished the last page of Skitch-Sketch's report. Her emotions were conflicted over what she read. While happy that Skitch-Sketch was beginning to make some connections, she was sad that she had wound up in a position where that was even needed. And then there was the nature of her visions when she was petrified.


She frowned, pushing herself to her hooves and trotting for the statue garden. Pausing at the draconequus' statue, she gave it an intense look. The statue still looked intact, no cracks or other problems marring it's surface. The scrolls that The Collector had attached to his surface were all still in place as well. No indication that he had escaped.

Frowning slightly, she lit up her horn and touched it to the surface of the statue. The transition between the real world and the mind scape was almost instantaneous. One moment she was in the Canterlot statue garden, and the next she was making a connection with Discord.

Contrary to what she was expecting from him, Celestia found herself in an ornate library. Books and scripts were piled every which way but did seem to be grouped together in small clusters of similar types.

Discord was sitting in a high backed plush chair, dressed in a fine red smoking jacket and a purple silk cravat. He held a pipe in his eagle claw and a fez, of all things, was perched between his mismatched horns. An open script was balanced on his crossed legs.

“Ahh! Celery! How good of you to visit me in my home. Can I offer you anything? Tea?”

Celestia smiled politely, ignoring the derisive nickname. “No thank you, Discord." She motioned her head towards the pages that he had been reading. "Instead, I would ask what you're reading there."

"Oh, just a little something that I liberated from Skitch's mind. You probably wouldn't like it much, your portrayal in it is downright slanderous."

"Hmm." Was Celestia's only response to that as she took in the title on the front page. The Conversion Bureau. She'd have to ask Skitch more about that later.

"We need to have a conversation about the visitation you conducted on Skitch-Sketch's mind."

"What about it?"

"How did you slip your bonds?"

"The Poison Joke, of course." Discord grinned. "You really think I wouldn't be able to make a connection to a creature effected by one of my greatest creations?"

Celestia nodded her head his way.

"I will concede that point, but that leads us to the question of why."

Discord grinned, waving his lion paw at the assorted books.

“Gathering information, of course. It was quite an interesting little journey.”

“Yes...Skitch informed me of the scripts from the episodes that featured both of your defeats. Took them to gain an edge, should you escape?”

Discord snorted.

“Oh, please. They're half viewed events from across the boundary of worlds, based on a complete lack of understanding of us and how this world actually works. Those scripts are useless. I just wanted to shake her cage a bit.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes slightly.

“If this is all so useless, why did you bother to raid her mind for it?”

Discord frowned ever so slightly.

“Oh, all right. I suppose you have me there.”

Drawing a pouch of tobacco from his jacket, her poured a generous portion into the pipe before popping the whole thing into his mouth, chewing and swallowing.

“There's enough broad stroke details that are correct there that it stirred my curiosity. And the more I dove into her memories, the more interesting things became. It's a very interesting multi-verse out there Celestia.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, picking her next words carefully.

“If that's all you wanted to know why did you decide to torture the poor mare with those nightmares? Certainly if you had just asked Skitch about the events.”

Discord's smile grew thin.

“Well, I wanted to find out all of the deepest and darkest secrets that were in her mind. We don't want a repeat of Tirek now do we?”

Celestia frowned.

“Skitch is not dangerous.”

“Oh yes.” Discord snarled, his mood turning on a dime. “You didn't think that he was dangerous either. You fell for that innocent illusion and sob story. And I warned you. I warned you that he couldn't be trusted. And you didn't listen.”

He got to his feet, rising to his full height. The shadows and lines on his face seemed to grow deeper as he continued to talk.

“And in the end, it was one of the races *I* created who sacrificed themselves to stop him. The first true blow of the Era of Nightmares and no creature remembers that. The manticore are just beasts and monsters to the world.”


“Oh, but you certainly learned your lesson after that incident! Micromanaging the lives of your charges, meddling and controlling world politics. Your ponies are so dependent on you now that they might as well be a nation of invalids.”

He plopped back down in his chair, pulling another pipe out of thin air.

“You and Loony are pathetic replacements for Harmony.”

“Do not act like you are blameless, Discord. Your nature for causing constant chaos made it impossible for Luna and I to believe you.” She flicked her wings in annoyance. “And don't you dare to imply that I did not care about what happened to the manticore!”

She took a few steps closer to Discord.

“That you would imply that their suffering didn't tear at me? That I don't look at the map of the world and feel that stab in my heart every time I look at the Badlands? And it didn't end there. The diamond dogs, the camels...strike after strike during the Era of Nightmares that I could half stop, at best.”

She took a shuddering breath as she continued to glare at Discord.

“I couldn't even save my own sister.”

“Up until now, you mean. I suppose you got lucky with the elements choosing new bearers. Had that not happened and your sister was not fixed, you would still be stuck in the sun, and the world would have collapsed.”

Celestia stomped a hoof.

“Your point, Discord?”

Discord paused, taking a few puffs of his pipe.

“When you and Luna were created, all those centuries ago, did you ever think you would become this? The last creatures standing, the other creatures of the world staring at you in fear. That you would sit upon the broken remains of an ancient pact, facing down another round of nightmares?”

Celestia sighed.

“Of course not. I never wanted to see the Triad broken in the first place. Discipline forced our hoof.”

"So you say." Discord sighed, standing up and stretching. "But I think it's time that I move along."


Discord flexed his claws, and the world suddenly exploded. Celestia found herself sprawled on the grass, Discord stretching as he stood up. Celestia immediately began to charge a spell through her horn. Discord grinned, holding up a claw.

"Ah ah ah Celestia. There's no need for this to start."

"I will not let you bring chaos to this world again!"

Discord twisted around Celestia's blast, pressing his face up against hers. "Oh, worry not my dear. I'm not interested in Equestria anymore."

Celestia's eyes went wide.

"No! I won't let you-"

Discord tapped her horn.

"There's so much out there Celestia. Things that I could unleash the full might of my power against and do whatever world they're in some good. In the end, I don't need Equestria anymore. I am off to see all the other amazing things beyond our own little bubble. And there's nothing you can do to stop me."

Bursting into a raucous bout of cackling he coiled up into a ball before vanishing with a soft popping sound. Celestia sighed, turning and heading back into the castle trying to ignore the churning sensation in her stomach. She had a bad feeling about this.

- - - -

“Thanks again for letting me move in Misses Smith. It just didn't sit right with me to keep crashing in Rarity's inspiration room...she needs it for work and all.”

Skitch gently set her media center down in the corner of the guest room. It had been two days since her house had been foreclosed on. The Apple Family matriarch smiled from the doorway, shaking her head slightly.

“Ain't no worries Skitch. Ponies should help ponies, and this room don't get much use when the rest of the family aren't in town.”

“Well, hopefully I won't be here for long. Just need to properly scrape up enough bits to re-fill out the mortgage and I'll be out of your hair...mane. And if there's anything I can do to help out while I'm here, just let me know.”

“Don't worry about that tonight. Just make yourself at home. Dinner will be in an hour and a half or so.”

“Thanks Misses Smith.”

Skitch watched Granny Smith trot away, before turning and rummaging in her bag for a moment before pulling a small rectangle of parchment out. She tucked it behind the headboard of the bed, right where it had been in her old home.

The knock on the door jamb caught Skitch's attention as Applejack took a few cautious steps into the room.

“Heya Skitch. Ya settling in okay?”

“Well enough.” She nodded. “Just kind of putting my things up for the time being. I owe you another thanks, by the way."

"Ahnd why do ya say that?"

"Mostly for trusting me to move in with your family considering what I did..."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Skitch. We're puttin a pin in that and movin on. Ya've made amends and yer gonna try harder. That's good enough for me. Though, I am curious as ta why you didn't take Fluttershy's offer?"

Skitch shook her head.

"I'm glad that she has a decent amount of bits to help with, but I won't just take them or borrow them. I'm going to do some work at her place. Help out with the animals. I'll earn my money."

Applejack nodded as she took in the picture Skitch tucked behind the headboard.

“That your family Skitch?”

Skitch nodded. “I didn't have any pictures of them, since I didn't get to take anything from home. So I drew it.”

She pointed to each person in the picture.

“The man with the graying hair that's short in the front is my dad, the blonde haired woman with the thin glasses is my mother, the guy in the gray and white splatter clothing is my younger brother.”

“That's some strange lookin' clothin'.”

“Yeah, urban camouflage. My brother's in the army.” She smiled sadly. "I hope he's okay. If he gets hurt or even killed out there...I'd never know."

Skitch sighed.

“Applejack...can I ask you something? It's kind of personal and considering how much of a jerk I've been...”

“Skitch, just spit it out.”

“Your parents...they're...”

She wavered, still unsure of how to get it out.

“Dead?” Applejack finished for her. “Yeah...they are.”

Skitch frowned, shuffling her hooves as she looked at the floor.

“...Does the pain ever go away?”

“Not entirely Skitch.” Applejack smiled sadly. “But ya move on and find new things ta live for. Friends, things ya want to accomplish in your life, the thought of starting your own family someday. Ah focus on the family ah do have still. You'll have ta find what works for you.”

She put a comforting foreleg over Skitch's withers.

“Ya never have to forget them and ya shouldn't either. Who knows...maybe someday you'll find a way back. But ya gotta keep on living.”

Skitch smiled a little bit, leaning against Applejack slightly.

“Applejack. You're a class act. Never let anyone, or anypony for that matter, tell you otherwise.”

“We'll see if yer still in the mood to say that after helping out with a full day of chores.”


Author's Note:

Just let me get this question out of the way first.

Yes, Discord will come back. He's just off to cause a bit of mayhem in other realities first. And a promise extracted from the lord of Chaos might sound like a complete farce, but there is a bit more involved in all of that, and it will be revealed in future fics.

And yes, I am a bastard for continuing to drop hints for future fics in my current stuff. :P

The Lernaeans are named after the so called Lernaen Hydra, a hydra of monstrous proportions that attacked a town in the Minos City States. It was fought and killed by a travelling lion hero who would only introduce himself as "a humble lion from Nemea" to those he saved.

And that's the second fic in my growing universe here. I have already started work on my next one, which will spin off an observation Skitch made back in the first fic, that Trixie had not yet shown up in Ponyville even though she should have already.

Also, a friend of mine is currently working on a fic set in this same universe, up in the High Confederation of Wings land. That's right, fans of griffins and faux-German fantasy nations, there will be something in that vein for you to read! I'll post a link to it and my friends writing account in my blog when it goes up.

Till then!

Comments ( 36 )

Wow. so all that plot development and suspense was setting up for later stories? that's a lot of forethought.


We're getting uber-foreshadowing all up in here! :rainbowdetermined2:

But, yes. I have a lot more planned coming down the line and I wanted to start dropping hints and the like for them now.

Well, I must say I'm quite impressed by this epilogue, and by the structure of this particular story. You started this series by establishing a classic Mary Sue self-insert character, hitting all the danger signs - human from our Earth, ponified, befriends the Mane 6, saves Equestria single-hoofedly when the Mane 6 fail, and then goes off to roam the multiverse with all the toys. And then in this story you deconstructed that and had her realize that she's *not* the "main character", that everypony else are real individuals with real lives too, and that she'd have to live her own life on those terms.

And then this epilogue had that fantastic montage showing all sorts of important things going on all over the world, almost none of which had anything to do with Skitch. It really drove home the fact that yes, she's just another pony, like all the rest. Nicely done!

Hopefully future episodes of this will strike a nice balance, of course. But overall, Skitch seems to be coming along nicely and I'm looking forward to seeing more of her. :)

Well, as I said, I enjoyed it immensely, but dude. Already?

Guess I’ll have to move my own schedule up….


Thanks Face!

I enjoyed taking the character that direction and playing around with the whole concept of facing down the idea that what you once thought was fake, is now real.

I do hope to continue striking that balance though.

Thanks again!


Well, you are still entitled to your opinion and I am glad that you enjoyed the parts that you did enjoy.

I do hope you'll stick around for the next fic though, as I continue to develop the world and what's happening in it.

Samaru163, I'm not certain I understand what you're concerns are with the story. It's clearly not intended to be a stand alone piece; it's marked as a sequel in the description, spends time expanding the world and setting up places for future exploration, establishing other characters, agencies, actors... Skitch in Time was a pilot. This is the first episode.

I'm not sure what you meant by rushed here, either. They're teasers. Places where the author drops just enough info to make the reader want to know more, or to suggest where future pieces will go. Can you elaborate on what was confusing? Or what you expect from a complete story that leaves itself room to grow?

Because right now, it sounds like I like butterscotch and you don't, and we're debating the merits of butterscotch.


So the next part of the saga is complete. Good read, good chum.

Well this was an good story so was the last one! I look forward to more from you!

I applaud you. This story took a lot of imagination and creativity to make just the main storyline, then you come in with Octavia and the other countries. This is complex. I like it.

Continue on, my friend!!


Thank you very much Golden!

I fully intend to continue onwards and build off of lots of the threads that I dropped in this one.

Also glad that you mentioned the Octavia chapter specifically, I was rather proud of that one, oddly enough. :twilightsheepish:

Oddly enough I liked that chapter. How she forgave him and he freaked out. Good job.

I like
Now I must sleep... My eyes are cold


Thank you Boss Hoss! I enjoyed doing that kind of alternate take on the Changelings and I fully intend to continue using them in future fics. :pinkiehappy:


Nouveau always has some tricks up his non-existent sleeves admittedly. And yes, he is giving Diamond Tiara some horrible, horrible life advice.

As a total segway though, your icon is adorable. :twilightsmile:

Well darn. A finished sequel to a revision in progress. So many chapters to put off until later. :facehoof:

Great story so far. loved the first one and now the second! Is there going to be a sequel to this story as well? Would be nice to see it!


The sequel to this one would be Boast Bypassed. :twilightsmile:

Oh, thanks! does it sorta follow Skitch?


Actually, that is spelled correctly...for Portuguese. The Tapir are basically a fantasy Brazil, and thusly speak fantasy Portuguese. Placido there was kind of falling back into his native tongue for a word there.


To be fair, in Skitch's mind she was still holding onto the idea that she might have been able to find some other way to become human during her journey to return the things The Collector had stolen. Or at the very least, be able to stop back on earth and let her friends and family know what happened to her before returning to Equestria and running down the clock until their magic could maybe change her back.

Really, part of her whole character situation is that living in Equestria isn't a situation that's so simple or easy. Its a world of its own, with its own problems and just being ripped from her old life isn't without its traumas.


Ouch. That's a bit of a tough one. I'm not even sure she's come to a decision about that herself, since its such a big can of worms. Is it right to try and back seat drive Twilight's life like that? Just because she doesn't like Twilicorn, does that make it okay to take that away from her? It's a tough one.

Though, I can say that there was no misunderstanding when it came to Riche and what he did. He just doesn't like her. At all. :twilightoops:


Truthfully, I think it's because his one defining moment in the show was being a complete and utter ass to the Best Pony. Everything about him has just kind of flowed from there.

"Hmm." Was Celestia's only response to that as she took in the title on the front page. The Conversion Bureau. She'd have to ask Skitch more about that later.

Nope fuck that shit i'm out M8:twilightoops:



Thanks for the catch PG. I hate it when typos slip past my view. :raritydespair:

Hey Grey it's me again.

Making my slow journey through your series. It's kind of nice to see someone put so much effort into world-building for a series that for all rights could have been easily half-assed. Two things I have complaints about though, one I kinda think you don't have much experience in the art of color theory. Looking at your choices for the colors of ponies it becomes painfully obvious that you lack a grace to it. Their personalities at least are interesting and well varied. Kudos on that. The second thing is that you kept Skitch's cutiemark the same. I fundamentally disagree with keeping it the same. She isn't the filly who earned that after all. I would be hard pressed to think of one she does deserve though. So maybe it is just a matter of convenience. I'll give both those gripes passes though.

This story wasn't bad, just it is obvious that it functions as a bridge. A lot of world building, some minor drama, but no major events in of itself. A lot of nice setup though. So I suppose I just need to roll into the next of the series.

*edit* I think I should elaborate on what I mean by the colors thing. I meant mainly that when you make an OC pony (of which I think you have about 2 pony ones and I am counting Magnolia's pony form just because I am critiquing their outward appearance.) that you stick two colors together that while they don't absolutely clash with one another, green/blue red/white and pink/white are the only examples I cant think of, they also don't flow well when compared to the canon ponies. For example, and only using background ponies, Aquamarine/slightly greenish yellow, Grassy green/light pink, (can't remember their names atm) or for example a light shade and a darker shade of approximately the same color examples: Minuette, Carrot Top, Octavia etc.

What I am saying is they way you described them at least came off as a not-bad amateurish try. Sorry if I've come off as harsh.


It's kind of odd how things have slid around in this series when I decided to go back and re-write A Skitch in Time.

I don't necessarily disagree with you on the cutie-mark thing. In retrospect, I think that decision came from two different things. The first being that I had just finished having some artists draw Skitchy with the old cutie-mark and I didn't want to change her design right then. And I wanted to keep her illusion based magic, which kind of feels like it needs an art based cutie-mark.

The more I mull it over though, I might do something about that in the future. Not entirely sure how yet, as I wouldn't want to rehash the "loosing the cutie-mark" thing.

I'll try to keep an eye out on the color theory thing though. It's kind of embarrassing that it was a thing you noticed, since I did go to school for graphic design. It shouldn't have jumped out like it did.

6219411 I did a class on Graphic Design myself, and they never touched on it. They were primarily teaching me the tools. I only learned it from a Traditional Art class. I'll be honest, it really isn't as bad as I make it out to be. Also, I understand what you did with the mark now. I still think it should have changed, but meta reasons trump lore reasons in the end. I wouldn't want to be the one who had to go to the artists and say... "Um, could... you change the butt stamp?"

As said before.
I'm really disappointed that there are no noble's heads on pikes.
They got off scot-free.


I'll call that particular bit of serendipity a lucky guess. :pinkiecrazy:

8631706 Is EG Forgotten Friendship's villain related to Skitch?


It's a bit of a coincidence of similar character designs, really. That being said, I do like her. I should try and figure out a way to use her.

You know, if I was Skitch, I'd point out that the bank probably owes a number of years worth of property taxes. Let Riche deal with the Revenue Service.

Well, you did it again, you have created another book worthy of the Silver Standard Library, and I hope you take pride in that fact. Take a like, a hypothetical second follow, and a well-deserved plate of chocolate chip cookies for your hard work. (Pinkie made the cookies, I can't cook to save my life) :rainbowwild:

As always, I hope to see you next chapter,
Shadow Quill, Messenger of the Moon.

"Hmm." Was Celestia's only response to that as she took in the title on the front page. The Conversion Bureau. She'd have to ask Skitch more about that later.


“There's enough broad stroke details that are correct

Isn’t that a user?

“Applejack...can I ask you something? It's kind of personal and considering how much of a jerk I've been...”

“Skitch, just spit it out.”

“Your parents...they're...”

She wavered, still unsure of how to get it out.

“Dead?” Applejack finished for her. “Yeah...they are.”

Skitch frowned, shuffling her hooves as she looked at the floor.

“...Does the pain ever go away?”

“Not entirely Skitch.” Applejack smiled sadly. “But ya move on and find new things ta live for. Friends, things ya want to accomplish in your life, the thought of starting your own family someday. Ah focus on the family ah do have still. You'll have ta find what works for you.”

Shouting at Apple Bloom isn’t one of them!!

It was fought and killed by a travelling lion hero who would only introduce himself as "a humble lion from Nemea" to those he saved.

Is it the same Lion from Narnia?

“Skitch is not dangerous.”

“Oh yes.” Discord snarled, his mood turning on a dime. “You didn't think that he was dangerous either. You fell for that innocent illusion and sob story. And I warned you. I warned you that he couldn't be trusted. And you didn't listen.”

She may be bad. *in a dark voice* But I BURNIE am way worst!!

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