• Published 5th Oct 2013
  • 2,666 Views, 35 Comments

The Prototype - Imperial Brony

What happens when you take a human maniac with unfathomable powers and drop him in a world of talking pomies? Chaos

  • ...

Blood And Ash

Samson's life ended two and a half years ago, or to be precise thirty moons ago. It ended when a new girl name Twilight Sparkle joined school and turned out to be a pony princess. Now the average person would laugh at this, even the ones who witnessed the event with their own eyes. But Samson knew better than those people, he could never forget what happened that night.


"What is THAT!?" cried Rebecca.

"...Let us let bygones be bygones, I am you're princess now and you will bow down to me!"

The thing Rebecca had seen was a demon that Samson recalled had looked like the school bully sunset shimmer.

Then she ripped off the cover of the school with a strange aura, and tossed it to the side sending it flying right at the car Samson and Rebecca were in.


Earlier that evening Rebecca was extremely exited to be at her first dance in Canterlot High School. For Samson it was his third fall formal and he was well over them. The same thing every time, Sunset would get the crown and would make all the students lives miserable until they left and having her cronies Snipps and Snails maliciously prank them. All the same Rebecca was exited any way. She was like her big brother Samson now and she was happy.

Samson was happy to see this, after all life was not easy for them. They had no parents and lived in the worst part of town, the one were people are shot on the street for looking at someone. Life had been hard for his little sister, she was going through a rough spot in her life, he had tried to do all he could but it wasn't enough and after he lost his job it had gotten worse.

Until finally the one thing Rebecca needed to turn her life around came. The conformation letter from the best high school in the state, Canterlot High. Rebecca had always dreamed about going to that school and was only more intrigued when her brother got in. For both siblings it could be said that that was the best thing to happen to them and the where never as happy as they where that moment.

Rebecca's first semester reflected the change of life that underwent the pair. Unlike in other schools Rebecca was getting A's and all the teachers liked her. Every thing was perfect, and then the announcement for the fall formal came around


Rebecca was as happy as she could be, and Samson was happy for her. Although he himself was not looking forward to the dance he was happy to see his sister so alive. They were already late but Rebecca didn’t care one bit, Samson wondered what was so special about a dance.
“Why are you so exited?” he finally asked.

“Because it’s my first real dance,” she replied as if it was obvious.

“Didn’t you have dances in middle school?”

“Not really,” she said “They were just excuses to get a quick bang in the bathroom.”

“Rebecca!!” Samson said loudly scolding his sister who was buckling up her seat belt.

“Oh fine I don’t see why I have to speak like we don’t live in the ghetto,” she said sarcastically.

“Because you are almost an adult now and you need to start acting like one,” Samson said blankly.

“Well I don’t have to be like you, you stuck up little prick!” she said loudly. She immediately regretted it.

“Well if that’s how you feel you can get out of my house and get a god damn job,” he replied coldly.

It was a quiet ride to the dance and Samson wished he hadn't started their night out like this, but what was done was done. They finally arrived at the school and Samson turned to his sister rolling his apologies through his head.

“Hey Rebecca I just wanted to say…”


“I just wanted to say I'm sor-“

"What is THAT!?" cried Rebecca.

And at that moment a large ball of building crashing down on them.


"Will he be alright," a voice asked.

"Not if we don't do this procedure he wont,"

"But it hasn't been tested yet!"

"Tests are a liberty we don't have at this moment, now start the procedure,"

"Yes sir,"

That was when the agonizing pain kicked in.


Samson woke in a room with extremely bright lights and padded walls.

"Where am I," he thought out loud. His memories were blurry, all he could remember was trying to apologies to Rebecca when she screamed. Then he remembered, a wave of memories hit him like a wave hitting a sea cliff, his knees buckled as he looked at his arm.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed looking and the thing his arm had become. It was a sick ugly, red and veins spread from it, all the way through his body kike a river that had split off into different ends. And, as if reacting to his shock and disgust, it pulsed.

"GHAA! WHAT THE HELL!" he shrieked.

"NONONONO GET IT OFF ME!" he thought of something, a blade, and it became the sharpest blade he had ever seen. And at that moment he thought of his sister. How would she react, how would the world react? Alarmingly a small screen popped out of a hole in the walls around him.

"Welcome test subject: Prototype, we are here to inform you of you're sisters death and the improvements we have made on your being, we will now be sending in security to get you please wait there."

The T.V shut off with a click and then quickly retreated back into the wall and was replaced by padded panels. Five minutes later more panels disappeared and a door opened showing two men wearing hazmat suits.

"Alright boy, take it easy. It'll be better for all of us." One of the men said.

"Ah don't be so nice to him man. He's a fucking freak show." The other snapped turning to Sampson smacking him with the butt of his gun.

Samson rushed toward the men with a murderous look in his eyes, he would make them pay for what they had done to him and for failing to save his sister the only precious thing he had, and he never got to say sorry; the sword he had formed still on his arm and one of the men puled a gun on him and shot at his chest. Samson, as if reacting to instinct turned to ash and reformed as the bullet passed trough him. He tuned to look at the man who had tried to shoot him and raised is arm.

"No please!" he cried just as the blade split him in half guts and blood pouring out of him. It was a grisly sight, the bones of his body cut lean in half and the contents of his stomach spread across the floor, and then Samson looked at the other man and plunged his arm into him, the blade on his arm passing like a hot knife through butter.

Samson pulled his arm out letting the man slide to the floor. His arm was now drenched in blood with whatever the human body contained on his orange jumpsuit.

He looked at what he had done, and he felt good. Then he looked at the camera that at some time during his little masacare appered on the wall. He looked straight at it blankly. Then he spoke.

"I will hunt all of you down and make you suffer for what you did to me," and with that he took the gun from the man he had impaled hand shot the camera.

Author's Note:

REMASTERED! I'm not totally done and I may just take the story down so I can repost it.