• Published 24th Sep 2013
  • 867 Views, 10 Comments

Howling Shadows - 10 Florins

Follow the journey of one Changeling as he searches for answers.

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Chapter 5: The Ponyville Library

Sear and Kale's combined life force took strides in healing my wounds. What was once a broken leg was now but a hairline fracture. The deep gouge on my arm reduced to half an inch deep. While it did not completely heal, I was much better off now than I would have been alone with injuries of that magnitude.

I retraced Kale's movements to my containment cell, in which my bag lay. Nothing missing, in fact, it now harbored the same stench of the place, a nose wrinkling cheese inside the stomach of corpse.

The survivor in me theorized that it would be a good idea to search the other rooms for useful tools or food. However, the realist argued that they were likely only filled with the remains of Sear and Kale's past torture victims. In the end, survivor won, and I checked around the cell block. About 13 bits, some cloth, and Kale's knife were the only worthwhile contents of all the cells combined.

The cloth was good for a makeshift bandage on my cut, but there was not much to be done for my leg. So, I adapted wings onto my form and used them like crutches, for the ceiling was too low to simply fly. All the cells branched into one corridor, which appeared to go on for miles. Maybe it was just too dark to see the end. Maybe it really did stretch into infinitum.

After trudging for half an hour, I came upon the end; a red and blue checkered door which resembled the Victorian era, a time when ponies donned fru-fru outfits and powdered wigs.

The door gave little way with a loud creak, much like the front gate of Ferlis. Ferlis! I had almost forgotten, I wasn't even sure that this dungeon was still in town! Now more determined to get outside, I used a blast of magic to bust the door open. Bright light flooded my eyes, and as I raised a hoof to shield them, I saw more forest. Not the same forest south of the Barrens, mind you.

No, this forest had an unnatural feeling. Almost like it belonged it Ferlis. But it wasn't. Ferlis was surrounded for miles by nothing but red, cracked earth. Which means I could be that much off course. I took out the map to study it. The nearest forest, aside from the one I traveled from, was... The Everfree Forest. Much in need of good news, I found that it lay right on the outskirts of Ponyville. Now all that was left was to get my bearings.

It felt good to spread my wings after what seemed like ages. Climbing high in the sky was always a good time, and I feel most comfortable in the cold climate. I enjoyed a rest on a fluffy cloud before I started looking for town. The feel of a bed was nothing compared to a cloud; no wonder so many pegasi preferred them over wooden beds. Clouds form to whatever position you lie in, and they are their own pillows. While I loved the break from reality, it was time to continue.

Scanning the ground, I spotted a little cottage on the northeast end of Everfree Forest. I took into account that it was much friendlier than my previous visits, so I retracted all the changes I had made to appear frightening. My original persona felt much more comfortable, too.

As I drew closer to the cottage, other buildings took shape. Mostly simple houses and shops, they occupied a few square miles of the valley. Ponyville at last. I had to get to the library; my wounds were all but the bottom of my priorities now. The prospect of self discovery was too overwhelming to ignore, but more than that, I hoped to find a solution. A solution to my wretched condition which I so loathed.

Ponyville's library was a towering hollowed tree, complete with windows carved straight from the bark. The sign out front, evidently made from the tree it stood before, read: Ponyville Library / Residence of Miss Sparkle. With my good hoof, I gave the door a loud knock.

"OH no no no no No No No nononononoNOOO!" A voice from inside arose in a distressed tone, followed by a rhythmic thuds of objects. "Just marvelous." the voice continued, "Coming."
The door flung open to reveal a purple mare of average stature with a less than average clutter of books she orbited around herself. She was obviously distracted, her composure long since gone.

"You there! You must be the guy they sent! I need you to start filing these notes alphabetically and by date. Those books over there need to be sorted by weight, color, and texture! Any questions?"

..."Who exactly do you think I am?" I inquired.

"You mean... You're not the temporary assistant they sent me?" You could almost see her vigor wane.

"No, I mean, I wouldn't mind helping, but-"

"GREAT! The things I mentioned need to be completed as well as getting these books to their destinations, time is running out! I should never have sent Spike on vacation!: With that last confusing remark, she dashed back into the tree, stirring up all sorts of noises as she did so.

"Wait!" I called to her, "What's your name?" From the back of the library, she answered, "I'm Twilight Sparkle!"
The following afternoon was spent organizing, cleaning, and re shelving almost everything in the place. It was mundane, tedious task, but the feeling of progress towards such a simple goal was unexpectedly rewarding. \

Around four o'clock, hours after my arrival, we were done. The library was now spic and span, the epitome of organization.

"Thank you so much, Mr.?...." Twilight began.

"Just call me Shadow."

"Well, Shadow, I really appreciate the help. Spike, my assistant has been gone for two days now. and I guess I need him more than I realized." A light shone in her eyes, expressing that much more gratitude. "You said earlier that you weren't sent by my request. What brings you here?"

Taken aback by her sudden onset curiosity, I turned away and said, "Research."

"Looks like you've come to the right place then," she beamed, "Anypony who's willing to help this much in the name of research is OK in my book! Did you have a specific topic in mind? Are you composing a paper, perhaps?"

"Yes and no. I do have a topic, but it's for personal reasons I'd rather not get into."

Like a nurse tending to a patient, Twilight replied, "I understand. There are some things that nopony wants to share. But if I'm going to help you, I'll at least need a topic to work with."

Maybe it was her carefully coaxing tone, or the sympathy in her eyes, or both. Either way, I bluntly came out with it. "Changelings. I need to know more about them, especially how they function."

Mildly startled, Twilight eventually responded, "A curious subject indeed! Fear not, for much has been documented thus far, even more so with the recent attack on Canterlot. It's a very worthwhile pursuit! Let's see what preliminary books we can find, and we'll forge onward from there."