• Published 24th Sep 2013
  • 868 Views, 10 Comments

Howling Shadows - 10 Florins

Follow the journey of one Changeling as he searches for answers.

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Chapter 6: One's Resolve

The following days all had a similar pattern which went something like this: Locate a different book on Changelings, learn one or two new facts about them, spend the rest of the day thinking of how it might help me. Rinse and repeat. It was not until a week later that I found something worth looking into.

The morning had begun like the rest of the week. I lazily awoke in the small guest bed which Twilight had offered, and went outside to fetch the newspaper. I was always an early riser, even if my body told me otherwise. This particular morning I had the unfortunate luck of opening the front door as the paper flew toward it with comet speed. This caused me to settle my unmet need for more sleep, for I now was sprawled in front of the open door, news still stuck to my forehead.

My morning now started anew, with the sight of Twilight standing over me.

"Decided you wanted to catch a cold in the strangest way possible?" She inquired. Her eyes were bright, and she looked as if she was about to burst laughing.

"Very funny,"I muttered as I stood up, "But no. The newspaper sent me back to dreamland to attain the legendary extra hour of sleep."

"Well, you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you. It's actually two in the afternoon. I already found the next book you could try," she continued, "It's called The Nature of Changeling's Survival, by Felhoof Mason."

I took the dusty brown book from her and, with a quick swipe of the hoof, saw a familiar face. One so familiar, in fact, that I nearly jumped out of my skin. "TWILIGHT!" I grabbed hold of her arm and demanded, "Where is this author now!?!"

"That hurts!" She whimpered. Realizing what happened, I let go. She clutched her swollen arm, and gaining her composure, replied, "In the Canterlot cemetery of Fallen Heroes. He died nearly four thousand years ago. Why?"

I was already half way across the room when she asked me that. "I have to go!" I called behind me, slamming the door shut. Twilight stood there in amazement, and wondered why anypony would be so worked up over one grey stallion on the cover of a dusty book..

Time stood still as I flew. I didn't know where I wanted to go, only that I needed to be alone once I got there. There was so much to take in, I didn't want to have to share it with anypony else. I always felt more comfortable by myself. As I searched for a resting point, I saw a large tree on the hill overlooking Ponyville. This oak tree was far more grand than Twilight's Library; it seemed to stretch into the heavens. Its base was split into two, giving the impression that two trees had grown into one. How romantic.

The space created by the tree's split was just enough to provide me with a cozy place to read. I settled in, propped the book open in front of me, and began to read.

This book is dedicated to the one who might end the suffering, one who will rise above and set right what was wronged so long ago... You know what you must do. I can only show you where to start.

For a mystic pony, he sure got to the point fast enough. I continued to read, ever vigilant for clues hidden in the text.
Long ago, when all the races of Equines lived harmoniously, there was a princess, who watched over the kingdom of Lucence. Loved by all, she ruled in place of her father, too sickly to govern the kingdom any longer. The princess shared her friendship with all, and even took to mingling with her subjects on a daily basis. She would attend dances, unbeknownst to the hosts, and dance with any stallion who asked. It was in one such dance that she chanced upon another alicorn, a prince with a mint green coat and sparkling blue eyes. He stood at the corner of the floor, gazing around the room with a gloomy look in his eyes. The princess, upset to see one look so down, approached the prince. She asked him to dance, and the prince gave a deadpanned "Sure." The two proceeded to partake in their own cultural dances. Hers, a vibrant array of twists and footwork; his, a firm but elegant pattern. To the onlooker, they looked as if neither pony knew what the other wanted to do. But to them, they spoke eloquently through the use of dance. The prince spoke of his woes, while the princess comforted him, and gave hope of the future.

After the dance, the two stood out on the patio and gazed at the moon's light, then into each other's eyes. Time seemed to fly after that. They started spending more time together, around the park, in the theater, and eventually, each others homes. It was a classic love tale if there ever was one, but that's not what we're interested in. No, what happened soon after was far too compelling to pass. It was morning, and the prince had arrived earlier than usual. The princess was still asleep in her grand tent bed, but the prince was not here to visit her. Instead, he turned to the door opposite of hers, the king's room. He entered the room, and exited a moment later. The prince then entered the princess's room. "Honey," he started, "I have great news!"

"Mhhhmm?" She lazily opened her eyes at the sweet voice of her lover.

"We can rule the kingdom now! Your father has passed!"
Now alert, she trembled. "Father's dead? His illness claimed him?"

"Don't be silly, that disease of his would have brought him suffering for the rest of his days! I murdered him!"

"WHAT!?" She was enraged, to say the very least. Betrayed, mortified, perplexed, furious, and distraught to say the most. "How could you do this!? What have we ever done to you!?"

"Nothing, my dear. This is just my way of thanking the king for bringing into the world such a wondrous mare like yourself. I've ended his suffering, that he may feel pain no more. This was perhaps the best act of love that I could imagine."


"But... I thought this is what it means to love..."

"NO! You cannot possibly understand love! But you will. I hereby banish you and you ilk to the north, where nothing grows and everything kills. You and yours will learn what love is, through suffering! You henceforth shall never know love, and will die without it! GO!"

The princess cast a spell over the prince which did just that. He and his kingdom became the first of a long line of despised creatures known as the Changelings. They became the object of terror and hatred alike, having to survive off of what they could never truly understand. That is how the Changelings came to be, how they got their infamous beginning. The first colony of them had to gain love the old fashioned way to survive, but in time, they adapted more efficient means. The way that they can change form is the product of centuries of change, all for the purpose of paying for a long since committed atrocity. To this day, it is said that the bones of the princess still lay over her father's bed, ever mourning his death.

The path was now clear. I returned to the library, and handed the book to Twilight.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" she asked.

"I have. Thanks for the help, Twilight, but I need to get going now. I'm headed for Lucence."

Author's Note:

It's been an interesting experience so far, never having written a story that I didn't finish before displaying. Truth be told, each chapter has only taken me a few hours to write apiece, but it takes about 6 days for me to get motivated to continue. Let me know if you guys think I should continue writing, for I am still... of homework age. I feel like I can't write as well now as I might be able to down the road.